Bill Text: NY A03100 | 2025-2026 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Relates to the right of tenant association to have the first option to purchase a housing unit.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 2-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2025-01-23 - referred to housing [A03100 Detail]

Download: New_York-2025-A03100-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    January 23, 2025

        Introduced by M. of A. ROSENTHAL, BENEDETTO -- read once and referred to
          the Committee on Housing

        AN ACT to amend the private housing finance law, in relation to right of
          first refusal

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The private housing finance law is amended by adding a  new
     2  article 2-A to read as follows:
     3                                ARTICLE II-A
     4                           RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL
     5  Section 38.   Definitions.
     6          38-a. Notification of impending conversion.
     7          38-b. Notification of bona fide offer to purchase.
     8          38-c. Appraisal determination.
     9          38-d. Right of first refusal.
    10          38-e. First opportunity to purchase.
    11          38-f. Prior notification.
    12          38-g. Long term affordability.
    13          38-h. Right of transfer.
    14          38-i. Conversion of property.
    15          38-j. Penalty.
    16          38-k. Exclusions.
    17          38-l. Judicial review.
    18    §  38.  Definitions.  For  the purposes of this article, the following
    19  definitions shall apply:
    20    1. "Affordable" shall mean that rental expenses for dwelling units  do
    21  not  exceed  thirty  percent of the annual gross household income of the
    22  existing tenants, and/or where rental expenses do not  exceed  the  rent
    23  levels  allowable  pursuant  to the rent restrictions applicable to such
    24  dwelling units prior to conversion, provided however that dwelling units
    25  which become vacant in assisted rental housing should not be  rented  to

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 3100                             2

     1  households whose income exceeds eighty percent of the New York metropol-
     2  itan area median income as determined by the United States department of
     3  housing and urban development.
     4    2.  "Appraised value" shall mean the value as determined by a majority
     5  vote of an advisory panel of three appraisers  who  shall  perform  such
     6  appraisal  in  accordance  with  the  American Arbitration Association's
     7  rules for the real estate industry.
     8    3. "Assisted rental housing" shall  mean  a  privately-owned  multiple
     9  dwelling  or group of multiple dwelling units managed together under the
    10  same ownership in which the  majority  of  dwelling  units  therein  are
    11  subject to federal, state or city income eligibility restrictions and in
    12  which  rents  for  such  dwelling  units  are  controlled,  regulated or
    13  assisted by a federal, state or city agency  pursuant  to  a  regulatory
    14  agreement  or rental assistance agreement designed to make such dwelling
    15  units affordable on a project-based  basis.    Assisted  rental  housing
    16  programs shall include:
    17    (a) any program created, administered, or supervised by a municipality
    18  or state under article two or article four of this chapter.
    19    (b) any program providing project-based assistance under section eight
    20  of the United States housing act of 1937, as it may be amended from time
    21  to time; and
    22    (c)  housing  programs governed by section 202, 207, 221, 232, 236, or
    23  811 of the national housing act, (12 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), as  they  may
    24  be amended from time to time.
    25    4.  "Bona  fide  purchaser"  shall  mean  a  person or entity that has
    26  tendered a bona fide offer to purchase the assisted rental housing.
    27    5. "Bona fide offer to purchase" shall mean a good faith  and  without
    28  fraud  offer,  made  in  writing  and  approved  by the division that is
    29  tendered by a bona fide purchaser no later than one hundred twenty  days
    30  after  an appraisal performed pursuant to section thirty-eight-c of this
    31  article, and that is non-binding on the owner with intent to convert.
    32    6. "Conversion" or "convert" shall mean the transfer of  title,  leas-
    33  ing,  intention  to sell or lease, mortgage pre-payment, withdrawal from
    34  an assisted housing program, decision not to  extend  or  renew  partic-
    35  ipation in the program or any other action taken by the owner that would
    36  result  in the termination of participation by the owner in the assisted
    37  rental housing program.
    38    7. "Household" shall mean all lawful occupants of any dwelling unit.
    39    8. "Household income" shall mean, for any household, the  sum  of  the
    40  amount  reported  separately  in the most recent individual or joint tax
    41  return for wage or salary income, net  self-employed  income,  interest,
    42  dividends, rent received, royalties, social security or railroad retire-
    43  ment  benefits  or  disability  benefits  and  all other income for each
    44  member of the household reported on a tax return.
    45    9. "Division" shall mean the division of housing and community renewal
    46  or successor agency.
    47    10.   "Financial assistance" shall mean any  benefits  received  as  a
    48  result  of  an  assisted  rental  housing  program  that act to maintain
    49  affordable rents in the assisted rental housing.
    50    11. "First opportunity to purchase" shall mean the  opportunity  by  a
    51  tenant association, or if applicable, a qualified entity, to purchase in
    52  good faith and without fraud the assisted rental housing at or below its
    53  appraised  value  before such assisted rental housing becomes subject to
    54  conversion.
    55    12. "Notice" shall mean a written communication addressed to a  tenant
    56  association,  or  if no tenant association exists, to each tenant, or if

        A. 3100                             3

     1  applicable, to a qualified entity, by means of first  class  and  regis-
     2  tered  mail,  or  personal  delivery upon a tenant association, or if no
     3  tenant association exists, upon each tenant, or if applicable, a  quali-
     4  fied  entity.  Each  such notice shall be deemed to have been given upon
     5  the deposit of such first class and registered mail in  the  custody  of
     6  the  United  States postal service or upon receipt of personal delivery,
     7  and by posting of such notice in the common areas of the assisted rental
     8  housing.
     9    13. "Owner" shall mean any person or entity, or  combination  of  such
    10  persons  or entities, or any agent of such persons or entities, that has
    11  a controlling interest in assisted rental housing  that  is  subject  to
    12  conversion.
    13    14. "Qualified entity" shall mean any individual, partnership, limited
    14  liability  partnership,  limited  liability  corporation, not-for-profit
    15  corporation or business corporation, or other entity  authorized  to  do
    16  business in New York state and experienced in the management of afforda-
    17  ble  housing,  designated  by  the  tenants  residing  in at least sixty
    18  percent of the occupied dwelling units within the same  assisted  rental
    19  housing  to act on its behalf pursuant to section thirty-eight-h of this
    20  article and approved in writing by  the  division  and  which  obligates
    21  itself and any successors in interest to assume the ongoing responsibil-
    22  ity of continuing maintenance and operation of the assisted rental hous-
    23  ing  as  affordable for the duration of the housing's useful life and in
    24  accordance with the purposes of this article.
    25    15. "Right of first refusal" shall mean the right of a tenant  associ-
    26  ation,  or if applicable, a qualified entity, to submit a good faith and
    27  without fraud offer, in writing to the owner to purchase the  higher  of
    28  the  assisted  rental  housing's appraised value or the identical price,
    29  terms and conditions offered by a bona fide purchaser as approved by the
    30  division.
    31    16. "Tenant" shall mean a lawful occupant who resides within a  dwell-
    32  ing  unit within such assisted rental housing pursuant to law or a lease
    33  recognized by either the owner of  such  assisted  rental  housing,  the
    34  division or a court of competent jurisdiction.
    35    17.  "Tenant  association" shall mean an association, whether incorpo-
    36  rated or not, for which written consent to forming a tenant  association
    37  has  been  given  by  tenants representing at least sixty percent of the
    38  occupied dwelling units within the same  assisted  rental  housing,  and
    39  which  association  notifies  or  has notified the owner of the assisted
    40  rental housing and the division of its existence  or  establishment  and
    41  has  provided  to such owner and the division the names and addresses of
    42  at least two of the officers or  representatives  of  such  association.
    43  Where more than one group of tenants in the same assisted rental housing
    44  claims  to  be  the tenant association for such assisted rental housing,
    45  the division shall determine which group, if any, is the tenant  associ-
    46  ation  for  the purposes of this article in the same manner as the divi-
    47  sion certifies a tenant association for the purposes of article  two  of
    48  this chapter.
    49    §  38-a.  Notification  of  impending  conversion.  1. Notice shall be
    50  provided by the owner to the tenant association, or if no tenant associ-
    51  ation exists, to each tenant, and to the division of  the  intention  of
    52  the  owner  to take any action that will result in the conversion of the
    53  assisted rental housing.
    54    2. Such notice shall be provided no less than twelve months  prior  to
    55  the  taking  of  such action by the owner. Such notice shall include the
    56  following information:

        A. 3100                             4

     1    (a) the name and address of each owner of the assisted rental housing.
     2  For any owner that is a corporation, the notice shall contain the  names
     3  and  addresses  of  the officers and directors of the corporation and of
     4  any person directly or indirectly holding more than ten percent  of  any
     5  class of the outstanding stock of the corporation. For any owner that is
     6  a  partnership  or  joint venture, the notice shall contain the name and
     7  address of each individual who is a principal or  exercises  control  of
     8  such entities;
     9    (b)  the  address  and/or  addresses  and the name and/or names of the
    10  assisted rental housing and the type of program or programs to which the
    11  assisted rental housing is subject;
    12    (c) the nature of the action that the owner intends to take that  will
    13  result in a conversion;
    14    (d)  the  date  on  which  such  action resulting in the conversion is
    15  anticipated to take place;
    16    (e) the provision of law, rule or regulation pursuant  to  which  such
    17  action is authorized;
    18    (f)  the  total number and type of dwelling units subject to a conver-
    19  sion;
    20    (g) the current rent schedule for the dwelling  units  along  with  an
    21  estimation of the rent increases anticipated upon conversion;
    22    (h) the income and expense report for the twelve-month period prior to
    23  the notice including capital improvements, real property taxes and other
    24  municipal charges;
    25    (i)  the  amount  of  the  outstanding  mortgage as of the date of the
    26  notice;
    27    (j) the two most  recent  inspection  reports  from  the  real  estate
    28  assessment  center  of the United States department of housing and urban
    29  development, for the assisted rental housing or group of multiple dwell-
    30  ing units operated together under the  same  ownership  for  which  such
    31  inspection  reports are required, or, the reports of the two most recent
    32  comprehensive  building-wide  inspection  reports  that  may  have  been
    33  conducted by the division;
    34    (k)  a  statement of notice in a manner approved by the division which
    35  advises a tenant  association,  or  if  no  tenant  association  exists,
    36  advises each tenant, of the first opportunity to purchase as required by
    37  section  thirty-eight-e  of  this  article,  or  of  the  right of first
    38  refusal, as required by section thirty-eight-d of this article; and
    39    (l) such other information the division may require.
    40    3. During the twelve-month notification period provided for in  subdi-
    41  vision  two  of  this section the owner may not sell or contract to sell
    42  the assisted rental housing, but may engage  in  such  discussions  with
    43  other interested parties.
    44    4.  Notice  shall  not be required of an owner who intends to maintain
    45  the property as assisted rental housing or intends to transfer, lease or
    46  refinance a mortgage in order  to  maintain  the  property  as  assisted
    47  rental housing.
    48    5.  Where  an owner decides not to convert the assisted rental housing
    49  program, such owner may withdraw the notice of intention to convert  the
    50  assisted  rental  housing  program, subject to the terms of any accepted
    51  offer to purchase or executed purchase and sale agreement, and to exist-
    52  ing statutory and common law remedies. In such event,  the  owner  shall
    53  give  notice  to  the  tenant  association,  or if no tenant association
    54  exists, to each tenant, or if applicable, to a qualified entity, and  to
    55  the  division.  However,  should the owner at any time decide to take an
    56  action that will result in conversion, the twelve-month notice period of

        A. 3100                             5

     1  this section as well as all other applicable requirements of this  arti-
     2  cle shall be complied with.
     3    6. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, if any appli-
     4  cable  supervening  statute or program has a notice requirement substan-
     5  tially similar to any notice  requirement  of  this  section,  then  the
     6  notice  requirement  under this section shall be that of the supervening
     7  statute or program.
     8    7. Notwithstanding any  other  provisions  of  this  section,  if  the
     9  notices  required  by  this  section  require  more  information than is
    10  required by any applicable supervening city, state or federal statute or
    11  program, then such additional information shall be provided  within  the
    12  time period established by the supervening statute or program.
    13    §  38-b.  Notification of bona fide offer to purchase. 1. If the owner
    14  receives a bona fide offer to  purchase  and  intends  to  consider,  or
    15  respond  to  such  bona  fide  offer  to  purchase, then notice shall be
    16  provided by the owner to a tenant association, or if no  tenant  associ-
    17  ation  exists, to each tenant, or if applicable, a qualified entity, and
    18  the division, no more than fifteen days from the  date  that  such  bona
    19  fide  offer  to  purchase  is  delivered to the owner. Such notice shall
    20  contain the following information:
    21    (a) the name and address of the proposed bona fide purchaser; and
    22    (b) the price and terms and conditions of the offer.
    23    2. The owner shall not be required to  provide  notice  in  accordance
    24  with  subdivision  one of this section if the bona fide purchaser making
    25  the offer agrees to maintain the assisted rental housing as  affordable.
    26  The  bona  fide purchaser shall be required to inform the division as to
    27  how such bona fide purchaser intends to keep the assisted rental housing
    28  as affordable.
    29    § 38-c. Appraisal determination. 1.  The  division  shall  convene  an
    30  advisory panel, which advisory panel shall determine the appraised value
    31  of  the  assisted  rental housing within thirty days of a tenant associ-
    32  ation's, or if applicable, a qualified entity's notice to the owner  and
    33  the  division  pursuant  to subdivision one of section thirty-eight-d or
    34  subdivision one of section thirty-eight-e of this article.
    35    2. The advisory panel shall consist of one appraiser selected  by  the
    36  owner,  one appraiser selected by the tenant association, or if applica-
    37  ble, a qualified entity, and one appraiser  to  be  selected  either  by
    38  mutual  agreement  between  the  owner  and the tenant association or if
    39  applicable, a qualified entity,  or  by  mutual  agreement  between  the
    40  appraiser  that  was selected by the owner and the appraiser selected by
    41  the tenant association, or if applicable, a qualified  entity,  if  such
    42  condition is deemed acceptable to the owner and the tenants association,
    43  or  if  applicable,  a  qualified entity, and is agreed upon in writing,
    44  except that in the case of where there is no agreement between the owner
    45  and the tenant association, or if applicable,  a  qualified  entity,  or
    46  between  the  appraiser that was selected by the owner and the appraiser
    47  selected by the tenant association, or if applicable, a qualified  enti-
    48  ty,  then  the  appraiser will be selected by the division. The cost for
    49  the appraiser shall be borne by  the  party  responsible  for  providing
    50  such  appraiser.  However,  where  the  division  must  select the third
    51  appraiser, the cost for such appraiser shall be  equally  borne  by  the
    52  owner and the tenant association, or if applicable, a qualified entity.
    53    3.  Notice  shall  be  provided  by  the division to the owner and the
    54  tenant association, or if applicable, a qualified entity,  fifteen  days
    55  before  the  intended  date  that such advisory panel is to initiate the
    56  performance of the appraisal. In the  instance  when  either  the  owner

        A. 3100                             6

     1  fails to provide an appraiser within fifteen days of such notice or when
     2  the  tenant  association, or if applicable, a qualified entity, fails to
     3  provide an appraiser within fifteen days of such notice then  the  divi-
     4  sion  shall  select the appraiser on behalf of the party or parties that
     5  failed to select an appraiser. In such circumstance, the  cost  for  the
     6  appraiser selected by the division shall be borne by the party responsi-
     7  ble for providing that appraiser.
     8    4. The division shall promulgate rules for the timely determination of
     9  the  appraised  value  and that such rules are to be consistent with the
    10  notice requirements mandated under this chapter. The division shall make
    11  such appraised value publicly available within  fifteen  days  from  the
    12  date of such advisory panel's determination.
    13    5.  In  the instance where the owner and the tenant association, or if
    14  applicable, a qualified entity, have mutually agreed upon  an  appraised
    15  value  for  the  assisted  rental  housing prior to the convening of the
    16  advisory panel, the owner and the tenant association, or if  applicable,
    17  a  qualified  entity,  may in writing apply to the division for a waiver
    18  from subdivisions one through four of this section. The  division  shall
    19  make  a  determination upon such application for a waiver within fifteen
    20  days from receipt of such application.
    21    § 38-d. Right of first refusal. 1. A tenant association, or if  appli-
    22  cable,  a  qualified  entity, shall notify the owner and the division in
    23  writing of its intent to exercise its  right  of  first  refusal  within
    24  sixty days from receipt of notice from the owner pursuant to subdivision
    25  one of section thirty-eight-a of this article.
    26    2.  The  tenant  association,  or  if  applicable, a qualified entity,
    27  following notice by the owner in  compliance  with  subdivision  one  of
    28  section  thirty-eight-a  of  this article, shall have one hundred twenty
    29  days from the date of the notice of the determination of  the  appraised
    30  value to submit its offer to purchase.
    31    3.  The  tenant  association,  or  if  applicable  a qualified entity,
    32  following notice by the owner in  compliance  with  subdivision  one  of
    33  section  thirty-eight-b  of  this article, shall have one hundred twenty
    34  days from the date of a bona fide offer to purchase to submit its  offer
    35  to purchase.
    36    4.  If  through  no fault of a tenant association, or if applicable, a
    37  qualified entity, or the owner, the time periods provided for in  subdi-
    38  vision  two or three of this section need to be extended, then such time
    39  periods may be extended by the division. Should  such  time  periods  be
    40  extended  past  the  notice  period  provided  for in subdivision one of
    41  section thirty-eight-a of this  article,  then  the  provisions  of  the
    42  applicable  assisted  rental  housing program shall remain in full force
    43  and effect to the extent permitted by law.
    44    5. Unless the owner and a tenant  association,  or  if  applicable,  a
    45  qualified  entity, otherwise agree to purchase the assisted rental hous-
    46  ing below its appraised value, the owner shall sell such assisted rental
    47  housing at the appraised value or at the price contained in a bona  fide
    48  offer to purchase price as approved by the division.
    49    6.  The  division  shall promulgate rules for the timely completion of
    50  all lending program applications, credit reviews and loan closings.
    51    7. If a tenant association, or if applicable, a qualified entity, does
    52  not submit its offer in writing to the owner and the division within the
    53  time periods stated in subdivision two or three of this section  follow-
    54  ing  notice  by  the owner in compliance with subdivision one of section
    55  thirty-eight-a of this article, then such right will  be  deemed  waived
    56  and  the  owner  shall  have  no further obligations under this section.

        A. 3100                             7

     1  However, where a tenant association, or if applicable, a qualified enti-
     2  ty, has previously submitted a notice in accordance with subdivision one
     3  of this section decides not to exercise such right, it may withdraw such
     4  notice  by  giving written notice to that effect to the owner and to the
     5  division.
     6    § 38-e. First opportunity to purchase. 1. A tenant association, or  if
     7  applicable,  a qualified entity, shall notify the owner and the division
     8  in writing of its intent to exercise its right of first  opportunity  to
     9  purchase  within sixty days from receipt of notice from the owner pursu-
    10  ant to subdivision one of section thirty-eight-a of this article.
    11    2. The tenant association,  or  if  applicable,  a  qualified  entity,
    12  following  notice  by  the  owner  in compliance with subdivision one of
    13  section thirty-eight-a of this article, shall have  one  hundred  twenty
    14  days  from  the date of the notice of the determination of the appraised
    15  value to submit its offer to purchase.
    16    3. If through no fault of a tenant association, or  if  applicable,  a
    17  qualified entity, or the owner, the time period provided for in subdivi-
    18  sion two of this section needs to be extended, then such time period may
    19  be  extended  by  the division. Should such time period be extended past
    20  the notice period provided for in subdivision  one  of  section  thirty-
    21  eight-a  of this article, then the provisions of the applicable assisted
    22  rental housing program shall remain in full  force  and  effect  to  the
    23  extent permitted by law.
    24    4.  Except where the owner and a tenant association, or if applicable,
    25  a qualified entity, agree to a purchase price  of  the  assisted  rental
    26  housing  at an amount below the appraised value, any offer made pursuant
    27  to this section shall be accepted by the owner.
    28    5. If a tenant association, or if applicable, a qualified entity, does
    29  not submit its offer in writing to the owner and the division within the
    30  time periods stated in subdivision two of this section following  notice
    31  by   the   owner   in   compliance   with  subdivision  one  of  section
    32  thirty-eight-a of this article, then such right will  be  deemed  waived
    33  and  the  owner  shall  have  no further obligations under this section.
    34  However, where a tenant association, or if applicable, a qualified enti-
    35  ty, has previously submitted a notice in accordance with subdivision one
    36  of this section decides not to exercise such right, it may withdraw such
    37  notice by giving written notice to that effect to the owner and  to  the
    38  division.
    39    §  38-f.  Prior  notification.  Notwithstanding any other provision of
    40  this article, where an owner has given notice  prior  to  the  effective
    41  date  of  this  article  and  the intent of such notice is to initiate a
    42  procedure to withdraw the assisted rental housing  from  a  program  set
    43  forth  in subdivision three of section thirty-eight of this article, and
    44  such notice was properly given in accordance with any  other  applicable
    45  provision of law and more than forty-five days remain prior to the expi-
    46  ration  of  the  time period applicable to such notice, a tenant associ-
    47  ation, or if applicable, a qualified entity,  may  complete  any  action
    48  authorized by sections thirty-eight-c, thirty-eight-d and thirty-eight-e
    49  of this article at any time prior to the expiration of such time period.
    50    §  38-g. Long term affordability. A tenant association, or if applica-
    51  ble, a qualified entity, including all  successors  in  interest,  which
    52  chooses to exercise the rights provided for in section thirty-eight-d or
    53  section thirty-eight-e of this article will be obligated to maintain the
    54  assisted rental housing as affordable.
    55    § 38-h. Right of transfer. 1. During the notice period provided for in
    56  section  thirty-eight-a of this article, the tenants, by written consent

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     1  of the tenants residing in at least sixty percent of the occupied dwell-
     2  ing units within the same assisted  rental  housing,  may  transfer  the
     3  rights  established by section thirty-eight-d and section thirty-eight-e
     4  of this article to a qualified entity.
     5    2.  Notice  of  such  transfer  shall be provided to the owner and the
     6  division in writing within sixty days from receipt of  notice  from  the
     7  owner pursuant to section thirty-eight-a of this article.
     8    §  38-i.  Conversion  of  property.  Notwithstanding the provisions of
     9  section thirty-eight-d and section thirty-eight-e of this article,  when
    10  a  conversion  occurs,  an  owner or bona fide purchaser shall allow the
    11  current tenant or tenants to remain in their respective  dwelling  units
    12  for  the  longer of six months from the effective date of the conversion
    13  or until the tenant's lease expires, and at the same  terms  and  condi-
    14  tions  as  before such conversion. Such owner or purchaser may, with the
    15  agreement of the tenant or tenants, relocate such tenant or  tenants  to
    16  comparable  units with comparable rents in accordance with procedures to
    17  be established by the rules of the division.   Nothing in  this  section
    18  shall  be  deemed  to  limit, restrict or modify the rights of a current
    19  tenant or tenants pursuant to the emergency  tenant  protection  act  of
    20  nineteen  seventy-four, the emergency housing rent control law, the city
    21  rent and rehabilitation law or the rent stabilization  law  of  nineteen
    22  hundred sixty-nine.
    23    § 38-j. Penalty. An owner found to have violated any provision of this
    24  article  shall,  in  addition  to  any  other  monetary and/or equitable
    25  damages for which the owner may be liable, be liable for a civil penalty
    26  of five thousand dollars per month per dwelling  unit  in  the  assisted
    27  rental  housing,  and  shall  also pay to a tenant association, or if no
    28  tenant association exists, each tenant, or if  applicable,  a  qualified
    29  entity,  fees  and costs incurred in bringing an enforcement proceeding.
    30  The total civil penalties may not exceed one  hundred  thousand  dollars
    31  per  dwelling  unit.  Nothing  in  this  section shall be interpreted as
    32  prohibiting the tenant association, or if no tenant association  exists,
    33  the  tenants, or if applicable, a qualified entity, from seeking injunc-
    34  tive relief against a non-compliant  owner.  Such  proceeding  shall  be
    35  brought in a court of competent jurisdiction.
    36    § 38-k. Exclusions. 1. Nothing in this article shall affect any exist-
    37  ing  agreement  between  a tenant association and an owner regarding the
    38  management and operation of the assisted rental housing or the  transfer
    39  of the assisted rental housing to a tenant association or similar organ-
    40  ization in effect on the effective date of this article, except that any
    41  renewal,  modification  or  amendment  of such agreement occurring on or
    42  after the effective date  of  this  article  shall  be  subject  to  the
    43  provisions of this article.
    44    2. Nothing in this article shall affect any existing agreement between
    45  an  owner  and one or more governmental entities relating to the manage-
    46  ment and operation of a multiple dwelling that is not otherwise  subject
    47  to this chapter or to federal law.
    48    3.  Nothing  in  this  article  shall affect an owner or purchaser who
    49  wants to refinance in order to maintain  participation  in  an  assisted
    50  rental housing program.
    51    4.  The  provisions of this article shall not apply to a purchase by a
    52  governmental entity implementing its powers of eminent domain;  a  judi-
    53  cially   supervised   sale  or  transfer  of  property;  any  bankruptcy
    54  proceedings; or operation of law.
    55    5. The provisions of this article shall not apply where  a  notice  as
    56  described  in  section thirty-eight-f of this article was properly given

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     1  in accordance with any other applicable provision of law and  forty-five
     2  or  fewer  days remain prior to the expiration of such applicable notice
     3  period.
     4    6.  The  provisions of this article shall prevail, notwithstanding any
     5  contrary provisions of this chapter, the eminent domain  procedure  law,
     6  or any other law.
     7    § 38-l. Judicial review. Any person aggrieved by an appraisal determi-
     8  nation  made  pursuant  to section thirty-eight-c of this article, or by
     9  the failure of the division to approve a bona fide  offer  to  purchase,
    10  may,  within thirty days of the appraisal determination or action by the
    11  division, seek judicial review pursuant to article seventy-eight of  the
    12  civil  practice  law  and  rules  in the supreme court for the county in
    13  which the assisted rental housing is located. In the event that a  court
    14  may  find  that  the appraisal or action by the division constitutes the
    15  equivalent of a  taking  without  just  compensation,  the  court  shall
    16  require  that a new appraisal or determination be made. The time periods
    17  set forth in this article shall be tolled during the pendency of such  a
    18  proceeding  and  until  a  new appraisal or determination, if needed, is
    19  made.
    20    § 2. This act shall take effect on the thirtieth day  after  it  shall
    21  have become a law.