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Sine Die
Direct the placement of honorary signs on Kentucky Route 2831 in Owensboro in honor of legendary basketball coach Bobby Watson.
To House Transportation Committee
KYHR110PassCondemn the rally taking place in Pike County of the Traditionalist Worker Party/Nationalist Front/National Socialist Movement on April 28-29, 2017.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR125PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Kenneth G. and Betty Hurst.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Amend KRS 15.020 to require the Attorney General to argue for the constitutionality of all duly enacted legislation; amend KRS 15.090 and 418.075 to conform.
To House State Government Committee
KYHR108PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Anita Sue Esham Muckelroy.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR44PassRecognize the Commonwealth of Kentucky as a welcoming state that celebrates the growing diversity of its residents and acknowledges that refugees, immigrants, and all newcomers enhance the culture and the economy; proclaim February 16, 2017, to be Re...
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Amend KRS 139.570 to increase the maximum amount of compensation that a seller shall deduct from each sales and use return from $50 to $1,500 for timely remitting the sales and use tax to the Department of Revenue; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2017.
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee
KYHR62PassRecognize February 13, 2017, as Epilepsy Awareness Day in Kentucky.
adopted by voice vote
KYHB2PassCreate a new section of KRS 311.710 to 311.820 to create the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act to require an ultrasound prior to an abortion; amend KRS 311.990 to provide a criminal penalty; EMERGENCY.
signed by Governor (Acts, ch. 002)
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