NV Legislation | 2015 | 78th Legislature

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AB87PassRevises certain provisions governing the duties of insurers with regard to Medicaid. (BDR 57-326)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 68.
SB66PassRevises provisions governing local governmental agreements for the development of land. (BDR 22-422)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 79.
SB2PassIncreases the maximum speed at which a person may drive or operate a vehicle. (BDR 43-13)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 78.
SB37PassAuthorizes GPS tracking of parolees, probationers and certain other offenders who are subject to electronic supervision. (BDR 14-354)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 91.
SB418PassRevises provisions relating to refunds paid by private postsecondary educational institutions. (BDR 34-727)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 88.
SB473PassRevises provisions relating to the Office of Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management of the Department of Administration. (BDR 18-839)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 90.
SB142PassRevises provisions governing motor vehicles. (BDR 43-718)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 83.
AB131PassRevises provisions governing the Department of Motor Vehicles and registration under the Selective Service System. (BDR 43-624)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 70.
AB157PassRevises provisions governing service animals. (BDR 38-638)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 63.
SB448PassRevises provisions governing the deposit of certain public money in insured institutions. (BDR 31-1141)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 89.
SB158PassRevises provisions relating to collective bargaining by local governments. (BDR 23-704)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 84.
AB73PassRevises provisions governing programs of energy assistance. (BDR 58-336)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 66.
AB202PassMakes various changes relating to the acquisition of land by a county. (BDR 20-570)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 73.
SB121PassRevises provisions relating to certain special license plates. (BDR 43-413)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 82.
AB188PassRevises provisions governing certain equipment for motor vehicles. (BDR 43-626)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 71.
AB75PassRevises provisions governing certain proposed changes in the schedule of rates or services of a public utility. (BDR 58-351)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 67.
AB25PassRevises provisions governing the residential construction tax. (BDR 22-454)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 64.
SB31PassRevises provisions relating to detoxification technicians, facilities and programs. (BDR 40-329)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 76.
AJR2PassUrges the United States Congress and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to take certain actions to reduce the impact of common ravens on the greater sage grouse and desert tortoise populations in this State. (BDR R-33)
File No. 22.
AR9PassAdds former Assemblywoman Peggy Pierce to the Assembly Wall of Distinction. (BDR R-1273)
File No. 24.
AR8PassAdds former Assemblyman Alan H. Glover to the Assembly Wall of Distinction. (BDR R-1274)
File No. 23.
SR7PassAdopts new Standing Rules of the Senate for the remainder of the 78th Session of the Legislature. (BDR R-1275)
File No. 25.
SB200PassRevises provisions relating to enrollment of pupils in charter schools. (BDR 34-183)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 56.
AB179PassRevises provisions governing personal information. (BDR 52-756)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 55.
AB27PassMakes various changes regarding the licensure of educational personnel. (BDR 34-315)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 54.
AB180PassRevises provisions governing the biennial audit requirements for the Public Employees' Retirement System. (BDR 23-569)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 57.
SB469PassMakes a supplemental appropriation to the Supreme Court of Nevada for an unanticipated shortfall in revenue for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 resulting from a deficit in the collection of administrative assessments. (BDR S-1228)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 60.
SB196PassMakes various changes concerning health care. (BDR 40-84)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 58.
SB151PassRequires the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to adopt regulations authorizing a natural gas utility to expand its infrastructure in a manner consistent with a program of economic development. (BDR 58-52)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 59.
AB154PassMakes various changes to the Nevada Employment Security Council. (BDR 53-553)
Chapter 48.
AB19PassRevises provisions governing the timing of the adoption of tentative budgets by certain local governments. (BDR 31-456)
Chapter 49.
AB58PassProvides the powers of peace officer to all sworn personnel of the Department of Public Safety. (BDR 23-355)
Chapter 50.
AB14PassMakes requirements for management of bad debts consistent among agencies of the Executive Branch of the State Government. (BDR 18-457)
Chapter 52.
AB74PassRevises provisions relating to the resale of certain utility services. (BDR 58-348)
Chapter 51.
AB30PassRevises provisions relating to plans to improve the achievement of pupils enrolled in public schools in this State. (BDR 34-312)
Chapter 47.
SB159PassRevises provisions relating to insurance. (BDR 57-829)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 43.
SB43PassRevises provisions governing certain safety requirements for driving across railroad tracks. (BDR 43-378)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 42.
SB217PassRevises provisions relating to policies of health insurance. (BDR 57-836)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 45.
SB449PassRevises provisions governing the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice. (BDR 14-1140)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 53.
SB205PassRevises provisions relating to plans to be used by a school in responding to a crisis or emergency. (BDR 34-404)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 44.
SB263PassRevises provisions relating to the operation of certain vehicles. (BDR 43-1107)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 46.
SB23PassRevises provisions governing the required submission of certain reports by the Department of Transportation. (BDR 35-376)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 41.
SCR8PassCommemorates the 30th anniversary of the sister-state relationship between the State of Nevada and Taiwan. (BDR R-1265)
File No. 21.
SB362PassAuthorizes the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a program regarding the prevention of domestic violence under certain circumstances. (BDR 18-112)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 40.
SJR11PassProposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to preserve the right to hunt, trap and fish in this State. (BDR C-1001)
File No. 20.
AB37PassRevises provisions governing consignment auctions of motor vehicles. (BDR 40-379)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 27.
SB30PassAuthorizes an elected county officer to elect not to receive longevity pay. (BDR 20-468)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 30.
SB27PassRevises the amount of money that the Commission for Cultural Affairs may use each fiscal year from the proceeds of certain bonds to pay for administrative services. (BDR 18-321)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 29.
SB26PassRevises provisions governing the collection of debts by the State Controller. (BDR 31-499)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 28.
SB311PassRevises provisions relating to irrigation districts. (BDR 48-831)
Approved by the Governor. Chapter 33.
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