Kentucky Representative Michael Meredith [R] | All Sessions

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Sine Die
Amend KRS 402.050 and 446.350 to exempt persons, officials, and institutions with religious objections to any marriage from any requirement to solemnize such a marriage.
to Judiciary (H)

Sine Die
Amend KRS 158.195 to require the postings of the preambles of the US Constitution and the Kentucky Constitution in all public school classrooms; allow a classroom teacher to choose placement within the classroom.
to Education (H)

Sine Die
Amend KRS 344.130, 402.050, and 446.350 to exempt persons, officials, and institutions with religious objections to same-sex marriage from any requirement to solemnize such marriages.
to Judiciary (H)

Sine Die
Amend KRS 344.130, 402.050, and 446.350 to exempt persons, officials, and institutions with religious objections to same-sex marriage from any requirement to solemnize, or to issue or record licenses for, such marriages.
to Judiciary (H)

Sine Die
Amend KRS 141.435 and 141.436 to extend the energy efficiency tax credits for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2016, but no later than January 1, 2020, in the case of property used as on-farm poultry or livestock raising facilities.
to Appropriations & Revenue (H)

Sine Die
Amend KRS 205.200 to require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to implement a substance abuse screening program for applicants and recipients of public assistance who have a felony or misdemeanor history of substance abuse; permit the cabine...
to Health & Welfare (H)
KYHB370PassAmend KRS 189.338 to establish an affirmative defense for an operator of a motorcycle for a violation of entering or crossing an intersection controlled by a traffic signal against a steady red light; establish criteria for an affirmative defense; pr...
signed by Governor (Acts, ch. 116)
KYHB178PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to allow a designation of a portion of an income tax refund as a contribution to the Kentucky Special Olympics.
signed by Governor (Acts, ch. 96)
KYHB181PassAmend KRS 70.291 to include retired state troopers in the definition of "police officer"; amend KRS 70.292 to allow sheriff's offices the ability to employ retired state troopers provided they meet certain standards; amend KRS 70.293 to include retir...
signed by Governor (Acts, ch. 71)
KYHR240PassHonor First Lady Jane Beshear for her commitment to fighting cancer in the Commonwealth.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR243PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Linda W. Palmer.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Amend KRS 342.650 to include certain ministers and caretakers of a church or religious organization with employees who are exempt from workers' compensation insurance; apply the provision retroactively to citations issued on or after July 1, 2014; EM...
To House Rules Committee
KYHR230PassHonor First Lieutenant Richard I. St. Onge III.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR227PassAdjourn in honor of and celebrate the occasion of the 100th year of the Fraternal Order of Police.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR231PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Private 1st Class Anthony Massey, Jr.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR237PassRecognize April as National County Government Month.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR225PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Joel C. Mack.
adopted by voice vote
KYHB168PassAmend KRS 243.110 to specify malt beverage licenses which are to be considered incompatible.
signed by Governor (Acts, ch. 026)
KYHB329PassAmend KRS 218A.175 to modify the regulatory, operational, and ownership requirements for pain management facilities that are owned solely by physicians and other practitioners.
signed by Governor (Acts, ch. 033)
KYHB348PassAmend KRS 65A.010 to clarify that a private entity does not include an entity that is created wholly or in part by a local government or one whose membership includes appointees by a local government, or whose voting membership includes ex-officio lo...
signed by Governor (Acts, ch. 017)

Sine Die
Amend KRS 205.200 to require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to implement a substance abuse screening program for applicants and recipients of public assistance who have a felony or misdemeanor history of substance abuse; permit the cabine...
posted in committee
KYHR97PassHonor the Western Kentucky University football team upon its victory in the Popeyes Bahamas Bowl.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Create a concurrent resolution to require the United States Environmental Protection Agency to appear before a congressional committee before a rule or regulation is approved and call this resolution the "Coal Job Savings Resolution."
To House Rules Committee
KYHR223PassUrge the upgrade of the William Natcher Green River Parkway and its designation as Interstate 65 Spur.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR64PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Senator Wendell Hampton Ford.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Amend KRS 139.480 to exempt feed and feed additives, seeds, commercial fertilizers, farm chemicals, farm machinery, water, fuels, and on-farm facilities used in the production of equine from the sales and use tax; amend KRS 130.470 to conform; EFFECT...
discharge petition filed

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to require photo IDs on all welfare benefit cards; require that an existing recipient be issued a new card at renewal; establish a procedure by which an individual may be designated to purchase qualifying items...
posted in committee
KYHR12PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Vicki Ginn Newberg.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR198PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of John Michael Palmer.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR204PassRecognize and honor the 150th anniversary of the founding of Lexington Theological Seminary.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR147PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of James O. "Jim" King, Jr.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR193PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Dr. John Poage Stewart II.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Demand the United States government to aggressively pursue the release of Pastor Saeed Abedini from captivity in Iran.
3rd reading, adopted 90-0
KYHR197PassCondemn the veto of the Keystone XL pipeline legislation by United States President Barak Obama.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR188PassHonor DanceBlue.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR155PassHonor snow removal and emergency crews.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Amend KRS 139.472, relating to the sales and use tax, to exempt drugs and over-the-counter drugs if used in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, llamas, alpacas, buf...
To House Agriculture and Small Business Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 139.480 to exempt from sales and use tax the sale or purchase of float bed trays on or after July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2019; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2015.
To House Agriculture and Small Business Committee

Sine Die
Amend various sections of KRS Chapter 15 and KRS 95A.250, relating to the Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program fund and the Firefighters Foundation Program fund, to increase the annual supplement payment to local governments for qualifying law...
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee

Sine Die
A Resolution urging the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and Kentucky's United States Congressional delegation to take the appropriate steps to get the approval and funding necessary for the const...
3rd reading, adopted 97-0
KYHR157PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of John C. Fischer.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR146PassHonor Jimmie Lee for his years of service and extraordinary humanitarian work.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR141PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Flora Lee "Sally" Bowers Dwyer.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR126PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Meniffee County Judge/Executive James Darrell "J.D." Trimble.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR21PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Anthony Lynn "Tony" Grider.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR114PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Jimmy Willis "Big Daddy" Webb.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR115PassRecognize Special Olympics Kentucky upon its 45th anniversary.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR92PassAdjourn in honor and loving memory of Sam Swope.
adopted by voice vote
KYHR81PassRecognize the Bourbon Barrel of Compromise.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 and amend KRS 141.0205 to establish a refundable tax credit for volunteer firefighters.
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee
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