Bill Text: NY A02088 | 2013-2014 | General Assembly | Amended
Bill Title: Enacts the New York state thruway authority accountability act; names the commissioner of DOT as chair of the thruway authority board; directs the commissioner of DOT to submit a plan to merge the thruway authority into the department of transportation.
Spectrum: Strong Partisan Bill (Republican 24-2)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2014-05-20 - held for consideration in corporations, authorities and commissions [A02088 Detail]
Download: New_York-2013-A02088-Amended.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 2088--A 2013-2014 Regular Sessions I N A S S E M B L Y (PREFILED) January 9, 2013 ___________ Introduced by M. of A. KOLB, McDONOUGH, OAKS, WALTER, BLANKENBUSH, BUTLER, CORWIN, CROUCH, DiPIETRO, DUPREY, FINCH, HAWLEY, JOHNS, KEARNS, LALOR, P. LOPEZ, McLAUGHLIN, MONTESANO, PALMESANO, SKARTADOS, TEDISCO, TENNEY, STEC, NOJAY -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. BARCLAY, SALADINO -- read once and referred to the Committee on Corpo- rations, Authorities and Commissions -- recommitted to the Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions in accordance with Assem- bly Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee AN ACT to amend the public authorities law and the transportation law, in relation to enacting the New York state thruway authority account- ability act THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. This act shall be known and be may cited as the "New York 2 state thruway authority accountability act". 3 S 2. Section 351 of the public authorities law is amended by adding a 4 new subdivision 4-a to read as follows: 5 4-A. THE TERM "DEPARTMENT" SHALL MEAN THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA- 6 TION. 7 S 3. Subdivision 1 of section 352 of the public authorities law, as 8 amended by chapter 766 of the laws of 2005, is amended to read as 9 follows: 10 1. (A) A board to be known as "New York state thruway authority" is 11 hereby created. Such board shall be a body corporate and politic consti- 12 tuting a public corporation. It shall consist of seven members appointed 13 by the governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate. [The 14 members first appointed shall serve for terms ending three, six and nine 15 years, respectively from January first next succeeding their appoint- 16 ment. Provided, however, that two board members first appointed on or EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD03069-04-4 A. 2088--A 2 1 after the effective date of the chapter of the laws of two thousand five 2 which amended this subdivision shall serve an initial term of two years; 3 provided further that two other board members first appointed on or 4 after the effective date of the chapter of the laws of two thousand five 5 which amended this subdivision shall serve an initial term of three 6 years. Their successors shall be appointed for terms of nine years each. 7 A member to be designated as chairman in his or her appointment as a 8 member shall be chairman of such board until his or her term as member 9 expires.] THE COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION SHALL BE DESIGNATED AND 10 SERVE EX-OFFICIO AS THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD UNTIL THE END OF THE TERM OF 11 THE GOVERNOR BY WHOM HE OR SHE WAS APPOINTED AND UNTIL HIS OR HER 12 SUCCESSOR IS APPOINTED AND HAS QUALIFIED. The chairman and the other 13 members shall serve without ADDITIONAL salary or other compensation, but 14 shall be entitled to reimbursement for their actual and necessary 15 expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties. 16 (B) NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF LAW OR THE PROVISIONS OF 17 ANY APPOINTMENT BY THE GOVERNOR, THE TERMS OF ALL MEMBERS SERVING AS 18 SUCH AS OF MARCH THIRTY-FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FOURTEEN, OR ON THE EFFEC- 19 TIVE DATE OF THIS PARAGRAPH, WHICHEVER DATE IS LATER, SHALL IMMEDIATELY 20 TERMINATE, EXCEPT THAT SUCH MEMBERS SHALL CONTINUE TO SERVE UNTIL THEIR 21 SUCCESSORS ARE APPOINTED AND HAVE QUALIFIED. 22 (C) ANY MEMBER APPOINTED SHALL HAVE EXPERIENCE IN ONE OR MORE OF THE 23 FOLLOWING AREAS: TRANSPORTATION, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, FINANCE, ACCOUNT- 24 ING OR MANAGEMENT OF LARGE CAPITAL PROJECTS. 25 (D) TWO MEMBERS OF THE BOARD APPOINTED ON OR AFTER APRIL FIRST, TWO 26 THOUSAND FOURTEEN, SHALL BE APPOINTED TO TERMS OF THREE YEARS; TWO OTHER 27 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD SHALL BE APPOINTED TO TERMS OF FOUR YEARS; AND TWO 28 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD SHALL BE APPOINTED TO TERMS OF FIVE YEARS, 29 PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT SUCH MEMBERS SHALL CONTINUE TO SERVE AFTER THE 30 END OF THEIR TERMS UNTIL THEIR SUCCESSORS ARE APPOINTED AND HAVE QUALI- 31 FIED, AND PROVIDED FURTHER THAT NOTWITHSTANDING THE TERM TO WHICH ANY 32 SUCH MEMBER SHALL HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUCH A CONTINUATION OF THE TERM OF 33 A MEMBER SHALL NOT REQUIRE CONFIRMATION BY THE SENATE. 34 S 4. Section 11 of the transportation law, as amended by chapter 460 35 of the laws of 1971, is amended to read as follows: 36 S 11. Department of transportation; commissioner. There shall be in 37 the state government a department of transportation. The head of the 38 department shall be the commissioner of transportation, who shall be 39 appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the 40 senate, and hold office until the end of the term of the governor by 41 whom he was appointed and until his successor is appointed and has qual- 42 ified. 43 The commissioner of transportation shall have sole charge of the 44 administration of the department AND THE NEW YORK STATE THRUWAY AUTHORI- 45 TY ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO TITLE NINE OF ARTICLE TWO OF THE PUBLIC 46 AUTHORITIES LAW. THE COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION SHALL SERVE AS A 47 MEMBER AND CHAIR OF THE THRUWAY AUTHORITY BOARD ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO 48 SECTION THREE HUNDRED FIFTY-TWO OF THE PUBLIC AUTHORITIES LAW. 49 S 5. The transportation law is amended by adding a new section 23 to 50 read as follows: 51 S 23. NEW YORK STATE THRUWAY AUTHORITY ADMINISTRATION AND OVERSIGHT. 52 1. THE COMMISSIONER SHALL ESTABLISH A PLAN TO MERGE THE OPERATIONS OF 53 THE THRUWAY AUTHORITY WITH THAT OF THE DEPARTMENT AND CONSOLIDATE 54 SERVICES WHERE APPROPRIATE, PROVIDED THAT NO EMPLOYEE OF THE AUTHORITY 55 OR THE DEPARTMENT SHALL BE TERMINATED AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THE MERGER. 56 THE COMMISSIONER SHALL SUBMIT A REPORT TO THE GOVERNOR AND LEGISLATURE A. 2088--A 3 1 WITHIN ONE HUNDRED TWENTY DAYS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS SECTION. 2 THE REPORT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE TEMPORARY PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE, 3 THE SPEAKER OF THE ASSEMBLY, THE MINORITY LEADER OF THE SENATE, THE 4 MINORITY LEADER OF THE ASSEMBLY, THE CHAIR AND RANKING MINORITY MEMBER 5 OF THE SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE, THE CHAIR AND RANKING MINORITY MEMBER 6 OF THE ASSEMBLY WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE, THE CHAIRS AND RANKING MINORI- 7 TY MEMBERS OF THE SENATE AND ASSEMBLY CORPORATIONS, AUTHORITIES AND 8 COMMISSIONS COMMITTEES, AND THE CHAIRS AND RANKING MINORITY MEMBERS OF 9 THE SENATE AND ASSEMBLY TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEES. 10 2. (A) THE COMMISSIONER SHALL, WITHIN SIXTY DAYS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE 11 OF THIS SECTION, AND EVERY THREE YEARS THEREAFTER, CONTRACT WITH A 12 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR THE PROVISION OF AN INDEPENDENT, 13 COMPREHENSIVE, FORENSIC AUDIT OF THE THRUWAY AUTHORITY. SUCH AUDIT SHALL 14 BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERALLY ACCEPTED GOVERNMENT AUDITING 15 STANDARDS. 16 (B) THE CERTIFIED INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM PROVIDING THE 17 INDEPENDENT, COMPREHENSIVE, FORENSIC AUDIT OF THE THRUWAY AUTHORITY 18 SHALL BE PROHIBITED FROM PROVIDING AUDIT SERVICES IF THE LEAD OR COORDI- 19 NATING AUDIT PARTNER, HAVING PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE AUDIT, OR 20 THE AUDIT PARTNER RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEWING THE AUDIT, HAS PERFORMED 21 AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE AUTHORITY WITHIN ANY OF THE TEN PREVIOUS FISCAL 22 YEARS OF THE AUTHORITY. 23 (C) THE CERTIFIED INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTING FIRM PERFORMING THE AUDIT 24 PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION SHALL BE PROHIBITED FROM PERFORMING ANY NON-AU- 25 DIT SERVICES FOR THE AUTHORITY CONTEMPORANEOUSLY WITH THE AUDIT. 26 (D) IT SHALL BE PROHIBITED FOR THE CERTIFIED INDEPENDENT PUBLIC 27 ACCOUNTING FIRM TO PERFORM ANY AUDIT SERVICE IF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE 28 OFFICER, COMPTROLLER, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, CHIEF ACCOUNTING OFFICER 29 OR ANY OTHER PERSON SERVING IN AN EQUIVALENT POSITION IN THE AUTHORITY 30 WAS AN EMPLOYEE, CONSULTANT OR INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR OF THAT CERTIFIED 31 INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND PARTICIPATED IN ANY CAPACITY IN 32 THE AUDIT OF THE AUTHORITY AT ANY TIME IN THE PAST. 33 (E) THE CERTIFIED INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM CONTRACTED TO 34 PERFORM THE INDEPENDENT, COMPREHENSIVE, FORENSIC AUDIT OF THE THRUWAY 35 AUTHORITY SHALL, WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THE INITIATION OF THE CONTRACT, 36 REPORT ITS FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE GOVERNOR, 37 THE STATE COMPTROLLER, THE TEMPORARY PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE, THE SPEAK- 38 ER OF THE ASSEMBLY, THE MINORITY LEADER OF THE SENATE, THE MINORITY 39 LEADER OF THE ASSEMBLY, THE CHAIR AND RANKING MINORITY MEMBER OF THE 40 SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE, THE CHAIR AND RANKING MINORITY MEMBER OF THE 41 ASSEMBLY WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE, THE CHAIRS AND RANKING MINORITY 42 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE AND THE ASSEMBLY CORPORATIONS, AUTHORITIES AND 43 COMMISSIONS COMMITTEES, AND THE CHAIRS AND RANKING MINORITY MEMBERS OF 44 THE SENATE AND THE ASSEMBLY TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEES. 45 S 6. Section 360 of the public authorities law, as amended by chapter 46 766 of the laws of 1992, is amended to read as follows: 47 S 360. Operation and maintenance. Operation and maintenance by the 48 authority of any thruway section or connection or any part thereof or of 49 a highway connection, the New York state canal system of which it has 50 assumed jurisdiction shall be performed (a) by the use of authority 51 forces and equipment at the expense of the authority or by agreement at 52 the expense of the state or other parties; (b) by contract with munici- 53 palities or independent contractors; (c) at the request of the [authori- 54 ty] COMMISSIONER, by the [commissioner and his subordinates in the 55 department of transportation as agents for,] AUTHORITY and at the 56 expense of the authority, or (d) by a combination of such methods. A. 2088--A 4 1 S 7. Section 363 of the public authorities law, as amended by chapter 2 766 of the laws of 1992, is amended to read as follows: 3 S 363. Annual report. The authority shall submit to the governor, to 4 the [legislature, to] SPEAKER OF THE ASSEMBLY, THE TEMPORARY PRESIDENT 5 OF THE SENATE, THE MINORITY LEADER OF THE SENATE, THE MINORITY LEADER OF 6 THE ASSEMBLY, THE SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE, THE ASSEMBLY WAYS AND MEANS 7 COMMITTEE, the comptroller and to the director of the budget on or 8 before the first day of February of each year a detailed report setting 9 forth its [operations and] fiscal transactions during the preceding 10 calendar year with a statement of its financial condition as of the end 11 of such year and a statement of all receipts and expenditures during 12 such year. Such report shall include detailed information relating to 13 additional expenditures incurred by the authority as a result of the 14 amendments made to subdivision four of section three hundred fifty-nine 15 of this [chapter] TITLE pursuant to the chapter of the laws of nineteen 16 hundred ninety-two which enacted this sentence. 17 S 8. Section 14 of the transportation law is amended by adding a new 18 subdivision 13-a to read as follows: 19 13-A. AS PART OF THE DEPARTMENT'S ANNUAL BUDGET REQUEST, TO INCLUDE 20 ANY REQUESTS FOR THRUWAY AUTHORITY TOLL INCREASES AND JUSTIFICATION FOR 21 SUCH INCREASES. 22 S 9. This act shall take effect immediately.