Bill Text: NY A04330 | 2015-2016 | General Assembly | Amended
Bill Title: Requires the certification or training of teachers, administrators and instructors in the area of dyslexia and related disorders.
Spectrum: Moderate Partisan Bill (Democrat 46-6)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2016-01-06 - referred to education [A04330 Detail]
Download: New_York-2015-A04330-Amended.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 4330--A 2015-2016 Regular Sessions I N A S S E M B L Y January 30, 2015 ___________ Introduced by M. of A. SIMON, BRENNAN, BROOK-KRASNY, DINOWITZ, MILLER, MOSLEY, SEAWRIGHT, TITONE, TEDISCO, GOTTFRIED, COLTON, COOK, FINCH, ROBINSON, RODRIGUEZ, PERRY -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. ABBATE, BRAUNSTEIN, CLARK, DUPREY, GIGLIO, GLICK, HEVESI, HIKIND, JOYNER -- read once and referred to the Committee on Education -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to the certification or training of teachers, administrators and instructors in the area of dyslexia and related disorders THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Section 3004 of the education law is amended by adding a 2 new subdivision 7 to read as follows: 3 7. A. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF LAW, THE COMMISSIONER IS 4 AUTHORIZED AND EMPOWERED TO CERTIFY OR REQUIRE TRAINING OF TEACHERS, 5 ADMINISTRATORS AND INSTRUCTORS IN THE AREA OF DYSLEXIA AND ITS RELATED 6 DISORDERS. THE COMMISSIONER SHALL HAVE THE POWER TO PRESCRIBE THE NECES- 7 SARY REGULATIONS AND ESTABLISH SUCH PROGRAMS AND TRAINING RELATED TO THE 8 NEEDS OF CHILDREN WITH DYSLEXIA OR A RELATED DISORDER. SUCH PROGRAMS AND 9 TRAINING SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF 10 SUFFICIENT HOURS OF COURSEWORK AND SUPERVISED CLINICAL EXPERIENCE, AS 11 DETERMINED BY THE COMMISSIONER TO BE EVIDENCE-BASED EFFECTIVE PROGRAMS, 12 SUCH AS MULTISENSORY STRUCTURED LANGUAGE EDUCATION OR OTHER SIMILAR 13 EDUCATION PROGRAMS FOR TEACHING CHILDREN AT RISK FOR BEING, OR DIAGNOSED 14 AS, DYSLEXIC OR A RELATED DISORDER. SUCH PROGRAMS OR TRAINING MAY BE 15 OBTAINED FROM AN INSTITUTION OR PROVIDER WHICH HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE 16 DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE SUCH PROGRAMS AND TRAINING. 17 B. FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS SECTION, THE TERM "DYSLEXIA" SHALL MEAN A 18 SPECIFIC LEARNING DISORDER THAT IS NEUROLOGICAL IN ORIGIN AND THAT IS 19 CHARACTERIZED BY UNEXPECTED DIFFICULTIES WITH ACCURATE OR FLUENT WORD EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD01260-02-5 A. 4330--A 2 1 RECOGNITION AND BY POOR SPELLING AND DECODING ABILITIES NOT CONSISTENT 2 WITH THE PERSON'S INTELLIGENCE, MOTIVATION, AND SENSORY CAPABILITIES, 3 WHICH DIFFICULTIES TYPICALLY RESULT FROM A DEFICIT IN THE PHONOLOGICAL 4 COMPONENT OF LANGUAGE. 5 S 2. Clause (a) and subclause (i) of clause (b) of subparagraph 3 of 6 paragraph b of subdivision 1 of section 4402 of the education law, 7 clause (a) as amended by chapter 53 of the laws of 1991 and subclause 8 (i) of clause (b) as amended by chapter 378 of the laws of 2007, are 9 amended to read as follows: 10 (a) Obtain, review and evaluate all relevant information, including 11 but not limited to that presented by the parent, person in parental 12 relationship and teacher, pertinent to each child suspected of or iden- 13 tified as having a handicapping condition, including the results of a 14 physical examination performed in accordance with sections nine hundred 15 three, nine hundred four and nine hundred five of this chapter and, 16 where determined to be necessary by a school psychologist, an appropri- 17 ate psychological evaluation performed by a qualified private or school 18 psychologist, and other appropriate assessments as necessary to ascer- 19 tain the physical, mental, emotional and cultural-educational factors 20 which may contribute to the suspected or identified handicapping condi- 21 tion, and all other school data which bear on the child's progress, 22 including, where appropriate, observation of classroom performance. IF 23 THE COMMITTEE OR SUBCOMMITTEE HAS REASON TO BELIEVE THAT THE HANDICAP- 24 PING CONDITION MAY INVOLVE DYSLEXIA, AS DEFINED IN PARAGRAPH B OF SUBDI- 25 VISION SEVEN OF SECTION THREE THOUSAND FOUR OF THIS CHAPTER, OR A 26 RELATED DISORDER, THE CHILD SHALL BE EVALUATED AND TESTED ACCORDING TO 27 CURRENT SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING OF DYSLEXIA TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE 28 CHILD HAS DYSLEXIA OR A RELATED DISORDER. 29 (i) Make recommendations based upon a written evaluation setting forth 30 the reasons for the recommendations, to the child's parent or person in 31 parental relation and board of education or trustees as to appropriate 32 educational programs and placement in accordance with the provisions of 33 subdivision six of section forty-four hundred one-a of this article, and 34 as to the advisability of continuation, modification, or termination of 35 special class or program placements which evaluation shall be furnished 36 to the child's parent or person in parental relation together with the 37 recommendations provided, however that the committee may recommend a 38 placement in a school which uses psychotropic drugs only if such school 39 has a written policy pertaining to such use that is consistent with 40 subdivision four-a of section thirty-two hundred eight of this chapter 41 and that the parent or person in parental relation is given such written 42 policy at the time such recommendation is made. IF THE CHILD IS DETER- 43 MINED TO HAVE DYSLEXIA, AS DEFINED IN PARAGRAPH B OF SUBDIVISION SEVEN 44 OF SECTION THREE THOUSAND FOUR OF THIS CHAPTER, OR A RELATED DISORDER, 45 THE RECOMMENDATIONS SHALL BE MADE BY THE INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL PLANNING 46 TEAM, WHICH SHALL BE KNOWLEDGEABLE IN THE CURRENT SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTAND- 47 ING OF DYSLEXIA, INCLUDING THE INSTRUCTIONAL COMPONENTS AND APPROACHES 48 FOR STUDENTS WITH DYSLEXIA. If such recommendation is not acceptable to 49 the parent or person in parental relation, such parent or person in 50 parental relation may appeal such recommendation as provided for in 51 section forty-four hundred four of this [chapter] ARTICLE. 52 S 3. Clause (b) of subparagraph 3 of paragraph b of subdivision 1 of 53 section 4402 of the education law, as amended by chapter 716 of the laws 54 of 1991, is amended to read as follows: 55 (b) Make recommendations based upon a written evaluation setting forth 56 the reasons for the recommendations, to the child's parent or person in A. 4330--A 3 1 parental relationship and board of education or trustees as to appropri- 2 ate educational programs and placement in accordance with the provisions 3 of subdivision six of section forty-four hundred one-a of this article, 4 and as to the advisability of continuation, modification, or termination 5 of special class or program placements which evaluation shall be 6 furnished to the child's parent or person in parental relationship 7 together with the recommendations provided, however that the committee 8 may recommend a placement in a school which uses psychotropic drugs only 9 if such school has a written policy pertaining to such use and that the 10 parent or person in parental relationship is given such written policy 11 at the time such recommendation is made. IF THE CHILD IS DETERMINED TO 12 HAVE DYSLEXIA, AS DEFINED IN PARAGRAPH B OF SUBDIVISION SEVEN OF SECTION 13 THREE THOUSAND FOUR OF THIS CHAPTER, OR A RELATED DISORDER, THE RECOM- 14 MENDATIONS SHALL BE MADE BY THE INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL PLANNING TEAM, 15 WHICH SHALL BE KNOWLEDGEABLE IN THE INSTRUCTIONAL COMPONENTS AND 16 APPROACHES FOR STUDENTS WITH DYSLEXIA. If such recommendation is not 17 acceptable to the parent or person in parental relationship, such parent 18 or person in parental relationship may appeal such recommendation as 19 provided for in section forty-four hundred four of this [chapter] ARTI- 20 CLE. 21 S 4. Paragraph a of subdivision 2 of section 4402 of the education 22 law, as amended by section 16-a of part A of chapter 56 of the laws of 23 2014, is amended to read as follows: 24 a. The board of education or trustees of each school district shall be 25 required to furnish suitable educational opportunities for students with 26 disabilities by one of the special services or programs listed in subdi- 27 vision two of section forty-four hundred one of this article. The need 28 of the individual child shall determine which of such services shall be 29 rendered. IF THE STUDENT IS A STUDENT WITH DYSLEXIA OR A RELATED DISOR- 30 DER, THE DISTRICT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE TO SUCH STUDENT THE 31 SERVICES OF A TEACHER OR INSTRUCTOR TRAINED IN DYSLEXIA AND RELATED 32 DISORDERS PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION SEVEN OF SECTION THREE THOUSAND FOUR 33 OF THIS CHAPTER. Each district shall provide to the maximum extent 34 appropriate such services in a manner which enables students with disa- 35 bilities to participate in regular education services when appropriate. 36 Such services or programs shall be furnished between the months of 37 September and June of each year, except that for the nineteen hundred 38 eighty-seven--eighty-eight school year and thereafter, with respect to 39 the students whose disabilities are severe enough to exhibit the need 40 for a structured learning environment of twelve months duration to main- 41 tain developmental levels, the board of education or trustees of each 42 school district upon the recommendation of the committee on special 43 education shall also provide, either directly or by contract, for the 44 provision of special services and programs as defined in section forty- 45 four hundred one of this article during the months of July and August as 46 contained in the individualized education program for each eligible 47 student, and with prior approval by the commissioner if required; 48 provided that a student with a disability who is eligible for services, 49 including services during the months of July and August, pursuant to 50 section forty-four hundred ten of this article shall not be eligible to 51 receive services pursuant to this paragraph during the months of July 52 and August. 53 S 5. This act shall take effect on the thirtieth day after it shall 54 have become a law, provided that the amendments to subclause (i) of 55 clause (b) of subparagraph 3 of paragraph b of subdivision 1 of section 56 4402 of the education law made by section two of this act shall be A. 4330--A 4 1 subject to the expiration and reversion of such clause pursuant to 2 section 22 of chapter 352 of the laws of 2005, as amended, and subdivi- 3 sion d of section 27 of chapter 378 of the laws of 2007, as amended, 4 when upon such date the provisions of section three of this act shall 5 take effect.