Bill Text: NY A07472 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Makes life imprisonment without parole mandatory for defendants convicted of murder in the first degree or second degree and the victim is a police officer, peace officer, first responder or correctional officer.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 28-1)

Status: (Introduced) 2024-01-03 - referred to codes [A07472 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A07472-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 24, 2023

        Introduced by M. of A. ANGELINO -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Codes

        AN  ACT  to amend the penal law, in relation to making life imprisonment
          without parole mandatory for defendants convicted  of  murder  in  the
          first  degree  or  second  degree  and the victim is a police officer,
          peace officer, first responder or correctional officer

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Section 60.06 of the penal law, as amended by chapter 482
     2  of the laws of 2009, is amended to read as follows:
     3  § 60.06 Authorized disposition; murder in the  first  degree  offenders;
     4            aggravated  murder  offenders;  certain  murder  in the second
     5            degree  offenders;  certain  terrorism   offenders;   criminal
     6            possession  of  a  chemical weapon or biological weapon offen-
     7            ders; criminal use of a chemical weapon or  biological  weapon
     8            offenders.
     9    When a defendant is convicted of murder in the first degree as defined
    10  in  section  125.27 of this chapter, the court shall, in accordance with
    11  the provisions of section 400.27 of the criminal procedure law, sentence
    12  the defendant to death, to life imprisonment without parole  in  accord-
    13  ance with subdivision five of section 70.00 of this title, or, except as
    14  provided  in  subdivision five of section 70.00 of this title, to a term
    15  of imprisonment for a class A-I felony other than  a  sentence  of  life
    16  imprisonment without parole, in accordance with subdivisions one through
    17  three  of  section  70.00  of  this title. When a person is convicted of
    18  murder in the second degree as defined in subdivision  five  of  section
    19  125.25  of  this chapter or of the crime of aggravated murder as defined
    20  in subdivision one of section 125.26 of this chapter,  the  court  shall
    21  sentence the defendant to life imprisonment without parole in accordance
    22  with  subdivision  five of section 70.00 of this title. When a defendant
    23  is convicted of the crime of terrorism as defined in section  490.25  of

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7472                             2

     1  this  chapter,  and  the  specified offense the defendant committed is a
     2  class A-I felony offense, or when a defendant is convicted of the  crime
     3  of  criminal possession of a chemical weapon or biological weapon in the
     4  first  degree  as  defined  in section 490.45 of this chapter, or when a
     5  defendant is convicted of the crime of criminal use of a chemical weapon
     6  or biological weapon in the first degree as defined in section 490.55 of
     7  this chapter, the court shall sentence the defendant to  life  imprison-
     8  ment without parole in accordance with subdivision five of section 70.00
     9  of  this  title;  provided,  however, that nothing in this section shall
    10  preclude or prevent a sentence of  death  when  the  defendant  is  also
    11  convicted  of murder in the first degree as defined in section 125.27 of
    12  this chapter. When a defendant is  convicted  of  aggravated  murder  as
    13  defined  in subdivision two of section 125.26 of this chapter, the court
    14  shall sentence the defendant to life imprisonment without parole or to a
    15  term of imprisonment for a class A-I felony other  than  a  sentence  of
    16  life  imprisonment  without  parole, in accordance with subdivisions one
    17  through three of section 70.00 of this title.
    18    § 2. Subdivision 5 of section 70.00 of the penal law,  as  amended  by
    19  section  40-a  of part WWW of chapter 59 of the laws of 2017, is amended
    20  to read as follows:
    21    5.  Life  imprisonment  without  parole.  Notwithstanding  any   other
    22  provision  of  law,  a  defendant sentenced to life imprisonment without
    23  parole shall not be or become  eligible  for  parole  [or],  conditional
    24  release, commutation or pardon.  For purposes of commitment and custody,
    25  other than parole and conditional release, such sentence shall be deemed
    26  to  be  an  indeterminate sentence. A defendant may be sentenced to life
    27  imprisonment without parole upon conviction for the crime of  murder  in
    28  the  first  degree  as  defined in section 125.27 of this chapter and in
    29  accordance with the procedures provided by law for imposing  a  sentence
    30  for such crime, except that a defendant must be sentenced to life impri-
    31  sonment  without  parole  upon conviction for the crime of murder in the
    32  first degree as defined in subparagraph (i), (ii), (ii-a), (iii) or (iv)
    33  of paragraph (a) of subdivision one of section 125.27 of  this  chapter.
    34  A  defendant  must be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole upon
    35  conviction for the crime of murder in the second degree  as  defined  in
    36  subdivision  six  of section 125.25 of this chapter. A defendant who was
    37  eighteen years of age or older at the time  of  the  commission  of  the
    38  crime  must  be  sentenced  to  life  imprisonment  without  parole upon
    39  conviction for the crime of terrorism as defined in  section  490.25  of
    40  this  chapter,  where the specified offense the defendant committed is a
    41  class A-I felony; the crime of criminal possession of a chemical  weapon
    42  or biological weapon in the first degree as defined in section 490.45 of
    43  this  chapter;  or  the  crime  of  criminal use of a chemical weapon or
    44  biological weapon in the first degree as defined in  section  490.55  of
    45  this  chapter; provided, however, that nothing in this subdivision shall
    46  preclude or prevent a sentence of  death  when  the  defendant  is  also
    47  convicted  of  the  crime  of  murder  in the first degree as defined in
    48  section 125.27 of this chapter. A defendant who was seventeen  years  of
    49  age  or  younger  at  the  time  of  the  commission of the crime may be
    50  sentenced, in accordance  with  law,  to  the  applicable  indeterminate
    51  sentence  with a maximum term of life imprisonment.  A defendant must be
    52  sentenced to life imprisonment without parole upon  conviction  for  the
    53  crime  of  murder in the second degree as defined in subdivision five or
    54  six of section 125.25 of this chapter or for  the  crime  of  aggravated
    55  murder  as defined in subdivision one of section 125.26 of this chapter.
    56  A defendant may be sentenced to life imprisonment  without  parole  upon

        A. 7472                             3

     1  conviction  for the crime of aggravated murder as defined in subdivision
     2  two of section 125.26 of this chapter.
     3    §  3.  Subdivision 5 of section 125.25 of the penal law, as amended by
     4  chapter 320 of the laws of 2006, is amended and a new subdivision  6  is
     5  added to read as follows:
     6    5. Being eighteen years old or more, while in the course of committing
     7  rape  in  the  first, second or third degree, criminal sexual act in the
     8  first, second or third degree, sexual abuse in the first degree,  aggra-
     9  vated  sexual  abuse  in  the  first, second, third or fourth degree, or
    10  incest in the first, second or third degree, against a person less  than
    11  fourteen  years  old,  he  or she intentionally causes the death of such
    12  person[.]; or
    13    6. Acting either alone or with one or more other persons,  he  or  she
    14  commits or attempts to commit robbery, burglary, kidnapping, arson, rape
    15  in  the  first  degree,  criminal sexual act in the first degree, sexual
    16  abuse in the first degree, aggravated sexual abuse, escape in the  first
    17  degree,  or    escape in the second degree, and, in the course of and in
    18  furtherance of  such crime or of immediate flight therefrom, he or  she,
    19  or  another      participant,  if there be any, intentionally causes the
    20  death of: a police officer as  defined  in  subdivision  thirty-four  of
    21  section  1.20  of the criminal procedure law; a peace officer as defined
    22  in paragraph a  of  subdivision  twenty-one,  subdivision  twenty-three,
    23  twenty-four  or  sixty-two  (employees  of  the  division  for youth) of
    24  section 2.10 of the criminal procedure  law;  a  firefighter;  emergency
    25  medical technician, ambulance driver, paramedic, physician or registered
    26  nurse involved in a first response team, or any other individual who, in
    27  the  course  of  official  duties,  performs  emergency  response; or an
    28  employee of a state correctional institution or was  an  employee  of  a
    29  local  correctional  facility  as  defined in subdivision two of section
    30  forty of the correction law, when such person was engaged in the  course
    31  of performing their official duties.
    32    §  4.  This  act  shall  take  effect on the same date and in the same
    33  manner as a chapter of the  laws  of  2023  proposing  an  amendment  to
    34  section  4  of  article  IV of the constitution, relating to prohibiting
    35  persons convicted of murder or sentenced to  life  without  parole  from
    36  being eligible  for commutation of sentence, takes effect.