NH Legislation | 2011 | Regular Session | Bills

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Sine Die
Repealing the comprehensive shoreland protection act.
House Retained Bill - Executive Session: 10/25/2011 10:00 Amendment Legislative Office Building 305

Sine Die
Relative to the definition of "prime wetlands."
House Retained Bill - Executive Session: 10/25/2011 10:00 Amendment Legislative Office Building 305
SB154VetoReforming and renaming the comprehensive shoreland protection act and repealing New Hampshires regional greenhouse gas initiative cap and trade program for controlling carbon dioxide emissions.
Senate Notwithstanding the Governor’s Veto, Shall SB 154 Become Law: Regular Calendar 15Y-9N, Veto Sustained, lacking the necessary two-thirds vote; Senate Journal 22, Pg.741
SB129VetoRelative to presenting photo identification to vote in person and relative to the election fund.
Senate Notwithstanding the Governor’s Veto, Shall SB 129 Become Law: Regular Calendar 7Y-17N, Veto Sustained, lacking the necessary two-thirds vote; Senate Journal 22, Pg.740
SB57PassRelative to regulation of title loan lenders.
Senate Notwithstanding the Governor’s Veto, Shall SB 57 Become Law: Regular Calendar 17Y-7N, Veto Overridden by required two-thirds vote; Senate Journal 22, Pg.737

Sine Die
Requiring the commissioner of administrative services to develop a proposal for state employees to make monetary contributions to a health savings account or other tax-advantaged account.
Senate Work Session on Re-referred Bill: 9/8/11, Room 100, State House, 10:00 a.m.; Senate Calendar 36

Sine Die
Relative to training of directors and officers of nonprofit corporations.
Senate Work Session on Re-referred Bill: 9/8/11, Room 100, State House, 10:00 a.m.; Senate Calendar 36

Sine Die
Relative to the use of open source software and open data formats by state agencies and relative to the adoption of a statewide information policy regarding open government data standards.
Senate Work Session on Re-referred Bill: 9/8/11, Room 100, State House, 10:00 a.m.; Senate Calendar 36

Sine Die
Requiring legislative approval of cost items for state employee contract negotiations.
Senate Work Session on Re-referred Bill: 9/8/11, Room 100, State House, 10:00 a.m.; Senate Calendar 36

Sine Die
Relative to the New Hampshire health benefit exchange.
Senate Work Session on Re-referred Bill: 9/6/11, Room 100, State House, 9:00 a.m-12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.; Senate Calendar 35
HB130PassRelative to accountability for the opportunity for an adequate education and relative to an exception for the election of school board members by the Concord school district.
House Signed By Governor 07/13/2011; Effective 09/11/2011; Chapter 0255
HB131PassRelative to indemnification of volunteers performing duties in the state park system.
House Signed By Governor 07/13/2011; Effective 07/13/2011; Chapter 0256
HB380VetoExempting the commission on the status of men from repeal on June 30, 2011 and adding a duty to the commission.
House Vetoed By Governor 07/13/2011
HB299PassRelative to the method of financing for the judicial retirement plan.
House Signed By Governor 07/13/2011; Effective 07/13/2011; Chapter 0257
HB248PassEstablishing a commission to study business regulations in New Hampshire.
House II. Remainder Effective 07/14/2011
HB542VetoRelative to exceptions for objectionable material in public school courses.
House Vetoed By Governor 07/13/2011
HB26PassRelative to the definition of gross misconduct for purposes of unemployment compensation and relative to disqualification for unemployment benefits.
House Signed By Governor 07/13/2011; Effective 09/11/2011; Chapter 0254
HB605PassAuthorizing the business finance authority to establish a New Hampshire innovation business job growth program.
House Signed By Governor 07/13/2011; Effective 09/11/2011; Chapter 0261
HB348PassRelative to games of chance and prohibiting the racing and charitable gaming commission and the lottery commission from authorizing new gambling machines or devices.
House III. Remainder Effective 07/13/2011
HB337PassAmending the calculation and distribution of adequate education grants, repealing fiscal capacity disparity aid, and providing stabilization grants to certain municipalities.
House II Remainder Effective 07/01/2011
HB622PassRelative to adjustments to the semi-annual and quarterly collection of property taxes in towns and cities.
House Signed By Governor 07/13/2011; Effective 07/13/2011; Chapter 0262
HB601PassRelative to implementation of federal health care reform.
House Law Without Signature 07/14/2011; Effective 07/01/2011; Chapter 0264; NH Constitution, Art.44, Pt.II
HB25PassMaking appropriations for capital improvements.
House III. Remainder Effective 07/01/2011
HB483PassRelative to mosquito control.
House Signed By Governor 07/13/2011; Effective 09/11/2011; Chapter 0260
SB196PassRelative to the renomination or reelection of teachers and grievance procedures.
Senate Law Without Signature 7/14/11; Eff. Date 07/01/11, Chapter 0267; Art 44, Pt II, NH Constitution
SB45PassRelative to criteria for designation as a Granite State scholar.
Senate Law Without Signature 7/14/11; Eff. Date 09/12/11, Chapter 0265; Art 44, Pt II, NH Constitution
SB148PassRelative to health insurance coverage.
Senate Law Without Signature 7/14/11; Eff. Date 07/01/11, Chapter 0266; Art 44, Pt II, NH Constitution
SB70PassRelative to remedies in landlord-tenant actions.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/13/11; Chapter 0247
SB12PassRelative to screening panels for medical injury claims.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/13/11; Chapter 0241
SB33PassRelative to retired state employee contributions for medical benefits costs.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/13/2011; Effective 07/01/2011 @ 12:01am; Chapter 0242
SB89PassRelative to employee leasing companies and establishing a study committee on the procurement of health insurance by employee leasing companies.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/13/11; Chapter 0249
SB92PassEstablishing an economic strategic commission to review the relationship between business and government.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/13/11; Chapter 0250
SB68PassRelative to records of disciplinary actions taken by the electricians' board.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/13/2011; Effective 09/11/2011; Chapter 0246
SB53PassRelative to the definition of nursing and the nursing assistant registry administered by the board of nursing.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/13/2011; Effective 07/01/2011; Chapter 0245
SB123PassRelative to notification if a person found incompetent to stand trial and civilly committed is released into the community.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/13/2011; Effective 09/11/2011; Chapter 0251
SB50PassMaking various changes to laws regulating trusts and trust companies.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/13/2011; Effective 09/11/2011; Chapter 0243
SB52PassExcluding persons convicted of violent crimes and sexually violent persons from mandatory early release on probation or parole.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/13/2011; Effective 07/13/2011; Chapter 0244
SB75PassRelative to clarification of part-time service in the state retirement system.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/13/2011; Effective 07/13/2011; Chapter 0248
SB161PassRelative to procedures for adoption of agency rules under the administrative procedures act.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/13/2011; Effective 09/11/2011; Chapter 0252
HB490PassAdopting the interstate compact for juveniles.
House Signed By Governor 07/05/2011; Effective 09/03/2011; Chapter 0233
HB462PassRelative to the determination of employer assessments for excess benefits paid by employers in the retirement system.
House II. Remainder Effective 06/30/2011
HB489PassEstablishing a health information organization corporation.
House Signed By Governor 07/05/2011; Effective 07/05/2011; Chapter 0232
HB390PassRelative to the reinstatement and repeal of certain boards, commissions, councils, advisory committees, and task forces, and relative to the commission on the status of women.
House II. Remainder Effective 06/29/2011
SB189PassRelative to the definition of mortgage loan originator.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/05/2011; Effective 09/03/2011; Chapter 0240
SB2PassRelative to adoption of tax caps by cities, towns, and other political subdivisions.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/05/2011; Effective 07/05/2011; Chapter 0234
SB166PassRelative to medical benefits for beneficiaries of a police officer or firefighter killed in the line of duty.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/05/2011; Effective 07/05/2011; Chapter 0239
SB97PassRelative to the application of the community revitalization tax relief incentive.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/05/2011; Effective 07/05/2011; Chapter 0237
SB63PassRelative to the list of bail bondsmen and prohibiting law enforcement and corrections officers from indicating preferences for bail bond companies.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/05/2011; Effective 09/03/2011; Chapter 0236
SB120PassRelative to alcoholic beverage advertising restrictions.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/05/2011; Effective 07/05/2011; Chapter 0238
SB51PassRelative to the establishment of an inter-departmental team to address issues concerning certain adults with developmental disabilities who may present a substantial risk to the community.
Senate Signed by the Governor on 07/05/2011; Effective 09/03/2011; Chapter 0235
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