Bill Text: NY S01338 | 2011-2012 | General Assembly | Introduced
Bill Title: Provides that ownership of unidentifiable part in identifiable motorcycle, other than a stolen motorcycle shall be returned to such owner, provided that department has made findings such owner had no knowledge part was unidentifiable and that owner wasn't responsible nor acted in concert to render such part unidentifiable; provides that a department investigation shall take place within thirty days after seizure of motorcycle; and requires commissioner to establish criteria to determine whether motorcycle shall be confiscated, seized or impounded and also to establish a system to ensure return of motorcycles to owners in undamaged condition.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 4-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2012-01-04 - REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION [S01338 Detail]
Download: New_York-2011-S01338-Introduced.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 1338 2011-2012 Regular Sessions I N S E N A T E January 6, 2011 ___________ Introduced by Sens. DILAN, DIAZ, HASSELL-THOMPSON -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Transportation AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to the transfer of motorcycles having parts with unidentifiable identification numbers THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Subdivision 2 of section 423-a of the vehicle and traffic 2 law, as added by chapter 976 of the laws of 1981, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 2. Assignment of a new identification number AND RETURN OF MOTOR VEHI- 5 CLE, TRAILER OR PART TO OWNER. If a person other than the person 6 arrested be the owner, the motor vehicle, trailer or part shall be 7 returned to him OR HER as soon as he OR SHE has arranged to have the 8 department of motor vehicles affix a new number, or in the case of a 9 part, inspect such part, and the department has done so, as provided in 10 section four hundred twenty-two of this [chapter] ARTICLE. Prior to the 11 return of the motor vehicle, trailer or part, or the transfer of custody 12 of said motor vehicle, trailer or part, the arresting officer shall 13 transmit notice of the arrest to the commissioner. 14 S 2. Subdivision 3 of section 423-a of the vehicle and traffic law is 15 amended by adding a new paragraph (d) to read as follows: 16 (D) NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS SECTION, OWNERSHIP OF 17 AN UNIDENTIFIABLE PART IN AN OTHERWISE IDENTIFIABLE MOTORCYCLE, OTHER 18 THAN A STOLEN MOTORCYCLE, HELD BY THE DEPARTMENT OR BY A POLICE DEPART- 19 MENT SHALL BE TRANSFERRED TO THE OWNER OF SUCH MOTORCYCLE UPON HIS OR 20 HER REQUEST, PROVIDED THAT THE DEPARTMENT OR POLICE DEPARTMENT MAKES AN 21 INVESTIGATION AND, IF APPROPRIATE, HOLDS A HEARING AND FINDS THAT SUCH 22 OWNER HAD NO KNOWLEDGE THAT THE PART WAS UNIDENTIFIABLE AND THAT SUCH 23 OWNER WAS NEITHER RESPONSIBLE FOR RENDERING SUCH PART UNIDENTIFIABLE NOR 24 ACTING IN CONCERT WITH ANY PERSON WHO RENDERED OR HAD SUCH PART RENDERED EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD02676-01-1 S. 1338 2 1 UNIDENTIFIABLE. SUCH TRANSFER SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT ANY PAYMENT BEING 2 MADE TO THE DEPARTMENT OR POLICE DEPARTMENT PROVIDED THAT THE DEPART- 3 MENT'S OR POLICE DEPARTMENT'S INVESTIGATION RESULTS IN A FINDING THAT 4 THE PERSON HAS BEEN THE OWNER OF THE MOTORCYCLE WITH THE UNIDENTIFIABLE 5 PART CONTAINED THEREIN FOR A PERIOD OF AT LEAST EIGHTEEN MONTHS. SUCH 6 INVESTIGATION SHALL BE MADE BY THE DEPARTMENT OR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT 7 WITHIN THIRTY DAYS OF THE REQUEST OF SUCH OWNER FOR THE RETURN OF SUCH 8 UNIDENTIFIABLE PART. IF THE OWNER OF SUCH MOTORCYCLE CANNOT BE ASCER- 9 TAINED, OR IF THE OWNER OR CUSTODIAN IS ARRESTED AND CONVICTED OF THE 10 THEFT OR UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF SUCH MOTORCYCLE, SUCH A TRANSFER MAY BE 11 MADE TO A PERSON ENGAGED IN THE BUSINESS OF BUYING OR SELLING MOTOR 12 VEHICLES, TRAILERS OR PARTS WHO IS SUBJECT TO THE PRESUMPTION IN SUBDI- 13 VISION ONE OF SECTION FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE OF THIS ARTICLE, ONLY UPON 14 PAYMENT TO THE DEPARTMENT OR TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF AN AMOUNT EQUAL 15 TO THE REASONABLE WHOLESALE VALUE OF THE PART. PROCEEDS FROM THE TRANS- 16 FER OF ANY SUCH PART SHALL BE PAID INTO THE GENERAL FUND OF THE STATE IF 17 TRANSFERRED BY THE DEPARTMENT OR THE DIVISION OF STATE POLICE, OR INTO 18 THE GENERAL FUND OF THE APPROPRIATE LOCAL AUTHORITY, IF TRANSFERRED BY A 19 LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT. NO SUCH PART SHALL BE TRANSFERRED PURSUANT TO 20 THIS PARAGRAPH UNTIL A SPECIAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER HAS BEEN AFFIXED TO 21 SUCH PART AND THE APPROPRIATE FEE HAS BEEN PAID BY THE OWNER OF THE 22 MOTORCYCLE. 23 S 3. This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after 24 it shall have become a law.