Bill Text: NY A04260 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Enacts the "New York state YouthBuild act"; sets program requirements; authorizes grants to eligible YouthBuild participants; establishes application requirements.

Spectrum: Strong Partisan Bill (Democrat 12-1)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2024-01-03 - referred to labor [A04260 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A04260-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 14, 2023

        Introduced  by  M. of A. STECK, BRONSON, MEEKS, SIMON, HEVESI, JACOBSON,
          WOERNER -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of  A.  COLTON,  CRUZ,  MORINELLO,
          REYES,  SANTABARBARA  --  read  once  and referred to the Committee on

        AN ACT to amend the labor law, in relation to  enacting  the  "New  York
          state  YouthBuild  act"; setting program requirements; authorizing the
          commissioner of labor to make grants to eligible  YouthBuild  programs
          and to establish application requirements; and to expand the number of
          YouthBuild programs across New York state

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Short title. This act shall be known and may  be  cited  as
     2  the "New York state YouthBuild act".
     3    § 2. Legislative intent. The legislature seeks to support economically
     4  disadvantaged youth, especially youth who have not finished high school,
     5  to  obtain  education  and  work  experience through occupational skills
     6  training, personal counseling,  leadership  development,  job  placement
     7  assistance,  and  long-term  follow-up  services  necessary  for them to
     8  achieve permanent economic self-sufficiency,  while  at  the  same  time
     9  providing  valuable  community  service  that addresses urgent community
    10  needs including the demand for affordable housing and the need for young
    11  role models and mentors for younger teenagers and children.
    12    The legislature further intends to foster the development  of  leader-
    13  ship skills and a commitment to community development among youth and to
    14  ensure  maximum  educational achievement of program participants through
    15  high school diploma or  the  equivalent  attainment  and  transition  to
    16  institutions of higher education, where appropriate.
    17    The legislature further intends to provide communities the opportunity
    18  to establish or rebuild neighborhood stability in economically depressed
    19  and low-income areas, as well as historic areas requiring restoration or
    20  preservation, while providing economically disadvantaged youth and youth

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4260                             2

     1  who  have  not  finished  high  school  an  opportunity for a meaningful
     2  participation in society.
     3    The  legislature  further  intends  to allow communities to expand the
     4  supply of affordable housing for homeless and other low-income  individ-
     5  uals by utilizing the energies and talents of economically disadvantaged
     6  youth and young people who have not graduated from high school.
     7    The  legislature  also intends to foster the development of leadership
     8  skills and a commitment to community development among youth.
     9    § 3. The labor law is amended by adding a new section 42-a to read  as
    10  follows:
    11    § 42-a. YouthBuild; program requirements services.  1. The commission-
    12  er is authorized, subject to amounts made available by appropriation, to
    13  make  grants  to  eligible  applicants  for  the purpose of carrying out
    14  YouthBuild programs as approved under this section. All programs  funded
    15  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of this section shall use funds available
    16  pursuant to this section to provide the following services:
    17    a. The training costs for the rehabilitation or construction of  hous-
    18  ing  and  related  facilities  to  be  used for the purpose of providing
    19  homeownership for disadvantaged persons, residential housing  for  home-
    20  less  individuals, and low-income and very low-income families, or tran-
    21  sitional housing for persons who are homeless,  have  disabilities,  are
    22  ill,  are  deinstitutionalized,  or have special needs, or the rehabili-
    23  tation or construction of community facilities owned  by  not-for-profit
    24  public agencies.
    25    b. The cost of providing training and placement in the growing employ-
    26  ment  sectors  of  construction,  agriculture,  health care, information
    27  technology, hospitality/culinary, advanced manufacturing and  logistics,
    28  and retail services.
    29    c.  The cost of integrated education and work experience skills train-
    30  ing services and activities which are evenly divided within the  program
    31  shall include the following elements:
    32    (1)  An  education component which includes: basic skills instruction,
    33  secondary education services, and other activities designed to result in
    34  the attainment of a high school diploma or its equivalent.  The  curric-
    35  ulum  for  this  component shall include math, language arts, vocational
    36  education, life skills training, social studies related to the  cultural
    37  and  community  history  of  the  students, leadership skills, and other
    38  topics at the discretion of the programs; and
    39    (2) A hands-on work experience and occupational skills training compo-
    40  nent pre-apprenticeship program that includes construction and rehabili-
    41  tation activities described in paragraph  a  of  this  subdivision.  The
    42  process  of  construction  must be coupled with hands-on work experience
    43  skills training and with close on-site supervision by experienced train-
    44  ers. The curriculum for this component shall contain a  set  of  locally
    45  agreed upon skills and competencies that are systematically taught, with
    46  students'  mastery  assessed  individually  on a regular, ongoing basis.
    47  The hands-on work experience and  skills  training  component  shall  be
    48  coordinated  to  the  maximum  extent  feasible  with pre-apprenticeship
    49  programs, and apprenticeship programs authorized under  article  twenty-
    50  three of this chapter.
    51    d.  The cost of counseling services designed to assist participants to
    52  positively participate in society,  which  should  include  all  of  the
    53  following  if necessary: outreach, assessment, and orientation; individ-
    54  ual and peer counseling; life skills training; drug  and  alcohol  abuse
    55  education  and  prevention;  and  referral to appropriate drug rehabili-

        A. 4260                             3

     1  tation, medical, mental health, legal, housing, and other  services  and
     2  resources in the community.
     3    2.  A  training subsidy, living allowance, or stipend that shall be no
     4  less than minimum wage must be provided to program participants for  the
     5  time  spent  at  the  worksite  in construction training, health care or
     6  information technology, hospitality/culinary, advanced manufacturing and
     7  logistics, and retail services. Stipends and wages may be distributed in
     8  a manner that offers incentives for good performance.
     9    a. Full-time participation in a YouthBuild program  shall  be  offered
    10  for  a  period of not less than six months and not more than twenty-four
    11  months.
    12    b. A concentrated effort, for those participants  who  choose  not  to
    13  immediately  enroll in an institution of higher education, shall be made
    14  to find construction, construction-related, and nonconstruction jobs  in
    15  the fields of health care, information technology, hospitality/culinary,
    16  advanced manufacturing and logistics, and retail services for all gradu-
    17  ates  of  the program who have performed well. The hands-on work experi-
    18  ence skills training curriculum shall provide  participants  with  basic
    19  preparation  for seeking and maintaining a job. Follow-up counseling and
    20  assistance in job-seeking shall also be provided to participants for the
    21  twelve months following graduation from the program.
    22    c. All programs serving twenty-eight trainees or more are required  to
    23  have  a  full-time  director  responsible  for  the  coordination of all
    24  aspects of the YouthBuild program.
    25    3. a. Eligible participants are youth between the ages of sixteen  and
    26  twenty-four  who  are economically disadvantaged as defined in 29 United
    27  States Code 1503, and who are part of one of the following groups:
    28    (1) Persons who are not attending any school and have not  received  a
    29  secondary school diploma or its equivalent; or
    30    (2)  Persons currently enrolled in a traditional or alternative school
    31  setting or a HSE/TASC (high school equivalency/test assessing  secondary
    32  completion) program and who are in danger of dropping out of school; or
    33    (3)  Very  low-income  persons whose incomes are at or less than fifty
    34  percent of the area median income area, adjusted  for  family  size,  as
    35  estimated by the department of housing and urban development.
    36    b.  An  exception  may  be  made for individuals not meeting income or
    37  educational need requirements. Not more than twenty-five percent of  the
    38  participants  in  such  program  may  be individuals who do not meet the
    39  requirements of this subdivision, but who have educational needs despite
    40  the attainment of a high school diploma.
    41    4. Priority in the awarding of funds under this section shall be given
    42  to applicants with  experience  in  operating  YouthBuild  programs  and
    43  implementing the YouthBuild model, including but not limited to, housing
    44  construction  skills  training,  education, leadership development, life
    45  skills training, and counseling services. Priority shall also  be  given
    46  to  those who meet the program standards as defined by the United States
    47  department of labor and adopted by the  department  as  the  performance
    48  standards for agencies awarded these funds.
    49    5.  Any not-for-profit private agencies, or public agencies with expe-
    50  rience operating a YouthBuild program or  with  a  plan  to  incubate  a
    51  YouthBuild  program  until  it  can  be  established as a not-for-profit
    52  private agency are eligible entities. Only not-for-profit private  agen-
    53  cies  or public agencies that are licensed affiliates of YouthBuild USA,
    54  Inc. or currently receive a United States department of labor YouthBuild
    55  award, are eligible to use the term YouthBuild or eligible to apply  for
    56  these funds.

        A. 4260                             4

     1    6.  The  commissioner shall require applicants for YouthBuild funds to
     2  include various  information  on  the  applicant's  programs  and  shall
     3  promulgate regulations outlining information required on such applicant.
     4  Provided, however, that at a minimum such application shall include:
     5    a. A request for an implementation grant, specifying the amount of the
     6  grant requested and its proposed uses;
     7    b.  A  description  of the applicant and a statement of its qualifica-
     8  tions, including  a  description  of  the  applicant's  past  experience
     9  running  a YouthBuild program, and its experience with housing rehabili-
    10  tation or construction and with youth and youth education, youth leader-
    11  ship development and other work experience skills training programs, and
    12  its relationship with local unions and  youth  apprenticeship  programs,
    13  and other community groups; and
    14    c.  A description of the educational and work experience skills train-
    15  ing activities, work opportunities, and other  services  that  shall  be
    16  provided to participants.
    17    §  4. This act shall take effect one year after it shall have become a
    18  law.