North Dakota Representative Mike Nathe [R] | All Sessions | Passed

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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
NDHB1392PassAN ACT to create and enact a new section to chapter 40-22 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to adoption of municipal policy establishing special assessment determination methods for allocation of assessments among and within classes of prope...
Signed by Governor 04/22
NDSB2326PassAN ACT to create and enact a new section to chapter 15.1-07 and seven new sections to chapter 54-59 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to reportable data fields and the statewide longitudinal data system; to repeal sections 15.1-02-18, 15.1-0...
Signed by Governor 04/20
NDSB2151PassAN ACT to create and enact four new sections to chapter 15.1-37 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to early childhood education provider grants; to amend and reenact section 15.1-37-01 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to early child...
Signed by Governor 04/17
NDHB1206PassAN ACT to create and enact section 39-08-20.2 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to special mobile equipment and liability insurance; to amend and reenact subsection 5 of section 39-16-01 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to motor ve...
Signed by Governor 04/16
NDHB1201PassAN ACT to provide an appropriation for commendatory grants to eligible higher education faculty members.
Signed by Governor 04/13
NDSB2348PassAN ACT to amend and reenact section 32-03.1-02.3 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to training in the use of automated external defibrillators.
Signed by Governor 04/13
NDHB1089PassAN ACT to create and enact a new section to chapter 57-39.2 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to a sales tax exemption for enterprise information technology equipment and computer software purchased for use in a qualified data center; to pro...
Signed by Governor 04/09
NDHB1186PassAN ACT to create and enact section 12.1-31-03.2 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to child-resistant packaging for liquid nicotine containers; to amend and reenact sections 12.1-31-03, 12.1-31-03.1, subsection 19 of section 27-20-02, and sec...
Signed by Governor 04/08
NDSB2093PassAN ACT to amend and reenact subsection 3 of section 20.1-03-36.2 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to guide and outfitter licenses; and to provide for application.
Signed by Governor 04/08
NDSB2270PassAN ACT to amend and reenact section 26.1-26.6-08 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to commissions, premiums, fees, and mileage reimbursement charged by bail bond agents.
Signed by Governor 04/01
NDHB1316PassAN ACT to create and enact section 15.1-14-03.1 and a new section to chapter 15.1-15 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the evaluation and nonrenewal of principals and school district superintendents; and to amend and reenact sections 15.1...
Signed by Governor 03/25
NDSB2217PassAN ACT to create and enact section 57-15-30.2 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to financial reporting requirements for taxing entities authorized to levy property taxes; to amend and reenact sections 2-06-14, 4-02-27, 4.1-47-14, 4.1-47-25, ...
Signed by Governor 03/25
NDSB2200PassAN ACT to amend and reenact sections 19-01-10 and 19-03.1-37 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to reports issued by the state crime laboratory.
Signed by Governor 03/19
NDHB1087PassAN ACT to create and enact a new section to chapter 15.1-21 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the demonstration of proficiency in civics as a condition of high school graduation.
Signed by Governor 01/30
NDSB2200PassAN ACT to create and enact chapter 15-18.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the determination of funding for institutions of higher education; to provide an appropriation; to provide for a legislative management study; to provide for leg...
Signed by Governor 05/14
NDHB1261PassAN ACT to provide an appropriation for school district rapid enrollment growth grants.
Signed by Governor 05/02
NDHB1202PassAN ACT to amend and reenact section 54-59-08 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to use of wide area network services.
Signed by Governor 04/29
NDHCR3006PassA concurrent resolution to create and enact a new section to article
Filed with Secretary Of State 04/26
NDHB1251PassAN ACT to amend and reenact sections 35-13-01 and 35-13-04 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to repairman's liens.
Signed by Governor 04/24
NDHB1296PassAN ACT to amend and reenact section 15.1-13-20 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to teachers licensed in other states.
Signed by Governor 04/18
NDHB1332PassAN ACT to amend and reenact section 16.1-02-05, subsection
Signed by Governor 04/18
NDHB1451PassAN ACT to amend and reenact sections 16.1-08.1-03.1, 29-10.1-02, 29-10.1-21, and 29-10.1-22 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to disclosure requirements for petition sponsors and the requirements for calling and the duties of a grand jury.
Signed by Governor 04/18
NDHB1185PassAN ACT to amend and reenact section 6-09-46 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to extension of the rebuilders loan program; to provide an exemption; and to declare an emergency.
Signed by Governor 04/15
NDSB2238PassAN ACT to reimburse school districts and nonpublic schools for expenses incurred in providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation training to students; and to provide an appropriation.
Signed by Governor 04/17
NDHCR3029PassA concurrent resolution commending the nation of Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the United States and with the state of North Dakota.
Filed with Secretary Of State 04/17
NDSB2142PassAN ACT to create and enact two new subsections to section 57-39.2-01 and a new section to chapter 57-39.2 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the definition of telecommunications company and telecommunications services and a sales and use t...
Signed by Governor 04/01
NDSB2185PassAN ACT to create and enact a new subsection to section 52-01-03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to job service North Dakota sharing data with the attorney general for the purpose of offender registration compliance.
Signed by Governor 04/01
NDHB1293PassAN ACT to amend and reenact sections 15.1-04.1-01, 15.1-04.1-02, 15.1-04.1-03, 15.1-04.1-04, 15.1-06-01, 15.1-21-02.1, 15.1-29-13, and 37-03-16 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the compact on educational opportunity for military children...
Signed by Governor 03/27
NDSB2188PassAN ACT to amend and reenact section 54-06-24 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the state employee suggestion incentive program.
Signed by Governor 03/27
NDHB1132PassAN ACT to provide for a legislative management study of the feasibility and desirability of making political subdivision budget information accessible on the state budget database website and finding better ways to inform taxpayers regarding politica...
Signed by Governor 03/26
NDHM7001PassA memorial resolution for deceased members of the House of Representatives of North Dakota.
Filed with Secretary Of State 03/20
NDSB2177PassAN ACT to amend and reenact subdivision b of subsection 5 of section 53-06.1-11 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to rent allowed for gaming machines.
Signed by Governor 03/18
NDSB2174PassAN ACT to create and enact a new section to chapter 49­-04 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the requirement that a public utility regulated by the public service commission provide advance notification of discontinuance of electric ...
Signed by Governor 03/18
NDHCR3015PassA concurrent resolution declaring Monday, February 11, 2013, "North Dakota Close-Up Day".
Filed with Secretary Of State 02/07
NDHB1256PassAN ACT to create and enact a new subsection to section 39-01-01, a new paragraph to subdivision b of subsection 3 of section 39-06.1-10, and a new section to chapter 39-08 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to demerit points and using an el...
Filed with Secretary Of State 04/26
NDSB2279PassAN ACT to amend and reenact sections 37-19.1-01, 37-19.1-02, 37-19.1-03, and 37-19.1-04 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to veterans' preference; and to provide for a legislative management study.
Filed with Secretary Of State 04/26
NDSB2317PassAN ACT to create and enact a new section to chapter 15.1-13 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the approval of theological studies instructors; and to amend and reenact section 15.1-21-02.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the...
Filed with Secretary Of State 04/26
NDHB1072PassAN ACT to create and enact a new subdivision to subsection 2 of section 57-38-30.3 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to an income tax deduction to remove the marriage penalty contained in the federal standard deduction for married persons fi...
Filed with Secretary Of State 04/04
NDHB1181PassAN ACT to amend and reenact subsection 1 of section 20.1-03-11 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to youth antelope and deer hunting.
Filed with Secretary Of State 04/04
NDHB1343PassAN ACT to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the industrial commission; and to declare an emergency.
Filed with Secretary Of State 04/11
NDHB1419PassAN ACT to create and enact a new section to chapter 32-03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to immunity from civil liability for liquefied petroleum gas dealers; and to provide for application.
Filed with Secretary Of State 04/04
NDHCR3063Pass(Approved by the Delayed Bills Committee) A concurrent resolution affirming North Dakota's sovereignty under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and to demand the federal government halt its practice of assuming powers and imp...
Filed with Secretary of State
NDHB1452PassIntroduced by Sen. Hogue, Schneider A BILL for an Act to create and enact section 16.1-13-08.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the call for a special election to fill a vacancy in the United States House of Representatives due to a cata...
Filed with Secretary of State
NDHB1514PassIntroduced by Sen. Hogue, Warner A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 24-02-37 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to use of the special road fund.
Filed with Secretary of State
NDHCR3032PassA concurrent resolution urging Congress, the President, and the North Dakota Congressional Delegation to resist efforts to increase income taxes for individuals, including increases by allowing existing reductions to expire; to permanently eliminate ...
Filed with Secretary of State
NDHB1245PassIntroduced by Sen. Dever, Hogue, Miller A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 26.1-41-03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to eliminating the need for a written request to suspend automobile coverage.
Filed with Secretary of State
NDHB1323PassIntroduced by Sen. Olafson, Schneider A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 23-06 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to preparations for disposition at death; and to amend and reenact section 23-06-03 of the North Dak...
Filed with Secretary of State
NDHB1365PassA BILL for an Act to prohibit recyclers, scrap metal dealers, or scrapyard operators from purchasing certain beer kegs; and to provide a penalty.
Filed with Secretary of State
NDHB1420PassIntroduced by Sen. Anderson A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 40-40-10 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to certified copies of the municipal levy and final budget being sent to the county auditor.
Filed with Secretary of State
NDHB1497PassIntroduced by Sen. Cook A BILL for an Act to provide for a legislative council study of the feasibility and desirability of transferring from the county to the state the responsibility for the cost of and responsibility for providing legal counsel in...
Filed with Secretary of State
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