Bill Text: NY S05052 | 2025-2026 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Permits an insurer to rescind or retroactively cancel a policy in circumstance involving an accident staged to defraud an insurer.

Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill

Status: (Introduced) 2025-02-18 - REFERRED TO INSURANCE [S05052 Detail]

Download: New_York-2025-S05052-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    February 18, 2025

        Introduced  by  Sens. BAILEY, HELMING -- read twice and ordered printed,
          and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Insurance

        AN ACT to amend the insurance law and the vehicle and  traffic  law,  in
          relation to permitting an insurer to rescind or retroactively cancel a
          policy in certain circumstances

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The insurance law is amended by adding a new section 3426-a
     2  to read as follows:
     3    § 3426-a. Cancellation of policy. (a) An insurer may, within the first
     4  sixty days, rescind or retroactively cancel to  the  inception  a  newly
     5  issued   automobile   insurance  policy  subject  to  paragraph  one  of
     6  subsection (a) of section three thousand  four  hundred  twenty-five  of
     7  this  article,  a  newly  issued  commercial automobile insurance policy
     8  subject to section three thousand four hundred twenty-six of this  arti-
     9  cle,  or  a policy issued pursuant to any plan established under article
    10  fifty-three of this chapter, if  the  initial  premium  payment  is  not
    11  honored  by a financial institution due to the nonexistence or the unau-
    12  thorized use of a bank account, or the initial premium payment is denied
    13  by a credit card company due to the unauthorized use of  a  credit  card
    14  account. This section shall not apply to policies required under article
    15  eight of the vehicle and traffic law.
    16    (b)  A person who is injured during this period and who would ordinar-
    17  ily be covered under the insured's  policy  had  it  not  been  canceled
    18  pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, shall be entitled to recover
    19  under  such  person's  own policy subject to the terms and conditions of
    20  the contract, or if the injured person is uninsured, they shall be enti-
    21  tled to recover under the motor vehicle accident indemnification  corpo-
    22  ration,  provided  such  person  did  not  participate in any fraudulent
    23  activity, including, but not limited to, an accident staged  to  defraud

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 5052                             2

     1  an  insurer.  The motor vehicle accident indemnification corporation may
     2  not subrogate its claim against the rescinding or cancelling insurer.
     3    §  2.  Paragraph  2 of subsection (d) of section 3420 of the insurance
     4  law, as amended by chapter 388 of the laws of 2008, is amended  to  read
     5  as follows:
     6    (2)  If under a liability policy issued or delivered in this state, an
     7  insurer shall disclaim liability or deny coverage including a disclaimer
     8  or denial because the insurer rescinded or cancelled  coverage  pursuant
     9  to section three thousand four hundred twenty-six-a of this article, for
    10  death  or bodily injury arising out of a motor vehicle accident, includ-
    11  ing any claim for personal injuries under an uninsured motorist endorse-
    12  ment by any occupant of a motor vehicle or other person involved  in  an
    13  accident  that was staged to defraud an insurer who is without knowledge
    14  of the staging or fraudulent intent of the accident, or any  other  type
    15  of accident occurring within this state, it shall give written notice as
    16  soon as is reasonably possible of such disclaimer of liability or denial
    17  of coverage to the insured and the injured person or any other claimant.
    18    §  3.  Paragraph  1 of subsection (f) of section 3420 of the insurance
    19  law, as amended by section 19 of part III of chapter 59 of the  laws  of
    20  2019, is amended to read as follows:
    21    (1)  No  policy insuring against loss resulting from liability imposed
    22  by law for bodily injury or death suffered by any natural person arising
    23  out of the ownership, maintenance and use  of  a  motor  vehicle  or  an
    24  altered  motor  vehicle  commonly  referred  to as a "stretch limousine"
    25  having a seating capacity of eight or more passengers used in the  busi-
    26  ness  of  carrying  or  transporting passengers for hire, by the insured
    27  shall be issued or delivered by any authorized insurer  upon  any  motor
    28  vehicle  or  an altered motor vehicle commonly referred to as a "stretch
    29  limousine" having a seating capacity of eight or more passengers used in
    30  the business of carrying or transporting passengers for hire, then prin-
    31  cipally garaged or principally used in this state unless it  contains  a
    32  provision whereby the insurer agrees that it will pay to the insured, as
    33  defined in such provision, subject to the terms and conditions set forth
    34  therein  to be prescribed by the board of directors of the Motor Vehicle
    35  Accident Indemnification Corporation and approved by the superintendent,
    36  all sums, not exceeding a maximum amount or limit of  twenty-five  thou-
    37  sand  dollars  exclusive  of interest and costs, on account of injury to
    38  and all sums, not exceeding a maximum amount or limit of fifty  thousand
    39  dollars  exclusive  of  interest  and  costs, on account of death of one
    40  person, in any one accident, and the maximum amount or limit, subject to
    41  such limit for any one person so injured of fifty thousand dollars or so
    42  killed of one hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of interest and costs,
    43  on account of injury to, or death of, more than one person  in  any  one
    44  accident, which the insured or [his] their legal representative shall be
    45  entitled to recover as damages from an owner or operator of an uninsured
    46  motor  vehicle,  unidentified motor vehicle which leaves the scene of an
    47  accident, a motor vehicle registered in this state as to  which  at  the
    48  time  of  the  accident  there  was  not in effect a policy of liability
    49  insurance, a motor vehicle for which the policy of  insurance  has  been
    50  rescinded  or  cancelled pursuant to section three thousand four hundred
    51  twenty-six-a of this article, a stolen vehicle, a motor vehicle involved
    52  in an accident which was staged to defraud an insurer, except such vehi-
    53  cle owned and operated by the perpetrator or perpetrators of such  acci-
    54  dent,  a  motor  vehicle  operated  without  permission of the owner, an
    55  insured motor vehicle where the insurer disclaims  liability  or  denies
    56  coverage  or  an unregistered vehicle because of bodily injury, sickness

        S. 5052                             3

     1  or disease,  including  death  resulting  therefrom,  sustained  by  the
     2  insured,  caused  by accident occurring in this state and arising out of
     3  the ownership, maintenance or use of such motor vehicle. No payment  for
     4  non-economic loss shall be made under such policy provision to a covered
     5  person  unless  such person has incurred a serious injury, as such terms
     6  are defined in section five thousand one hundred two  of  this  chapter.
     7  Such  policy  shall  not  duplicate  any  element of basic economic loss
     8  provided for under article fifty-one of this  chapter.  No  payments  of
     9  first party benefits for basic economic loss made pursuant to such arti-
    10  cle  shall  diminish  the  obligations  of the insurer under this policy
    11  provision for the payment of non-economic  loss  and  economic  loss  in
    12  excess  of  basic  economic  loss.    Notwithstanding  any  inconsistent
    13  provisions of section three thousand four hundred  twenty-five  of  this
    14  article, any such policy which does not contain the aforesaid provisions
    15  shall be construed as if such provisions were embodied therein.
    16    § 4. Subparagraph (A) of paragraph 2 of subsection (f) of section 3420
    17  of  the insurance law, as amended by chapter 751 of the laws of 2023, is
    18  amended to read as follows:
    19    (A) Any such policy shall, at the option of the insured, also  provide
    20  supplementary  uninsured/underinsured  motorists  insurance  for  bodily
    21  injury, in an amount up to the bodily injury liability insurance  limits
    22  of  coverage  provided  under  such  policy, subject to a maximum of two
    23  hundred fifty thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or  death  of
    24  one  person  in  any  one  accident  and,  subject to such limit for one
    25  person, up to five hundred thousand dollars because of bodily injury  to
    26  or  death  of  two  or  more  persons in any one accident, or a combined
    27  single limit policy of five hundred thousand dollars because  of  bodily
    28  injury  to  or death of one or more persons in any one accident; and any
    29  such policy insuring against loss resulting from  liability  imposed  by
    30  law  for  bodily  injury or death suffered by any natural person arising
    31  out of the ownership, maintenance, and use of an altered  motor  vehicle
    32  commonly  referred to as a "stretch limousine" having a seating capacity
    33  of eight or more passengers used in the business of carrying  or  trans-
    34  porting    passengers    for    hire,    shall   provide   supplementary
    35  uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance  for  bodily  injury,  in  an
    36  amount  of  a combined single limit of one million five hundred thousand
    37  dollars because of bodily injury or death of one or more persons in  any
    38  one  accident.  Provided  however,  an  insurer issuing any such policy,
    39  except a policy insuring against loss resulting from  liability  imposed
    40  by law for bodily injury or death suffered by any natural person arising
    41  out  of  the ownership, maintenance, and use of an altered motor vehicle
    42  commonly referred to as a "stretch limousine" having a seating  capacity
    43  of  eight  or more passengers used in the business of carrying or trans-
    44  porting passengers for hire, in lieu of  offering  to  the  insured  the
    45  coverages stated above, may provide supplementary uninsured/underinsured
    46  motorists  insurance  for  bodily  injury, in an amount up to the bodily
    47  injury liability insurance limits of coverage provided under such  poli-
    48  cy,  subject  to  a  maximum  of one hundred thousand dollars because of
    49  bodily injury to or death of one person in any one accident and, subject
    50  to such limit for one person,  up  to  three  hundred  thousand  dollars
    51  because  of  bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in any one
    52  accident, or a combined single limit policy of  three  hundred  thousand
    53  dollars  because  of bodily injury to or death of one or more persons in
    54  any one accident, if  such  insurer  also  makes  available  a  personal
    55  umbrella  policy  with  liability  coverage  limits  up to at least five
    56  hundred thousand dollars which also provides coverage for  supplementary

        S. 5052                             4

     1  uninsured/underinsured       motorists       claims.       Supplementary
     2  uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance shall  provide  coverage,  in
     3  any  state  or  Canadian  province, if the limits of liability under all
     4  bodily  injury  liability  bonds and insurance policies of another motor
     5  vehicle liable for damages including, but not limited to a  vehicle  for
     6  which  the  policy of insurance has been rescinded or cancelled pursuant
     7  to section three thousand four hundred twenty-six-a of this  article,  a
     8  motor  vehicle  involved  in  an accident which was staged to defraud an
     9  insurer, except such vehicle owned and operated by  the  perpetrator  or
    10  perpetrators  of  such  accident, are in a lesser amount than the bodily
    11  injury liability insurance limits of coverage provided by  such  policy.
    12  Upon   written   request   by   any   insured  covered  by  supplemental
    13  uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance or [his] their  duly  author-
    14  ized  representative and upon disclosure by the insured of the insured's
    15  bodily injury and supplemental uninsured/underinsured  motorists  insur-
    16  ance  coverage  limits,  the  insurer  of any other owner or operator of
    17  another motor vehicle against which a claim has been made for damages to
    18  the insured shall disclose, within forty-five days of the  request,  the
    19  bodily  injury liability insurance limits of its coverage provided under
    20  the policy or all bodily injury liability bonds. The time of the insured
    21  to make any supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorist  claim,  shall
    22  be  tolled  during the period the insurer of any other owner or operator
    23  of another motor vehicle that may be liable for damages to the  insured,
    24  fails to so disclose its coverage. As a condition precedent to the obli-
    25  gation    of    the    insurer    to   pay   under   the   supplementary
    26  uninsured/underinsured  motorists  insurance  coverage,  the  limits  of
    27  liability  of  all  bodily  injury liability bonds or insurance policies
    28  applicable at the time of the accident shall be exhausted by payment  of
    29  judgments  or  settlements.  As used in this subsection, "motor vehicle"
    30  shall include fire vehicles, as defined in section one hundred fifteen-a
    31  of the vehicle and traffic law,  and  police  vehicles,  as  defined  in
    32  section one hundred thirty-two-a of the vehicle and traffic law.
    33    §  5.  Paragraph  1 of subsection (b) of section 5103 of the insurance
    34  law is amended to read as follows:
    35    (1) Intentionally causes [his] their own injury, except  any  occupant
    36  of  a  motor  vehicle  or other person involved in an accident staged to
    37  defraud an insurer who is without knowledge of the staging or fraudulent
    38  intent of such accident.
    39    § 6. Paragraph 2 of subsection (a) of section 5103  of  the  insurance
    40  law is amended to read as follows:
    41    (2) The named insured and members of [his] their household, other than
    42  occupants  of a motorcycle, for loss arising out of the use or operation
    43  of (i) an uninsured motor vehicle or  motorcycle,  or  a  vehicle  whose
    44  coverage  is  rescinded  or cancelled pursuant to section three thousand
    45  four hundred twenty-six-a of this chapter, within the United States, its
    46  territories or possessions, or Canada; and (ii) an insured motor vehicle
    47  or motorcycle outside of this state and within the  United  States,  its
    48  territories or possessions, or Canada.
    49    §  7. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 313 of the vehicle and
    50  traffic law, as amended by chapter 569 of the laws of 1981,  is  amended
    51  to read as follows:
    52    (a) [No] Except as provided for in section three thousand four hundred
    53  twenty-six-a  of the insurance law, no contract of insurance for which a
    54  certificate of insurance has been filed with the commissioner  shall  be
    55  terminated  by  cancellation  by  the insurer until at least twenty days
    56  after mailing to the named insured at the address shown on the policy  a

        S. 5052                             5

     1  notice  of  termination  by regular mail, with a certificate of mailing,
     2  properly endorsed by the postal service to be obtained, except where the
     3  cancellation is for non-payment of premium in which  case  fifteen  days
     4  notice  of  cancellation  by  the insurer shall be sufficient, provided,
     5  however, if another insurance contract has  been  procured,  such  other
     6  insurance  contract  shall, as of its effective date and hour, terminate
     7  the insurance previously in effect with respect to  any  motor  vehicles
     8  designated  in  both  contracts.  No  contract  of insurance for which a
     9  certificate of insurance has been filed with the commissioner in which a
    10  natural person is the named  insured  and  the  motor  vehicle  is  used
    11  predominantly  for  non-business  purposes  shall  be  non-renewed by an
    12  insurer unless at least forty-five, but not  more  than  sixty  days  in
    13  advance  of  the renewal date the insurer mails or delivers to the named
    14  insured at the address shown on the  policy  a  written  notice  of  its
    15  intention not to renew. No such contract of insurance in which the named
    16  insured  is  not  a natural person or the motor vehicle is used predomi-
    17  nantly for business purposes shall be non-renewed by an  insurer  unless
    18  at least twenty days in advance of the renewal date the insurer mails or
    19  delivers to the named insured at the address shown on the policy a writ-
    20  ten  notice  of  its  intention not to renew. All notices of non-renewal
    21  shall be sent by regular mail with a certificate  of  mailing,  properly
    22  endorsed  by  the  postal  service to be obtained. Time of the effective
    23  date and hour of termination stated in the notice shall become  the  end
    24  of the policy period. Every notice or acknowledgement of termination for
    25  any  cause whatsoever sent to the insured shall include in type of which
    26  the face shall not be smaller than twelve point a statement  that  proof
    27  of financial security is required to be maintained continuously through-
    28  out  the registration period and a notice prescribed by the commissioner
    29  indicating the punitive effects of failure to maintain continuous  proof
    30  of  financial  security and actions which may be taken by the insured to
    31  avoid such punitive effects.
    32    § 8. Paragraphs 6 and 7 of subsection  (b)  of  section  5201  of  the
    33  insurance  law  are  amended  and  a new paragraph 8 is added to read as
    34  follows:
    35    (6) insured motor vehicles where the insurer  disclaims  liability  or
    36  denies coverage, [and]
    37    (7) unregistered motor vehicles[.], and
    38    (8) an accident staged to defraud an insurer.
    39    §  9.  This  act  shall  take effect on the two hundred seventieth day
    40  after it shall have become a law.