| LD647 | Pass | An Act To Expand Eligibility for the Veterans' Property Tax Exemption [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD1610 | Pass | An Act To Promote Equity in Policy Making by Enhancing the State's Ability To Collect, Analyze and Apply Data [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD449 | Pass | An Act To Strengthen the Ability of Public Employers and Teacher's Unions To Negotiate [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD716 | Pass | An Act To Enhance and Improve the Maine Developmental Services Oversight and Advisory Board [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD1597 | Fail | An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Strengthen Maine's Health Care Workforce [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
| LD2008 | Pass | Resolve, To Establish the Committee To Study Court-ordered Treatment for Substance Use Disorder [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 FINALLY PASSED - Emergency - 2/3 Elected Required, in concurrence. |
| LD1091 | Pass | An Act To Improve the Long-term Outcomes for Youth Transitioning from State Care by Raising the Upper Age Limit for Voluntary Support Eligibility [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD150 | Fail | An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Fund Hazardous Substance Site Cleanups [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
| LD1240 | Pass | Resolve, To Review Barriers to Regional Solutions for Housing Choices [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 FINALLY PASSED, in concurrence. |
| LD1986 | Pass | An Act To Provide Property Tax Relief for Permanently and Totally Disabled Veterans [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Subsequently PASSED TO BE ENACTED in concurrence |
| LD1803 | Pass | An Act To Attract and Retain Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services Personnel through the Maine Length of Service Award Program [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD1732 | Pass | An Act To Amend the Sales Tax Exemption for Nonprofit Housing Development Organizations [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Subsequently PASSED TO BE ENACTED in concurrence |
| LD1654 | Pass | An Act To Stabilize State Funding for County Corrections [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Subsequently PASSED TO BE ENACTED - Emergency -2/3 Elected Required in concurrence |
| LD1904 | Pass | An Act To Make Technical Corrections to the Maine Juvenile Code [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Subsequently PASSED TO BE ENACTED in concurrence |
| LD290 | Pass | An Act To Stabilize Property Taxes for Individuals 65 Years of Age or Older Who Own a Homestead for at Least 10 Years [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD21 | Fail | An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Provide a New Dormitory Facility at the Maine School of Science and Mathematics [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
| LD305 | Pass | An Act To Include Certain Employees in the Bureau of Forestry's Forest Protection Unit in the Laws Concerning Cancer Suffered by Firefighters [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Subsequently PASSED TO BE ENACTED in concurrence |
| LD371 | Fail | An Act To Make Adjustments to General Fund Appropriations Related to the Supplemental Budget [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
| LD1974 | Pass | An Act To Establish and Fund the Maine Climate Corps Program Pursuant to Recommendations in the Report Required by Resolve 2021, Chapter 25 [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD1924 | Pass | An Act To Expand Access to Justice in Rural Maine through Legal Education [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD1998 | Pass | An Act To Establish a Fund for Farmers Adversely Affected by Drought Conditions [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD1771 | Pass | Resolve, To Establish the Advisory Panel To Better Understand and Make Recommendations Regarding the Implications of Genome-editing Technology for the Citizens of the State [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 FINALLY PASSED, in concurrence. |
| LD731 | Pass | An Act To Establish a Program To Assist Regional Firefighter Training Programs, To Provide Tax Credits to Businesses That Employ Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services Persons and To Provide Benefits to Volunteer Firefighters and Emerg... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD1569 | Pass | Resolve, Establishing the Commission To Study the Role of Water as a Resource in the State of Maine [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 FINALLY PASSED, in concurrence. |
| LD484 | Pass | An Act Relating to the Housing Opportunities for Maine Fund [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD756 | Pass | An Act Regarding Criminal Services for Juveniles [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD1988 | Pass | An Act To Establish That the Provision of Emergency Medical Services by an Ambulance Service Is an Essential Service and To Establish the Blue Ribbon Commission To Study Emergency Medical Services in the State [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Subsequently PASSED TO BE ENACTED - Emergency -2/3 Elected Required in concurrence |
| LD1937 | Pass | An Act To Clarify the Exemption from Income Tax and Withholding Tax Liability for Certain Out-of-state Suppliers of Spirits Purchased by the Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD730 | Pass | An Act To Protect Economic Competitiveness in Maine by Extending the End Date for Pine Tree Development Zone Benefits [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD1902 | Pass | Resolve, To Establish a Pilot Program To Encourage Climate Education in Maine Public Schools [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 FINALLY PASSED, in concurrence. |
| LD1634 | Fail | An Act To Create the Maine Generation Authority [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
| LD910 | Pass | An Act To Amend the General Assistance Laws Governing Reimbursement [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD1475 | Fail | An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue for Targeted Food Processing Infrastructure [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
| LD1745 | Pass | An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Gambling Control Board [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Subsequently PASSED TO BE ENACTED in concurrence |
| SP0756 | Intro
Sine Die | Adjournment Order - Adjourned until the call of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, respectively [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 In concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH. |
| LD384 | Fail | An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Fund the Transition from a Fossil Fuel-based to an Electrical Energy Economy [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
| LD1816 | Pass | An Act To Promote Labor Education through the University of Maine System [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD811 | Pass | An Act To Protect the Reproductive Rights and Freedoms of Maine People [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 On motion by Senator TIMBERLAKE of Androscoggin Roll Call Ordered Roll Call Number 811 Yeas 18 - Nays 12 - Excused 4 - Absent 0 |
| LD373 | Fail | An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Invest in Maine's Railroad Infrastructure [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
| LD49 | Fail | An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Invest in Infrastructure To Address Sea Level Rise [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
| LD680 | Pass | Resolve, To Reestablish the Task Force To Study the Creation of a Comprehensive Career and Technical Education System [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Subsequently FINALLY PASSED - Emergency 2/3 Elected Required in concurrence |
| LD1084 | Fail | An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Create Energy-efficient and Affordable Homes for Maine People [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
| LD1698 | Fail | An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Create a Public-Private Partnership To Create Biomass Energy Facilities in Aroostook County and To Connect Aroostook County to ISO New England [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
| LD506 | Pass | An Act To Reduce the Tax Burden on Low-income Electricity Customers [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD1875 | Pass | Resolve, To Address Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Pollution at State-owned Solid Waste Landfills [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Subsequently FINALLY PASSED - Emergency 2/3 Elected Required in concurrence |
| LD245 | Pass | An Act Regarding Consumer-owned Water Utilities [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD1679 | Pass | An Act Regarding Expanding Access to Free School Meals [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
| LD1647 | Fail | An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Provide Funds for Infrastructure Projects across the State and To Direct the Department of Environmental Protection To Establish a State Infrastructure Adaptation Fund and Predevelopment Assistance Pro... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |
| LD1992 | Pass | An Act Related to the Electronic Registration and Tagging of Turkey [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Subsequently PASSED TO BE ENACTED in concurrence |
| LD987 | Fail | An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue for the Portland Harbor Commercial Revitalization Project's Confined Aquatic Disposal Cell and Dredging Projects [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-25 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |