Bill Text: NY S05936 | 2025-2026 | General Assembly | Introduced
Bill Title: Establishes the nutrient inactivant application permit to allow for the use of products used for controlling phosphorus levels in lakes or ponds to prevent and inhibit harmful algal blooms.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)
Status: (Introduced) 2025-03-04 - REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION [S05936 Detail]
Download: New_York-2025-S05936-Introduced.html
STATE OF NEW YORK ________________________________________________________________________ 5936 2025-2026 Regular Sessions IN SENATE March 4, 2025 ___________ Introduced by Sen. HARCKHAM -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Environmental Conservation AN ACT to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to establishing nutrient inactivant application permits The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows: 1 Section 1. Article 17 of the environmental conservation law is amended 2 by adding a new title 23 to read as follows: 3 TITLE 23 4 SPECIAL PERMITS FOR APPLICATION OF NUTRIENT 5 INACTIVANTS 6 Section 17-2301. Definitions. 7 17-2303. Nutrient inactivant application permits. 8 17-2305. Denial or revocation of permits. 9 17-2307. Permit fees. 10 17-2309. Regulations. 11 § 17-2301. Definitions. 12 As used in this title the following terms shall have the following 13 meanings: 14 1. "Nutrient inactivant application business" shall mean a business 15 that commercially applies nutrient inactivants. 16 2. "Nutrient inactivants" shall mean products used for controlling 17 phosphorus levels in lakes or ponds to prevent and inhibit harmful algal 18 blooms including aluminum sulfate, sodium aluminate, lanthanum, and 19 other such products as determined by the department. 20 3. "Application of nutrient inactivants" shall mean the commercial 21 application of nutrient inactivants. 22 4. "Nutrient inactivant applicator" shall be a person certified by the 23 department pursuant to section 17-2303 of this title. 24 5. "Nutrient inactivant application permit" shall mean a special SPDES 25 permit issued under this title for the application of nutrient inacti- EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [] is old law to be omitted. LBD08549-01-5S. 5936 2 1 vants. Such permit shall be considered a SPDES permit issued under title 2 eight of this article and shall have the same requirements and privi- 3 leges as a SPDES permit issued under title eight of this article; 4 provided, however, where the requirements and privileges of a permit 5 issued under this title is inconsistent with that of a permit issued 6 under title eight of this article, the requirements and privileges 7 described in this title shall apply. 8 § 17-2303. Nutrient inactivant application permits. 9 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or regulation under this 10 title, a person who has a valid nutrient inactivant application permit 11 issued by the commissioner may engage in the commercial application of 12 nutrient inactivants. 13 2. Application for a nutrient inactivant application permit shall be 14 made to the commissioner. The application shall be on a form prescribed 15 by the commissioner and shall be accompanied by the fee or fees provided 16 in section 17-0821 of this article. The application shall set forth the 17 reasons for why the applicant is applying for the permit, including: 18 (a) the water bodies for which the applicant seeks to use a nutrient 19 inactivant under the permit; 20 (b) what other measures have been taken for the control of phosphorus 21 and harmful algal blooms with respect to the relevant waterbodies, 22 including mechanical methods of control, and the outcomes of those meas- 23 ures taken; and 24 (c) why the use of a nutrient inactivant would be more appropriate 25 than other methods of control. 26 3. An applicant for a nutrient inactivant application permit shall: 27 (a) provide proof to the commissioner of such applicant's knowledge of 28 the safe and proper use, handling, storage and disposal of nutrient 29 inactivants and application equipment and/or satisfy the commissioner as 30 to the applicant's knowledge and experience concerning the proper use, 31 handling, storage, and disposal of nutrient inactivants and application 32 equipment; and 33 (b) be a certified pesticide applicator, as provided in section 34 33-0905 of this chapter, qualified to apply pesticides to standing or 35 running water, and be employed by, or the owner or agent of a registered 36 pesticide business or agency. 37 4. Nutrient inactivant application permits shall be valid for three 38 years after which every permit must be renewed. 39 5. A person with a valid nutrient inactivant application permit shall 40 maintain such records and shall furnish such reports concerning the 41 application of nutrient inactivants as the commissioner shall require. 42 All records required to be kept under this section shall be available 43 for inspection by the commissioner. 44 § 17-2305. Denial or revocation of permits. 45 The commissioner, after due notice and opportunity of hearing to an 46 applicant or person with a valid nutrient inactivant application permit, 47 may deny an application or revoke a permit pursuant to title eight of 48 this article. 49 § 17-2307. Permit fees. 50 All fees established by the commissioner pursuant to this title shall 51 be the same as those established by section 17-0821 of this article. 52 § 17-2309. Regulations. 53 The department shall promulgate regulations for the implementation of 54 this title. 55 § 2. Section 33-0103 of the environmental conservation law is amended 56 by adding a new subdivision 4 to read as follows:S. 5936 3 1 4. This article shall not apply to the application of nutrient inacti- 2 vants, as such term is defined in section 17-2301 of this chapter, by a 3 person holding a nutrient inactivant application permit under title 4 twenty-three of article seventeen of this chapter. 5 § 3. The environmental conservation law is amended by adding a new 6 section 17-0833 to read as follows: 7 § 17-0833. SPDES permits; nutrient inactivant application permit. 8 For the purposes of this title, nutrient inactivant application 9 permits issued under title twenty-three of this article shall be consid- 10 ered a special type of SPDES permit. SPDES permits shall not be issued 11 for the application of nutrient inactivants, as such term is defined in 12 section 17-2301 of this article, except as provided for under title 13 twenty-three of this article. 14 § 4. The environmental conservation law is amended by adding a new 15 section 71-1947 to read as follows: 16 § 71-1947. Enforcement of title 23 of article 17. 17 Any person who violates any provision of title 23 of article 17 or any 18 rule, regulation or order issued thereunder shall be liable to the 19 people of this state for a civil penalty of up to one thousand dollars 20 for a first violation to be assessed by the commissioner after a hearing 21 or opportunity to be heard. In determining the amount of the penalty, 22 the commissioner shall take into account whether the violation posed an 23 immediate threat to the environment or the health and safety of the 24 public. Any subsequent violation of this title and/or any provision of 25 this article as it relates to the application of nutrient inactivants 26 shall be treated as a violation to which section 71-1929 of this title 27 applies. 28 § 5. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day 29 after it shall have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, 30 amendment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the 31 implementation of this act on its effective date are authorized to be 32 made and completed on or before such effective date.