| US | HB6828 | Intro
Recessed | To establish within the Department of Justice an Office for Missing and Murdered Black Women and Girls. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-14 To House Judiciary Committee |
| US | HB4531 | Engross
Recessed | To reauthorize certain programs that provide for opioid use disorder prevention, recovery, and treatment, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-13 To Senate Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions Committee |
| US | HB3226 | Engross
Recessed | To reauthorize the Prematurity Research Expansion and Education for Mothers who deliver Infants Early Act. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-12 Received in the Senate. Read twice. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 275. |
| US | HB6607 | Intro
Recessed | To amend the Public Health Service Act to establish an Office of Drug Manufacturing. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-08 To House Subcommittee on Health |
| US | HB6689 | Intro
Recessed | To direct the Secretary of Education to forgive the Federal student loans of borrowers who are enrolled for benefits under part A of title XVIII of the Social Security Act, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-08 To House Subcommittee on Health |
| US | HB6654 | Intro
Recessed | To prohibit the sale and distribution of expanded polystyrene food service ware, expanded polystyrene loose fill, and expanded polystyrene coolers, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-08 To House Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce |
| US | HB6672 | Intro
Recessed | To award a Congressional Gold Medal posthumously to Marshall Walter "Major" Taylor in recognition of his significance to the nation as an athlete, trailblazer, role model, and equal rights advocate. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-07 To House Financial Services Committee |
| US | HB542 | Engross
Recessed | To amend title 38, United States Code, to improve certain programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs for home and community based services for veterans, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-06 Received in the Senate. |
| US | HB6618 | Intro
Recessed | To require the transfer of regulatory control of certain munitions exports from the Department of Commerce to the Department of State, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-06 To House Foreign Affairs Committee |
| US | HB6629 | Intro
Recessed | To reauthorize the YouthBuild program, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-06 To House Education And The Workforce Committee |
| US | HB5785 | Intro
Recessed | To amend title 38, United States Code, to modify the requirements of the Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-05 Ordered to be Reported in the Nature of a Substitute by Voice Vote. |
| US | HB6381 | Intro
Recessed | To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish a veterans visa program to permit veterans who have been removed from the United States to return as immigrants, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-05 To House Subcommittee on Health |
| US | HB6592 | Intro
Recessed | To authorize the Secretary of Education to provide grants to local educational agencies to cover the costs of challenges to determinations not to discontinue the use of specific instructional materials, or the availability of specific school library ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-05 To House Education And The Workforce Committee |
| US | HB6576 | Intro
Recessed | To improve the full-service community school program, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-04 To House Education And The Workforce Committee |
| US | HR907 | Intro
Recessed | To condemn the rise in antisemitism, call on all Americans to combat antisemitism in the United States, and implement aspects of the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-12-04 To House Judiciary Committee |
| US | HB6349 | Intro
Recessed | To prohibit or require notification with respect to certain activities of United States persons involving countries of concern, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-29 Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote. |
| US | HR114 | Intro
Recessed | In the matter of George Santos. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-28 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO OFFER RESOLUTION - Mr. Robert Garcia (CA) notified the House of his intent to offer a privileged resolution pursuant to clause 2(a)(1) of rule IX. The Chair announced that a determination will be made at the time designated for consideration of the resolution. |
| US | HR793 | Intro
Recessed | Calling on Hamas to immediately release hostages taken during October 2023 attack on Israel. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-28 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. |
| US | HR895 | Intro
Recessed | Condemning calls from Members of Congress for the expulsion of Palestinians from the United States. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-28 To House Judiciary Committee |
| US | HB6269 | Intro
Recessed | To amend title 38, United States Code, to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to furnish headstones, markers, and medallions for graves of certain enslaved individuals and individuals who performed military functions despite ineligibility to ser... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-27 To House Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs |
| US | HB6451 | Intro
Recessed | To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize grants to States, Indian Tribes, Tribal organizations, and political subdivisions thereof to hire, employ, train, and dispatch mental health professionals to respond in lieu of law enforcement offic... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-24 To House Subcommittee on Health |
| US | HB6456 | Intro
Recessed | To direct the National Institute of Justice to collect, study, and analyze data on incidents in which children have been seriously harmed or killed by law enforcement officers who were acting in their capacity as law enforcement officers. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-17 To House Judiciary Committee |
| US | HB6270 | Intro
Recessed | To amend title I of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to authorize the establishment of, and provide support for, State-based universal health care systems that provide comprehensive health benefits to State residents, and for other purp... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-10 To House Subcommittee on Health |
| US | HCR75 | Intro
Recessed | Expressing the sense of Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the Buffalo Soldiers. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-09 To House Oversight and Accountability Committee |
| US | HCR76 | Intro
Recessed | Recognizing the difficult challenges Black veterans faced when returning home after serving in the Armed Forces, their heroic military sacrifices, and their patriotism in fighting for equal rights and for the dignity of a people and a Nation. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-09 To House Veterans' Affairs Committee |
| US | HB6023 | Intro
Recessed | To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for the retroactive payment of benefits for veterans with covered mental health conditions based on military sexual trauma, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-09 To House Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs |
| US | HB6290 | Intro
Recessed | To modify the report requirements under the Adult and Juvenile Offender State and Local Reentry Demonstration Projects grant. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-08 To House Judiciary Committee |
| US | HB3774 | Engross
Recessed | To impose additional sanctions with respect to the importation or facilitation of the importation of petroleum products from Iran, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-07 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 240. |
| US | HB6087 | Intro
Recessed | To establish a comprehensive United States Government initiative to build the capacity of young leaders and entrepreneurs in Africa, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-07 Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote. |
| US | HB4175 | Intro
Recessed | To authorize the Secretary of State to provide additional assistance to Ukraine using assets confiscated from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other sovereign assets of the Russian Federation, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-07 Ordered to be Reported in the Nature of a Substitute (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 40 - 2. |
| US | HR792 | Intro
Recessed | Expressing support for the designation of October 17, 2023, as "National Vitiligo Awareness Day". [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-03 To House Subcommittee on Health |
| US | HB5957 | Intro
Recessed | To amend the Public Health Service Act to establish a program of research regarding the risks posed by the presence of dioxins, phthalates, pesticides, chemical fragrances, and other components of menstrual products and intimate care products. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-03 To House Subcommittee on Health |
| US | HB6078 | Intro
Recessed | To amend the Public Health Service Acts to make community colleges eligible to participate in the Nurse Education, Practice, Quality, and Retention-Pathway to Registered Nurse Program, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-03 To House Subcommittee on Health |
| US | HB6221 | Intro
Recessed | To direct the Secretary of Labor to promulgate an occupational safety and health standard to protect workers from adverse air, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-03 To House Education And The Workforce Committee |
| US | HB5976 | Intro
Recessed | To establish a Youth Mental Health Research Initiative in the National Institutes of Health for purposes of encouraging collaborative research to improve youth mental health. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-03 To House Subcommittee on Health |
| US | HB6094 | Intro
Recessed | To amend titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act and title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act to refine the set of information sources for determining coverage of certain drugs and biologicals used in the treatment or management of a rare... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-03 To House Subcommittee on Health |
| US | HB3266 | Engross
Recessed | To require the Secretary of State to submit annual reports reviewing the curriculum used by the Palestinian Authority, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-02 To Senate Foreign Relations Committee |
| US | HB6202 | Intro
Recessed | To divert Federal funding away from supporting the presence of police in schools and toward evidence-based and trauma informed services that address the needs of marginalized students and improve academic outcomes, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-02 To House Education And The Workforce Committee |
| US | HB662 | Engross
Recessed | To amend the Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023 to improve disaster relief funding for agricultural producers, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-01 Under the order of 10/24/23, having not achieved 60 votes in the affirmative, failed of passage in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 43 - 53. Record Vote Number: 285. |
| US | HR559 | Intro
Recessed | Declaring it is the policy of the United States that a nuclear Islamic Republic of Iran is not acceptable. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-11-01 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. |
| US | HR817 | Intro
Recessed | Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the African Americans who duly won election to the House during the post-Civil War Reconstruction Era but were wrongly denied the right to take their seats should be recognized as former Membe... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-10-26 To House Administration Committee |
| US | HR819 | Intro
Recessed | Recognizing the 5-year anniversary of the horrific antisemitic attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on October 27, 2018, and condemning antisemitism. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-10-26 To House Oversight and Accountability Committee |
| US | HB6091 | Intro
Recessed | To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to direct the Secretary of Education to make grants to States for assistance in hiring additional school-based mental health and student service providers. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-10-26 To House Education And The Workforce Committee |
| US | HB6079 | Intro
Recessed | To strengthen protections against child labor violations, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-10-26 To House Education And The Workforce Committee |
| US | HB5895 | Intro
Recessed | To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to provide for additional uses of funds for grants to strengthen historically Black colleges and universities, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-10-25 To House Education And The Workforce Committee |
| US | HR763 | Intro
Recessed | Reaffirming the United States commitment to respecting the sovereignty of Mexico and condemning calls for military action in Mexico without Mexico's consent and congressional authorization. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-10-25 To House Foreign Affairs Committee |
| US | HR768 | Intro
Recessed | Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-10-25 To House Foreign Affairs Committee |
| US | HR771 | Intro
Recessed | Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-10-25 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. |
| US | HB5975 | Intro
Recessed | To authorize grants to implement school-community partnerships for preventing substance use and misuse among youth. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-10-25 To House Energy And Commerce Committee |
| US | HB5998 | Intro
Recessed | To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to establish grants for tuition-free community colleges, student success grants, and grants for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and Minority-Serving Institution... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2023-10-25 To House Education And The Workforce Committee |