Bill Text: NY A06305 | 2025-2026 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Creates the health insurance guaranty fund to protect covered individuals against the failure or inability of a health insurer to perform its contractual obligations due to financial impairment or insolvency.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 21-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2025-03-03 - referred to insurance [A06305 Detail]

Download: New_York-2025-A06305-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      March 3, 2025

          ROSENTHAL,  SEAWRIGHT,  STECK, STIRPE, WEPRIN -- Multi-Sponsored by --
          M. of A. COOK,  EPSTEIN,  GLICK,  LUPARDO,  SIMON  --  read  once  and
          referred to the Committee on Insurance

        AN ACT to amend the insurance law and the state finance law, in relation
          to creating the health insurance guaranty fund

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1.  Subsection (e) of section 7402 of  the  insurance  law  is
     2  amended to read as follows:
     3    (e)  Is  found,  after  examination,  to be in such condition that its
     4  further transaction of business will be hazardous to its  policyholders,
     5  creditors,  or  the  public.    This  shall include a health insurer, as
     6  defined in article eighty-one of  this  chapter,  that  is  consistently
     7  unable  to  meet  the requirements of section three thousand two hundred
     8  twenty-four-a of this chapter.
     9    § 2. Section 7403 of the insurance law is  amended  by  adding  a  new
    10  subsection (e) to read as follows:
    11    (e)(1)  Upon a determination by the superintendent and the rehabilita-
    12  tor that funds from the New York health  insurance  consumer  protection
    13  security  fund are necessary to meet the requirements of article eighty-
    14  one of this chapter, the superintendent shall make available such  funds
    15  as are necessary, pursuant to the requirements of such article.
    16    (2)  The  superintendent  shall advance such funds as may be necessary
    17  pursuant to subsection (d) of section eight thousand one hundred four of
    18  this chapter. The rehabilitator and the superintendent shall establish a
    19  plan, if possible, for repayment of the advance, at a rate  of  interest
    20  determined by the superintendent.
    21    (3)  Advances, pursuant to paragraph two of this subsection, shall, in
    22  all respects except to rate of interest, be subject to the provisions of

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 6305                             2

     1  section one thousand three hundred seven of this chapter, provided  that
     2  in  the  event that an insurer which has received an advance pursuant to
     3  this subsection is subsequently the subject of an order of  liquidation,
     4  the  claim  of  the  fund for the advance and any accrued interest shall
     5  have priority above claims of all  nonsecured  creditors,  provided  the
     6  requirements  of  article  eighty-one of this chapter have been met, and
     7  shall be paid immediately to the fund or as soon as assets are available
     8  therefor.
     9    § 3. Paragraph 1 of subsection (f) of section 7405  of  the  insurance
    10  law, as amended by chapter 33 of the laws of 2005, is amended to read as
    11  follows:
    12    (1)  No  later  than  one  hundred  eighty days after a final order of
    13  liquidation with an adjudication of insolvency of an insurer by a  court
    14  of  competent jurisdiction of this state, the liquidator may in his sole
    15  discretion make application to the court for approval of a  proposal  to
    16  disburse  assets  out  of  marshalled  assets, from time to time as such
    17  assets become available, to any fund established by article  seventy-six
    18  of  this  chapter, article six-A of the workers' compensation law [and],
    19  any foreign entity performing a similar function, and  any  fund  estab-
    20  lished pursuant to article eighty-one of this chapter, provided that the
    21  requirements  of  subsection  (a)  of section eight thousand one hundred
    22  three of this chapter have been met, having obligations because of  such
    23  insolvency.  If  the  liquidator  determines that there are insufficient
    24  assets to disburse, the application authorized by this subsection  shall
    25  be  considered  satisfied  by  a  filing  by  the liquidator stating the
    26  reasons for this determination.
    27    § 4. The insurance law is amended by adding a new article 81  to  read
    28  as follows:
    29                                  ARTICLE 81
    30                       HEALTH INSURANCE GUARANTY FUND
    31  Section 8101. Purpose.
    32          8102. Definitions.
    33          8103.  New  York  health  insurance consumer protection security
    34                  fund.
    35          8104. Powers of the superintendent.
    36    § 8101. Purpose. The purpose of this article  is  to  protect  covered
    37  individuals  against  the  failure  or  inability of a health insurer to
    38  perform its contractual  obligations  due  to  financial  impairment  or
    39  insolvency. To provide this protection, the legislature hereby creates a
    40  New  York health insurance consumer protection security fund to serve as
    41  a guaranty fund mechanism capable of insuring that the  financial  obli-
    42  gations  of health insurers to their enrollees and health care providers
    43  are satisfied.
    44    § 8102. Definitions. As used in this article:
    45    (a) "Fund" means the New York  health  insurance  consumer  protection
    46  security fund created by this article.
    47    (b)  "Health  insurer"  means  any  organization  or  entity providing
    48  reimbursement for a covered expense under any individual, group or blan-
    49  ket policy or contract covering the kinds of insurance described in item
    50  (i) of paragraph three of subsection (a) of  section  one  thousand  one
    51  hundred  thirteen  of this chapter and licensed under article thirty-two
    52  or forty-two of this chapter, which is not a member of,  or  participant
    53  in,  or a subsidiary of a member of or participant in, the funds created
    54  pursuant to articles seventy-five,  seventy-six,  and  seventy-seven  of
    55  this  chapter; a corporation organized under article forty-three of this

        A. 6305                             3

     1  chapter; or an organization certified under article  forty-four  of  the
     2  public health law.
     3    (c)  "Contractual  obligation" means any payment or reimbursement owed
     4  by a health insurer for a covered benefit under a policy,  contract,  or
     5  comprehensive health benefits plan.
     6    (d)  "Impaired  health  insurer"  means  a health insurer for whom the
     7  superintendent has initiated a proceeding under the provisions of  arti-
     8  cle seventy-four of this chapter.
     9    (e) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of taxation and finance.
    10    §  8103.  New York health insurance consumer protection security fund.
    11  (a) Consistent with the provisions of subdivision one of  section  nine-
    12  ty-eight-e  of  the state finance law, there is hereby established a New
    13  York health insurance consumer protection security fund. Such fund shall
    14  be used in the payment of unpaid contractual obligations, in whole or in
    15  part, by an impaired health insurer,  after  application  of  any  funds
    16  available from a proceeding implemented pursuant to article seventy-four
    17  of this chapter.
    18    (b)(1)  Payment into the fund by health insurers shall be made through
    19  an assessment based on the premiums received by  a  health  insurer  for
    20  business  in  this  state  for  the  most recent calendar year for which
    21  premium information is available, excluding premiums received for  indi-
    22  viduals  under  title XIX of the social security act. The superintendent
    23  shall establish assessment levels sufficient to  fully  pay  all  unpaid
    24  claims  of  an impaired health insurer, pursuant to subsections (b), (c)
    25  and (d) of section eight thousand one hundred four of this article,  and
    26  to  repay  any  transfers  made  pursuant to subdivision five of section
    27  seventy-two of the state finance law.
    28    (2) The superintendent may exempt, abate or  defer,  in  whole  or  in
    29  part,  the  assessment  of a health insurer if the superintendent deter-
    30  mines that payment of the assessment would endanger the ability  of  the
    31  health  insurer  to  fulfill  its  contractual  obligations or place the
    32  health insurer in an unsafe or unsound financial condition.
    33    (3) In the event an assessment against a health insurer  is  exempted,
    34  abated  or  deferred,  in  whole  or  in  part, the amount by which that
    35  assessment is exempted, abated or deferred  shall  be  assessed  against
    36  other health insurers in a manner consistent with this section.
    37    (c)  Repayment  of  health insurers when funds become available from a
    38  proceeding pursuant to article seventy-four of  this  chapter  shall  be
    39  proportionate to the contribution from each health insurer.
    40    §  8104.  Powers  of  the  superintendent. (a) For any impaired health
    41  insurer, the  superintendent  shall  direct  the  commissioner  to  make
    42  payments from the New York health insurance consumer protection security
    43  fund  to  ensure  that  payments  to health care providers, or indemnity
    44  payments to covered individuals, are made in full for services  provided
    45  that  would  not  otherwise  be fully reimbursed despite the proceedings
    46  implemented pursuant to article seventy-four of this  chapter.  Services
    47  provided  either prior to the implementation of a proceeding under arti-
    48  cle seventy-four  of  this  chapter  or  after  implementation  of  such
    49  proceeding  shall  be  eligible  for reimbursement, in part or in whole,
    50  from the fund. Payment in full shall be determined by the terms  of  the
    51  health  insurance  contract, any contract between a health care provider
    52  and the impaired health insurer and any applicable state or federal laws
    53  or regulations including but not limited to part H of chapter  sixty  of
    54  the laws of two thousand fourteen and section two thousand nineteen-a of
    55  the Public Health Services Act, as amended by the Patient Protection and
    56  affordable Care Act.

        A. 6305                             4

     1    (b)  The superintendent shall direct the commissioner to make payments
     2  to ensure that payment in full is made  to  health  care  providers,  or
     3  indemnity  payments to covered individuals, for services provided before
     4  the implementation of proceedings pursuant to  article  seventy-four  of
     5  this  chapter  within thirty days of the implementation of such proceed-
     6  ing.
     7    (c) The superintendent shall direct the commissioner  to  ensure  that
     8  payment  in full is made to health care providers, or indemnity payments
     9  to covered individuals, for services provided after  the  implementation
    10  of  proceedings  pursuant to article seventy-four of this chapter within
    11  thirty days of receipt of a claim.
    12    (d) If necessary, the superintendent shall direct the commissioner  to
    13  advance   monies  from  the  fund  to  comply  with  the  provisions  of
    14  subsections (b) and (c) of this section.
    15    (e) The superintendent shall notify the director of the budget of  the
    16  need  for  monies  to  be  transferred  pursuant  to subdivision five of
    17  section seventy-two of the state finance law to meet the requirements of
    18  subsections (b), (c) and (d) of this section.
    19    (f) The superintendent shall direct the commissioner to use the monies
    20  of the fund to repay any transfers made pursuant to subdivision five  of
    21  section  seventy-two  of the state finance law, when such funds are paid
    22  pursuant to subsection (b) of section eight thousand one  hundred  three
    23  of this article.
    24    (g)  The  superintendent  shall  ensure  that  the cost of assessments
    25  established pursuant to subdivision (b) of section  eight  thousand  one
    26  hundred three of this article are not included in premiums by any health
    27  insurer.
    28    §  5.  Section  72 of the state finance law is amended by adding a new
    29  subdivision 5 to read as follows:
    30    5. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon  notifi-
    31  cation  from  the  superintendent  of financial services of the need for
    32  monies to meet the requirements of  subsections  (b),  (c)  and  (d)  of
    33  section eight thousand one hundred four of the insurance law, the direc-
    34  tor of the budget shall transfer such funds as are necessary.
    35    §  6. The state finance law is amended by adding a new section 98-e to
    36  read as follows:
    37    § 98-e. New York health insurance consumer protection  security  fund.
    38  1. There is hereby established in the custody of the commissioner of the
    39  department  of  taxation  and  finance  an  account of the miscellaneous
    40  special revenue fund to be  known  as  the  New  York  health  insurance
    41  consumer protection security fund account.
    42    2.  Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contrary,
    43  the commissioner of  taxation  and  finance  is  hereby  authorized  and
    44  directed  to  receive  for  deposit to the credit of the New York health
    45  insurance consumer protection security fund account, assessments imposed
    46  pursuant to article eighty-one of the insurance law and  transfers  from
    47  the  general fund pursuant to subdivision five of section seventy-two of
    48  this article.
    49    3. The commissioner of taxation and finance shall make  payments  from
    50  the  monies  on  deposit  in  the  New  York  health  insurance consumer
    51  protection security fund account in the amounts and at the times  deter-
    52  mined by the superintendent of insurance.
    53    § 7. This act shall take effect immediately and shall be applicable to
    54  any  health  insurer  determined  by  the  superintendent  of  financial
    55  services, on or after such effective date, to be  insolvent  within  the
    56  meaning of section 1309 of the insurance law.