US | HB20 | Intro 25% | To amend the National Labor Relations Act, the Labor Management Relations Act, 1947, and the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Education and Workforce Committee |
US | HB14 | Intro 25% | To amend the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to revise the criteria for determining which States and political subdivisions are subject to section 4 of the Act, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Judiciary Committee |
US | HB1589 | Intro 25% | To authorize the cancellation of removal and adjustment of status of certain aliens, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-27 Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H884) |
US | HB1742 | Intro 25% | To establish leave policies of the Armed Forces for a member to seek an abortion. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-27 To House Armed Services Committee |
US | HB1674 | Intro 25% | To regulate large capacity ammunition feeding devices. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-27 To House Judiciary Committee |
US | HB1684 | Intro 25% | To amend the Horse Protection Act to designate additional unlawful acts under the Act, strengthen penalties for violations of the Act, improve Department of Agriculture enforcement of the Act, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-27 To House Energy And Commerce Committee |
US | HB1700 | Intro 25% | To enhance Social Security benefits and ensure the long-term solvency of the Social Security program. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-27 To House Ways And Means Committee |
US | HB1625 | Intro 25% | To extend duty-free treatment provided with respect to imports from Haiti under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-26 To House Ways And Means Committee |
US | HB1557 | Intro 25% | To implement title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 with respect to elementary and secondary schools, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-25 To House Education and Workforce Committee |
US | HB1544 | Intro 25% | To direct the head of the Department of Government Efficiency to submit a report to Congress on the personnel of the Department and present information to Congress on the activities carried out by the Department, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-24 To House Oversight And Government Reform Committee |
US | HR159 | Intro 25% | Expressing support for the designation of the week of February 24 through February 28, 2025, as "Public Schools Week". [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-24 To House Oversight And Government Reform Committee |
US | HR160 | Intro 25% | Recognizing January 2025 as "National Mentoring Month". [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-24 To House Education and Workforce Committee |
US | HB1545 | Intro 25% | To direct the Comptroller General of the United States to submit a report to Congress on actions taken by the Department of Government Efficiency. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-24 To House Oversight And Government Reform Committee |
US | HB1422 | Intro 25% | To impose sanctions with respect to persons engaged in logistical transactions and sanctions evasion relating to oil, gas, liquefied natural gas, and related petrochemical products from the Islamic Republic of Iran, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-18 To House Foreign Affairs Committee |
US | HB1306 | Intro 25% | To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude from gross income any judgments, awards, and settlements with respect to sexual assault or sexual harassment claims, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 To House Ways And Means Committee |
US | HB1307 | Intro 25% | To establish the Office of Gun Violence Prevention, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 To House Judiciary Committee |
US | HB1329 | Intro 25% | To permit the Smithsonian American Women's History Museum to be located within the Reserve of the National Mall, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 To House Administration Committee |
US | HB1330 | Intro 25% | To permit the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Latino to be located within the Reserve of the National Mall, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 To House Administration Committee |
US | HB1357 | Intro 25% | To increase the benefits guaranteed in connection with certain pension plans, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 To House Education and Workforce Committee |
US | HB1359 | Intro 25% | To direct the Director of the National Museum of African American History and Culture to conduct a study on Black history education efforts in public elementary and secondary schools, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 To House Administration Committee |
US | HB1229 | Intro 25% | To enhance bilateral defense cooperation between the United States and Israel, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-12 To House Armed Services Committee |
US | HB1101 | Intro 25% | To prohibit unlawful access to the payment system of the Bureau of the Fiscal Service within the Department of the Treasury, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-11 Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H625-626) |
US | HB211 | Intro 25% | To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for limitations on copayments for contraception furnished by the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Subcommittee on Health |
US | HB1106 | Intro 25% | To amend the America COMPETES Act to establish certain scientific integrity policies for Federal agencies that fund, conduct, or oversee scientific research, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Science, Space, And Technology Committee |
US | HB1105 | Intro 25% | To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to require the President to establish an individual household disaster mitigation program, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Ways And Means Committee |
US | HB999 | Intro 25% | To protect an individuals ability to access contraceptives and to engage in contraception and to protect a health care providers ability to provide contraceptives, contraception, and information related to contraception. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Energy And Commerce Committee |
US | HB995 | Intro 25% | To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for current year inclusion of net CFC tested income, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Ways And Means Committee |
US | HB989 | Intro 25% | To codify Executive Order 11246 titled "Equal Employment Opportunity". [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Education and Workforce Committee |
US | HB924 | Intro 25% | To transfer and limit Executive Branch authority to suspend or restrict the entry of a class of aliens. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To House Subcommittee on Border Security and Enforcement |
US | HB933 | Intro 25% | To modify the minimum required weight of orange juice soluble solids. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To House Energy And Commerce Committee |
US | HR94 | Intro 25% | Expressing support for the Nation's local public K-12 schools and condemning any actions that would defund public education or weaken or dismantle the Department of Education. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To House Education and Workforce Committee |
US | HR87 | Intro 25% | Commemorating the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz extermination camp in Nazi-occupied Poland and International Holocaust Remembrance Day. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-31 To House Foreign Affairs Committee |
US | HB844 | Intro 25% | To authorize the Secretary of Education to award grants to eligible entities to carry out educational programs that include the history of peoples of African descent in the settling and founding of America, the economic and political environments tha... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-31 To House Education and Workforce Committee |
US | HB768 | Intro 25% | To require a study on Holocaust education efforts of States, local educational agencies, and public elementary and secondary schools, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-28 To House Education and Workforce Committee |
US | HB764 | Intro 25% | To prohibit the application of certain restrictive eligibility requirements to foreign nongovernmental organizations with respect to the provision of assistance under part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-28 To House Foreign Affairs Committee |
US | HR68 | Intro 25% | Expressing strong disapproval of the President's announcement to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-24 To House Foreign Affairs Committee |
US | HB612 | Intro 25% | To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize grants to health care providers to enhance the physical and cyber security of their facilities, personnel, and patients. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-22 To House Energy And Commerce Committee |
US | HB608 | Intro 25% | To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide for a demonstration project under the Medicaid program for political subdivisions of States to provide medical assistance for the expansion population under such program, and for other purposes... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-22 To House Energy And Commerce Committee |
US | HR23 | Intro 25% | Permitting parental remote voting by proxy, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-09 To House Rules Committee |
US | HB51 | Intro 25% | To provide for the admission of the State of Washington, D.C. into the Union. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-03 To House Oversight And Government Reform Committee |