Pennsylvania Legislature | 2025-2026 | Regular Session

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Active Pennsylvania Bills (Introduced, Engrossed, Enrolled, Passed)

HB430An Act imposing the duty on Department of Environmental Protection to prohibit the construction or installation of wind turbines that negatively affect military installations.2025-01-31
HB429An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, in special funds, further providing for disposition of Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund; and making interfund transfers.2025-01-31
HB440An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Human Services Code, in public assistance, providing for prohibition on medical assistance managed care payment for provider-preventable conditions.2025-01-31
HB424An Act amending Titles 45 (Legal Notices) and 65 (Public Officers) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in legal advertising, providing for redundant advertising on Internet by political subdivisions or municipal authorities; and, in open meeti...2025-01-31
HB426An Act providing for duties of Commonwealth agencies regarding native plants and for duties of Department of Conservation and Natural Resources regarding pollinator habitats and native plants.2025-01-31
HB434An Act providing for the Ebony Alert System; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania State Police; and imposing a penalty.2025-01-31
HB441An Act amending the act of June 23, 1982 (P.L.597, No.170), known as the Wild Resource Conservation Act, further providing for legislative finding and declaration of policy and for definitions; and providing for wild native terrestrial invertebrate m...2025-01-31
HB422An Act amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, in personal income tax, further providing for classes of income.2025-01-31
HB436An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in riot, disorderly conduct and related offenses, further providing for prohibition of ownership of certain animals.2025-01-31
HB435An Act amending the act of January 8, 1960 (1959 P.L.2119, No.787), known as the Air Pollution Control Act, further providing for standards relating to hazardous air pollutants.2025-01-31

Top Pennsylvania Sponsors

House Sponsors# BillsRSS
Rep. Carol Hill-Evans [D]232Syndicate content
Rep. Ben Sanchez [D]230Syndicate content
Rep. Roni Green [D]209Syndicate content
Rep. Jose Giral [D]180Syndicate content
Rep. Tarik Khan [D]164Syndicate content
Senate Sponsors# BillsRSS
Sen. Jay Costa [D]78Syndicate content
Sen. Wayne Fontana [D]64Syndicate content
Sen. John Kane [D]58Syndicate content
Sen. Tracy Pennycuick [R]51Syndicate content
Sen. Patrick Stefano [R]50Syndicate content

Top Pennsylvania Committees

House Committees# BillsRSS
Judiciary40Syndicate content
State Government40Syndicate content
Education40Syndicate content
Finance32Syndicate content
Health25Syndicate content
Senate Committees# BillsRSS
Judiciary22Syndicate content
State Government17Syndicate content
Education11Syndicate content
Finance10Syndicate content
Rules & Executive Nominations9Syndicate content

Most Viewed Pennsylvania Bills

HB78An Act providing for consumer data privacy, for duties of controllers and for duties of processors; and imposing penalties.Bill Text
HB26An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses), 35 (Health and Safety) and 40 (Insurance) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in provisions relating to abortion, repealing provisions relating to short title of chapter and to legislative inten...Bill Text
HB236An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in public indecency, further providing for the offense of obscene and other sexual materials and performances.Bill Text
HB95An Act amending the act of December 17, 1968 (P.L.1224, No.387), known as the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law, further providing for definitions.Bill Text
HB158An Act providing for sport activities in public institutions of higher education and public school entities to be expressly designated male, female or coed; and creating causes of action for harms suffered by designation.Bill Text
HB45An Act providing for automatic renewal provisions in certain contracts for goods and services.Bill Text
HB227An Act prohibiting public school entities from engaging in certain communications and actions involving prohibited indoctrination; and providing for requirements for public contractors and for enforcement.Bill Text
HB33An Act amending the act of April 17, 2016 (P.L.84, No.16), known as the Medical Marijuana Act, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in practitioners, further providing for practitioner registration; in medical marijuana contr...Bill Text
HB335An Act requiring indoor contamination assessment certifications and environmental quality certifications of child day-care centers; providing for powers and duties of the Department of Health, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Depart...Bill Text
HB79An Act establishing the Medical Debt Relief Program; establishing requirements for hospital-based financial assistance; and imposing duties on the Department of Health.Bill Text

Most Monitored Pennsylvania Bills

HB78An Act providing for consumer data privacy, for duties of controllers and for duties of processors; and imposing penalties.Bill Text
HB45An Act providing for automatic renewal provisions in certain contracts for goods and services.Bill Text
HB40An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection from abuse, further providing for relief.Bill Text
HB37An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for canvassing of official absentee ballots and mail-in ballots; and, in Election Integri...Bill Text
HB95An Act amending the act of December 17, 1968 (P.L.1224, No.387), known as the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law, further providing for definitions.Bill Text
SB153An Act amending the act of December 5, 1936 (2nd Sp.Sess., 1937 P.L.2897, No.1), known as the Unemployment Compensation Law, in compensation, further providing for ineligibility for compensation.Bill Text
HB290An Act amending Title 27 (Environmental Resources) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in environmental protection, providing for polystyrene food container prohibition; and imposing penalties.Bill Text
HB118An Act amending the the act of October 24, 2012 (P.L.1209, No.151), known as the Child Labor Act, further providing for penalties.Bill Text
HB160An Act amending the act of August 15, 1961 (P.L.987, No.442), known as the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act, further providing for definitions.Bill Text
HB84An Act amending the act of July 7, 1980 (P.L.380, No.97), known as the Solid Waste Management Act, in general provisions, further providing for definitions; and, in residual waste, providing for prohibition on road spreading and land application of o...Bill Text

Pennsylvania Sessions

2025-2026Regular Session58210BrowseSearchDownload
20231st Special Session82BrowseSearchDownload
2023-2024Regular Session4787515BrowseSearchDownload
2021-2022Regular Session4739383BrowseSearchDownload
2019-2020Regular Session57011244BrowseSearchDownload
2017-2018Regular Session56241727BrowseSearchDownload
2015-2016Regular Session53681731BrowseSearchDownload
2013-2014Regular Session55951727BrowseSearchDownload
2011-2012Regular Session56411478BrowseSearchDownload
2009-20101st Special Session314BrowseSearchDownload
2009-2010Regular Session57171368BrowseSearchDownload
2007-2008Regular Session58151125BrowseSearchDownload