Bill Text: NY S05854 | 2025-2026 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Establishes a pilot program for establishing and operating certain rural health zones.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 3-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2025-03-03 - REFERRED TO HEALTH [S05854 Detail]

Download: New_York-2025-S05854-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      March 3, 2025

        Introduced  by  Sens.  SKOUFIS,  HARCKHAM, MAY -- read twice and ordered
          printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Health

        AN ACT to amend the public health law, in  relation  to  establishing  a
          pilot program in New York state for the establishment and operation of
          certain rural health zones

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Legislative findings. The legislature  finds  that  collab-
     2  oration and innovation are needed to address significant gaps in health-
     3  care  in  rural  areas  of  the state. To provide rural populations with
     4  better access to healthcare, the Rural Health Zone  Pilot  Program  will
     5  work to improve the health of the targeted zone populations to standards
     6  consistent  with  quality,  high  levels  of  access to care and patient
     7  outcomes that reflect a patient-centric  approach  to  physical,  behav-
     8  ioral,  and  social  well-being.  A review of current practices in rural
     9  communities is required to  identify  areas  for  improvement  to  local
    10  health  planning and infrastructure investment to improve access to care
    11  and clinical outcomes. This  healthcare  review,  coupled  with  capital
    12  resources,  programmatic support, and economic incentives, will create a
    13  healthier population,  revitalize  the  workforce,  and  create  greater
    14  opportunities  for  economic  development  within our rural communities.
    15  Ultimately, the Rural Health Zone Pilot Program will establish an  inno-
    16  vative  organizational replacement for a rural health care model that is
    17  no longer viable.
    18    § 2. Article 29-A of the public health law is amended by adding a  new
    19  title 1-B to read as follows:
    20                                  TITLE 1-B
    21                       RURAL HEALTH ZONE PILOT PROGRAM
    22    Section 2958-b. Rural health zone pilot program.
    23    § 2958-b. Rural  health zone pilot program. 1. The commissioner shall,
    24  within monies appropriated therefore,  establish  a  rural  health  zone
    25  pilot program. The commissioner shall establish pilot rural health zones
    26  in:
    27    (a) Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster counties;

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 5854                             2

     1    (b)  Orleans,  Genesee  and  Wyoming  counties and contiguous areas of
     2  eastern Erie and Niagara and western Monroe counties;
     3    (c) Cortland and Tompkins counties; and
     4    (d)  a  zone to be determined by the governor, the temporary president
     5  of the senate, and the speaker of the assembly no later than thirty days
     6  after the effective date of this act.
     7    2. (a) The commissioner shall establish in  each  pilot  rural  health
     8  zone  a  rural  health  zone  board. The powers and duties of each pilot
     9  rural health zone shall be vested in and exercised by rural health  zone
    10  boards established for each zone consistent with this title.
    11    (b)  Each rural health zone board shall be comprised of at least eight
    12  members, which shall consist of:
    13    (i) the public health commissioner from each county  in  the  zone  or
    14  such other person appointed by the local county executive;
    15    (ii)  one  representative  of  the  department,  as  designated by the
    16  commissioner;
    17    (iii) two members appointed by the governor; one member  appointed  by
    18  the  temporary  president  of  the  senate;  one member appointed by the
    19  speaker of the assembly; one member appointed by the minority leader  of
    20  the  senate;  and  one  member  appointed  by the minority leader of the
    21  assembly. Each board member appointed by  the  governor,  the  temporary
    22  president of the senate, the speaker of the assembly, the minority lead-
    23  er  of the senate and minority leader of the assembly shall be represen-
    24  tative of business, health systems delivery, health  care  financing  or
    25  the public.
    26    3.  All  appointees  of  each rural health zone board shall be made no
    27  later than sixty days after the effective date of this title. Each board
    28  shall meet as frequently as deemed necessary but at least four times  in
    29  each  calendar  year.  Members  of each board shall designate one of its
    30  members as its chair. Each board shall enact and from time to  time  may
    31  amend  by-laws  in  relation to its meetings and the transactions of its
    32  business.  Each appointment shall be made for the duration of the  pilot
    33  program.  Any vacancy shall be filled by the appointing authority within
    34  sixty  days. The members of each board shall serve without compensation,
    35  except that members shall be allowed their necessary and actual expenses
    36  incurred in the performance of their  duties  under  this  section.  The
    37  department  of health and the empire state development corporation shall
    38  provide each board with such facilities, assistance, and  data  as  will
    39  enable each board to carry out its powers and duties within reason. Each
    40  board  shall  have  the  power  to  retain legal counsel and consultants
    41  deemed necessary by each board to carry out its powers and  duties.  The
    42  members  of  each  board  shall  recuse  themselves from discussions and
    43  actions where a conflict of interest may exist  and  shall  not  receive
    44  confidential  information, data or material related to an entity where a
    45  conflict of interest may exist. Each board will have  the  authority  to
    46  determine the geographic scope of the zone consistent with the authoriz-
    47  ing statute and subject to review and confirmation by the commissioner.
    48    4. Each rural health zone board shall review current community health-
    49  care  needs, infrastructure, and barriers to care within the pilot rural
    50  health zone and develop a rural  health  zone  transformation  plan.  In
    51  connection  with the development of the rural health zone transformation
    52  plan, each hospital, rural health clinic and federally qualified  health
    53  center  within  the  zone,  and other safety net providers, managed care
    54  organizations and healthcare services providers as  identified  by  each
    55  board, shall submit a proposed rural health transformation plan for such
    56  facility  or  clinic  that  the  organization proposes to implement upon

        S. 5854                             3

     1  approval by the board and receipt of necessary funding. Each board shall
     2  hold at least one public hearing with a public comment period in each of
     3  the counties comprising the zone on its rural health zone transformation
     4  plan upon at least thirty days notice to the public.
     5    5.  (a)  The commissioner shall establish a rural health zone fund for
     6  each zone for the purposes of assisting the board in  carrying  out  its
     7  powers and duties under this title. The commissioner shall, on an annual
     8  basis,  specify funds for each zone to the respective fund, and shall be
     9  administered and disbursed in accordance with this title.
    10    (b) Consistent with budgeted  appropriations  to  each  fund  and  the
    11  provisions of this title, each board shall have full authority to estab-
    12  lish,  evaluate and award grants, contracts, loans, including forgivable
    13  loans, and provide state income and other tax credits and abatements for
    14  persons and entities that are providing or supporting  the  delivery  of
    15  health care services and related infrastructure in each zone.  Each zone
    16  may  award  economic  benefits  to qualified persons or entities who are
    17  providing or supporting the provision of healthcare services to individ-
    18  uals who work or reside in the zone such economic benefits as  described
    19  in article 18-B of the general municipal law or referred by section nine
    20  hundred  sixty-six  of  the general municipal law. Each zone may provide
    21  grants, contracts or other budgetary support  to  hospitals  and  health
    22  systems  that  are primarily located outside the zone but that affiliate
    23  with, provide service to, or have hospital or clinic sites in the zone.
    24    6. In addition to the obligation and authority of each board to estab-
    25  lish and implement a rural health zone transformation  plan,  each  zone
    26  shall  evaluate  the  potential for establishing a global medical budget
    27  for the safety net providers, including hospitals, rural health  clinics
    28  and  federally  qualified health centers. The global medical budgets may
    29  include  voluntary  participation  of  private  third-party  payors  for
    30  proportional  funding of such budgets based on their relative enrollment
    31  in such zone. In the event that a board determines that a global medical
    32  budget is not warranted or recommended for  safety  net  providers,  the
    33  board  shall  evaluate  and  identify  any alternative third-party payor
    34  reimbursement models or changes that may be warranted to achieve a  more
    35  stable and sustainable form and amount of compensation to the safety net
    36  providers  for  their  services to the zone population. Each board shall
    37  provide their review and recommendations to the commissioner within  two
    38  years  of the establishment of the board. In making its recommendations,
    39  each zone shall seek consultation  and  comment  from  zone  safety  net
    40  providers and private third-party payors who provide coverage to employ-
    41  ers  and  individuals that are located in the zone. A copy of the recom-
    42  mendations of each board required by this section shall also be provided
    43  to the governor, the temporary president of the senate, the  speaker  of
    44  the  assembly, the chair of the senate standing committee on health, the
    45  chair of the assembly health committee and the chair of the  legislative
    46  commission  on  the  development  of rural resources. Each board and the
    47  department shall not have authority to adopt  or  implement  any  global
    48  health  budgets for any safety net providers absent enactment of further
    49  legislation.
    50    7. Each board will consult with, and provide recommendations  to,  the
    51  commissioner and the public health and health planning council regarding
    52  necessary  changes  to state regulatory codes or establishment standards
    53  for entities that are providing services in the rural health  zones  and
    54  identify  recommended  state  legislative  changes.  The commissioner is
    55  authorized to waive, modify or suspend the provisions of rules and regu-
    56  lations promulgated pursuant to this chapter if the commissioner  deter-

        S. 5854                             4

     1  mines  that such waiver, modification or suspension is necessary for the
     2  successful implementing of the pilot program authorized pursuant to this
     3  title and provided that the commissioner  determines  that  the  health,
     4  safety  and  general  welfare of people receiving health care under such
     5  rural dentistry pilot program will not be impaired as a result  of  such
     6  waiver, modification, or suspension.
     7    8.  The commissioner shall apply for funding and technical support for
     8  the project from the centers for Medicare and Medicaid  services  office
     9  of  Innovations in accordance with section 1115-A of the social security
    10  act, 42 U.S.C. 1315-a. The commissioner and each board  shall  evaluate,
    11  in  connection  with  such application, any potential changes to its New
    12  York state Medicaid plan and demonstration project and waiver that would
    13  apply in the zones during the period of the pilot program.
    14    9. Within six months from  the  effective  date  of  this  title,  the
    15  commissioner,  in  consultation with each board, shall establish uniform
    16  data measurement and reporting tool for the zones to review and evaluate
    17  progress during the pilot program, including relevant  costs,  community
    18  health outcomes and social determinates of health, and shall incorporate
    19  population  health  data that is currently being tracked and reported by
    20  the state at the county and regional level. No later than twelve  months
    21  after  the  approval of the pilot program, and annually thereafter, in a
    22  form that conforms to the data measurement and reporting system  created
    23  by  the commissioner, each board shall report to the commissioner on the
    24  progress of the program. Such reports shall be  publicly  available  and
    25  shall  be  provided  to  the  governor,  the  temporary president of the
    26  senate, the speaker of the assembly, the chair of  the  senate  standing
    27  committee  on health, the chair of the assembly health committee and the
    28  chair  of  the  legislative  commission  on  the  development  of  rural
    29  resources.  The  costs  for the reporting requirements set forth in this
    30  section shall be allocated from the department's general operating budg-
    31  et.
    32    10. Each zone may collaborate and coordinate their planning and activ-
    33  ities with other zones to promote efficiency, share best  practices  and
    34  avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts or resources.
    35    11.  The rural health zone pilot program shall have a duration of five
    36  years from the date of the first adoption of a rural health zone  trans-
    37  formation  plan  by  each  board. The pilot program may be extended from
    38  time to time by further legislation or by the commissioner  as  required
    39  to  meet  the  requirements for any state innovation grant received from
    40  centers for Medicare and Medicaid services related to the pilot program.
    41    12. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for grants,  contracts
    42  and  allocations that are set forth and consistent with the plan adopted
    43  by the administrative board, each zone will not be subject  to  procure-
    44  ment, grant award or competitive bidding requirements.
    45    13.  The  activities of the zones, each board and healthcare providers
    46  and participants in furtherance of the rural health  zone  planning  and
    47  implementation and other efforts described in this title shall be exempt
    48  from  the  provisions and penalties of article twenty-two of the general
    49  business law respecting arrangements  and  agreements  in  restraint  of
    50  trade. To the greatest extent possible, such activities shall be subject
    51  to  the  oversight of each board, the commissioner and the public health
    52  and planning council to provide state action immunity  under  state  and
    53  federal antitrust law.
    54    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.