Supplement: WV HB4418 | 2024 | Regular Session | Ethics Commission

For additional supplements on West Virginia HB4418 please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Bifurcating the ethics commission

Status: 2024-01-10 - To House Judiciary [HB4418 Detail]

Download: West_Virginia-2024-HB4418-Ethics_Commission.html


Date Requested: January 11, 2024
Time Requested: 10:23 PM
Agency: Ethics Commission
CBD Number: Version: Bill Number: Resolution Number:
1667 Introduced HB4418
CBD Subject: Boards and Commissions


Legislative Ethics Commission

Sources of Revenue:

General Fund

Legislation creates:

Creates New Fund: Legislative Ethics Commission

Fiscal Note Summary

Effect this measure will have on costs and revenues of state government.

House Bill 4418 (2024) appears to be the same as HB 3502 (2023), which creates a Legislative Ethics Commission to govern Legislators and legislative employees. The current Governmental Ethics Commission governs all public officials and employees, including those in the legislative branch. The House Bill removes the legislative branch from the jurisdiction of the Governmental Ethics Commission. The Legislative Ethics Commission would consist of nine members, and the eligibility requirements would be the same as those of the current Governmental Ethics Commission members. The Legislative Commission would enforce virtually the same ethical standards that are currently enforced by the Governmental Ethics Act but only for members of the legislature and its staff. The Legislative Ethics Commission would have the power to hire an Executive Director and other staff. This fiscal note is based on the plain language in the bill which creates a Legislative Ethics Commission that is separate and distinct from the Governmental Ethics Commission and has its own commissioners, office space, equipment, and staff. I am basing this note on the Governmental Ethics Commission's FY 2023 Year end Profit and Loss Report, dated July 5, 2023. I am simply prorating the Commission's expenditures by 50 percent. Based on the volume of the Ethics Commission's low volume of work that flows from the legislative branch, the Legislative Ethics Commission would not likely need more than 50 percent of the amount of office space, equipment, and staff that is needed by the Governmental Ethics Commission. The total FY 2023 expenditures for the Governmental Ethics Commission were $616,408. So, 50 percent of that amount would be $308,204. In addition, I have added $25,000 for the first year start-up expenses for office equipment.

Fiscal Note Detail

Effect of Proposal Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
(Upon Full
1. Estmated Total Cost 333,204 -25,000 308,204
Personal Services 0 0 0
Current Expenses 0 0 0
Repairs and Alterations 0 0 0
Assets 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0
2. Estimated Total Revenues 0 0 0

Explanation of above estimates (including long-range effect):

See above.


Please identify any areas of vagueness, technical defects, reasons a bill would not have a fiscal impact, and/or any special issues not captured elsewhere on this form.

    Person submitting Fiscal Note: Kimberly B. Weber
    Email Address: