Bill Text: NY S04271 | 2025-2026 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Relates to licensing consumer debt collectors; sets minimum standards and regulations; establishes penalties for violations.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2025-02-03 - REFERRED TO BANKS [S04271 Detail]

Download: New_York-2025-S04271-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    February 3, 2025

        Introduced  by Sen. KAVANAGH -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Banks

        AN ACT to amend the banking law and the civil practice law and rules, in
          relation to licensing consumer debt collectors

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The  banking  law is amended by adding a new article 7 to
     2  read as follows:
     3                                 ARTICLE VII
     4                      LICENSED CONSUMER DEBT COLLECTORS
     5  Section 295. Definitions.
     6          296. License required; entities exempt.
     7          297. Application for license; fees.
     8          298. Surety bond required.
     9          299. Examination; books and records; reports.
    10          300. Prohibited acts.
    11          301. Regulations; minimum standards.
    12          302. Application for acquisition of control of a  consumer  debt
    13                 collector.
    14          303. Suspension and revocation.
    15          304. Bad actors.
    16          305. Penalties.
    17          306. Preemption of local law.
    18    § 295. Definitions. As used in this article:
    19    1.  "Affiliated  company"  means  a  consumer debt collector operating
    20  under the control of a licensee, provided that  the  affiliated  company
    21  shares  common  facilities, management, and operations with the licensee
    22  and the affiliated company does not engage in any collection  activities
    23  other than debt buying or debt collection for the licensee.
    24    2. "Applicant" means a consumer debt collector who has filed an appli-
    25  cation to obtain a license under this article.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4271                             2

     1    3.  "Attorney-at-law"  and "law firm" means any attorney-at-law or law
     2  firm retained by a client for the purpose of litigation and representing
     3  such client through activities that may only be performed by a  licensed
     4  attorney, including acting pursuant to law or regulation by contacting a
     5  consumer  debtor  in  the  course of the representation regarding antic-
     6  ipated, pending, or previous litigation.
     7    4. "Communication" and "communicate" means the conveying  of  informa-
     8  tion  regarding  a  consumer  debt  directly or indirectly to any person
     9  through any medium.
    10    5. "Consumer debt" means any obligation of a natural  person  for  the
    11  payment  of  money  or  its equivalent which arises out of a transaction
    12  which was primarily for personal, family,  or  household  purposes.  The
    13  term  includes  an  obligation  of  a  natural person who is a co-maker,
    14  endorser, guarantor or surety of such a transaction.
    15    6. "Consumer debtor" means any natural person who owes or is  asserted
    16  to owe any consumer debt.
    17    7.  "Consumer  debt collector" means any person who engages in a busi-
    18  ness, a principal purpose of which is consumer debt buying, or regularly
    19  collecting or attempting to collect, directly  or  indirectly,  consumer
    20  debts:  (a) owed or due or asserted to be owed or due to another person;
    21  or (b) obtained by or assigned to such person that are in  default  when
    22  obtained or acquired by such person. The term includes any creditor who,
    23  in  the  process of collecting its own consumer debts, and uses any name
    24  other than its own which would reasonably indicate that a  third  person
    25  is collecting or attempting to collect a consumer debt.
    26    8. "Control" means the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to
    27  direct  or  cause  the  direction  of  the  management and policies of a
    28  person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract,
    29  except a commercial contract for goods or  non-management  services,  or
    30  otherwise.  Control shall be presumed to exist if any person directly or
    31  indirectly owns, controls or holds with the power to vote ten percent or
    32  more of the voting securities of any other person.
    33    9. "Creditor" means any person to whom a consumer debt is owed, due or
    34  asserted to be due or owed, or any assignee for value of said person.
    35    10. "Licensee" means a consumer debt collector that possesses  one  or
    36  more licenses pursuant to this article.
    37    11.  "Person"  means a natural person or any entity, including but not
    38  limited to any  partnership,  corporation,  limited  liability  company,
    39  branch,  agency,  association,  organization,  any similar entity or any
    40  combination of the foregoing acting in concert.
    41    § 296. License required; entities exempt. 1. No person shall act with-
    42  in this state as a consumer  debt  collector,  directly  or  indirectly,
    43  without  first  obtaining  a license from the superintendent. A consumer
    44  debt collector is acting within this state if it is  physically  located
    45  in New York or if it is seeking to collect from any consumer debtor that
    46  resides within this state.
    47    2. No creditor, or the state or municipality of the state, may utilize
    48  the  services  of  a  consumer debt collector to collect from a consumer
    49  debtor that resides within this state unless the consumer debt collector
    50  is licensed by the superintendent.
    51    3. No person shall accept payments from consumer debtors on behalf  of
    52  a  consumer debt collector acting within this state unless such consumer
    53  debt collector is licensed by the superintendent.
    54    4. The requirements of subdivisions one, two and three of this section
    55  shall not apply to:

        S. 4271                             3

     1    (a) any officer or employee of a licensed consumer debt collector when
     2  attempting to collect on behalf of such consumer debt collector;
     3    (b)  any  officer  or  employee of a creditor while in the name of the
     4  creditor collecting debts for such creditor;
     5    (c) any public officer acting in their official capacity;
     6    (d) a person who is principally engaged in the business  of  servicing
     7  loans  or  accounts which are not delinquent for the owners thereof when
     8  in addition to requesting payment from delinquent consumer debtors,  the
     9  person provides other services including receipt of payment, accounting,
    10  record-keeping,  data  processing  services  and remitting, for loans or
    11  accounts which are current as well as those which are delinquent;
    12    (e) any person while serving or making a bona fide  attempt  to  serve
    13  legal  process  on  any  other  person  in  connection with the judicial
    14  enforcement of any debt;
    15    (f) any non-profit organization which, at the request  of  a  consumer
    16  debtor,  performs  bona  fide  consumer  credit  counseling  and assists
    17  customers in the liquidation of their debts by receiving  payments  from
    18  such consumer debtors and distributing such amounts to creditors;
    19    (g)  any  bank, trust company, savings banks, savings and loan associ-
    20  ation, credit union, or foreign banking  corporation,  whether  incorpo-
    21  rated,  chartered,  organized  or licensed under the laws of this state,
    22  any other state, or the United States, any agency  or  division  of  the
    23  federal government, or any insurer doing business under a license issued
    24  under the insurance law;
    25    (h)  a  subsidiary  or  affiliate  of any bank, trust company, savings
    26  banks, savings and loan association, credit union,  or  foreign  banking
    27  corporation,  whether  incorporated,  chartered,  organized  or licensed
    28  under the laws of this state, any other state, or the United States, any
    29  agency or division of the federal government, or any insurer doing busi-
    30  ness under a license issued  under  the  insurance  law,  provided  such
    31  affiliate  or  subsidiary  is  not  primarily engaged in the business of
    32  purchasing and collecting upon delinquent debt,  other  than  delinquent
    33  consumer debt secured by real property;
    34    (i)  any person engaged in business, the principal purpose of which is
    35  to regularly collect or attempt to collect debts owed or due or asserted
    36  to be owed or due to another person   where the  debt  is  enforced  for
    37  child support, spousal support, maintenance or alimony, provided, howev-
    38  er,  that  if such person also regularly collects or attempts to collect
    39  debts other than those enforced  for  child  support,  spousal  support,
    40  maintenance or alimony, such person must comply with the requirements of
    41  this article;
    42    (j)  any  person while acting as a consumer debt collector for another
    43  person, both of whom are related by common ownership  or  affiliated  by
    44  corporate  control,  if the person   acting as a consumer debt collector
    45  does so only for persons to whom it is so related or  affiliated and  if
    46  the  principal business of such person is not the collection of consumer
    47  debts;
    48    (k) any attorney-at-law or law firm;
    49    (l) any person employed by a utility regulated under the provisions of
    50  the public service law, acting for such utility;
    51    (m) any person collecting or attempting to collect any  consumer  debt
    52  owed  or  due  or  asserted to be owed or due another to the extent such
    53  activity: (i) is incidental to a bona fide fiduciary   obligation  or  a
    54  bona  fide  escrow  agreement;  (ii)  concerns a consumer debt which was
    55  originated by  such person; or (iii) concerns a consumer debt which  was

        S. 4271                             4

     1  not  in default at the time it was obtained by  such person as a secured
     2  party in a commercial credit transaction involving the creditor; and
     3    (n) any officer or employee of the United States, any state thereof or
     4  any political  subdivision of any state to the extent that collecting or
     5  attempting to collect any debt owed is in the performance of their offi-
     6  cial duties.
     7    §  297.  Application  for  license;  fees. 1. (a) An application for a
     8  license under this article shall be in writing, under oath, and  in  the
     9  form prescribed by the superintendent and shall contain such information
    10  related  to  the  collection of consumer debts as the superintendent may
    11  require.  In addition to any other information required, the superinten-
    12  dent shall require the  following information, and shall,  as  appropri-
    13  ate, require such information not only of the  applicant but also of any
    14  of  its  principals,  partners, officers and directors, or any person or
    15  entity controlling an interest greater than ten percent:
    16    (i) the name and residence address of the applicant;
    17    (ii) the business name, if other than the applicant;
    18    (iii) the place, including the city, town or village, with the  street
    19  and number, where the business is to be located;
    20    (iv) the business telephone of the applicant;
    21    (v)  the  length  of  time that the applicant has been a consumer debt
    22  collector;
    23    (vi) a statement indicating whether the applicant has:
    24    (A) been convicted of any crime or is a debtor  on  any  unpaid  civil
    25  judgment relating to work as a consumer debt collector; and
    26    (B)  at  any  time  in the past been issued a license pursuant to this
    27  article, or has been issued a license for debt collection activities  by
    28  any other state or local  authority, and if so, whether such license was
    29  ever revoked or suspended;
    30    (vii)  a  list of certifications issued to the consumer debt collector
    31  by nonprofit trade associations;
    32    (viii) unless the consumer debt collector is certified by a  nonprofit
    33  trade  association  recognized by the superintendent as having standards
    34  that address the following requirements, a detailed description  of  the
    35  business  practices  or  methods  used,  or  intended to be used, by the
    36  applicant to confirm the validity of the debts it seeks to collect  from
    37  consumers;
    38    (ix)  unless  the  consumer debt collector is certified by a nonprofit
    39  trade association recognized by the superintendent as  having  standards
    40  that  address  the  following requirements, a summary of the applicant's
    41  record-keeping policy, including, but not limited to:
    42    (A) the length of time the applicant maintains, or  intends  to  main-
    43  tain, records pertaining to consumers; and
    44    (B)  the  manner in which the applicant records and stores, or intends
    45  to record and store: consumer challenges to the validity of debt;  bill-
    46  ing  errors;  payments made by a consumer; settlement agreements; infor-
    47  mation regarding parties responsible for debt; any statements made by  a
    48  consumer  alleging  that  the  debt  arose  from identity theft; and any
    49  statements made by a consumer stating that the consumer received  statu-
    50  torily  exempt income as defined in section fifty-two hundred twenty-two
    51  of the civil practice law and rules;
    52    (x) whether the applicant regularly sells, or intends to sell, consum-
    53  er debts. If the applicant  sells, or intends to  sell  consumer  debts,
    54  such  applicant  shall  be required to provide the superintendent with a
    55  summary of the  applicant's  policy  with  respect  to  the  information
    56  regarding  a  consumer's account that it transmits, or will transmit, to

        S. 4271                             5

     1  the purchaser of a consumer debt, unless the consumer debt collector  is
     2  certified by a nonprofit trade association recognized by the superinten-
     3  dent as having standards that address this requirement;
     4    (xi) a sworn statement by the applicant that the information set forth
     5  in the application is current and accurate; and
     6    (xii)  the  name  of  each  affiliated company the applicant wishes to
     7  include on the license.
     8    (b) The superintendent may reject an application for a license  or  an
     9  application  for  the renewal of a license if such superintendent is not
    10  satisfied that  the  financial  responsibility,  character,  reputation,
    11  integrity  and general fitness of the applicant and of the owners, part-
    12  ners or members thereof, if the applicant be a  partnership  or  associ-
    13  ation,  and  of the officers and directors, if the applicant be a corpo-
    14  ration, are such as to command the  confidence  of  the  public  and  to
    15  warrant  the  belief  that  the business for which the application for a
    16  license is filed will be operated lawfully, honestly and fairly.
    17    2. At the time of making the application for a license, the  applicant
    18  shall  pay to the superintendent a fee as prescribed pursuant to section
    19  eighteen-a of this chapter for each proposed location, for investigating
    20  the application.
    21    3. In addition to any other fee imposed on an applicant  or  licensee,
    22  every  licensee  shall pay to the superintendent the sums provided to be
    23  paid under the provisions of section two hundred six  of  the  financial
    24  services law.
    25    4.  The  license shall be for a period of two years as of the first of
    26  January each year, or such other date as determined by  the  superinten-
    27  dent by regulation.
    28    5.  Each  license shall plainly state the name of the licensee and the
    29  city or town with the name of the street and  number,  if  any,  of  the
    30  place  where  the  business  is  to  be carried on. A licensee shall not
    31  change the location where the business of the licensee is to be  carried
    32  on  without  first  providing  written notice to the superintendent. The
    33  relocation notice shall be in writing setting forth the reason  for  the
    34  relocation,  and  shall be accompanied by a relocation investigation fee
    35  to be determined pursuant to section eighteen-a of this chapter.
    36    6. The business shall at all times be conducted in  the  name  of  the
    37  licensee  as it appears on the license and in no other name, including a
    38  shortened or abbreviated version thereof.  The superintendent may permit
    39  affiliated companies to be under a  single  license  and  subject  to  a
    40  single examination as long as all of the affiliated company names are on
    41  the license.
    42    7. The license shall not be transferable nor assignable.
    43    8.  The  superintendent  may  participate  in  a multi-state licensing
    44  system for the sharing of regulatory information and for  the  licensing
    45  and  application,  by  electronic or other means, of entities engaged in
    46  the business of consumer debt collection. The superintendent may  estab-
    47  lish  requirements  for  participation  by an applicant in a multi-state
    48  licensing system which may vary from the provisions of this section. The
    49  superintendent may require a background investigation of each  applicant
    50  for  a  consumer  debt  collector license by means of fingerprint, which
    51  shall be submitted by all applicants simultaneously with an  application
    52  and  which  the  superintendent  may  submit to the division of criminal
    53  justice services and the federal bureau of investigation for  state  and
    54  national  criminal history record checks. If the applicant is a partner-
    55  ship, association, corporation or other form of  business  organization,
    56  the  superintendent  may  require  a  background  investigation for each

        S. 4271                             6

     1  member or shareholder holding more than five  percent  ownership,  board
     2  director  and  principal  officer  of  the  applicant and any individual
     3  acting as a manager of an  office  location.  The  applicant  shall  pay
     4  directly  to the multi-state licensing system any additional fees relat-
     5  ing to participation in the multi-state licensing system.
     6    9. The superintendent shall  issue  each  consumer  debt  collector  a
     7  unique license number.
     8    10.  The  department  shall  maintain  and  publish  a registry of all
     9  licensed consumer debt collectors, which shall list  and  identify,  all
    10  licensed  consumer  debt  collectors  doing  business in this state. The
    11  department shall make the registry available on its website.
    12    11. Each consumer debt collector engaged in collecting consumer  debts
    13  shall  communicate  their  license number upon the request of any inter-
    14  ested party. Any advertisement,   letterhead, receipt or  other  printed
    15  matter  of  a  licensee  must contain the license number assigned to the
    16  licensee by the department. Such license number  shall  be  clearly  and
    17  conspicuously displayed in no less than a ten-point font.
    18    12.  No  person shall: (a) present, or attempt to present, as their or
    19  its own, the license number of another;
    20    (b) knowingly give false evidence of a material nature to the  depart-
    21  ment for the purpose of procuring a license;
    22    (c)  falsely  represent  themselves  to  be  a  licensed consumer debt
    23  collector;
    24    (d) use or attempt to use a license which has expired;
    25    (e) offer to perform or perform any collection of consumer debts with-
    26  out having a current license as is required under this article; or
    27    (f) represent in any manner that their or its license  constitutes  an
    28  endorsement  of the quality of workmanship or competency of the consumer
    29  debt collector.
    30    § 298. Surety bond required. 1. (a) A consumer debt collector shall be
    31  required to file and maintain in force a surety bond, issued by a domes-
    32  tic insurer, as a condition precedent to the  issuance  or  renewal  and
    33  maintenance of a license under this article.
    34    (b)  The bond shall be for the benefit of creditors who obtain a judg-
    35  ment from a court of competent jurisdiction based on the failure of  the
    36  consumer  debt collector to remit money collected on account and owed to
    37  the creditor.   The bond shall also  be  for  the  benefit  of  consumer
    38  debtors or the attorney general seeking restitution for consumer debtors
    39  when  such consumer debtor or the attorney general obtains judgment from
    40  a court of competent jurisdiction based on a violation by  the  consumer
    41  debt  collector  of the federal Fair Debt Collection Practice Act or any
    42  other New York law or federal law regulating  consumer  debt  collection
    43  which  is applicable to the consumer debt collector if such judgment has
    44  not been paid within six months, except if the decision is under appeal.
    45    (c) The bond shall be in a form prescribed by the superintendent in  a
    46  sum  based  on the gross profit reported to the Internal Revenue Service
    47  for the previous year by such consumer debt collector as follows:
    48    (i) ten thousand dollars for consumer debt collectors that reported  a
    49  gross profit of less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars;
    50    (ii)  twenty-five  thousand  dollars for consumer debt collectors that
    51  reported a gross profit of two hundred fifty thousand dollars or more;
    52    (iii)  fifty  thousand  dollars  for  consumer  debt  collectors  that
    53  reported a gross profit of five hundred thousand dollars or more;
    54    (iv)  seventy-five  thousand dollars for consumer debt collectors that
    55  reported a gross profit of seven hundred fifty thousand dollars or more;

        S. 4271                             7

     1    (v) one hundred thousand dollars for  consumer  debt  collectors  that
     2  reported a gross profit of one million dollars or more.
     3    (d) The bond shall be continuous in form and run concurrently with the
     4  original and each renewal license period unless terminated by the insur-
     5  ance  company.  An  insurance  company  may  terminate  a bond and avoid
     6  further liability by filing a notice of termination with the  department
     7  sixty  days  prior  to  the termination and at the same time sending the
     8  same notice to the consumer debt collector.
     9    2. A license shall be automatically cancelled on the termination  date
    10  of the bond unless either (a) a new bond is filed with the department to
    11  become  effective  at the termination date of the prior bond, or (b) the
    12  licensed entity provides the superintendent a refundable deposit in lieu
    13  of the bond while the consumer debt collector pursues a new bond.
    14    3. If a license has been cancelled under this  section,  the  consumer
    15  debt  collector must file a new application to obtain a license and will
    16  be considered a new applicant if it obtains a new bond.
    17    4. For the purposes of this section the term "domestic insurer"  shall
    18  have  the  same  meaning  as  given  in section one hundred seven of the
    19  insurance law.  If a bond required by this  section  is  not  reasonably
    20  available  from  a  domestic  insurer  the  superintendent may, in their
    21  discretion, permit, on a case by case basis or by order,  consumer  debt
    22  collectors  to  obtain the bond required by this section from such other
    23  entities licensed by the department as the superintendent  deems  appro-
    24  priate.
    25    §  299. Examination; books and records; reports. 1. For the purpose of
    26  enforcing the provisions of this article and for ensuring the  safe  and
    27  sound operation of the consumer debt collector business, the superinten-
    28  dent  may  at  any  time,  and  as  often  as  may be determined, either
    29  personally or by a person duly appointed by the superintendent, investi-
    30  gate the loans, business, business practices, and  business  methods  of
    31  any  consumer  debt collector, and examine the books, accounts, records,
    32  and files used therein of every licensee.
    33    2. The superintendent and  duly  designated  representatives  and  law
    34  enforcement  officials whose presence is requested by the superintendent
    35  shall have free access to the offices  and  place  of  business,  books,
    36  accounts,  papers, records, audio recordings, files, safes and vaults of
    37  all such licensees  wherever  located.  The  superintendent  shall  have
    38  authority  to  require  the  attendance of and to examine under oath all
    39  persons whomsoever whose testimony may  be  required  relative  to  such
    40  consumer  debts, including the purchase, sale and collection thereof, as
    41  well as payment processing on such consumer debts, and related business.
    42    3. The superintendent may also address to a licensee, or the officers,
    43  employees or agents thereof, any  inquiry  in  relation  to  its  trans-
    44  actions,  operations,  or conditions, or any matter connected therewith.
    45  Every person so addressed shall reply in writing to such inquiry prompt-
    46  ly and truthfully, and such reply shall be, if required  by  the  super-
    47  intendent, subscribed by such individual, or by such officer or officers
    48  of a corporation, as the superintendent shall designate, and affirmed by
    49  them as true under the penalties of perjury.
    50    4.  Each  licensee  shall  keep  and  use  in its business such books,
    51  accounts, and records as will enable  the  superintendent  to  determine
    52  whether  such  licensee is complying with the provisions of this article
    53  and with the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder.  Every  licen-
    54  see  shall  keep  recordings  of consumer collection calls and make such
    55  recordings available to the superintendent upon request.  Every licensee
    56  shall preserve such books, accounts, and  records,  for  at  least  five

        S. 4271                             8

     1  years  after making the final entry regarding a consumer debt. Preserva-
     2  tion of photographic reproduction thereof  or  records  in  photographic
     3  form, including an optical disk storage system and the use of electronic
     4  data  processing  equipment  that  provides  comparable records to those
     5  otherwise required and which are available for examination upon  request
     6  shall constitute compliance with the requirements of this section.
     7    5.  Each  licensee  shall  annually,  on or before April first, file a
     8  report with the superintendent giving such  information  as  the  super-
     9  intendent  may require concerning the business and operations during the
    10  preceding calendar year of each licensed place of business conducted  by
    11  such  licensee  within  the  state under authority of this article. Such
    12  report shall be subscribed and affirmed as true by  the  licensee  under
    13  the  penalties  of  perjury  and  shall be in the form prescribed by the
    14  superintendent.
    15    6. In addition to annual reports, the superintendent may require  such
    16  additional  regular or special reports as may be deemed necessary to the
    17  proper supervision of licensees  under  this  article.  Such  additional
    18  reports  shall be in the form prescribed by the superintendent and shall
    19  be subscribed and affirmed as true under the penalties of perjury.
    20    7. The expenses of every examination of the affairs of a consumer debt
    21  collector subject to this section shall be borne and paid by the  licen-
    22  see.
    23    § 300. Prohibited acts. 1. No consumer debt collector that is required
    24  to  be  licensed under this article shall engage in unfair, unconsciona-
    25  ble, deceptive, false, misleading, abusive, or unlawful  acts  or  prac-
    26  tices.
    27    2.  Without limiting the general application of the prohibited acts in
    28  subdivision one of this section, it shall be unlawful for  any  consumer
    29  debt collector to:
    30    (a)  engage in any act or practice which would be a material violation
    31  of the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, any  other  New  York
    32  law  or  federal  law regulating consumer debt collection, or any act or
    33  practice which would be prohibited under section six hundred one of  the
    34  general  business  law  if  the  consumer debt collector was a principal
    35  creditor or their agent;
    36    (b) engage or retain the services of any person who, being required to
    37  be licensed under this article, does not have a valid license issued  by
    38  the department; or
    39    (c) cause any act to be done which violates this section.
    40    3. No consumer debt collector licensed under this article shall:
    41    (a)  without  the  prior  written  or recorded consent of the consumer
    42  debtor given directly to the creditor or consumer debt collector or  the
    43  express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction, a consumer debt
    44  collector  may not communicate with a consumer debtor in connection with
    45  the collection of any consumer debts:
    46    (i) at any unusual time or place or a time or  place  known  or  which
    47  should  be  known  to  be  inconvenient  to  the consumer debtor. In the
    48  absence of knowledge of circumstances to the contrary, a  consumer  debt
    49  collector shall assume that the convenient time for communicating with a
    50  consumer  debtor  is  after  eight  o'clock antemeridian and before nine
    51  o'clock postmeridian, local time  at  the  consumer  debtor's  location.
    52  Unless  the  consumer  debtor  is  known to be in another time zone, the
    53  consumer debt collector can rely on the local  time  of  the  area  code
    54  dialed in determining the convenient time for communication;
    55    (ii)  if  the  consumer  debt  collector  knows the consumer debtor is
    56  represented by an attorney with respect to such consumer  debt  and  has

        S. 4271                             9

     1  knowledge  of,  or  can  readily  ascertain,  such  attorney's  name and
     2  address, unless the attorney fails to respond within a reasonable period
     3  of time to a communication from the consumer debt  collector  or  unless
     4  the attorney consents to direct communication with the consumer debtor;
     5    (iii) at a place known to be the consumer debtor's place of employment
     6  unless the consumer debtor is self-employed;
     7    (iv)  more  than  two  times by telephone in a seven day period unless
     8  returning a call made at the consumer debtor's request;
     9    (v) by voicemail on to any telephone that is known or which reasonably
    10  should be known may be received  by  someone  other  than  the  consumer
    11  debtor; or
    12    (vi)  by means of electronic communications, including but not limited
    13  to SMS text message, messaging applications on mobile telephones,  elec-
    14  tronic  mail,  Facebook,  and  other  forms  of  social media, except as
    15  authorized by 12 CFR Part 1006 or by the superintendent in regulations.
    16    (b) communicate with a consumer debtor by postcard;
    17    (c) continue communication with a consumer debtor after  the  consumer
    18  debt  collector's  first  communication  if  the consumer debt collector
    19  fails to send the consumer debtor a notice in writing within  five  days
    20  of  that  first communication, which such notice shall be promulgated by
    21  the superintendent;
    22    (d) continue to communicate with a consumer debtor  about  a  consumer
    23  debt  that  the  consumer debtor disputes without providing the consumer
    24  debtor with data or documents that verify the disputed consumer debt; or
    25    (e) utilize a service or  technology  that  intentionally  causes  the
    26  telephone  network to indicate to the receiver of a call that the origi-
    27  nator of the call is a station other than the true  originating  station
    28  for the purpose of collecting a consumer debt.
    29    § 301. Regulations; minimum standards.  The superintendent may promul-
    30  gate rules and regulations giving effect to the provisions of this arti-
    31  cle.  Such rules and regulations may include but shall not be limited to
    32  the establishment of minimum standards to be observed by  consumer  debt
    33  collectors  acting within this state and further defining acts and prac-
    34  tices which are unfair, unconscionable,  deceptive,  false,  misleading,
    35  abusive, or unlawful under section three hundred of this article.
    36    §  302.  Application  for  acquisition  of  control of a consumer debt
    37  collector.  1. No person shall acquire control of a licensee under  this
    38  article without the prior approval of the superintendent.
    39    2.  Any  person  desirous of acquiring such control shall make written
    40  application to the superintendent, such application  shall  be  in  such
    41  form  and  shall  contain  such  information,  including the information
    42  required under section two hundred ninety-seven of this article, as  the
    43  superintendent  may  require and such person, at the time of making such
    44  application if not licensed, shall pay to the superintendent an investi-
    45  gation fee as prescribed pursuant to section eighteen-a of this chapter.
    46    3. In determining whether to approve or deny an application under this
    47  section, the superintendent shall consider:
    48    (a) whether the financial responsibility, experience,  character,  and
    49  general  fitness  of  the  person seeking to acquire control, and of the
    50  members thereof if such person be a partnership or association,  and  of
    51  the  officers,  directors  and  controlling stockholders thereof if such
    52  person be a corporation, are such as to command the  confidence  of  the
    53  community  and  to  warrant  belief  that  the business will be operated
    54  honestly, fairly, and efficiently within the purpose of this article;
    55    (b) the effect the acquisition may have on competition; and

        S. 4271                            10

     1    (c) whether the acquisition may be hazardous or prejudicial to consum-
     2  er debtors or creditors in this state.
     3    4.  If  no  such application has been made prior to the acquisition of
     4  control, the license for each place of business maintained and  operated
     5  by  the  licensee shall, at the discretion of the superintendent, become
     6  null and void and each such license shall be surrendered to  the  super-
     7  intendent.
     8    §  303.  Suspension  and revocation. 1. In addition to any other power
     9  provided by law, the superintendent may suspend or revoke the license of
    10  a consumer debt collector, if after notice  and  an  opportunity  to  be
    11  heard, the superintendent finds that a consumer debt collector has:
    12    (a)  committed  any fraud, engaged in any dishonest activities or made
    13  any misrepresentation;
    14    (b) materially violated any provisions of this chapter  or  any  regu-
    15  lation issued pursuant thereto, or has materially violated any other law
    16  in the course of its or their dealings as a consumer debt collector;
    17    (c) made a false statement or material omission in the application for
    18  or  renewal  of  a  license  under this article or failed to give a true
    19  reply to a question in such application; or
    20    (d) demonstrated incompetency or untrustworthiness to act as a consum-
    21  er debt collector.
    22    2. The department shall before revoking or suspending any license  and
    23  at  least fifteen   days prior to the date set for the hearing, and upon
    24  due notice to the complainant or  objector, notify in writing the holder
    25  of such license, of any charge made and shall afford   such licensee  an
    26  opportunity  to  be  heard in person or by counsel in reference thereto.
    27  Such written notice may be served personally  to  the  licensee,  or  by
    28  certified mail to the last known business address of such licensee.
    29    §  304. Bad actors. 1. In addition to any other power provided by law,
    30  the superintendent may require any  licensee  to  remove  any  director,
    31  officer  or  employee or to refrain from engaging or retaining any inde-
    32  pendent contractor  or  service  provider  if  such  director,  officer,
    33  employee,  independent contractor or service provider has themselves had
    34  a license under this chapter suspended or revoked,  or  has  caused  the
    35  licensee to violate any provision of this chapter or regulations promul-
    36  gated thereunder.
    37    2. No person that is the subject of an order under this section remov-
    38  ing  them  as  a  director, officer or employee or preventing a licensee
    39  from engaging or retaining them as an independent contractor or  service
    40  provider,  shall  become engaged with any licensee without obtaining the
    41  prior written approval of the superintendent. Nor shall such person fail
    42  to disclose that it is the subject of an order under this section to any
    43  licensee for which it is acting or seeking to act as a  director,  offi-
    44  cer, employee, independent contractor or service provider.
    45    3.  Any  consumer  debt  collector or entity claiming to be a consumer
    46  debt collector that is  not licensed pursuant to this article and  know-
    47  ingly  conducts  business  involving  consumer  debt collection shall be
    48  required to pay a civil penalty to the department of not more  than  the
    49  lesser of five hundred dollars per attempt to collect a consumer debt or
    50  one hundred thousand dollars in total damages in violation of this arti-
    51  cle.
    52    § 305. Penalties. 1. In addition to such penalties as may otherwise be
    53  applicable  by law, including but not limited to the penalties available
    54  under section forty-four of this chapter, the superintendent may require
    55  a person operating as a consumer debt collector without a license to pay
    56  a civil penalty to the department a  sum  not  to  exceed  five  hundred

        S. 4271                            11

     1  dollars    per  attempt  to collect a consumer debt in violation of this
     2  article.
     3    2.  Whenever it appears to the attorney general, either upon complaint
     4  or otherwise, that any person has engaged in any of the  acts  or  prac-
     5  tices stated to be unlawful under this article, the attorney general may
     6  bring  an  action or special proceeding in the name and on behalf of the
     7  people of the state of New York to enjoin any violation of this article,
     8  to obtain restitution of any moneys or  property  obtained  directly  or
     9  indirectly  by any such violation, to obtain disgorgement of any profits
    10  obtained directly or indirectly by any such  violation,  and  to  obtain
    11  civil  penalties of not more than the lesser of five hundred dollars per
    12  attempt to collect a consumer debt or one hundred  thousand  dollars  in
    13  total damages in violation of this article.
    14    3.  Nothing  in  this  article shall limit any statutory or common-law
    15  right of any person to  bring any action in any court for  any  act,  or
    16  the  right  of  the state to punish any person for  any violation of any
    17  law.
    18    § 306. Preemption of local law. 1. Except as provided  in  subdivision
    19  two  of this section, jurisdiction in all matters pertaining to licensed
    20  consumer debt collectors is, by this article, vested exclusively in  the
    21  state.
    22    2.  Any  local  law  or ordinance of any city with a population of one
    23  million or more, which is inconsistent with the provisions of this arti-
    24  cle or any rules or  regulations  promulgated  hereunder  shall  not  be
    25  preempted  if  such  local  law  or  ordinance  provides  consumer  debt
    26  collection procedures equal to or greater than the  provisions  of  this
    27  article or any rules or regulations promulgated hereunder, and such city
    28  files  with the department a written declaration of its intent to admin-
    29  ister and enforce such local law or ordinance which is approved  by  the
    30  superintendent.
    31    §  2.  Subdivision  10 of section 36 of the banking law, as amended by
    32  section 2 of part L of chapter 58 of the laws of  2019,  is  amended  to
    33  read as follows:
    34    10. All reports of examinations and investigations, correspondence and
    35  memoranda  concerning  or  arising  out of such examination and investi-
    36  gations, including any duly authenticated copy or copies thereof in  the
    37  possession  of  any  banking  organization,  bank holding company or any
    38  subsidiary thereof (as such terms "bank holding  company"  and  "subsid-
    39  iary"  are  defined in article three-A of this chapter), any corporation
    40  or any other entity affiliated with a banking  organization  within  the
    41  meaning  of  subdivision six of this section and any non-banking subsid-
    42  iary of a corporation or any other entity which is  an  affiliate  of  a
    43  banking  organization  within  the  meaning of subdivision six-a of this
    44  section, foreign banking corporation, licensed lender,  licensed  casher
    45  of   checks,  licensed  mortgage  banker,  registered  mortgage  broker,
    46  licensed mortgage  loan  originator,  licensed  sales  finance  company,
    47  registered  mortgage  loan  servicer,  licensed  student  loan servicer,
    48  licensed insurance  premium  finance  agency,  licensed  transmitter  of
    49  money,  licensed  budget  planner, licensed consumer debt collector, any
    50  other person or entity subject to supervision under this chapter, or the
    51  financial services law or the insurance law, or the department, shall be
    52  confidential communications, shall not be subject to subpoena and  shall
    53  not  be  made  public unless, in the judgment of the superintendent, the
    54  ends of justice and the public advantage will be subserved by the publi-
    55  cation thereof, in which event the superintendent may publish or author-
    56  ize the publication of a copy of any such report or any part thereof  in

        S. 4271                            12

     1  such  manner  as  may  be deemed proper or unless such laws specifically
     2  authorize  such  disclosure.  For  the  purposes  of  this  subdivision,
     3  "reports  of examinations and investigations, and any correspondence and
     4  memoranda  concerning  or  arising out of such examinations and investi-
     5  gations", includes any such materials of a bank, insurance or securities
     6  regulatory agency or any unit of the federal government or that of  this
     7  state  any  other  state  or  that  of  any foreign government which are
     8  considered confidential by such agency or unit  and  which  are  in  the
     9  possession of the department or which are otherwise confidential materi-
    10  als that have been shared by the department with any such agency or unit
    11  and are in the possession of such agency or unit.
    12    §  3. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 44 of the banking law,
    13  as amended by section 4 of part L of chapter 58 of the laws of 2019,  is
    14  amended to read as follows:
    15    (a) Without limiting any power granted to the superintendent under any
    16  other provision of this chapter, the superintendent may, in a proceeding
    17  after  notice  and a hearing, require any safe deposit company, licensed
    18  lender, licensed casher  of  checks,  licensed  sales  finance  company,
    19  licensed  insurance  premium  finance  agency,  licensed  transmitter of
    20  money, licensed mortgage banker, licensed student loan servicer,  regis-
    21  tered  mortgage  broker,  licensed  mortgage loan originator, registered
    22  mortgage loan servicer, licensed consumer  debt  collector  or  licensed
    23  budget  planner  to  pay  to  the people of this state a penalty for any
    24  violation of this chapter, any regulation  promulgated  thereunder,  any
    25  final  or temporary order issued pursuant to section thirty-nine of this
    26  article, any condition imposed  in  writing  by  the  superintendent  in
    27  connection  with the grant of any application or request, or any written
    28  agreement entered into with the superintendent.
    29    § 4. The opening paragraph of subdivision (a) of section 3218  of  the
    30  civil  practice  law and rules, as amended by chapter 311 of the laws of
    31  1963, is amended to read as follows:
    32    Except as provided in section thirty-two hundred one of  this  article
    33  and  subdivision  (e)  of  this section, a judgment by confession may be
    34  entered, without an action, either for money due or to become due, or to
    35  secure the plaintiff against a contingent liability  in  behalf  of  the
    36  defendant, or both, upon an affidavit executed by the defendant;
    37    §  5.  Section  3218 of the civil practice law and rules is amended by
    38  adding a new subdivision (e) to read as follows:
    39    (e) Prohibition on certain judgments by confession. 1. No judgment  of
    40  confession  may be entered on: (i) any amount due from one or more indi-
    41  viduals for personal, family, household, consumer, investment or non-bu-
    42  siness purposes;
    43    (ii) any amount under two hundred fifty thousand dollars due from  any
    44  person for any purpose; or
    45    (iii) any amount due from any person that either: (A) is currently not
    46  a resident of the state, (B) was not a resident of the state at the time
    47  the  affidavit  authorizing  the entry of the judgment of confession was
    48  executed, or (C) if not a natural person, does not have a place of busi-
    49  ness in the state or did not have a place of business in  the  state  at
    50  the  time  the  affidavit  authorizing  the  entry  of  the  judgment of
    51  confession was executed.
    52    2. Paragraph one of this subdivision shall not apply to a judgment  by
    53  confession  entered  or  sought  to  be entered by the state, a domestic
    54  municipal corporation or any public officer  acting  in  their  official
    55  capacity.

        S. 4271                            13

     1    §  6.  The  civil  practice  law  and rules is amended by adding a new
     2  section 5022 to read as follows:
     3    §  5022.  Judgments obtained from unlicensed consumer debt collectors.
     4  Any judgment obtained against a consumer debtor by, or on behalf  of,  a
     5  consumer debt collector acting without a license from the superintendent
     6  of  the department of financial services, when such license is required,
     7  in violation of section two hundred ninety-six of the banking law, shall
     8  be null and void.
     9    § 7. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    10  it shall have become a law; provided, however that sections one, two and
    11  three of this act shall take effect January 1, 2028. The  superintendent
    12  of  financial  services  shall  allow  any consumer debt collector which
    13  submits an application prior to January 1, 2028 to operate  pending  the
    14  approval or denial of the application.  Effective immediately, the addi-
    15  tion,  amendment  and/or  repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for
    16  the implementation of this act on its effective date are  authorized  to
    17  be  made and completed on or before such effective date.  This act shall
    18  not affect the validity of any civil actions or  arbitrations  commenced
    19  or judgments entered prior to January 1, 2028.