Bill Text: NY S00707 | 2025-2026 | General Assembly | Introduced
Bill Title: Requires certain data to be included in reports on the administration of managed long term care plans; changes reporting period to annually.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 7-0)
Status: (Introduced) 2025-03-05 - 2ND REPORT CAL. [S00707 Detail]
Download: New_York-2025-S00707-Introduced.html
STATE OF NEW YORK ________________________________________________________________________ 707 2025-2026 Regular Sessions IN SENATE (Prefiled) January 8, 2025 ___________ Introduced by Sens. MAY, CLEARE, JACKSON, KRUEGER, RAMOS, SKOUFIS, WEBB -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Health AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to data reporting required on the administration of managed long term care plans The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows: 1 Section 1. Subparagraph (ix) of paragraph (b) of subdivision 7 of 2 section 4403-f of the public health law, as added by section 56-a of 3 part D of chapter 56 of the laws of 2012 and as relettered by section 4 4 of part B of chapter 57 of the laws of 2018, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 (ix) (1) The commissioner shall report [biannually] annually on the 7 implementation of this subdivision. The reports shall include, but not 8 be limited to: 9 (A) satisfaction of enrollees with care coordination/case management; 10 timeliness of care; 11 (B) service utilization data including changes in the level, hours, 12 frequency, and types of services and providers; 13 (C) enrollment data, including auto-assignment rates by plan; 14 (D) quality data; and 15 (E) continuity of care for participants as they move to managed long 16 term care, with respect to community based and nursing home populations, 17 including pediatric nursing home populations, and medically fragile 18 children being served by home care agencies affiliated with pediatric 19 nursing homes and diagnostic and treatment centers primarily serving 20 medically fragile children. 21 (2) The following data shall be included in the report under this 22 subdivision and shall be posted on the department's website in an inter- 23 active format. To the extent the data set forth in this subparagraph is EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [] is old law to be omitted. LBD01012-01-5S. 707 2 1 not now reported by plans to the department, plans shall be required to 2 report this data through a reporting mechanism that the department shall 3 develop by October first, two thousand twenty-five: 4 (A) Statewide and regional service utilization data for each plan, 5 with the number and percentage of "member months" authorized for each 6 range of hours per month as reported in cost reports filed under para- 7 graph (a) of this subdivision, and using "member months" as defined in 8 the cost reports, including all required exhibits. Data shall include 9 the number of member months for whom each type of service was author- 10 ized, and the percentage of each plan's total member months for which 11 members were authorized for each of the ranges of hours per month of 12 each service. These numbers and percentages shall be reported separate- 13 ly for each of the following services: personal care, consumer directed 14 personal care, private duty nursing and home health services, and shall 15 be reported separately for each region of the state in which the plan 16 operates and on a statewide basis; 17 (B) Data on "per member per month" expenditures by managed long term 18 care plan, as reported in cost reports filed under paragraph (a) of 19 this subdivision, including but not limited to, administrative costs, 20 case management, personal care, consumer directed personal assistance 21 programs, home health care, private duty nursing, adult day health care, 22 social adult day, dental care, vision care, audiology, podiatry, medical 23 supplies, durable medical equipment, personal emergency response system, 24 home-delivered meals, the various therapy and rehab services - phys- 25 ical, occupational and speech therapy, and nursing facility services. 26 The reports shall include, for each plan on a statewide and regional 27 basis, a calculation of the total percentage of all service expenditures 28 expended for home and community-based long term care services and the 29 percentage for institutional long term care services, and the total 30 number of member months in which members received home and community- 31 based long term care services and the number of member months in which 32 members received solely institutional services. The reports shall be 33 in an interactive format that enables a comparison between plans on a 34 statewide basis and for each region; 35 (C) Data on personal care and consumer directed personal assistance 36 program contracting, including but not limited to, hours of care 37 provided and expenses allocated by contracted entity; 38 (D) The total number of complaints, grievances, plan appeals, external 39 appeals, and fair hearings for each plan, broken down by: 40 (I) the number and percentage of cases decided wholly in enrollee's 41 favor, partially in enrollee's favor, wholly against the enrollee, and 42 the number still pending; 43 (II) the type of service involved in the complaint or appeal; and 44 (III) the issue of the complaint or appeal, including denial of a new 45 service, denial of an increase in a service, reduction of a service, 46 termination of a service, lateness, lack of staffing, or other issue; 47 (E) Metrics to track timely access to authorized services, including 48 but not limited to: 49 (I) the number of enrollees whose plans of care are unstaffed or not 50 fully staffed for periods of time that the commissioner shall determine, 51 from one day to more than sixty days, and the total number of member 52 days per month for which plans of care are not fully staffed; and 53 (II) the wait time for personal care, consumer directed personal care 54 under section three hundred-sixty-five-f of the social services law, or 55 private duty nursing services to be initiated after authorization; andS. 707 3 1 (F) Metrics tracking rebalancing from institutional care to communi- 2 ty-based care, including: 3 (I) for each plan, statewide and by region, the rate of admission of 4 enrollees from the community to nursing facilities; 5 (II) of each plan's enrollees admitted to a nursing facility, the 6 percentage successfully discharged to the community, meaning remaining 7 in the community for sixty days or more, and the percentage disenrolled 8 from the plan pursuant to clause thirteen of subparagraph (v) of para- 9 graph (b) of this subdivision and the percentage disenrolled because of 10 death or for other reasons, categorized by length of nursing home stay; 11 (III) the rate of enrollment of new enrollees who, prior to enroll- 12 ment, were in a nursing home, by length of nursing home stay; 13 (IV) the rate of re-enrollment of enrollees who had been disenrolled 14 from the plan within the prior six months because of a long-term nursing 15 home stay (under clause thirteen of subparagraph (v) of paragraph (b) of 16 this subdivision). 17 (3) The commissioner shall publish the report on the department's 18 website and provide notice to the temporary president of the senate, the 19 speaker of the assembly, the chair of the senate standing committee on 20 health, the chair of the assembly health committee and the Medicaid 21 Managed Care Advisory Review Panel upon availability of the report. The 22 initial report shall be provided by September first, two thousand 23 twelve. The reports shall be made available by each February first, and 24 September first thereafter. Such reports shall be formatted to allow 25 comparisons between plans. 26 (4) The commissioner shall make the final audited versions of all past 27 annual managed long term care cost reports available for download in 28 full in CSV format on the department's website, and shall make the final 29 audited versions of all future annual cost reports available for down- 30 load within thirty days of completion of the final audited report. 31 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that 32 the amendments to section 4403-f of the public health law made by 33 section one of this act shall not affect the repeal of such section 34 and shall be deemed repealed therewith; and provided, further, that the 35 amendments to paragraph (b) of subdivision 7 of section 4403-f of the 36 public health law made by section one of this act shall not affect the 37 expiration of such paragraph and shall expire and be deemed repealed 38 therewith.