Kentucky Senator Jason Howell [R] | All Sessions | Senate | Passed

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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
KYSR22PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of former President Jimmy Carter.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR64PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Edgar Harrell.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR65PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Warrant Officer 1 Jeffery Barnes Sergeant Emilie Marie Eve Bolanos, Chief Warrant Officer 3 Zachary Esparza, Sergeant Isaac John Gayo, Staff Sergeant Joshua Caleb Gore, Warrant Officer 2 Aaron Healy, Staff Sergea...
adopted by voice vote
KYSR161PassHonor the Mayfield high School Cardinals, 2023 KHSAA Class 2A football champions.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR167PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Jessie "Jess" J. Adkins.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR206PassAdjourn the Senate in honor and loving memory of Larry Hurt.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR212PassHonor Dr. Harry Ward for his dedication and service to animals and his community.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR355PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Anita Claire Templeton Thornton.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR4PassHonor Senator Denise Harper Angel upon her retirement from the General Assembly.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR2PassHonor the extraordinary service of Senator John Schickel to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR207PassRecognize and commend the Louisville Fire Department rescue squad that executed a rescue on the Clark Memorial Bridge, and the Louisville Metro Police and emergency medical services personnel that responded to the scene.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR258PassHonor and recognize Dr. Donna Hedgepath for her career and commitment to furthering education at Campbellsville University and throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR267PassHonor the Lyon County High School Lyons, 2024 Boys' Sweet Sixteen Basketball Champions.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR1PassHonor the extraordinary service of Senator Damon Thayer to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly.
adopted by voice vote
KYSB188PassAmends KRS 18A.2254 to require that the state employee health plan and state agencies comply with certain pharmacy-related insurance laws; creates new sections of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to define terms for pharmacy-related insurance practice...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 104)
KYSB29PassCreates a new section of Subtitle 20 of KRS Chapter 304 to prohibit assignments under a property or casualty insurance policy; amends KRS 304.14-250 to conform; amends KRS 304.20-060 to insert definitions, to modify coverage required for the repair o...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch.27)
KYSB143PassProposes to amend Sections 145 and 155 of the Constitution of Kentucky to prohibit persons who are not citizens of the United States from being allowed to vote in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and provides ballot language and submission to voters for...
delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. 7)
KYSR139PassRecognize September 2024 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR112PassHonor the work of the Kentucky Main Street Program and its participating communities.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR115PassRecognize and denounce the persecution of Christians around the world; call on the federal government to champion the cause of international religious freedom for all.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR123PassCall upon Governor Andy Beshear to support Texas Governor Greg Abbott in securing the Texas border.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR94PassHonor the 20th Black History Celebration and recognize that Black history is American history.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR91PassAdjourn in recognition and celebration of Jack Wolf.
adopted by voice vote
KYSB81PassAmend KRS 158.080 to require private and parochial schools to operate on a school calendar with a minimum school term and student instructional year as defined in KRS 158.070 instead of for a term not less than the public school district in which the...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 154)
KYSR9PassCommemorate and honor the life of James O. Butts.
KYSR66PassAdjourn in honor and recognition of the life and legacy of the Honorable Henry R. Wilhoit, Jr.
KYSR88PassRecognize April 2023 as Organ Donor Month.
KYSR129PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Reverend Charles Hal Shipley.
KYSR130PassRecognize Jeffrey O. Liles of the Murray Police Department on the occasion of his retirement.
KYSR142PassHonor Velvet Milkman, Head Women's Golf Coach at Murray State University, upon the occasion of her retirement.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR143PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Linda Holman Jones.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR230PassHonor the Tennessee Valley Authority on its 90th anniversary and recognize May 18-24, 2023 as TVA Appreciation Week.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR271PassEncourage the interim joint committee for Economic Development and Workforce Investment to address cybersecurity challenges and associated workforce opportunities by inviting all interested parties to present during the upcoming interim session.
KYSB4PassCreate new sections of KRS Chapter 278 to define terms; prohibit the Public Service Commission from approving a request by a utility to retire a coal-fired electric generator unless the utility demonstrates that the retirement will not have a negativ...
became law without Governor's Signature (Acts Ch. 118)
KYSB5PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to define "harmful to minors"; require local boards of education to adopt a complaint resolution policy to address parent complaints about materials that are harmful to minors; require the school to ensure that...
became law without Governor's Signature (Acts Ch. 120)
KYSB126PassAmend KRS 452.005 to establish the method for obtaining a change of venue in specified civil actions; EMERGENCY.
delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. 131)
KYSB163PassAmend KRS 177.074 to require the Transportation Cabinet Secretary, upon passage of a joint resolution of the General Assembly, to direct the placement of signs denoting inclusion of an artist as an honoree on the Country Music Highway on United State...
became law without Governor's Signature (Acts Ch. 129)
KYSB165PassAmend KRS 286.4-530 and 286.4-533 to modify permitted loan charges for consumer loan companies; make technical corrections.
became law without Governor's Signature (Acts Ch. 123)
KYSB99PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 12 to define "relief fund"; direct government agency head, cabinet secretary, or appointed official to provide a report and analysis of all relief funds created to accept and expend funds recieved from any source t...
signed by Governor(Acts Ch. 91)
KYSB101PassAmend KRS 16.050 to extend contracts subject to reimbursement for training costs to five years for state police officers; amend KRS 70.290 to extend contracts subject to reimbursement for training costs to five years for law enforcement officers empl...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 69)
KYSB281PassAmend KRS 152.714 to add specificity to a reference to the Office of Energy Policy.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 82)
KYSB46PassAmend KRS 246.030 to change the Office of State Veterinarian's Division of Animal Health to the Division of Regulatory Field Services, change the Division of Producer Services to the Division of Animal Health Programs, and establish the Division of E...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 16)
KYSR137PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Bill Patrick.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR195PassHonor the Martin County Cardinals, 2023 KHSAA Boys Basketball 15th Region Champions.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR159PassRecognize the record number of women legislators elected to the 2023 General Assembly.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR90PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Mrs. Sydney Anne Logan.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR76PassHonor Kevin Munsey upon receiving a heart transplant.
adopted by voice vote
KYSR26PassHonor the extraordinary service of Senator Ralph Alvarado to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly.
adopted by voice vote
KYSB150PassAppropriate Restricted Fund moneys from the West Kentucky State Aid Funding for Emergencies fund to the Department of Military Affairs budget unit; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 222)
KYSR290PassCommend the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources for its efforts to rid Kentucky's lakes and rivers of invasive carp.
adopted by voice vote
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