Bill Text: NY A00589 | 2015-2016 | General Assembly | Introduced
Bill Title: Requires a fine for violation of the conditions of a conditional license, issued after conviction of driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, to be paid to the county where such violation occurred if such county has a special traffic options program for driving while intoxicated; relates to the distribution of the mandatory surcharge for certain alcohol-related convictions.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2016-01-06 - referred to transportation [A00589 Detail]
Download: New_York-2015-A00589-Introduced.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 589 2015-2016 Regular Sessions I N A S S E M B L Y (PREFILED) January 7, 2015 ___________ Introduced by M. of A. GANTT -- read once and referred to the Committee on Transportation AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to the disposi- tion of fine money imposed for infractions relating to the operation of a motor vehicle by the holder of a conditional license; and to amend the vehicle and traffic law and the penal law, in relation to the distribution of the mandatory surcharge for certain alcohol-relat- ed convictions THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 1197 of the vehi- 2 cle and traffic law, as separately amended by chapters 196 and 688 of 3 the laws of 1996 and subparagraph 3 as amended by chapter 345 of the 4 laws of 2007, is amended to read as follows: 5 (a) Where a county establishes a special traffic options program for 6 driving while intoxicated, pursuant to this section, it shall receive 7 fines [and], forfeitures, AND MANDATORY SURCHARGES collected by any 8 court, judge, magistrate, or other officer within that county, includ- 9 ing, where appropriate, a hearing officer acting on behalf of the 10 commissioner[,]: (1) imposed for violations of subparagraphs (ii) and 11 (iii) of paragraph (a) of subdivision two or subparagraph (i) of para- 12 graph (a) of subdivision three of section five hundred eleven of this 13 chapter; (2) imposed in accordance with the provisions of section eleven 14 hundred ninety-three, PARAGRAPH (F) OF SUBDIVISION SEVEN OF SECTION 15 ELEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-SIX and civil penalties imposed pursuant to subdi- 16 vision two of section eleven hundred ninety-four-a of this article, 17 including, where appropriate, a hearing officer acting on behalf of the 18 commissioner, from violations of sections eleven hundred ninety-two, 19 eleven hundred ninety-two-a and findings made under section eleven 20 hundred ninety-four-a of this article; and (3) imposed upon a conviction EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD02911-01-5 A. 589 2 1 for: aggravated vehicular assault, pursuant to section 120.04-a of the 2 penal law; vehicular assault in the first degree, pursuant to section 3 120.04 of the penal law; vehicular assault in the second degree, pursu- 4 ant to section 120.03 of the penal law; aggravated vehicular homicide, 5 pursuant to section 125.14 of the penal law; vehicular manslaughter in 6 the first degree, pursuant to section 125.13 of the penal law; and 7 vehicular manslaughter in the second degree, pursuant to section 125.12 8 of the penal law, as provided in section eighteen hundred three of this 9 chapter. Upon receipt of these moneys, the county shall deposit them in 10 a separate account entitled "special traffic options program for driving 11 while intoxicated" and they shall be under the exclusive care, custody 12 and control of the chief fiscal officer of each county participating in 13 the program. 14 S 2. The opening paragraph of subdivision 9 of section 1803 of the 15 vehicle and traffic law, as amended by chapter 345 of the laws of 2007, 16 is amended to read as follows: 17 Where a county establishes a special traffic options program for driv- 18 ing while intoxicated, approved by the commissioner [of motor vehicles], 19 pursuant to section eleven hundred ninety-seven of this chapter, all 20 fines, penalties [and], forfeitures AND MANDATORY SURCHARGES, WHERE 21 APPLICABLE, collected from violations of subparagraphs (ii) and (iii) of 22 paragraph (a) of subdivision two or subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) of 23 subdivision three of section five hundred eleven[,] OF THIS CHAPTER; all 24 fines, penalties and forfeitures imposed in accordance with section 25 eleven hundred ninety-three of this chapter collected from violations of 26 section eleven hundred ninety-two of this chapter; ALL FINES, PENALTIES, 27 AND FORFEITURES IMPOSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARAGRAPH (F) OF SUBDIVISION 28 SEVEN OF SECTION ELEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-SIX OF THIS CHAPTER; and any 29 fines or forfeitures collected by any court, judge, magistrate or other 30 officer imposed upon a conviction for: aggravated vehicular assault, 31 pursuant to section 120.04-a of the penal law; vehicular assault in the 32 first degree, pursuant to section 120.04 of the penal law; vehicular 33 assault in the second degree, pursuant to section 120.03 of the penal 34 law; aggravated vehicular homicide, pursuant to section 125.14 of the 35 penal law; vehicular manslaughter in the first degree, pursuant to 36 section 125.13 of the penal law; and vehicular manslaughter in the 37 second degree, pursuant to section 125.12 of the penal law and civil 38 penalties imposed pursuant to subdivision two of section eleven hundred 39 ninety-four-a of this chapter, shall be paid to such county. 40 S 3. Subdivision 3 of section 1809 of the vehicle and traffic law, as 41 amended by chapter 309 of the laws of 1996, is amended to read as 42 follows: 43 3. (A) The mandatory surcharge provided for in subdivision one of this 44 section shall be paid to the clerk of the court or administrative tribu- 45 nal that rendered the conviction. Within the first ten days of the month 46 following collection of the mandatory surcharge, the collecting authori- 47 ty shall determine the amount of mandatory surcharge collected [and, if 48 it]. IF THE COLLECTING AUTHORITY is an administrative tribunal or a town 49 or village justice court, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN PARAGRAPH (B) OF THIS 50 SUBDIVISION, it shall pay such money to the state comptroller, who shall 51 deposit such money in the state treasury pursuant to section one hundred 52 twenty-one of the state finance law to the credit of the general fund. 53 If such collecting authority is any other court of the unified court 54 system, it shall, within such period, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN PARAGRAPH 55 (B) OF THIS SUBDIVISION, pay such money to the state commissioner of 56 taxation and finance to the credit of the criminal justice improvement A. 589 3 1 account established by section ninety-seven-bb of the state finance law. 2 The crime victim assistance fee provided for in subdivision one of this 3 section shall be paid to the clerk of the court or administrative tribu- 4 nal that rendered the conviction. Within the first ten days of the month 5 following collection of the crime victim assistance fee, the collecting 6 authority shall determine the amount of crime victim assistance fee 7 collected and, if it is an administrative tribunal or a town or village 8 justice court, it shall pay such money to the state comptroller, who 9 shall deposit such money in the state treasury pursuant to section one 10 hundred twenty-one of the state finance law to the credit of the crimi- 11 nal justice improvement account established by section ninety-seven-bb 12 of the state finance law. 13 (B) NOTWITHSTANDING THE PROVISIONS OF PARAGRAPH (A) OF THIS SUBDIVI- 14 SION AND SUBDIVISION THREE OF SECTION 60.35 OF THE PENAL LAW, WHERE A 15 COUNTY HAS ESTABLISHED A SPECIAL TRAFFIC OPTIONS PROGRAM FOR DRIVING 16 WHILE INTOXICATED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION ELEVEN HUNDRED 17 NINETY-SEVEN OF THIS CHAPTER, ALL MANDATORY SURCHARGES COLLECTED PURSU- 18 ANT TO THIS SECTION FOR VIOLATIONS OF SUBPARAGRAPHS (II) AND (III) OF 19 PARAGRAPH (A) OF SUBDIVISION TWO OR SUBPARAGRAPH (I) OF PARAGRAPH (A) OF 20 SUBDIVISION THREE OF SECTION FIVE HUNDRED ELEVEN OF THIS CHAPTER, 21 VIOLATIONS OF SECTION ELEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-TWO OF THIS CHAPTER; AND 22 UPON A CONVICTION FOR VEHICULAR ASSAULT IN THE FIRST DEGREE, PURSUANT TO 23 SECTION 120.04 OF THE PENAL LAW, VEHICULAR ASSAULT IN THE SECOND DEGREE, 24 PURSUANT TO SECTION 120.03 OF THE PENAL LAW, VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER IN 25 THE FIRST DEGREE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 125.13 OF THE PENAL LAW, AND 26 VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER IN THE SECOND DEGREE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 125.12 27 OF THE PENAL LAW, SHALL BE PAID TO SUCH COUNTY WHERE THE VIOLATION UPON 28 WHICH THE CONVICTION WAS BASED OCCURRED. 29 S 4. Subdivision 3 of section 60.35 of the penal law, as amended by 30 section 1 of part E of chapter 56 of the laws of 2004, is amended to 31 read as follows: 32 3. The mandatory surcharge, sex offender registration fee, DNA data- 33 bank fee, crime victim assistance fee, and supplemental sex offender 34 victim fee provided for in subdivision one of this section shall be paid 35 to the clerk of the court or administrative tribunal that rendered the 36 conviction. Within the first ten days of the month following collection 37 of the mandatory surcharge, crime victim assistance fee, and supple- 38 mental sex offender victim fee, the collecting authority shall determine 39 the amount of mandatory surcharge, crime victim assistance fee, and 40 supplemental sex offender victim fee collected [and, if it]. IF THE 41 COLLECTING AUTHORITY is an administrative tribunal[,] or a town or 42 village justice court, EXCEPT WITH REGARD TO MANDATORY SURCHARGES 43 IMPOSED UPON CONVICTIONS FOR THOSE OFFENSES ENUMERATED IN PARAGRAPH (B) 44 OF SUBDIVISION THREE OF SECTION EIGHTEEN HUNDRED NINE OF THE VEHICLE AND 45 TRAFFIC LAW, it shall then pay such money to the state comptroller who 46 shall deposit such money in the state treasury pursuant to section one 47 hundred twenty-one of the state finance law to the credit of the crimi- 48 nal justice improvement account established by section ninety-seven-bb 49 of the state finance law. Within the first ten days of the month follow- 50 ing collection of the sex offender registration fee and DNA databank 51 fee, the collecting authority shall determine the amount of the sex 52 offender registration fee and DNA databank fee collected and, if it is 53 an administrative tribunal, or a town or village justice court, it shall 54 then pay such money to the state comptroller who shall deposit such 55 money in the state treasury pursuant to section one hundred twenty-one 56 of the state finance law to the credit of the general fund. If such A. 589 4 1 collecting authority is any other court of the unified court system, 2 EXCEPT WITH REGARD TO MANDATORY SURCHARGES IMPOSED UPON CONVICTIONS FOR 3 THOSE OFFENSES ENUMERATED IN PARAGRAPH (B) OF SUBDIVISION THREE OF 4 SECTION EIGHTEEN HUNDRED NINE OF THE VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC LAW, it shall, 5 within such period, pay such money attributable to the mandatory 6 surcharge or crime victim assistance fee to the state commissioner of 7 taxation and finance to the credit of the criminal justice improvement 8 account established by section ninety-seven-bb of the state finance law. 9 If such collecting authority is any other court of the unified court 10 system, it shall, within such period, pay such money attributable to the 11 sex offender registration fee and the DNA databank fee to the state 12 commissioner of taxation and finance to the credit of the general fund. 13 S 5. This act shall take effect on the first of April next succeeding 14 the date on which it shall have become a law.