Bill Text: NY S05605 | 2013-2014 | General Assembly | Introduced
Bill Title: Provides that communications or contact between protected parties with a party against whom an order of protection or temporary order of protection is issued shall not affect the validity of such order; requires notice thereof to be included in such orders; prohibits protected parties from being held to have violated an order of protection or a temporary order of protection.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2013-06-21 - SUBSTITUTED BY A6547B [S05605 Detail]
Download: New_York-2013-S05605-Introduced.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 5605 2013-2014 Regular Sessions I N S E N A T E May 24, 2013 ___________ Introduced by Sen. ROBACH -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Children and Families AN ACT to amend the domestic relations law, the family court act and the criminal procedure law, in relation to the scope of orders of protection and temporary orders of protection THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Paragraph b of subdivision 3 of section 240 of the domestic 2 relations law, as amended by chapter 597 of the laws of 1998, is amended 3 and a new paragraph i is added to read as follows: 4 b. An order of protection entered pursuant to this subdivision shall 5 bear in a conspicuous manner, on the front page of said order, the 6 language "Order of protection issued pursuant to section two hundred 7 forty of the domestic relations law". THE ORDER OF PROTECTION SHALL 8 ALSO CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING NOTICE: "THIS ORDER OF PROTECTION WILL REMAIN 9 IN EFFECT EVEN IF THE PROTECTED PARTY HAS, OR CONSENTS TO HAVE, CONTACT 10 OR COMMUNICATION WITH THE PARTY AGAINST WHOM THE ORDER IS ISSUED. THIS 11 ORDER OF PROTECTION CAN ONLY BE MODIFIED OR TERMINATED BY THE COURT. THE 12 PROTECTED PARTY CANNOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE THIS ORDER NOR BE ARRESTED FOR 13 VIOLATING THIS ORDER.". The absence of such language shall not affect 14 the validity of such order. The presentation of a copy of such an order 15 to any peace officer acting pursuant to his or her special duties, or 16 police officer, shall constitute authority, for that officer to arrest a 17 person when that person has violated the terms of such an order, and 18 bring such person before the court and, otherwise, so far as lies within 19 the officer's power, to aid in securing the protection such order was 20 intended to afford. 21 I. THE PROTECTED PARTY IN WHOSE FAVOR THE ORDER OF PROTECTION OR 22 TEMPORARY ORDER OF PROTECTION IS ISSUED MAY NOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE SUCH 23 AN ORDER NOR MAY SUCH PROTECTED PARTY BE ARRESTED FOR VIOLATING SUCH 24 ORDER. EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD10169-07-3 S. 5605 2 1 S 2. Subdivision 2 of section 252 of the domestic relations law, as 2 added by chapter 349 of the laws of 1995, is amended and a new subdivi- 3 sion 9-a is added to read as follows: 4 2. An order of protection entered pursuant to this subdivision shall 5 bear in a conspicuous manner, on the front page of said order, the 6 language "Order of protection issued pursuant to section two hundred 7 fifty-two of the domestic relations law". THE ORDER OF PROTECTION SHALL 8 ALSO CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING NOTICE: "THIS ORDER OF PROTECTION WILL REMAIN 9 IN EFFECT EVEN IF THE PROTECTED PARTY HAS, OR CONSENTS TO HAVE, CONTACT 10 OR COMMUNICATION WITH THE PARTY AGAINST WHOM THE ORDER IS ISSUED. THIS 11 ORDER OF PROTECTION CAN ONLY BE MODIFIED OR TERMINATED BY THE COURT. THE 12 PROTECTED PARTY CANNOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE THIS ORDER NOR BE ARRESTED FOR 13 VIOLATING THIS ORDER.". The absence of such language shall not affect 14 the validity of such order. The presentation of a copy of such an order 15 to any peace officer acting pursuant to his or her special duties, or 16 police officer, shall constitute authority, for that officer to arrest a 17 person when that person has violated the terms of such an order, and 18 bring such person before the court and, otherwise, so far as lies within 19 the officer's power, to aid in securing the protection such order was 20 intended to afford. 21 9-A. THE PROTECTED PARTY IN WHOSE FAVOR THE ORDER OF PROTECTION OR 22 TEMPORARY ORDER OF PROTECTION IS ISSUED MAY NOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE AN 23 ORDER ISSUED IN HIS OR HER FAVOR NOR MAY SUCH PROTECTED PARTY BE 24 ARRESTED FOR VIOLATING SUCH ORDER. 25 S 3. Section 155 of the family court act is amended by adding a new 26 subdivision 3 to read as follows: 27 3. THE PROTECTED PARTY IN WHOSE FAVOR THE ORDER OF PROTECTION OR 28 TEMPORARY ORDER OF PROTECTION IS ISSUED MAY NOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE AN 29 ORDER ISSUED IN HIS OR HER FAVOR NOR MAY SUCH PROTECTED PARTY BE 30 ARRESTED FOR VIOLATING SUCH ORDER. 31 S 4. Subdivision 3 of section 168 of the family court act, as added by 32 chapter 164 of the laws of 1989, is amended to read as follows: 33 3. Any order of protection or temporary order of protection issued by 34 the family court shall bear, in a conspicuous manner, the language, as 35 the case may be, "this order constitutes an order of protection" or 36 "this order constitutes a temporary order of protection", on the front 37 page of said order. THE ORDER OF PROTECTION OR TEMPORARY ORDER OF 38 PROTECTION SHALL ALSO CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING NOTICE: "THIS ORDER OF 39 PROTECTION WILL REMAIN IN EFFECT EVEN IF THE PROTECTED PARTY HAS, OR 40 CONSENTS TO HAVE, CONTACT OR COMMUNICATION WITH THE PARTY AGAINST WHOM 41 THE ORDER IS ISSUED. THIS ORDER OF PROTECTION CAN ONLY BE MODIFIED OR 42 TERMINATED BY THE COURT. THE PROTECTED PARTY CANNOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE 43 THIS ORDER NOR BE ARRESTED FOR VIOLATING THIS ORDER.". The absence of 44 such language shall not affect the validity of such order. 45 S 5. Section 446 of the family court act is amended by adding a new 46 closing paragraph to read as follows: 47 THE PROTECTED PARTY IN WHOSE FAVOR THE ORDER OF PROTECTION OR TEMPO- 48 RARY ORDER OF PROTECTION IS ISSUED MAY NOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE AN ORDER 49 ISSUED IN HIS OR HER FAVOR NOR MAY SUCH PROTECTED PARTY BE ARRESTED FOR 50 VIOLATING SUCH ORDER. 51 S 6. Section 551 of the family court act is amended by adding a new 52 closing paragraph to read as follows: 53 THE PROTECTED PARTY IN WHOSE FAVOR THE ORDER OF PROTECTION OR TEMPO- 54 RARY ORDER OF PROTECTION IS ISSUED MAY NOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE AN ORDER 55 ISSUED IN HIS OR HER FAVOR NOR MAY SUCH PROTECTED PARTY BE ARRESTED FOR 56 VIOLATING SUCH ORDER. S. 5605 3 1 S 7. Section 656 of the family court act is amended by adding a new 2 closing paragraph to read as follows: 3 THE PROTECTED PARTY IN WHOSE FAVOR THE ORDER OF PROTECTION OR TEMPO- 4 RARY ORDER OF PROTECTION IS ISSUED MAY NOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE AN ORDER 5 ISSUED IN HIS OR HER FAVOR NOR MAY SUCH PROTECTED PARTY BE ARRESTED FOR 6 VIOLATING SUCH ORDER. 7 S 8. Section 759 of the family court act is amended by adding a new 8 closing paragraph to read as follows: 9 THE PROTECTED PARTY IN WHOSE FAVOR THE ORDER OF PROTECTION OR TEMPO- 10 RARY ORDER OF PROTECTION IS ISSUED MAY NOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE AN ORDER 11 ISSUED IN HIS OR HER FAVOR NOR MAY SUCH PROTECTED PARTY BE ARRESTED FOR 12 VIOLATING SUCH ORDER. 13 S 9. Section 842 of the family court act is amended by adding a new 14 closing paragraph to read as follows: 15 THE PROTECTED PARTY IN WHOSE FAVOR THE ORDER OF PROTECTION OR TEMPO- 16 RARY ORDER OF PROTECTION IS ISSUED MAY NOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE AN ORDER 17 ISSUED IN HIS OR HER FAVOR NOR MAY SUCH PROTECTED PARTY BE ARRESTED FOR 18 VIOLATING SUCH ORDER. 19 S 10. Section 846 of the family court act is amended by adding a new 20 subdivision (a-1) to read as follows: 21 (A-1) THE PROTECTED PARTY IN WHOSE FAVOR THE ORDER OF PROTECTION OR 22 TEMPORARY ORDER OF PROTECTION IS ISSUED MAY NOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE AN 23 ORDER ISSUED IN HIS OR HER FAVOR NOR MAY SUCH PROTECTED PARTY BE 24 ARRESTED FOR VIOLATING SUCH ORDER. 25 S 11. Section 1056 of the family court act is amended by adding a new 26 subdivision 7 to read as follows: 27 7. THE PROTECTED PARTY IN WHOSE FAVOR THE ORDER OF PROTECTION OR 28 TEMPORARY ORDER OF PROTECTION IS ISSUED MAY NOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE AN 29 ORDER ISSUED IN HIS OR HER FAVOR NOR MAY SUCH PROTECTED PARTY BE 30 ARRESTED FOR VIOLATING SUCH ORDER. 31 S 12. Subdivision 4 of section 140.10 of the criminal procedure law is 32 amended by adding a new second undesignated paragraph to read as 33 follows: 34 THE PROTECTED PARTY IN WHOSE FAVOR THE ORDER OF PROTECTION OR TEMPO- 35 RARY ORDER OF PROTECTION IS ISSUED MAY NOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE AN ORDER 36 ISSUED IN HIS OR HER FAVOR NOR MAY SUCH PROTECTED PARTY BE ARRESTED FOR 37 VIOLATING SUCH ORDER. 38 S 13. Subdivisions 6 and 8 of section 530.12 of the criminal procedure 39 law, subdivision 6 as amended by chapter 164 of the laws of 1989, the 40 closing paragraph of subdivision 6 as added by chapter 222 of the laws 41 of 1994 and subdivision 8 as amended by section 81 of subpart B of part 42 C of chapter 62 of the laws of 2011, are amended to read as follows: 43 6. An order of protection or a temporary order of protection issued 44 pursuant to subdivision one, two, three, four or five of this section 45 shall bear in a conspicuous manner the term "order of protection" or 46 "temporary order of protection" as the case may be and a copy shall be 47 filed by the clerk of the court with the sheriff's office in the county 48 in which the complainant resides, or, if the complainant resides within 49 a city, with the police department of such city. THE ORDER OF 50 PROTECTION OR TEMPORARY ORDER OF PROTECTION SHALL ALSO CONTAIN THE 51 FOLLOWING NOTICE: "THIS ORDER OF PROTECTION WILL REMAIN IN EFFECT EVEN 52 IF THE PROTECTED PARTY HAS, OR CONSENTS TO HAVE, CONTACT OR COMMUNI- 53 CATION WITH THE PARTY AGAINST WHOM THE ORDER IS ISSUED. THIS ORDER OF 54 PROTECTION CAN ONLY BE MODIFIED OR TERMINATED BY THE COURT. THE 55 PROTECTED PARTY CANNOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE THIS ORDER NOR BE ARRESTED FOR 56 VIOLATING THIS ORDER.". The absence of such language shall not affect S. 5605 4 1 the validity of such order. A copy of such order of protection or 2 temporary order of protection may from time to time be filed by the 3 clerk of the court with any other police department or sheriff's office 4 having jurisdiction of the residence, work place, and school of anyone 5 intended to be protected by such order. A copy of the order may also be 6 filed by the complainant at the appropriate police department or sher- 7 iff's office having jurisdiction. Any subsequent amendment or revocation 8 of such order shall be filed in the same manner as herein provided. 9 Such order of protection shall plainly state the date that such order 10 expires. 11 8. In any proceeding in which an order of protection or temporary 12 order of protection or a warrant has been issued under this section, the 13 clerk of the court shall issue to the complainant and defendant and 14 defense counsel and to any other person affected by the order a copy of 15 the order of protection or temporary order of protection and ensure that 16 a copy of the order of protection or temporary order of protection be 17 transmitted to the local correctional facility where the individual is 18 or will be detained, the state or local correctional facility where the 19 individual is or will be imprisoned, and the supervising probation 20 department or department of corrections and community supervision where 21 the individual is under probation or parole supervision. The presenta- 22 tion of a copy of such order or a warrant to any peace officer acting 23 pursuant to his or her special duties or police officer shall constitute 24 authority for him or her to arrest a person who has violated the terms 25 of such order and bring such person before the court and, otherwise, so 26 far as lies within his or her power, to aid in securing the protection 27 such order was intended to afford. THE PROTECTED PARTY IN WHOSE FAVOR 28 THE ORDER OF PROTECTION OR TEMPORARY ORDER OF PROTECTION IS ISSUED MAY 29 NOT BE HELD TO VIOLATE AN ORDER ISSUED IN HIS OR HER FAVOR NOR MAY SUCH 30 PROTECTED PARTY BE ARRESTED FOR VIOLATING SUCH ORDER. 31 S 14. This act shall take effect immediately and shall apply to all 32 orders of protection regardless of when such orders were issued, except 33 that: 34 (a) the amendments to paragraph b of subdivision 3 of section 240 of 35 the domestic relations law made by section one of this act, the amend- 36 ments to subdivision 2 of section 252 of the domestic relations law made 37 by section two of this act, the amendments to subdivision 3 of section 38 168 of the family court act made by section four of this act, and the 39 amendments to subdivision 6 of section 530.12 of the criminal procedure 40 law made by section thirteen of this act shall take effect on the sixti- 41 eth day after this act shall have become a law, and shall apply to 42 orders of protection issued on or after such effective date; and 43 (b) the amendments to subdivision 4 of section 140.10 of the criminal 44 procedure law, made by section twelve of this act, shall not affect the 45 repeal of such subdivision, and shall be deemed repealed therewith.