Bill Text: NY S04060 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Establishes the hire a vet grant program; provides grants to municipalities where a veteran is hired and employed, for not less than twelve continuous and uninterrupted months in a full-time or part-time position.

Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (Republican 4-2)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2024-01-03 - REFERRED TO VETERANS, HOMELAND SECURITY AND MILITARY AFFAIRS [S04060 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-S04060-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    February 2, 2023

        Introduced by Sens. MANNION, WEIK -- read twice and ordered printed, and
          when  printed  to  be committed to the Committee on Veterans, Homeland
          Security and Military Affairs

        AN ACT to amend the veterans' services law, in relation to  establishing
          the  hire  a  vet  grant program; and providing for the repeal of such
          provisions upon expiration thereof

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The  veterans'  services  law  is amended by adding a new
     2  section 36 to read as follows:
     3    § 36. Hire a vet grant. 1. Allowance of grant. A municipality shall be
     4  allowed a grant equivalent to the credit provided to eligible  taxpayers
     5  in  the "hire a vet credit" as established in subdivision twenty-nine of
     6  section two hundred ten-B of the tax law, where such municipality  hires
     7  and  employs,  for  not  less  than  twelve continuous and uninterrupted
     8  months (hereinafter referred to as the "twelve-month period") in a full-
     9  time or part-time position, a qualified veteran within  the  state.  The
    10  municipality  may  claim  the  grant  in the year in which the qualified
    11  veteran completes the twelve-month period of employment with the munici-
    12  pality.
    13    2. Qualified veteran. A qualified veteran is an individual:
    14    (a) who served on active duty in the United  States  army,  navy,  air
    15  force,  space  force, marine corps, coast guard or the reserves thereof,
    16  or who served in active military service  of  the  United  States  as  a
    17  member of the army national guard, air national guard, New York guard or
    18  New  York  naval militia, or who served in the active uniformed services
    19  of the United States as a  member  of  the  commissioned  corps  of  the
    20  national  oceanic  and  atmospheric  administration  or the commissioned
    21  corps of the United States public health service; who (i)  was  released
    22  from active duty by general or honorable discharge; or (ii) has a quali-
    23  fying  condition,  as  defined  in  section one of this chapter, and has

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4060                             2

     1  received a discharge other than bad conduct or  dishonorable  from  such
     2  service;  or  (iii)  is a discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in section
     3  one of this chapter, and has received a discharge other than bad conduct
     4  or dishonorable from such service;
     5    (b) who commences employment with the municipality on or after January
     6  first,  two thousand twenty-four, and before January first, two thousand
     7  twenty-six; and
     8    (c) who certifies by signed affidavit, under penalty of perjury,  that
     9  he or she has not been employed for thirty-five or more hours during any
    10  week  in  the  one hundred eighty-day period immediately prior to his or
    11  her employment by the municipality.
    12    3. Prohibition. A municipality shall not  discharge  an  employee  and
    13  hire  a qualifying veteran solely for the purpose of qualifying for this
    14  grant. This section shall not be deemed to amend,  modify  or  supersede
    15  any  other  law  which prescribes the qualifications which a person must
    16  have to be appointed to a position subject to the civil service law.
    17    4. Amount of grant. (a) The amount  of  the  grant  shall  be  fifteen
    18  percent  of  the  total  amount  of  wages paid to the qualified veteran
    19  during the veteran's first twelve-month period of employment.  Provided,
    20  however,  that,  if  the  qualified  veteran  is  a disabled veteran, as
    21  defined in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of  section  eighty-five  of
    22  the  civil  service law, the amount of the grant shall be twenty percent
    23  of the total amount of wages paid to the qualified  veteran  during  the
    24  veteran's first twelve-month period of employment.
    25    (b) The grant allowed pursuant to this subdivision shall not exceed in
    26  any year:
    27    (i)  fifteen  thousand dollars for any qualified veteran, other than a
    28  disabled veteran, employed in a  full-time  position  for  one  thousand
    29  eight hundred twenty or more hours in one twelve-month period;
    30    (ii)  twenty thousand dollars for any qualified veteran who is a disa-
    31  bled veteran employed in a full-time position  for  one  thousand  eight
    32  hundred twenty or more hours in one twelve-month period;
    33    (iii)  seven  thousand five hundred dollars for any qualified veteran,
    34  other than a disabled veteran, employed in a part-time position  for  at
    35  least  one  thousand  forty  hours  but not more than one thousand eight
    36  hundred nineteen hours in one twelve-month period; and
    37    (iv) ten thousand dollars for any qualified veteran who is a  disabled
    38  veteran employed in a part-time position for at least one thousand forty
    39  hours but not more than one thousand eight hundred nineteen hours in one
    40  twelve-month period.
    41    5.  Definition. For purposes of this section, "municipality" means any
    42  county, city, town, village or school district.
    43    § 2. This act shall take effect on the  same  date  and  in  the  same
    44  manner  as section 2 of part PP of chapter 56 of the laws of 2022, takes
    45  effect; and shall expire and be deemed repealed January 1, 2027.