OR Legislation | 2019 | Regular Session | Senate

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SB307FailEstablishes mandatory minimum sentence of 48 months' imprisonment for assault committed by correctional facility inmate against corrections officer.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB896FailAuthorizes issuance of certificate of restricted registration as professional engineer. Describes scope of restricted registration. Sets forth qualifications for restricted registration. Identifies grounds for refusal of restricted registration and f...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB51FailEstablishes process for holder of qualifying storage right to change type of use for which water is stored. Ratifies and declares valid past changes in type of use for stored water approved by Water Resources Department that have become final.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB500FailGrants higher property tax exemption for property of veterans with service-connected disabilities. Grants higher property tax exemption for property of veterans with service-connected disabilities. Grants exemption for veteran's surviving spouse who ...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB691FailRequires ballots returned by mail to be postmarked not later than Saturday before date of election. Requires county clerks to announce status of tally of ballots received after election date on third and eighth calendar days after date of election. A...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB124FailSubjects certain persons to statutes governing massage therapy.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB562FailCreates income tax credit for taxpayers that expand workforce with positions that pay above average wage by 10 percent or more in tax year. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2020. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sin...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB569FailAllows certain local governments to include within urban growth boundary lands for needed housing. Requires consent of city and affected properties. Inclusion results in city annexation of land. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB266FailAppropriates moneys from General Fund to Higher Education Coordinating Commission for Community College Support Fund for distribution to community colleges and community college service districts. Declares emergency, effective July 1, 2019.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB502FailCreates Sunset Advisory Committee. Specifies membership of committee. Abolishes state agencies on specified dates and requires agencies subject to abolition to make report to committee. Requires committee to conduct performance evaluation of agencies...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB956FailAllows personal income taxpayers to subtract from taxable income amounts paid as principal of or interest on qualified education loans, if borrower is taxpayer, spouse or dependent of taxpayer. Reduces amount of allowed subtraction by amounts of inte...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB1042FailRequires health care practitioner to exercise proper degree of care to preserve health and life of child born alive after abortion or attempted abortion. Requires health care practitioner to ensure child born alive is transported to hospital. Creates...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB768FailExempts retired member of Public Employees Retirement System from limitations on reemployment if member is reemployed as teacher by school district or education service district.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB934FailExpands exemption from limitations on employment of retired members of Public Employees Retirement System employed by certain law enforcement and correctional agencies. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB512FailDefines "rural communities" and "frontier communities" for purposes of Local Innovation and Fast Track Housing Program. Requires minimum of 10 percent of moneys available in program to be spent for rural communities and minimum of 10 percent for fron...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB1037FailEstablishes Transformational Resilience Task Force. Directs task force to research psychological, emotional and psychosocial resilience education and skills training. Requires task force to submit report on findings to committees of Legislative Assem...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB487FailProhibits insurers from using credit history or insurance score to decline coverage of, rerate or otherwise determine eligibility for motor vehicle insurance. Becomes operative January 1, 2020. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB154FailDirects Department of Education to conduct study to determine which statewide summative test to administer to students in grade 11. Directs department to submit report to interim committee of Legislative Assembly no later than September 15, 2020. Sun...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB589FailCreates Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program. Directs Oregon State University Extension Service to assist school districts, education service districts, after-school care programs, nonprofit organizations and community-based organizations i...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB985FailDirects State Court Administrator to study issues relating to court fees and report to committee or interim committee of Legislative Assembly no later than December 31, 2020.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB701FailProvides that, for estate of decedents dying on or after January 1, 2019, Oregon estate tax is not due unless value of Oregon taxable estate equals or exceeds $11.4 million. Raises threshold for filing of estate tax return to gross estate valued at o...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB172FailDirects Department of Human Services to study and make recommendations on developmental disabilities programs in Oregon. Requires department to submit report on findings to Legislative Assembly by January 1, 2021.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB175FailRequires Department of Human Services and Oregon Health Authority to convene stakeholder group to develop recommendations, to be submitted to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to health, for ensuring that clients of department and au...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB1034FailRequires party to nominate between three and five qualified persons to fill vacancy when vacancy occurs in partisan elective statewide office and individual last elected to office was affiliated with major political party. Requires Governor to select...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB238FailRequires Department of Revenue to conduct study of communication methods department has in place to answer questions from taxpayers or resolve issues that taxpayers have with Oregon tax laws. Requires department to report results of study to committe...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB309FailRequires law enforcement officer to perform lethality assessment after making mandatory arrest for domestic assault.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB211FailReduces amount of income eligible for elective reduced personal income tax rate allowed for certain pass-through income. Requires that income must also be eligible for federal deduction available for pass-through income in order to use reduced rates....
In committee upon adjournment.
SB949FailAppropriates moneys to Higher Education Coordinating Commission for purposes of prison education programs. Declares emergency, effective July 1, 2019.
In committee upon adjournment.
SJR24FailProposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude in all circumstances. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or rejection at next regular general election.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB489FailEncourages school districts to collaborate and enter into agreements with law enforcement and providers of social media websites and applications for purpose of responding to acts of cyberbullying. Directs Department of Education to conduct evaluatio...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB189FailModifies definition of "tax expenditure" applicable to automatic tax expenditure sunset provisions by excluding provisions required by federal law. Requires Department of Revenue and Legislative Revenue Office to conduct study of statutory definition...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB118FailDirects Bureau of Labor and Industries to study issues relating to workforce development and report results of study to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to business and labor on or before February 1, 2021.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB245FailDirects Oregon Criminal Justice Commission to study subjects relating to pretrial detention and report results to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to judiciary on or before September 15, 2020.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB280FailClarifies that "live entertainer" is employee and not independent contractor. Prohibits live entertainment facility from employing or otherwise permitting person to perform live entertainment at facility unless person is live entertainer who is 18 ye...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB448FailEstablishes voluntary Oregon outdoor recreation search and rescue card program within Office of Emergency Management. Directs Office of Outdoor Recreation to study and make recommendations on development of Oregon Outdoors Pass. Requires office to su...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB337FailRequires State Forestry Department, State Department of Fish and Wildlife and Department of Transportation to enter into interagency agreement allowing use of State Department of Fish and Wildlife and Department of Transportation personnel to provide...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB261FailAppropriates moneys for distribution to Oregon Coast Aquarium for purposes for which aquarium's current capital campaign has been undertaken. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB1028FailAppropriates moneys to Department of State Police for 2019-2021 biennium for purpose of allowing State Fire Marshal to issue grants to rural fire districts that are newly formed within Josephine County. Declares emergency, effective July 1, 2019.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB440FailDirects Oregon Military Department to end any suspension of Oregon Civil Defense Force. Directs Adjutant General to report to committee of Legislative Assembly on status of Oregon Civil Defense Force. Directs department to institute ongoing basic tra...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB988FailDirects Oregon Criminal Justice Commission to conduct study on relationship between recidivism rates and payment of restitution and present report on findings to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to judiciary on or before September 1...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB709FailAppropriates moneys from General Fund to Higher Education Coordinating Commission for distribution to public universities. Declares emergency, effective July 1, 2019.
In committee upon adjournment.
SCR6FailIn memoriam: Brigadier General James Burdette Thayer, 1922-2018.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB303FailAuthorizes use of landowner damage tag on adjacent property with consent of owner of adjacent property. Removes sunset on landowner damage tag program.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB119FailDirects Bureau of Labor and Industries to study issues relating to labor and report results of study to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to business and labor on or before February 1, 2021.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB323FailProvides person with privileges and legal defenses available to person with Oregon concealed handgun license if person is licensed to carry concealed handgun in another state that recognizes Oregon concealed handgun licenses.
In committee upon adjournment.
SB482FailProvides that sexual assault restraining order is of indefinite duration and continues until order is terminated by court. Provides that hearing on termination of order is not required if petitioner moves for termination or does not object to termina...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB65FailDirects Oregon State Board of Nursing to issue license to practice as certified nurse midwife to qualified applicant. Requires board to adopt rules. Allows board to authorize licensed certified nurse midwife to write prescriptions and dispense prescr...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB852FailProvides that part-time faculty member at public institution of higher education who qualifies for health care benefits will pay 10 percent of insurance premiums for employee coverage and 50 percent of increase in premium cost for employee and depend...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB941FailAppropriates moneys from General Fund to Oregon Department of Administrative Services for distribution to Curry Health District for emergency room in Curry Medical Center. Appropriates moneys from General Fund to Oregon Department of Administrative S...
In committee upon adjournment.
SB1026FailRepeals exemption for seafood processors from overtime requirements applicable to persons employed in canneries, driers and packing plants. Requires employers of seafood processors to calculate applicable overtime pay for employees on daily and weekl...
In committee upon adjournment.
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