Bill Text: NY S04579 | 2017-2018 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Creates the middle class circuit breaker tax credit and a tax reform study commission.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 4-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2018-01-03 - REFERRED TO INVESTIGATIONS AND GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS [S04579 Detail]

Download: New_York-2017-S04579-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    February 21, 2017
          read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to  be  committed  to
          the Committee on Investigations and Government Operations
        AN  ACT  to  amend the tax law, in relation to creating the middle class
          circuit breaker tax credit and creating a tax reform study commission
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Section  606  of  the  tax law is amended by adding a new
     2  subsection (ccc) to read as follows:
     3    (ccc) Middle class circuit breaker credit. (1)  Definitions.  For  the
     4  purposes of this subsection:
     5    (A)  "Qualified taxpayer" means a resident individual of the state who
     6  owns or rents the residential real property in which he or she  resides,
     7  and has resided in such residential real property for not less than five
     8  years.
     9    (B)  "Household"  or  "members  of  the  household"  means a qualified
    10  taxpayer or qualified taxpayers and all other persons,  not  necessarily
    11  related,  who  all  reside in the residential real property owned by the
    12  taxpayer or taxpayers, and share its furnishings, facilities and  accom-
    13  modations;  provided  that  no  person  may be a member of more than one
    14  household at one time.
    15    (C) "Household gross income" means the aggregate adjusted gross income
    16  of all members of the household for the taxable  year  as  reported  for
    17  federal  income  tax  purposes,  or  which would be reported as adjusted
    18  gross income if a federal income tax return were required to  be  filed,
    19  with  the  modifications in subsection (b) of section six hundred twelve
    20  of this article but without the modifications in subsection (c) of  such
    21  section, plus any portion of the gain from the sale or exchange of prop-
    22  erty  otherwise  excluded  from  such amount; earned income from sources
    23  without the United  States  excludable  from  federal  gross  income  by
    24  section  nine hundred eleven of the internal revenue code; support money
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4579                             2
     1  not included in  adjusted  gross  income;  nontaxable  strike  benefits;
     2  supplemental  security  income payments; the gross amount of any pension
     3  or annuity benefits to the extent not included in  such  adjusted  gross
     4  income  (including, but not limited to, railroad retirement benefits and
     5  all payments received under the federal social security act  and  veter-
     6  ans'  disability  pensions); nontaxable interest received from the state
     7  of New York, its agencies, instrumentalities,  public  corporations,  or
     8  political  subdivisions (including a public corporation created pursuant
     9  to agreement or compact with another state or Canada); workers'  compen-
    10  sation;  the gross amount of "loss-of-time" insurance; and the amount of
    11  cash public assistance and relief, other than medical assistance for the
    12  needy, paid to or for the benefit of the qualified taxpayer  or  members
    13  of  his  or  her  household.  Household gross income shall   not include
    14  surplus foods or other relief in kind or payments  made  to  individuals
    15  because  of  their  status  as victims of Nazi persecution as defined in
    16  public law 103-286 or any disability compensation received  by  veterans
    17  on  account  of injury or illness incurred or aggravated during military
    18  service in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq  since  September  eleventh,
    19  two  thousand one.  Provided, further, household gross income shall only
    20  include all such income received by all members of the  household  while
    21  members of such household.
    22    (D)  "Adjusted  rent"  means rent paid for the right of occupancy of a
    23  residence.
    24    (E) "Real property tax equivalent" means (1) for taxable years  begin-
    25  ning  in  two  thousand  eighteen,  fifteen percent of the adjusted rent
    26  actually paid in the taxable year by a household solely for the right of
    27  occupancy of its New York residence for the taxable year. If (i) a resi-
    28  dence is rented to two or more individuals as cotenants, or  such  indi-
    29  viduals share in the payment of a single rent for the right of occupancy
    30  of  such residence, and (ii) each of such individuals  is a member of  a
    31  different household, one or more of which individuals shares such  resi-
    32  dence,  real  property tax equivalent is that portion of fifteen percent
    33  of the adjusted rent paid  in  the  taxable  year  which  reflects  that
    34  portion  of  the  rent  attributable  to  the qualified taxpayer and the
    35  members of his or her household; and (2) for taxable years beginning  in
    36  two  thousand twenty and thereafter, twenty percent of the adjusted rent
    37  actually paid in the taxable year  by a household solely for  the  right
    38  of  occupancy  of  its New York residence for the taxable year. If (i) a
    39  residence is rented to two or more individuals  as  cotenants,  or  such
    40  individuals share in the payment of a single rent for the right of occu-
    41  pancy  of  such residence, and (ii) each of such individuals is a member
    42  of a different household, one or more of which individuals  shares  such
    43  residence,  real  property  tax  equivalent  is  that  portion of twenty
    44  percent of the adjusted rent paid in the  taxable  year  which  reflects
    45  that  portion of the rent attributable to the qualified taxpayer and the
    46  members of his or her household.
    47    (F) "Net real property tax" means the real property taxes assessed  on
    48  the  residential  real  property  owned  and occupied by the taxpayer or
    49  taxpayers after any exemption or abatement received pursuant to the real
    50  property tax law.
    51    (2) Credit. A qualified taxpayer shall be allowed a credit against the
    52  taxes imposed by this article, equal to seventy percent of the amount by
    53  which the taxpayer's net real property tax or the taxpayer's real  prop-
    54  erty tax equivalent exceeds the taxpayer's maximum real property tax, as
    55  determined by paragraph three of this subsection. If such credit exceeds
    56  the tax for such taxable year, as reduced by the other credits permitted

        S. 4579                             3
     1  by  this  article,  the  qualified  taxpayer  may receive, and the comp-
     2  troller, subject to a certificate of the department,  shall  pay  as  an
     3  overpayment, without interest, any excess between such tax as so reduced
     4  and the amount of the credit. If a qualified taxpayer is not required to
     5  file a return pursuant to section six hundred fifty-one of this article,
     6  a  qualified  taxpayer  may  nevertheless  receive  and the comptroller,
     7  subject to a certificate of the department, shall pay as an  overpayment
     8  the full amount of the credit, without interest.
     9    (3) Maximum real property tax. (A) A qualified taxpayer's maximum real
    10  property tax shall be determined as follows:
    11    (i) For tax years beginning in two thousand eighteen:
    12  Household gross income               Maximum real property tax
    13  One hundred thousand                 Nine percent of the
    14  dollars or less                      household gross income
    15  More than one hundred                No limitation.
    16  thousand dollars
    17    (ii) For tax years beginning in two thousand nineteen:
    18  Household gross income               Maximum real property tax
    19  One hundred thousand                 Eight and one-half percent of the
    20  dollars or less                      household gross income
    21  More than one hundred                No limitation.
    22  thousand dollars
    23    (iii) For tax years beginning in two thousand twenty:
    24  Household gross income               Maximum real property tax
    25  One hundred thousand dollars         Seven and one-half percent of
    26  or less                              household gross income
    27  More than one hundred thousand       Seven and one-half percent of
    28  dollars, but less than or equal to   one hundred thousand dollars
    29  one hundred fifty thousand dollars   plus eight and one-half percent of
    30                                       household gross income above
    31                                       one hundred thousand dollars
    32  More than one hundred fifty          No limitation.
    33  thousand dollars
    34    (iv) For tax years beginning in two thousand twenty-one and thereafter:
    35  Household gross income               Maximum real property tax
    36  One hundred thousand                 Six percent of household gross
    37  dollars or less                      income
    38  More than one hundred thousand       Six percent of one hundred
    39  dollars, but less than or equal to   thousand dollars plus seven
    40  one hundred fifty thousand dollars   percent of household gross income
    41                                       above one hundred thousand dollars
    42  More than one hundred fifty          Six percent of one hundred thousand
    43  thousand dollars, but less than      dollars plus seven
    44  or equal to two hundred fifty        percent of fifty thousand dollars
    45  thousand dollars                     plus eight and one-half percent of
    46                                       household gross income above one
    47                                       hundred fifty thousand dollars
    48  More than two hundred fifty          No limitation.
    49  thousand dollars
    50    (B)  The  thresholds  of  household gross income established by clause
    51  (iv) of  subparagraph  (A)  of  this  paragraph  shall  be  indexed  for
    52  inflation  for tax years beginning in two thousand twenty-two and there-
    53  after.

        S. 4579                             4
     1    (4) Exclusions from eligibility. No credit shall be granted under this
     2  subsection if the  qualified  taxpayer  claims  the  real  property  tax
     3  circuit  breaker  credit,  pursuant  to  subsection (e) of this section,
     4  during the taxable year.
     5    §  2.  There  is  hereby  established a tax reform study commission to
     6  provide the governor and the  legislature  with  a  long  run  plan  for
     7  reforming  the state and local tax systems. The tax reform study commis-
     8  sion shall consist of five  members  appointed  by  the  governor,  four
     9  members  each appointed by the speaker of the assembly and the temporary
    10  president of the senate, and one member each appointed by  the  minority
    11  leader  of  the senate and the minority leader of the assembly. In addi-
    12  tion, on or before January 1, 2020,  the  tax  reform  study  commission
    13  shall  provide  the governor and the legislature with recommendations on
    14  any changes that should be made in the definitions of income used in the
    15  various property tax relief programs authorized by the laws of the state
    16  of New York. Such recommendations shall be based on  an  examination  of
    17  such  laws and of such laws in other states. In preparing such recommen-
    18  dations, the tax reform study commission shall review the distributional
    19  impact of the items of income included in the  definition  of  household
    20  income for purposes of the circuit breaker and other property tax relief
    21  programs established by state law and make recommendations to the gover-
    22  nor and the legislature for any changes in any of these definitions that
    23  the  tax  reform study commission deems appropriate. The commissioner of
    24  taxation and finance and the director of the  office  of  real  property
    25  services  shall  provide  the tax reform study commission with such data
    26  and analysis as it may require.
    27    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.