Bill Text: NY A04377 | 2011-2012 | General Assembly | Introduced
Bill Title: Authorizes the comptroller and the commissioner of taxation and finance to make linked deposits with lenders to a series of eligible businesses, so long as no individual loan exceeds $50,000; authorizes excelsior linked deposit loans to be made to a series of eligible businesses, with no individual loan exceeding $50,000, and such loans may be used for financing or refinancing a small business in distressed communities.
Spectrum: Moderate Partisan Bill (Democrat 14-2)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2012-09-04 - enacting clause stricken [A04377 Detail]
Download: New_York-2011-A04377-Introduced.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 4377 2011-2012 Regular Sessions I N A S S E M B L Y February 3, 2011 ___________ Introduced by M. of A. P. RIVERA, TOWNS, SCHROEDER -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. AUBRY, BRENNAN, CAHILL, CANESTRARI, CLARK, ENGLEBRIGHT, HEASTIE, JOHNS, MAGEE, McENENY, MILLMAN, MORELLE, PHEFFER, J. RIVERA -- read once and referred to the Committee on Small Business AN ACT to amend the state finance law, in relation to authorizing excelsior linked deposits and loans to be made to a series of eligible businesses THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Subdivisions 15 and 17 of section 213 of the state finance 2 law, as amended by chapter 291 of the laws of 2004, are amended to read 3 as follows: 4 15. "Linked deposit" means a deposit, or for farm credit system insti- 5 tutions and the New York business development corporation an investment 6 eligible to be held by such institution or corporation placed with a 7 lender by the comptroller or the commissioner of taxation and finance 8 for a period of four years at the linked deposit interest rate, provided 9 the lender agrees to: 10 (a) lend the equivalent value of such deposit EITHER to (I) an eligi- 11 ble business at the interest rate provided in section two hundred eigh- 12 teen of this article, OR (II) A SERIES OF ELIGIBLE BUSINESSES IN INDI- 13 VIDUAL LOAN PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS NOT TO EXCEED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, ALL 14 OF WHICH BEAR INTEREST AT THE RATE PROVIDED IN SECTION TWO HUNDRED EIGH- 15 TEEN OF THIS ARTICLE; and 16 (b) permit the deposit to be comprised of a series of ninety day 17 deposits each bearing an interest rate equal to the linked deposit 18 interest rate fixed at the time the original deposit is placed. 19 This article and the related statutes that refer to this article do 20 not grant thrifts, farm credit system institutions or the New York busi- 21 ness development corporation eligibility to accept public funds or 22 public moneys from public entities for investment purposes. For farm EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD00019-01-1 A. 4377 2 1 credit system institutions, the linked deposit program is available for 2 loans with an agricultural purpose as defined by the farm credit act of 3 nineteen hundred seventy-one, as amended and regulations promulgated 4 thereunder. A linked deposit is intended to enable a lender to make a 5 linked loan to an eligible business and such deposit earns a yield lower 6 than posted rates in order to accomplish the goals of this article. 7 NOTWITHSTANDING THE PROVISIONS OF THE OPENING PARAGRAPH OF THIS SUBDI- 8 VISION, LINKED DEPOSITS MADE PURSUANT TO SUBPARAGRAPH (II) OF PARAGRAPH 9 (A) OF THIS SUBDIVISION MAY BE PLACED WITH A LENDER FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE 10 YEARS. 11 17. "Linked loan" means EITHER (A) a loan for purposes of an eligible 12 project, in an amount equal to a linked deposit and bearing interest for 13 the first four years at the interest rate provided in section two 14 hundred eighteen of this article; OR (B) A SERIES OF LOANS, NONE OF 15 WHICH EXCEEDS FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PRINCIPAL AMOUNT, EACH OF WHICH 16 IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF AN ELIGIBLE PROJECT OR, FOR LOANS MADE IN 17 DISTRESSED COMMUNITIES (WITH MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME LEVELS WHICH ARE 18 LESS THAN EIGHTY PERCENT OF THE STATE MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME), IS FOR 19 THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING OR REFINANCING A SMALL BUSINESS, AND THE AGGRE- 20 GATE VALUE OF ALL SUCH LOANS IS EQUIVALENT TO A SINGLE LINKED DEPOSIT 21 BEARING INTEREST FOR THE FIRST TWO YEARS AT THE RATE PROVIDED IN SECTION 22 TWO HUNDRED EIGHTEEN OF THIS ARTICLE. 23 S 2. The opening paragraph of subdivision 1 of section 219 of the 24 state finance law, as added by chapter 705 of the laws of 1993, is 25 amended to read as follows: 26 The commissioner of economic development shall establish procedures 27 and other requirements for participation in the program, and shall 28 provide a simplified application form to the participating lenders for 29 linked deposits. Such form shall reflect the qualifying information 30 required by this article for eligible businesses and shall contain a 31 statement by the applicant that inability to obtain the reduced interest 32 rate provided by the program would impede the ability of the applicant 33 to undertake the eligible project. FOR A SERIES OF LINKED LOANS, AS 34 AUTHORIZED BY PARAGRAPH (B) OF SUBDIVISION SEVENTEEN OF SECTION TWO 35 HUNDRED THIRTEEN OF THIS ARTICLE, SUCH FORM SHALL INCLUDE A STATEMENT BY 36 THE LENDER THAT NO LOAN SHALL BE MADE THAT DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE 37 REQUIREMENTS OF THIS ARTICLE. Upon completion of any application for a 38 linked deposit, the lender shall send the application, together with the 39 interest rate certification required pursuant to section two hundred 40 eighteen of this article, to the commissioner of economic development 41 who shall either approve or reject the application within twenty-eight 42 days. The commissioner of economic development shall evaluate each 43 application based upon the following criteria: 44 S 3. This act shall take effect immediately.