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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
NJA3959VetoEstablishes NJ Hospitality Emergency Loan Program in EDA to provide no-interest loans to qualified small hospitality businesses; makes $100 million appropriation to EDA from federal funds for qualified small business assistance.
Absolute Veto, Received in the Assembly
NJA3864VetoAuthorizes notaries public to perform certain notarial acts remotely.
Absolute Veto, Received in the Assembly
NJA3813VetoPermits use of virtual or remote instruction to meet minimum 180-day school year requirement under certain circumstances.
Absolute Veto, Received in the Assembly
NJA3858VetoRequires Commissioner of Human Services to issue supplemental cash assistance payments to Work First New Jersey recipients under certain circumstances; makes appropriation.
Absolute Veto, Received in the Assembly
NJA3857VetoMakes FY 2020 supplemental appropriations of $15 million for grants to food banks.
Absolute Veto, Received in the Assembly
NJA3856VetoMakes FY 2020 supplemental appropriation of $10 million for healthcare and residential facility sanitation due to coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak.
Absolute Veto, Received in the Assembly
NJA3841VetoAutomatically extends time to file gross income tax or corporation business tax return if federal government extends filing or payment due date for federal returns.
Absolute Veto, Received in the Assembly
NJA3842VetoEstablishes Bridging the Digital Divide in Schools Grant Program in DOE to provide and expand access to technology and equipment for students in certain school districts.
Absolute Veto, Received in the Assembly
NJA4638VetoRequires DCPP to implement policies and procedures to ensure caseworker safety; "Leah's Law." *
Absolute Veto, Received in the Assembly
NJA3952VetoDedicates 30 percent of all UEZ sales tax revenues to respective UEZ account and 70 percent of UEZ sales tax revenues to General Fund.
Absolute Veto, Received in the Assembly
NJA2268VetoEstablishes State Transportation Infrastructure Bank and Energy Bank within New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust.
Absolute Veto, Received in the Assembly
NJA2950VetoExtends time municipalities have to commit fees and payments-in-lieu of constructing affordable units to six years.
Absolute Veto, Received in the Assembly
NJA1678VetoEstablishes a New Jersey Homebuyer Tax Credit Program under the New Jersey gross income tax for home purchases during a qualified period. *
Lost in the Assembly AVOR (42-32-1) (Greenwald)
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