Bill Text: NY A03506 | 2019-2020 | General Assembly | Introduced
Bill Title: Allows for a voter to apply for an absentee ballot for any reason.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 11-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2020-01-08 - referred to election law [A03506 Detail]
Download: New_York-2019-A03506-Introduced.html
STATE OF NEW YORK ________________________________________________________________________ 3506 2019-2020 Regular Sessions IN ASSEMBLY January 29, 2019 ___________ Introduced by M. of A. CARROLL, COLTON, MOSLEY, D'URSO, BLAKE, DINOWITZ, NIOU, BICHOTTE, RICHARDSON, PHEFFER AMATO, JONES -- read once and referred to the Committee on Election Law AN ACT to amend the election law, in relation to application for an absentee ballot The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows: 1 Section 1. Subdivision 1, the opening paragraph of subdivision 2 and 2 paragraphs (c) and (d) of subdivision 3 of section 8-400 of the election 3 law, subdivision 1 and paragraphs (c) and (d) of subdivision 3 as 4 amended by chapter 63 of the laws of 2010, paragraph (c) of subdivision 5 1 and subparagraph (iii) of paragraph (c) of subdivision 3 as amended by 6 chapter 375 of the laws of 2015, and the opening paragraph of subdivi- 7 sion 2 as amended by chapter 216 of the laws of 1988, are amended to 8 read as follows: 9 1. A qualified voter may vote as an absentee voter under this chapter 10 if[, on the occurrence of any village election conducted by the board of11elections, primary election, special election, general election or New12York city community school board district or city of Buffalo school13district election,] he or she expects to be[:14(a) absent from the county of his or her residence, or, if a resident15of the city of New York absent from said city; or16(b) unable to appear personally at the polling place of the election17district in which he or she is a qualified voter because of illness or18physical disability or duties related to the primary care of one or more19individuals who are ill or physically disabled, or because he or she20will be or is a patient in a hospital; or21(c) a resident or patient of a veterans health administration hospi-22tal; or23(d) absent from his or her voting residence because he or she is24detained in jail awaiting action by a grand jury or awaiting trial, orEXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [] is old law to be omitted. LBD02004-01-9A. 3506 2 1confined in jail or prison after a conviction for an offense other than2a felony, provided that he or she is qualified to vote in the election3district of his or her residence] unable to vote in person due to any 4 reason. 5 A qualified voter desiring to vote [at such election] as an absentee 6 voter for any reason [specified in subdivision one hereof] must make 7 application for an absentee ballot on a form to be obtained and filed as 8 provided herein or by letter as provided in paragraph (d) of this subdi- 9 vision. 10 (c) [A statement, as appropriate, that on the day of such election the11applicant expects in good faith to be in one of the following catego-12ries:13(i) absent from the county of his or her residence, or if a resident14of the city of New York absent from said city; provided, however, if the15applicant expects to be absent from such county or city for a duration16covering more than one election and seeks an absentee ballot for each17election, he or she shall state the dates when he or she expects to18begin and end such absence; or19(ii) unable to appear at a polling place because of illness or phys-20ical disability or duties related to the primary care of one or more21individuals who are ill or physically disabled; or22(iii) a resident or patient of a veterans health administration hospi-23tal; or24(iv) detained in jail awaiting action by a grand jury or awaiting25trial or confined in jail or prison after a conviction for an offense26other than a felony and stating the place where he or she is so detained27or confined.28(d)] Such application shall permit the applicant to apply for an 29 absentee ballot for either a primary election or the general election in 30 any year and for those persons who will be continuously absent from 31 their county of residence during the period between the fall primary 32 election and the general election in any year to apply for ballots for 33 both such elections in such year. A voter who applies for an absentee 34 ballot shall be sent an absentee ballot for any special election or 35 winter primary that occurs during the period of absence specified in the 36 application. 37 § 2. This act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall 38 have become a law.