VA Legislation | 2019 | Regular Session | Bills

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Sine Die
Western Virginia Transportation Fund; revenues. Creates the Western Virginia Transportation Fund (Fund), to be used by the West Virginian Transportation Commission, also created by the bill, to fund transportation projects in Planning Districts 1, 2,...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Local school boards; display of commercial advertising material on school buses. Permits local school boards to display commercial advertising material on the sides of school buses between the rear wheels and the rear of the bus, provided that no suc...
To Senate Education and Health Committee

Sine Die
Cigarette tax; counties authorized to hold referendum. Authorizes the board of supervisors of any county to levy a tax on the sale or use of cigarettes if approved in a referendum. If approved, the tax shall not exceed five cents ($0.05) or the amoun...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Electric utilities; retail competition. Reduces the amount of the demand of an investor-owned electric utility's customer that makes the customer eligible to purchase electric power from any licensed supplier from five megawatts to one megawatt. The ...
To Senate Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Absentee voting; persons age 65 or older. Entitles a person who will be age 65 or older on the day of an election to vote by absentee ballot in that election.
To Senate Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Certificates of public need. Creates a three-phase process to sunset certificate of public need requirements for many categories of medical care facilities and projects, with the requirement for a certificate of public need eliminated (i) for the est...
To House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee

Sine Die
Political campaign advertisements; disclosure requirements; advertisements placed or promoted for a fee on an online platform. Subjects any message that is placed or promoted for a fee on an online platform to the same disclosure requirements to whic...
To House Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Scope of discovery; deposing certain corporate officers. Provides that parties to a civil action may obtain discovery regarding any matter, not privileged, that is relevant to the subject matter and proportional to the needs of the case. The bill sta...
To Senate Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Virginia Gaming Commission; regulation of charitable gaming; administration of fantasy contest registrations. Establishes the Virginia Gaming Commission (Commission) and vests the Commission with the control and regulation of charitable gaming in the...
To Senate General Laws and Technology Committee

Sine Die
Absentee voting; no-excuse in-person available 21 days prior to election. Allows any registered voter to vote by absentee ballot in person beginning on the twenty-first day prior to any election in which he is qualified to vote without providing a re...
To Senate Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Turns in certain residential areas in certain counties; resident stickers. Allows counties that operate under the urban county executive form of government (Fairfax County) by ordinance to develop a program to issue permits to residents of a designat...
To Senate Local Government Committee

Sine Die
Disposable plastic shopping bags; local option. Allows any locality by ordinance to prohibit the distribution, sale, or offer for sale of disposable plastic shopping bags to consumers. The bill exempts from any such prohibition reusable bags of a cer...
To Senate Local Government Committee

Sine Die
Absentee voting; late applications and in-person voting in certain circumstances. Provides that a registered voter who becomes obligated after noon on the Friday immediately preceding an election to travel outside of his county or city for a business...
To Senate Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Renewal of concealed handgun permits; notice. Requires the clerk of the court that issued a concealed handgun permit to notify the permit holder, at least 90 days prior to the expiration date, of the expiration date of the permit. Such notification s...
To Senate Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Taxation in the Commonwealth; income tax, sales tax, and credit for certain local taxes. Provides, for taxable years 2018 through 2022, a refundable credit against individual and corporate income taxes for a business's aggregate tax liability under t...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Standards of Achievement Career and Technical Education Committee; established. Directs the Board of Education to establish the Standards of Achievement Career and Technical Education Committee (Committee) to make recommendations to the General Assem...
To Senate Education and Health Committee

Sine Die
Issuance of disabled parking placards. Allows mental health professionals to certify to the Department of Motor Vehicles a person's disability that limits or impairs his ability to walk, for the purpose of obtaining a disabled parking placard. The bi...
To Senate Transportation Committee

Sine Die
Line of Duty Act; eligible dependents. Provides that children born or adopted after the death or disability of an employee covered by the Line of Duty Act are eligible for health insurance coverage if such coverage does not result in an increase in t...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Initiation of a civil action; clerk of a general district court. Requires a general district court clerk to file, process, and issue for service of process any pleading initiating a civil action in the general district court within 14 days of receipt...
To Senate Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Line of Duty Act; health insurance coverage for eligible spouses. Allows the eligible spouse of a deceased person under the Line of Duty Act (the Act) whose death occurred prior to July 1, 2017, to continue to receive health insurance coverage under ...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Delivery of prescription drug orders. Provides that whenever any pharmacy delivers a prescription drug order for which refrigeration is required by mail, common carrier, or delivery service, when the drug order is not personally hand delivered direct...
To Senate Education and Health Committee

Sine Die
Workers' compensation; taxicab and executive sedan drivers. Provides that the exclusion from the definition of "employee" within the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act for taxicab or executive sedan drivers who are excluded from taxation under the Fe...
To Senate Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Medicaid; work requirement; report. Directs the Department of Medical Assistance Services (the Department) to apply for a waiver to implement a work requirement for able-bodied adult recipients of medical assistance services. The bill requires the De...
To Senate Education and Health Committee

Sine Die
Absentee voting; persons age 65 or older. Entitles a person who will be age 65 or older on the day of an election to vote by absentee ballot in that election.
To Senate Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Eligibility for parole; at liberty between offenses. Provides that a person convicted of three separate felony offenses of murder, rape, or robbery by the presenting of firearms or other deadly weapon, or any combination of such offenses, shall be el...
To Senate Rehabilitation and Social Services Committee

Sine Die
Community solar generation facilities. Authorizes the establishment of community solar generation facilities, which are required to be owned by a subscriber organization that has at least 10 subscribers. Subscribers will receive credits on their util...
To Senate Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Absentee voting; persons age 65 or older. Entitles a person who will be age 65 or older on the day of an election to vote by absentee ballot in that election.
To Senate Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Department of Criminal Justice Services; definition of "law-enforcement officer"; security division of the Virginia Lottery. Removes from the definition of law-enforcement officer, as it applies to an investigator who is a sworn member of the securit...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Combined sewer overflow system; notice of discharge. Requires the owner or operator of any combined sewer overflow (CSO) system to immediately report any discharge of untreated or partially treated sewage to the Department of Environmental Quality (t...
To Senate Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources Committee

Sine Die
Public schools; regional charter school divisions. Authorizes the Board of Education (the Board) to establish regional charter school divisions consisting of at least two but not more than three existing school divisions in regions in which each unde...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Sex offenses prohibiting entry onto school property; penalty. Provides that an adult who has been convicted of any felony offense for which registration on the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry is required where the victim of the offens...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Stormwater; State Water Control Board; regulations. Authorizes the State Water Control Board (the Board) to adopt stormwater regulations that provide any definitions, equations, or protocols needed to implement the runoff reduction method of demonstr...
To Senate Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources Committee

Sine Die
Health insurance; coverage for contraceptives. Requires health carriers to provide coverage, under any health insurance policy, contract, or plan that includes coverage for prescription drugs on an outpatient basis, for any prescribed contraceptive d...
To Senate Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Public procurement; contracting for construction on a construction management basis. Authorizes state public bodies and public institutions of higher education to enter into contracts for construction on a construction management basis where the esti...
To Senate General Laws and Technology Committee
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