Bill Text: NC H800 | 2015-2016 | Regular Session | Chaptered
Bill Title: Clarify Motor Vehicle Dealer Laws
Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill
Status: (Passed) 2015-08-11 - Ch. SL 2015-209 [H800 Detail]
Download: North_Carolina-2015-H800-Chaptered.html
SESSION LAW 2015-209
The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
SECTION 1. G.S. 20‑286(10) reads as rewritten:
"(10) Motor vehicle. – Any motor propelled vehicle, trailer or semitrailer, required to be registered under the laws of this State.
a. "New motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle that has never been the subject of a completed, successful, or conditional sale that was subsequently approved other than between new motor vehicle dealers, or between manufacturer and dealer of the same franchise.
b. "Used motor vehicle"
means a motor vehicle other than a motor vehicle described in paragraph
(10)a above.sub‑subdivision a. of this subdivision."
SECTION 2. G.S. 20‑305(6) reads as rewritten:
"(6) Notwithstanding the
terms, provisions or conditions of any franchise or notwithstanding the terms
or provisions of any waiver, to terminate, cancel or fail to renew any
franchise with a licensed new motor vehicle dealer unless the manufacturer has
satisfied the notice requirements of subparagraphsub‑subdivision
c. of this subdivision and the Commissioner has determined, if requested
in writing by the dealer within (i) the time period specified in G.S. 20‑305(6)c.1.II.,
III., or IV., as applicable, or (ii) the effective date of the franchise
termination specified or proposed by the manufacturer in the notice of
termination, whichever period of time is longer, and after a hearing on the
matter, that there is good cause for the termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal
of the franchise and that the manufacturer has acted in good faith as defined
in this act regarding the termination, cancellation or nonrenewal. When such a
petition is made to the Commissioner by a dealer for determination as to the
existence of good cause and good faith for the termination, cancellation or
nonrenewal of a franchise, the Commissioner shall promptly inform the
manufacturer that a timely petition has been filed, and the franchise in
question shall continue in effect pending the Commissioner's decision. The
Commissioner shall try to conduct the hearing and render a final determination
within 180 days after a petition has been filed. If the termination,
cancellation or nonrenewal is pursuant to G.S. 20‑305(6)c.1.III.
then the Commissioner shall give the proceeding priority consideration and
shall try to render his final determination no later than 90 days after the
petition has been filed. Any parties to a hearing by the Commissioner under
this section shall have a right of review of the decision in a court of
competent jurisdiction pursuant to Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. Any
determination of the Commissioner under this section finding that good cause
exists for the nonrenewal, cancellation, or termination of any franchise shall
automatically be stayed during any period that the affected dealer shall have
the right to judicial review or appeal of the determination before the superior
court or any other appellate court and during the pendency of any appeal;
provided, however, that within 30 days of entry of the Commissioner's order,
the affected dealer provide such security as the reviewing court, in its
discretion, may deem appropriate for payment of such costs and damages as may
be incurred or sustained by the manufacturer by reason of and during the
pendency of the stay. Although the right of the affected dealer to such stay is
automatic, the procedure for providing such security and for the award of
damages, if any, to the manufacturer upon dissolution of the stay shall be in
accordance with G.S. 1A‑1, Rule 65(d) and (e). No such security
provided by or on behalf of any affected dealer shall be forfeited or damages
awarded against a dealer who obtains a stay under this subdivision in the event
the ownership of the affected dealership is subsequently transferred, sold, or
assigned to a third party in accordance with this subdivision or subdivision
(4) of this section and the closing on such transfer, sale, or assignment
occurs no later than 180 days after the date of entry of the Commissioner's
order. Furthermore, unless and until the termination, cancellation, or
nonrenewal of a dealer's franchise shall finally become effective, in light of
any stay or any order of the Commissioner determining that good cause exists
for the termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal of a dealer's franchise as
provided in this paragraph,subdivision, a dealer who receives a
notice of termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal from a manufacturer as
provided in this subdivision shall continue to have the same rights to assign,
sell, or transfer the franchise to a third party under the franchise and as
permitted under G.S. 20‑305(4) as if notice of the termination had
not been given by the manufacturer. Any franchise under notice or threat of
termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal by the manufacturer which is duly
transferred in accordance with G.S. 20‑305(4) shall not be subject
to termination by reason of failure of performance or breaches of the franchise
on the part of the transferor.
c. Notification of Termination, Cancellation and Nonrenewal. –
1. Notwithstanding the terms, provisions or conditions of any franchise prior to the termination, cancellation or nonrenewal of any franchise, the manufacturer shall furnish notification of termination, cancellation or nonrenewal to the new motor vehicle dealer as follows:
IV. Not less than 180 days
prior to the effective date of such termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal
which occurs as a result of any change in ownership, operation, or control of
all or any part of the business of the manufacturer, factory branch,
distributor, or distributor branch whether by sale or transfer of assets,
corporate stock or other equity interest, assignment, merger, consolidation,
combination, joint venture, redemption, operation of law or otherwise; or the
termination, suspension, or cessation of a part or all of the business
operations of the manufacturers, factory branch, distributor, or distributor
branch; or discontinuance of the sale of the product line line‑make
or brand, or a change in distribution system by the manufacturer whether
through a change in distributors or the manufacturer's decision to cease
conducting business through a distributor altogether.
d. Payments.
2. The compensation
provided above shall be paid by the manufacturer or distributor not later than
90 days after the manufacturer or distributor has received notice in writing
from or on behalf of the new motor vehicle dealer specifying the elements of
compensation requested by the dealer; provided the new motor vehicle dealer
has, or can obtain, clear title to the inventory and has conveyed, or can
convey, title and possession of the same to the manufacturer or distributor.
Within 15 days after receipt of the dealer's written request for compensation,
the manufacturer or distributor shall send the dealer detailed written
instructions and forms required by the manufacturer or distributor to
effectuate the receipt of the compensation requested by the dealer. The
manufacturer or distributor shall be obligated to pay or reimburse the dealer
for any transportation charges associated with the repurchase obligations of
the manufacturer or distributor under this sub‑subparagraph.sub‑subdivision.
The manufacturer or distributor shall also compensate the dealer for any
handling, packing, or similar payments contemplated in the franchise. In no
event may the manufacturer or distributor charge the dealer any handling,
restocking, or other similar costs or fees associated with items repurchased by
the manufacturer under this sub‑subparagraph.sub‑subdivision.
3. In addition to the other payments set forth in this section, if a termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal is premised upon any of the occurrences set forth in G.S. 20‑305(6)c.1.IV., then the manufacturer or distributor shall be liable to the dealer for an amount at least equivalent to the fair market value of the franchise on (i) the date the franchisor announces the action which results in termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal; or (ii) the date the action which results in termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal first became general knowledge; or (iii) the day 18 months prior to the date on which the notice of termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal is issued, whichever amount is higher. Payment is due not later than 90 days after the manufacturer or distributor has received notice in writing from, or on behalf of, the new motor vehicle dealer specifying the elements of compensation requested by the dealer. Any contract, agreement, or release entered into between any manufacturer and any dealer in which the dealer waives the dealer's right to receive monetary compensation in any sum or amount not less than the fair market value of the franchise as provided in this subdivision, including any contract, agreement, or release in which the dealer would accept the right to continue to offer and be compensated for service, parts, or both service and parts provided by the dealer in lieu of receiving all or a portion of the fair market value of the franchise, shall be voidable at the election of the dealer within 90 days of the effective date of the agreement. If the termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal is due to a manufacturer's change in distributors, but the line‑make or brand in this State would continue to be sold through the new distributor, the manufacturer may avoid paying fair market value to the dealer if the new distributor or the manufacturer offers the dealer a franchise agreement with terms acceptable to the dealer.
e. Dealership Facilities Assistance upon Termination, Cancellation or Nonrenewal.
In the event of the occurrence of any of the events specified in G.S. 20‑305(6)d.1. above, except termination, cancellation or nonrenewal for license revocation, conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, or fraud by a dealer‑owner:
1. Subject to paragraph
3,sub‑sub‑subdivision 3. of this sub‑subdivision,
if the new motor vehicle dealer is leasing the dealership facilities from a
lessor other than the manufacturer or distributor, the manufacturer or
distributor shall pay the new motor vehicle dealer a sum equivalent to the rent
for the unexpired term of the lease or three year's rent, whichever is less, or
such longer term as is provided in the franchise agreement between the dealer
and manufacturer; except that, in the case of motorcycle dealerships, the
manufacturer shall pay the new motor vehicle dealer the sum equivalent to the
rent for the unexpired term of the lease or one year's rent, whichever is less,
or such longer term as provided in the franchise agreement between the dealer
and manufacturer; or
2. Subject to paragraph
3,sub‑sub‑subdivision 3. of this sub‑subdivision,
if the new motor vehicle dealer owns the dealership facilities, the
manufacturer or distributor shall pay the new motor vehicle dealer a sum
equivalent to the reasonable rental value of the dealership facilities for
three years, or for one year in the case of motorcycle dealerships.
3. In order to be entitled
to facilities assistance from the manufacturer or distributor, as provided in
this paragraph e.,sub‑subdivision, the dealer, owner, or
lessee, as the case may be, shall have the obligation to mitigate damages by
listing the demised premises for lease or sublease with a licensed real estate
agent within 30 days after the effective date of the termination of the
franchise and thereafter by reasonably cooperating with said real estate agent
in the performance of the agent's duties and responsibilities. In the event
that the dealer, owner, or lessee is able to lease or sublease the demised
premises, the dealer shall be obligated to pay the manufacturer the net revenue
received from such mitigation up to the total amount of facilities assistance
which the dealer has received from the manufacturer pursuant to sub‑subdivisions
1. and 2. To the extent and for such uses and purposes as may be consistent
with the terms of the lease, a manufacturer who pays facilities assistance to a
dealer under this paragraph e.sub‑subdivision shall be
entitled to occupy and use the dealership facilities during the years for which
the manufacturer shall have paid rent under sub‑subdivisions 1. and 2.
5. The compensation
required for facilities assistance under this paragraph e.sub‑subdivision
shall be paid by the manufacturer or distributor within 90 days after the
manufacturer or distributor has received notice in writing from, or on behalf
of, a new motor vehicle dealer specifying the elements of compensation
requested by the dealer.
SECTION 3. G.S. 20‑305(7)d. reads as rewritten:
"d. Within 60 days
after the death or incapacity of the owner or principal operator, a designated
successor appointed in substantial compliance with this section shall give the
affected manufacturer or distributor written notice of his or her succession to
the position of owner or principal operator of the new motor vehicle
dealership; provided, however, that the failure of the designated successor to
give the manufacturer or distributor written notice as provided above within 60
days of the death or incapacity of the owner or principal operator shall not
result in the waiver or termination of the designated successor's right to
succeed to the ownership of the new motor vehicle dealership unless the
manufacturer or distributor gives written notice of this provision to either
the designated successor or the deceased or incapacitated owner's executor,
administrator, guardian or other fiduciary by certified or registered mail,
return receipt requested, and said written notice grants not less than 30 days
time within which the designated successor may give the notice required
hereunder, provided the designated successor or the deceased or incapacitated
owner's executor, administrator, guardian or other fiduciary has given the
manufacturer reasonable notice of death or incapacity. Within 30 days of
receipt of the notice by the manufacturer or distributor from the designated
successor provided in this paragraph, sub‑subdivision, the
manufacturer or distributor may request that the designated successor complete
the application forms generally utilized by the manufacturer or distributor to
review the designated successor's qualifications to establish a successor
dealership. Within 30 days of receipt of the completed forms, the manufacturer
or distributor shall send a letter by certified or registered mail, return
receipt requested, advising the designated successor of facts and circumstances
which have changed since the manufacturer's or distributor's original approval
of the designated successor, and which have caused the manufacturer or distributor
to object to the designated successor. Upon receipt of such notice, the
designated successor may either designate an alternative successor or may file
a request for evidentiary hearing in accordance with the procedures provided in
sub‑subdivisions b.2.‑5. of this subdivision. In any such hearing,
the manufacturer or distributor shall be limited to facts and circumstances
which did not exist at the time the designated successor was originally
approved or evidence which was originally requested to be produced by the
designated successor at the time of the original request and was fraudulent."
SECTION 4. G.S. 20‑305(38) reads as rewritten:
"(38) Notwithstanding the
terms, provisions, or conditions of any agreement, franchise, novation, waiver,
or other written instrument, to assign or change a franchised new motor vehicle
dealer's area of responsibility under the franchise arbitrarily or without due
regard to the present or projected future pattern of motor vehicle sales and
registrations within the dealer's market and without having provided the
affected dealer with written notice of the change in the dealer's area of
responsibility and a detailed description of the change in writing by
registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. A franchised new motor
vehicle dealer who believes that a manufacturer, factory branch, distributor,
or distributor branch with whom the dealer has entered into a franchise has violated
this subdivisionassigned or changed the dealer's area of responsibility,
is proposing to assign or change the dealer's area of responsibility
arbitrarily or without due regard to the present or projected future pattern of
motor vehicle sales and registrations within the dealer's market, or failed to
provide the dealer with the notice required under this subdivision may file
a petition within 60 days of receiving notice of a manufacturer, factory
branch, distributor, or distributor branch's proposed assignment or change to
the dealer's area of responsibility and have an evidentiary hearing before
the Commissioner as provided in G.S. 20‑301(b) contesting the
franchised new motor vehicle dealer's assigned area of responsibility. In
determining at the evidentiary hearing whether a manufacturer, factory branch,
distributor, or distributor branch has assigned or changed the dealer's area of
responsibility or is proposing to assign or change the dealer's area of
responsibility arbitrarily or without due regard to the present or projected
future pattern of motor vehicle sales and registrations within the dealer's
market, the Commissioner may take into consideration the relevant circumstances,
including, but not limited to:
a. The investment of time, money, or other resources made for the purpose of developing the market for the vehicles of the same line‑make in the existing or proposed area of responsibility by the petitioning dealer, other same line‑make dealers who would be affected by the change in the area of responsibility, or by the manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, distributor branch, or any dealer or regional advertising association.
b. The present and future projected traffic patterns and drive times between consumers and the same line‑make franchised dealers of the affected manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch who are located within the market.
c. The historical and projected future pattern of new vehicle sales and registrations of the affected manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch within various portions of the area of responsibility and within the market as a whole.
d. The growth or decline in population, density of population, and new car registrations in the market.
e. If the affected manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch has removed territory from a dealer's area of responsibility or is proposing to remove territory from a dealer's area of responsibility, the projected economic effects, if any, that these changes in the dealer's area of responsibility will have on the petitioning dealer, other same line‑make dealers, the public, and the manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch.
f. The projected effects that the changes in the petitioning dealer's area of responsibility that have been made or proposed by the affected manufacturer, manufacturer branch, distributor, or distributor branch will have on the consuming public within the market.
g. The presence or absence of natural geographical obstacles or boundaries, such as mountains and rivers.
h. The proximity of census tracts or other geographic units used by the affected manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch in determining same line‑make dealers' respective areas of responsibility.
i. The public interest, consumer welfare, and customer convenience.
j. The reasonableness of the change or proposed change to the dealer's area of responsibility considering the benefits and harm to the petitioning dealer, other same line‑make dealers, and the manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch.
At the evidentiary hearing before the Commissioner, the affected manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch shall have the burden of proving that all portions of its current or proposed area of responsibility for the petitioning franchised new motor vehicle dealer are reasonable in light of the present or projected future pattern of motor vehicle sales and registrations within the franchised new motor vehicle dealer's market. A policy or protocol of a manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch that determines a dealer's area of responsibility based solely on the proximity of census tracts or other geographic units to its franchised dealers and the existence of natural boundaries fails to satisfy the burden of proof on the affected manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch under this subdivision. Upon the filing of a petition before the Commissioner under this subdivision, any changes in the petitioning franchised new motor vehicle dealer's area of responsibility that have been proposed by the affected manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch shall be stayed during the pendency of the determination by the Commissioner. If a protest is or has been filed under G.S. 20‑305(5) and the franchised new motor vehicle dealer's area of responsibility is included in the relevant market area under the protest, any protest filed under this subdivision shall be consolidated with that protest for hearing and joint disposition of all of the protests. Nothing in this subdivision shall apply to the determination of whether good cause exists for the establishment by a manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch of an additional new motor vehicle dealer or relocation of an existing new motor vehicle dealer, which shall be governed in accordance with the requirements and criteria contained in G.S. 20‑305(5) and not this subdivision."
SECTION 5. G.S. 20‑305 is amended by adding a new subdivision to read:
"(49) A manufacturer or distributor may not charge a dealer more than a reasonable cost for any tool that the manufacturer or distributor sells to a dealer and designates as a special or essential tool. A manufacturer or distributor that collects tool fees as a convenience for the dealer and passes the payment through to a tool manufacturer or supplier which is not owned, operated, or controlled by the manufacturer, distributor, or affiliate shall not be considered to be selling the tool provided that the manufacturer or distributor's involvement does not increase the cost of the special tool or essential tool. Nothing in this subdivision shall prohibit a manufacturer or distributor from charging a reasonable nominal fee in addition to the cost of the special or essential tool that includes manufacturer or distributor handling costs. For any special or essential tool that the manufacturer or distributor sells to the dealer at a price exceeding two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00), the manufacturer or distributor shall disclose on an invoice or similar billing statement submitted to the dealer for the tool, the actual cost of the special or essential tool paid by the manufacturer or distributor."
SECTION 6. G.S. 20‑305.1(a2) reads as rewritten:
"(a2) In calculating the retail rate customarily charged by the dealer for parts and labor, the following work shall not be included in the calculation:
(1) Repairs for manufacturer or distributor special events, specials, coupons, or other promotional discounts for retail customer repairs.
(2) Parts sold at wholesale or at reduced or specially negotiated rates for insurance repairs.
(3) Engine assemblies.
(4) Routine maintenance
not covered under warranty, such as maintenance, including fluids,
filters, alignments, flushes, oil changes, and belts belts,
and brake drums/rotors and shoes/pads not provided in the course of
(5) Nuts, bolts, fasteners, and similar items that do not have an individual part number.
(6) Tires.Tires
and vehicle alignments.
(7) Vehicle reconditioning.
(8) Batteries and light bulbs."
SECTION 7. G.S. 20‑305.1(b3) reads as rewritten:
"(b3) Notwithstanding
the terms of any franchise or other agreement, or the terms of any program,
policy, or procedure of any manufacturer, it shall be unlawful for a
manufacturer to take or threaten to take any adverse action against a dealer
located in this State, or to otherwise discriminate against any dealer located
in this State, on the basis that the dealer sold or leased a motor vehicle to a
customer who either exported the vehicle to a foreign country or who resold the
vehicle to a third party, unless the dealer knew or reasonably should have
known that the customer intended to export or resell the motor vehicle prior to
the customer's purchase of the vehicle from the dealer. The conduct prohibited
under this subsection includes, but is not limited to, a manufacturer's actual
or threatened: (i) failure or refusal to allocate, sell, or deliver motor
vehicles to the dealer; or (ii) discrimination against any dealer in the
allocation of vehicles; or (iii) charging back or withholding payments or other
compensation or consideration for which a dealer is otherwise eligible for
warranty reimbursement or under a sales promotion, incentive program, or
contest; or (iv) disqualification of a dealer from participating in or
discrimination against any dealer relating to any sales promotion, incentive
program, or contest; or (v) termination of a franchise. In any proceeding
brought pursuant to this subsection, there shall be a rebuttable presumption
that the dealer, prior to the customer's purchase of the vehicle, did not know
nor should have reasonably known that the customer intended to export or resell
the motor vehicle, if (i) following the sale, the vehicle is titled,
registered, and, where applicable, taxes paid in any state or territory within
the United States in the name of a customer who was physically present at the
dealership at or prior to the time of sale, and (ii) the dealer did not know,
prior to the consummation of the sale, that the vehicle would be shipped to a
foreign country.For purposes of this subsection, the term "manufacturer"
shall include the terms "manufacturer," "manufacturer branch,"
"distributor," and "distributor branch," as those terms are
defined in G.S. 20‑286.
(1) Notwithstanding the terms of any franchise or other agreement, or the terms of any program, policy, or procedure of any manufacturer, it shall be unlawful for any manufacturer to take or threaten to take any adverse action against a dealer located in this State, or to otherwise discriminate against any dealer located in this State when:
a. The dealer failed to ensure that the purchaser or lessee paid personal property tax on the vehicle purchased or leased from the dealer;
b. The dealer failed to ensure that the vehicle being purchased or leased had been permanently registered in this State or in any other state in which the dealer was not required to ensure that the vehicle's permanent registration was processed or submitted at the time of the vehicle's purchase or lease;
c. The manufacturer extrapolated the imposition of any adverse action based on a certain number or percentage of the vehicles sold or leased by a dealer over a specified period of time having been exported or brokered; or
d. The dealer sold or leased a motor vehicle to a customer who either exported the vehicle to a foreign country or who resold the vehicle to a third party, unless:
1. The dealer reasonably should have known that the customer intended to export or resell the motor vehicle prior to the customer's purchase or lease of the vehicle from the dealer;
2. The vehicle sold or leased by the dealer was exported to a foreign country within 180 days after the date of sale or lease by the dealer; and
3. The affected manufacturer provided written notification to the affected motor vehicle dealer of the resale or export within 12 months from the date of sale or lease.
Notwithstanding the provisions of sub‑subdivision d. of this subdivision, a manufacturer may take adverse action against a dealer located in this State if the dealer sold or leased a motor vehicle to a customer who either exported the vehicle to a foreign country or who resold the vehicle to a third party and the dealer, prior to the customer's purchase or lease of the vehicle from the dealer, had actual knowledge that the customer intended to export or resell the motor vehicle.
(2) The adverse action and discrimination prohibited under this subsection includes, but is not limited to, a manufacturer's actual or threatened:
a. Failure or refusal to allocate, sell, or deliver motor vehicles to the dealer;
b. Discrimination against any dealer in the allocation of vehicles;
c. Charging back or withholding payments or other compensation or consideration that a dealer is otherwise entitled to receive and that is not otherwise the subject of a dispute for warranty reimbursement or under a sales promotion, incentive program, contest, or other program or policy that would provide any compensation or support for the dealer;
d. Disqualification of a dealer from participating in, or discrimination against any dealer relating to, any sales promotion, incentive program, contest, or other program or policy that would provide any compensation or support for the dealer;
e. Termination of a franchise; or
f. The imposition of any fine, penalty, chargeback, or other disciplinary or punitive measure.
(3) In any proceeding brought pursuant to this subsection, the affected manufacturer shall have the burden of proving that the dealer knew or reasonably should have known that the customer intended to export or resell the motor vehicle prior to the customer's purchase or lease of the vehicle from the dealer, subject to the following provisions:
a. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that the dealer, prior to the customer's purchase or lease of the vehicle, did not know nor should have reasonably known that the customer intended to export or resell the motor vehicle, if:
1. Following the sale or lease, the dealer submitted the requisite documentation to the appropriate governmental entity to enable the vehicle to be titled, registered and, where applicable, sales or highway use tax paid in any state or territory within the United States in the name of a customer who was physically present at the dealership at or prior to the time of sale or lease; and
2. The customer's identifying information was not included on a list of known or suspected exporters or resellers identified and made readily accessible to the dealer by the applicable manufacturer at the time of the sale or lease.
b. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that the dealer, prior to the customer's purchase or lease of the vehicle, knew or reasonably should have known that the customer intended to export or resell the motor vehicle if the customer's identifying information was included on a list of known or suspected exporters or resellers identified and made readily accessible to the dealer by the applicable manufacturer at the time of the sale or lease.
c. Nothing contained in subdivision (1) of this subsection shall be deemed to prevent or prohibit the Commissioner or the affected manufacturer from considering one or more of the factors delineated in sub‑subdivisions a. through c. of subdivision (1) of this subsection in determining whether the dealer knew or reasonably should have known that the customer intended to export or resell the motor vehicle prior to the customer's purchase or lease of the vehicle from the dealer.
(4) Any audit of a dealer by a manufacturer for sales or leases made to exporters or brokers shall only be for the 12‑month period immediately preceding the audit."
SECTION 8. G.S. 20‑305.1(c) reads as rewritten:
"(c) In the event there
is a dispute between the manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or
distributor branch, and the dealer with respect to any matter referred to in
subsection (a), (b), (b1), (b2), (b3), or (d) of this section, either
party may petition the Commissioner in writing, within 30 days after either
party has given written notice of the dispute to the other, for a hearing on
the subject and the decision of the Commissioner shall be binding on the
parties, subject to rights of judicial review and appeal as provided in Chapter
150B of the General Statutes; provided, however, that nothing contained herein
shall give the Commissioner any authority as to the content of any manufacturer's
or distributor's warranty. Upon the filing of a petition before the
Commissioner under this subsection, any chargeback to or any payment required
of a dealer by a manufacturer relating to warranty parts or service
compensation, or to sales incentives, service incentives, rebates, or other
forms of incentive compensation, or the withholding or chargeback of other
compensation or support that a dealer would otherwise be eligible to receive shall
be stayed during the pendency of the determination by the Commissioner."
SECTION 9. G.S. 20‑305.1(g) reads as rewritten:
"(g) Truck Dealer Cost
Reimbursement. – Every manufacturer, manufacturer branch, distributor, or
distributor branch of new motor vehicles, or any affiliate or subsidiary
thereof, which manufactures or distributes new motor vehicles with a gross
vehicle weight rating of 16,000 pounds or more shall compensate its new motor
vehicle dealers located in this State for the cost of special tools, equipment,
and training for which its dealers are liable when the applicable manufacturer,
manufacturer branch, distributor, or distributor branch sells a portion of its
vehicle inventory to converters and other nondealer retailers. The purpose of
this reimbursement is to compensate truck dealers for special additional costs
these dealers are required to pay for servicing these vehicles when the dealers
are excluded from compensation for these expenses at the point of sale. The
compensation which shall be paid pursuant to this subsection shall be
applicable only with respect to new motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight
rating of 16,000 pounds or more which are registered to end users within this
State and that are sold by a manufacturer, manufacturer branch, distributor, or
distributor branch to either:either of the following:
(1) Persons or entities
other than new motor vehicle dealers with whom the manufacturer, manufacturer
branch, distributor, or distributor branch has entered into franchises; orfranchises.
(2) Persons or entities that install custom bodies on truck chassis, including, but not limited to, mounted equipment or specialized bodies for concrete distribution, firefighting equipment, waste disposal, recycling, garbage disposal, buses, utility service, street sweepers, wreckers, and rollback bodies for vehicle recovery; provided, however, that no compensation shall be required to be paid pursuant to this subdivision with respect to vehicles sold for purposes of manufacturing or assembling school buses. Additionally, no compensation shall be required to be paid pursuant to this subdivision with respect to any vehicles that were sold to the end user by a franchised new motor vehicle dealer.
The amount of compensation which
that shall be payable by the applicable manufacturer, manufacturer
branch, distributor, or distributor branch shall be six nine hundred
dollars ($600.00) ($900.00) per new motor vehicle registered in
this State whose chassis has a gross vehicle weight rating of 16,000 pounds or
more. The compensation required pursuant to this subsection shall be paid by
the applicable manufacturer, manufacturer branch, distributor, or distributor
branch to its franchised new motor vehicle dealer in closest proximity to the
registered address of the end user to whom the motor vehicle has been
registered within 30 days after such registration.registration of the
vehicle. Upon receiving a request in writing from one of its franchised
dealers located in this State, a manufacturer, manufacturer branch,
distributor, or distributor branch shall promptly make available to such the
dealer its records relating to the registered addresses of its new motor
vehicles registered in this State for the previous 12 months and its payment of
compensation to dealers as provided in this subsection."
SECTION 10. If any provision of this act or its application is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this act that can be given effect without the invalid provisions or application, and to this end, the provisions of this act are severable.
SECTION 11. This act is effective when it becomes law and applies to all current and future franchises and other agreements in existence between any new motor vehicle dealer located in this State and a manufacturer or distributor as of the effective date of this act.
In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 5th day of August, 2015.
s/ Daniel J. Forest
President of the Senate
s/ Tim Moore
Speaker of the House of Representatives
s/ Pat McCrory
Approved 1:32 p.m. this 11th day of August, 2015