TN Legislation | 2023-2024 | 113th General Assembly | Passed

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HB0182PassAs enacted, changes the date by which the Tennessee ethics commission must report to the governor and general assembly on the administration and enforcement of laws within its jurisdiction; specifies the scope of the commission's jurisdiction; revise...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 37
SJR0307PassJacelyn Haskins, Salutatorian, Chester County High School
Signed by Governor.
SB0333PassAs enacted, requires a court ordering the expunction of a person's public records of a criminal offense as a result of successful completion of a diversion program to include the person's state control number in the expunction order submitted to the ...
Effective date(s) 07/01/2023
HB0211PassAs enacted, extends the elevator and amusement device safety board to June 30, 2028. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 68, Chapter 121.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 6
SJR0302PassKathleen Donnellan, Kingsport City Schools District Teacher of the Year Grades 5-8
Signed by Governor.
HB0228PassAs enacted, extends the Tennessee interagency cash flow committee to June 30, 2029. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 6.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 17
SB0159PassAs enacted, requires assistant director and general counsel of the bureau of ethics and campaign finance, if any, to be employed upon the recommendation of the executive director and approval by the board of directors of the bureau; requires persons ...
Effective date(s) 03/14/2023; 01/01/2024
SB0367PassAs enacted, prohibits political subdivisions from prohibiting, based on the type or source of energy to be delivered to an individual customer, the sale or installation of an appliance utilized for cooking, space heating, water heating, or another en...
Effective date(s) 03/14/2023
HB0072PassAs enacted, removes a requirement to preserve leases to which the state is a party on microfilm and instead requires preservation of such leases on appropriate electronic or other storage media. - Amends TCA Section 10-7-303 and Section 12-2-108.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 25
SB1004PassAs enacted, allows a defendant or defendant's counsel, in addition to a judge or district attorney general, to request a certificate from the Tennessee bureau of investigation relative to a defendant's eligibility for pretrial diversion. - Amends TCA...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 35
HB0053PassAs enacted, substitutes a representative of the Tennessee Association of Fairs for the Association's executive director as a member of the state fair and exposition commission. - Amends TCA Section 4-57-104.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 19
HB0225PassAs enacted, extends the Tennessee consolidated retirement system, board of trustees to June 30, 2029. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 8, Chapter 34.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 14
HB0489PassAs enacted, specifies that the requirement to notify the department of revenue of the death of the sole or last surviving lessee of a safe deposit box does not apply if the lessee died after December 31, 2015; specifies that a state trust institution...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 28
SJR0317PassNathan Gafney, Eagle Scout
Signed by Governor.
HB0216PassAs enacted, extends the prevailing wage commission to June 30, 2028. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 12, Chapter 4, Part 4.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 8
SB0147PassAs enacted, increases the statute of limitation for prosecution of official misconduct and destruction of and tampering with governmental records to six years from the date of the offense. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 2.
Effective date(s) 07/01/2023
HB0128PassAs enacted, increases the statute of limitation for prosecution of official misconduct and destruction of and tampering with governmental records to six years from the date of the offense. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 2.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 22
SB0210PassAs enacted, authorizes, to the extent required by federal law, a vehicle operated by an engine fueled by natural gas or powered primarily by means of electric battery power to exceed vehicle weight limits, up to a maximum gross vehicle weight of 82,0...
Effective date(s) 07/01/2023
SJR0267PassJ. Gregory Davenport, Fish and Wildlife Commission
Signed by Governor.
SJR0314PassGaye Lynn Wilson
Signed by Governor.
SB0583PassAs enacted, clarifies that former municipal judges may solemnize a marriage. - Amends TCA Title 36, Chapter 3, Part 3.
Effective date(s) 03/14/2023
SJR0131PassMike O’Malley, Austin Peay State University Board of Trustees
Signed by Governor.
HB0217PassAs enacted, extends the professional art therapist advisory committee of the board of examiners in psychology to June 30, 2024. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 63, Chapter 11, Part 4.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 9
HB0075PassAs enacted, authorizes the responding law enforcement officer or the district attorney general's office to extend criminal immunity to persons who are experiencing a subsequent drug overdose and who are seeking medical assistance. - Amends TCA Sectio...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 41
HB0017PassAs enacted, designates the month of May as "Silver Alert Awareness Month." - Amends TCA Title 15, Chapter 2.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 36
HB0223PassAs enacted, extends the statewide community services agency to June 30, 2027. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 37, Chapter 5, Part 3.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 12
SJR0215PassStephen Powell, Standards Recommendation Committee for Science and Social Studies
Signed by Governor.
HB0202PassAs enacted, extends the controlled substance database committee to June 30, 2027. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 53.
Effective date(s) 03/10/2023
SJR0310PassRossville Christian Academy girls' basketball team
Signed by Governor.
SB0258PassAs enacted, requires that any ignition interlock device that is installed on or after January 1, 2024, employ global positioning system (GPS) technology that will geotag the motor vehicle's location whenever an initial startup test, a random retest, ...
Effective date(s) 01/01/2024
HB0213PassAs enacted, extends the energy efficient schools council to June 30, 2027. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 49, Chapter 17.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 7
SJR0308PassBolivar Central High School boys' basketball team, district championship
Signed by Governor.
HB0180PassAs enacted, authorizes, to the extent required by federal law, a vehicle operated by an engine fueled by natural gas or powered primarily by means of electric battery power to exceed vehicle weight limits, up to a maximum gross vehicle weight of 82,0...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 39
SJR0318PassHayden Baker, Eagle Scout
Signed by Governor.
HB0224PassAs enacted, extends the Tennessee board of water quality, oil, and gas to June 30, 2028. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 69, Chapter 3.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 13
SB0256PassAs enacted, authorizes the responding law enforcement officer or the district attorney general's office to extend criminal immunity to persons who are experiencing a subsequent drug overdose and who are seeking medical assistance. - Amends TCA Sectio...
Effective date(s) 07/01/2023
SJR0217PassLinda Moss Mines, Standards Recommendation Committee for Science and Social Studies
Signed by Governor.
SJR0139PassDavid McKinney, University of Memphis Board of Trustees
Signed by Governor.
SJR0304PassFrank Lannom
Signed by Governor.
HB0219PassAs enacted, extends the Sam Davis memorial association, board of trustees to June 30, 2029. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 13, Part 3 and Title 4, Chapter 29.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 11
SJR0142PassNatalie Tate, University of Tennessee Health Science Center Advisory Board
Signed by Governor.
SJR0171PassHal Bynum, University of Tennessee at Martin Advisory Board
Signed by Governor.
HB0214PassAs enacted, extends the medical cannabis commission to June 30, 2025. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 68, Chapter 7.
Effective date(s) 03/14/2023
SJR0214PassDr. Chad Lewis, Standards Recommendation Committee for Science and Social Studies
Signed by Governor.
SJR0301PassMarie Taylor, Kingsport City Schools District Grades Pre-K-4 Teacher of the Year
Signed by Governor.
SJR0269PassRhonda Wright Moody, Fish and Wildlife Commission
Signed by Governor.
SB0262PassAs enacted, allows the department to disclose motor vehicle accident reports to authorized persons relating to a guest's use of state parks. - Amends TCA Section 11-1-102.
Effective date(s) 03/10/2023
SB0265PassAs enacted, prohibits the POST commission from certifying a person decertified in another state because of criminal or other misconduct; requires the commission to evaluate the qualifications of a person certified as a law enforcement officer in anot...
Effective date(s) 03/10/2023
HB0048PassAs enacted, caps at 20 the number of members that may be elected to the governing body of a metropolitan or municipal government. - Amends TCA Title 2; Title 5; Title 6 and Title 7.
Effective date(s) 03/09/2023
SJR0311PassRossville Christian Academy boys' basketball team
Signed by Governor.
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