Texas Representative Angie Button [R] | All Sessions | Passed

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TXHR790PassCommemorating the opening of the William E. Dollar Municipal Building in Garland.
Reported enrolled
TXHR486PassCongratulating Curtis Poovey on his appointment as chief of the Richardson Fire Department.
Reported enrolled
TXHR153PassRecognizing April 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Day at the State Capitol.
Reported enrolled
TXHR541PassRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Sachse Day at the State Capitol.
Reported enrolled
TXHR396PassRecognizing February 15, 2017, as Garland Day at the State Capitol.
Reported enrolled
TXHR397PassRecognizing February 16, 2017, as Rowlett Day at the State Capitol.
Reported enrolled
TXHR405PassIn memory of Donald Benjamin Fielding of Dallas.
Reported enrolled
TXHR193PassRecognizing January 31, 2017, as CPA Day at the State Capitol.
Reported enrolled
TXHR169PassCommemorating the Lunar New Year on January 28, 2017.
Reported enrolled
TXHB565PassRelating to powers of private toll project entities.
Effective immediately
TXHB2186PassRelating to suicide prevention training for educators in public schools.
Effective immediately
TXHB416PassRelating to requiring personnel of abortion facilities and certain other facilities performing abortions to complete training on human trafficking.
Effective immediately
TXSB833PassRelating to the continuation of a residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation while the owner is temporarily absent because of military service.
Effective immediately
TXHB26PassRelating to state economic development measures, including administration of the Texas Enterprise Fund, creation of the Economic Incentive Oversight Board and the governor's university research initiative, abolishment of the Texas emerging technology...
Effective on 9/1/15
TXHB1690PassRelating to the investigation and prosecution of offenses against public administration, including ethics offenses.
Effective on 9/1/15
TXHCR35PassDesignating the cowboy hat as the official State Hat of Texas.
Signed by the Governor
TXHB3547PassRelating to a voluntary veteran's employment preference for private employers.
Effective on 9/1/15
TXHB1492PassRelating to consideration of asbestos or silica trust claims in certain actions asserting asbestos- or silica-related injuries.
Effective on 9/1/15
TXHB21PassRelating to authorizing patients with certain terminal illnesses to access certain investigational drugs, biological products, and devices that are in clinical trials.
Effective immediately
TXHB481PassRelating to the designation of a segment of Farm-to-Market Road 1301 in Wharton County as the Master Sergeant Mike C. Peña Memorial Highway.
Effective on 9/1/15
TXHB32PassRelating to the computation and rates of the franchise tax; decreasing tax rates.
Effective on 1/1/16
TXSB1PassRelating to certain restrictions on the imposition of ad valorem taxes and to the duty of the state to reimburse certain political subdivisions for certain revenue loss; making conforming changes.
See remarks for effective date
TXHB910PassRelating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a holstered handgun; creating criminal offenses.
See remarks for effective date
TXHB3074PassRelating to the provision of artificially administered nutrition and hydration and life-sustaining treatment.
Effective on 9/1/15
TXSB2065PassRelating to the rights of certain religious organizations and individuals relating to a marriage that violates a sincerely held religious belief.
Effective immediately
TXSB755PassRelating to the application of the sales and use tax to certain computer program transactions.
Effective immediately
TXHB1853PassRelating to the removal of a tenant's personal property after a writ of possession has been issued in an eviction suit.
Effective on 9/1/15
TXHB11PassRelating to the powers and duties of the Texas Department of Public Safety, military and law enforcement training, and the investigation, prosecution, punishment, and prevention of certain offenses; creating an offense and increasing a criminal penal...
Effective on 9/1/15
TXHB10PassRelating to certain criminal and civil consequences of trafficking of persons, compelling prostitution, and certain other related criminal offenses; to the prevention, prosecution, and punishment of those offenses, and to compensation paid to victims...
Effective on 9/1/15
TXHB1044PassRelating to the designation of a segment of Farm-to-Market Road 423 in Denton County as the U.S. Army Sergeant Enrique Mondragon Memorial Highway.
Effective immediately
TXSB632PassRelating to the creation of the governor's university research initiative and to the abolishment of the Texas emerging technology fund.
Effective on 9/1/15
TXSB853PassRelating to the signature requirement for a sales tax permit application filed electronically.
Effective immediately
TXHR2948PassCommending Dr. David E. Daniel on his service as president of The University of Texas at Dallas and congratulating him on his appointment as deputy chancellor and chief operating officer of The University of Texas System.
Reported enrolled
TXHB1246PassRelating to the methods of delivery for required financial statement forms sent to certain municipal officeholders and candidates for municipal office.
Effective on 9/1/15
TXHR2242PassCommemorating the 40th anniversary of the end of the war in Vietnam.
Reported enrolled
TXHCR114PassRecognizing the Operation Blue Shield initiative.
Signed by the Governor
TXHR2500PassCommemorating the 27th anniversary of the Sister State relationship between the State of Texas and Taiwan and expressing support for the establishment of a Texas trade office in Taiwan and for the expansion of Taiwan's role in the international commu...
Reported enrolled
TXHCR116PassPaying tribute to the memory of Thomas J. Lee, the first Asian American to serve in the Texas Legislature.
Signed by the Governor
TXHR2757PassIn memory of Janine Foster Woody of Dallas.
Reported enrolled
TXHR2841PassCongratulating Dr. Charles Ku on his receipt of a 2015 Profiles in Leadership Award.
Reported enrolled
TXHB40PassRelating to the exclusive jurisdiction of this state to regulate oil and gas operations in this state and the express preemption of local regulation of those operations.
Effective immediately
TXHR2027PassRecognizing May 2015 as Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month.
Reported enrolled
TXHR2377PassRecognizing May 6, 2015, as Asian Real Estate Association of America Day at the State Capitol.
Reported enrolled
TXHR1289PassCommemorating Earth Day on April 22, 2016.
Reported enrolled
TXHR1288PassCommemorating the 45th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, 2015.
Reported enrolled
TXHR1560PassRecognizing April 8, 2015, as Vietnamese American Day at the State Capitol.
Reported enrolled
TXHR1711PassCommemorating the dedication of an Official Texas Historical Marker recognizing the Travis College Hill Addition in Garland.
Reported enrolled
TXHR746PassRecognizing Garland Chamber of Commerce Day at the State Capitol.
Reported enrolled
TXHR480PassCongratulating Joshua Chari of the Lloyd V. Berkner High School STEM Academy in Richardson on his exceptional scholastic achievements.
Reported enrolled
TXHR581PassIn memory of May Louise Sweeden of Richardson.
Reported enrolled
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