Bill Text: OR SB112 | 2011 | Regular Session | Introduced

Bill Title: Relating to the Oregon University System; declaring an emergency.

Spectrum: Unknown

Status: (Failed) 2011-06-30 - In committee upon adjournment. [SB112 Detail]

Download: Oregon-2011-SB112-Introduced.html

     76th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2011 Regular Session

NOTE:  Matter within  { +  braces and plus signs + } in an
amended section is new. Matter within  { -  braces and minus
signs - } is existing law to be omitted. New sections are within
 { +  braces and plus signs + } .

LC 619

                         Senate Bill 112

Printed pursuant to Senate Interim Rule 213.28 by order of the
  President of the Senate in conformance with presession filing
  rules, indicating neither advocacy nor opposition on the part
  of the President (at the request of Governor John A. Kitzhaber
  for Oregon University System)


The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the
measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject to
consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor's
brief statement of the essential features of the measure as

  Exempts Oregon University System from Oregon Department of
Administrative Services direction of state risk management and
insurance programs.
  Declares emergency, effective on passage.

                        A BILL FOR AN ACT
Relating to the Oregon University System; creating new
  provisions; amending ORS 351.086; and declaring an emergency.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
  SECTION 1. ORS 351.086 is amended to read:
  351.086. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter and
ORS chapter 352, the provisions of ORS chapters 240, 279A, 279B,
279C, 282 and 292 do not apply to the Oregon University System.
  (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, ORS
240.167, 240.185, 279A.065 (2), 279B.055 (3), 279C.380 (1)(a) and
(3), 279C.600 to 279C.625, 279C.800, 279C.810, 279C.825,
279C.830, 279C.835, 279C.840, 279C.845, 279C.850, 279C.855,
279C.860, 279C.865, 279C.870 and 292.043 apply to the Oregon
University System.
  (3) Notwithstanding any other law, the following provisions do
not apply to the Oregon University System:
  (a) ORS 182.310 to 182.400;
  (b) ORS 273.413 to 273.456;
  (c) ORS 276.071 and 276.072;   { - and - }
   { +  (d) ORS 278.405 and 278.415; and + }
    { - (d) - }  { +  (e) + } ORS 291.038.
  (4) Notwithstanding subsection (3)(b) of this section, ORS
273.413 to 273.456 apply to any structure, equipment or asset
owned by the Oregon University System that is encumbered by a
certificate of participation.
  (5) In carrying out the duties, functions and powers imposed by
law upon the Oregon University System, the State Board of Higher
Education or the Chancellor of the Oregon University System may
contract with any public agency for the performance of such
duties, functions and powers as the Oregon University System
considers appropriate.

  SECTION 2.  { + Section 1 of this 2011 Act becomes operative on
January 1, 2012. + }
  SECTION 3.  { + This 2011 Act being necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency
is declared to exist, and this 2011 Act takes effect on its
passage. + }
