Bill Text: AZ SB1605 | 2011 | Fiftieth Legislature 1st Regular | Engrossed

Bill Title: RFP; advertising in newspapers; repeal

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 5-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2011-03-03 - Senate third reading , voting: (12-14-4-0) [SB1605 Detail]

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Senate Engrossed




State of Arizona


Fiftieth Legislature

First Regular Session










amending section 28‑6713, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by laws 2010, chapter 244, section 16; amending section 34‑201, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 244, section 23; amending section 34‑201, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by laws 2010, chapter 244, section 24; repealing section 34‑201, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by laws 2010, chapter 117, section 12; amending section 41‑2533, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to notices regarding bidding for public contracts.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 28-6713, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 244, section 16, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-6713.  Bids for construction, reconstruction, equipment or supplies; procedure; bond; exceptions

A.  Except as provided in subsection G of this section, in a county with a population of two hundred fifty thousand persons or more as determined by the most recent United States decennial census or the most recent special census as provided in section 28‑6532, bids for all items of construction or reconstruction involving an expenditure equal to or greater than the amount determined pursuant to subsection B of this section, all purchases or other acquisition of equipment involving an expenditure of more than five thousand dollars and all purchases of supplies and materials involving an expenditure of two thousand five hundred dollars or more shall be called for by advertising in a newspaper of general circulation in the county for two consecutive publications if it is a weekly newspaper, or for two publications of at least six but not more than ten days apart if it is a daily newspaper. notice given to any person who requests to be placed on a list for the purposes of receiving such a notice.  The notice may also be posted at a designated site on a worldwide public network of interconnected computers.

The advertisement notice shall state specifically the character of the work to be done and the kind and quality of materials or supplies to be furnished.

B.  Bids shall be called pursuant to subsection A of this section for all items of construction or reconstruction involving an expenditure of:

1.  In fiscal year 1985‑1986, thirty‑five thousand dollars.

2.  In fiscal year 1986‑1987 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount provided in paragraph 1 of this subsection adjusted by the annual percentage change in the GDP price deflator as defined in section 41‑563.

C.  If the board of supervisors receives a satisfactory bid, it shall contract with the lowest responsible bidder after the contractor or supplier gives any bond required by title 34, chapter 2, article 2, except that in counties with a population of more than one million persons according to the most recent United States decennial census, in determining the lowest responsible bidder under this section, the board may consider, for no more than five projects, the time of completion proposed by the bidder, the value over time of completed services and facilities and the value over time of interrupted services, if the board determines that this procedure will serve the public interest by providing a substantial fiscal benefit or that the use of the traditional awarding of contracts is not practicable for meeting desired construction standards or delivery schedules and if the formula for considering the time of completion is specifically stated in the bidding information.  The board may reject any or all bids and readvertise.

D.  The board of supervisors, a member of the board of supervisors or any other official or agent of a county affected by this section shall not segregate or divide into separate units a contiguous or continuous portion of highway construction or reconstruction or divide into separate portions an item of equipment or generally recognized unit of supplies or material to avoid the restrictions imposed by subsection A of this section.

E.  The board of supervisors, a member of the board of supervisors or any other official or agent of a county affected by this section shall make every effort to combine the following:

1.  Separate portions of highway construction or reconstruction projects.

2.  Items of equipment, supplies and materials.

F.  After a contract has been awarded, the board of supervisors' authorized representative may authorize change orders to the contract if necessary pursuant to guidelines set by the board of supervisors.  This authority does not permit the board of supervisors' authorized representative to act independently to award new contracts.

G.  A building, structure, addition or alteration may be constructed without complying with the bidding requirements of this section if the construction, including construction of buildings or structures on public or private property, is required as a condition of development of private property and is authorized by section 9‑463.01 or 11-821 or 11-822.  For the purposes of this subsection, building does not include any police, fire, school, library or other public building.

H.  Subsections A, B and C of this section do not apply to procurement of construction‑manager‑at‑risk, design‑build and job‑order‑contracting construction services pursuant to title 34, chapter 6. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 34-201, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 244, section 23, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE34-201.  Notice of intention to receive bids and enter contract; procedure; doing work without advertising for bids; county compliance

A.  Except as provided in subsections B through G and L of this section, every agent, on acceptance and approval of the working drawings and specifications, shall publish provide a notice to contractors of intention to receive bids and contract for the proposed work.  This notice shall be published by advertising in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the agent is located for two consecutive publications if it is a weekly newspaper or for two publications that are at least six but no more than ten days apart if it is a daily newspaper. given to any person who requests to be placed on a list for the purposes of receiving such a notice. The notice may also be posted at a designated site on a worldwide public network of interconnected computers.  The notice shall state:

1.  The nature of the work required, the type, purpose and location of the proposed building and where the plans, specifications and full information as to the proposed work may be obtained.

2.  That contractors desiring to submit proposals may obtain copies of full or partial sets of plans and specifications for estimate on request or by appointment.  The return of such plans and specifications shall be guaranteed by a deposit of a designated amount, which shall be refunded on return of the plans and specifications in good order.

3.  That every proposal shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or surety bond for ten per cent of the amount of the bid included in the proposal as a guarantee that the contractor will enter into a contract to perform the proposal in accordance with the plans and specifications.  Notwithstanding any other statute, the surety bond shall be executed solely by a surety company or companies holding a certificate of authority to transact surety business in this state issued by the director of the department of insurance pursuant to title 20, chapter 2, article 1.  The surety bond shall not be executed by an individual surety or sureties, even if the requirements of section 7‑101 are satisfied.  The certified check, cashier's check or surety bond shall be returned to the contractors whose proposals are not accepted, and to the successful contractor on the execution of a satisfactory bond and contract as provided in this article.  The conditions and provisions of the surety bid bond regarding the surety's obligations shall follow the following form:

Now, therefore, if the obligee accepts the proposal of the principal and the principal enters into a contract with the obligee in accordance with the terms of the proposal and gives the bonds and certificates of insurance as specified in the standard specifications with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of the contract and for the prompt payment of labor and materials furnished in the prosecution of the contract, or in the event of the failure of the principal to enter into the contract and give the bonds and certificates of insurance, if the principal pays to the obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty of the bond between the amount specified in the proposal and such larger amount for which the obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by the proposal then this obligation is void. Otherwise it remains in full force and effect provided, however, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of section 34‑201, Arizona Revised Statutes, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the section to the extent as if it were copied at length herein.

4.  That the right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to withhold the award for any reason the agent determines.

B.  If the agent believes that any construction, building addition or alteration contemplated at a public institution can be advantageously done by the inmates of the public institution and regularly employed help, the agent may cause the work to be done without advertising for bids.

C.  Any building, structure, addition or alteration may be constructed either with or without the use of the agent's regularly employed personnel without advertising for bids, provided that the total cost of the work, excluding materials and equipment previously acquired by bid, does not exceed:

1.  In fiscal year 1994‑1995, fourteen thousand dollars.

2.  In fiscal year 1995‑1996 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount provided in paragraph 1 of this subsection adjusted by the annual percentage change in the GDP price deflator as defined in section 41‑563.

D.  Notwithstanding subsection C of this section, any street, road, bridge, water or sewer work, other than a water or sewer treatment plant or building, may be constructed either with or without the use of the agent's regularly employed personnel without advertising for bids, provided that the total cost of the work does not exceed:

1.  In fiscal year 1994‑1995, one hundred fifty thousand dollars.

2.  In fiscal year 1995‑1996 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount provided in paragraph 1 of this subsection adjusted by the annual percentage change in the GDP price deflator as defined in section 41‑563.

E.  For the purposes of subsection D of this section, the total cost of water or sewer work does not include services provided by volunteers or donations made for the water or sewer project.

F.  Notwithstanding this section, an agent may:

1.  Construct, reconstruct, install or repair a natural gas or electric utility and distribution system, owned or operated by such agent, with regularly employed personnel of the agent without advertising for bids, unless otherwise prohibited by charter or ordinance.

2.  Construct recreational projects, including trails, playgrounds, ballparks and other similar facilities and excluding buildings, structures, building additions and alterations to buildings, structures and building additions, with volunteer workers or workers provided by a nonprofit organization without advertising for bids for labor and materials, provided that the total cost of the work does not exceed:

(a)  In fiscal year 2001‑2002, one hundred fifty thousand dollars.

(b)  In fiscal year 2002‑2003 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount provided in subdivision (a) adjusted by the annual percentage change in the GDP price deflator as defined in section 41‑563.

G.  A contribution by an agent for the financing of public infrastructure made pursuant to a development agreement is exempt from this section if such contribution for any single development does not exceed:

1.  In fiscal year 1994‑1995, one hundred thousand dollars.

2.  In fiscal year 1995‑1996 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount provided in paragraph 1 of this subsection adjusted by the annual percentage change in the GDP price deflator as defined in section 41‑563.

H.  In addition to other state or local requirements relating to the publication of bids, each agent shall provide at least one set of all plans and specifications to any construction news reporting service that files an annual request with the agent.  For the purposes of this subsection, "construction news reporting service" means a service that researches, gathers and disseminates news and reports either in print or electronically, on at least a weekly basis for building projects, construction bids, the purchasing of materials, supplies or services and other construction bidding or planned activity to the allied construction industry.  The allied construction industry includes both general and specialty contractors, builders, material and service suppliers, architects and engineers, owners, developers and government agencies.

I.  Any construction by a county under this section shall comply with the uniform accounting system prescribed for counties by the auditor general under section 41‑1279.21.  Any construction by a city or town under this section shall comply with generally accepted accounting principles.

J.  Any construction, building addition or alteration project that is financed by monies of this state or its political subdivisions shall not use endangered wood species unless an exemption is granted by the director of the department of administration.  The director shall only grant an exemption if the use of endangered wood species is deemed necessary for historical restoration or to repair existing facilities and the use of any substitute material is not practical.  Any lease‑purchase agreement entered into by this state or its political subdivisions for construction shall specify that no endangered wood species may be used in the construction unless an exemption is granted by the director.  For the purposes of this subsection, "endangered wood species" includes those listed in appendix I of the convention on international trade in endangered species of wild flora and fauna.

K.  All bonds given by a contractor and surety pursuant to this article, regardless of their actual form, will be deemed by law to be the form required and set forth in this article and no other.

L.  Any building, structure, addition or alteration may be constructed without complying with this article if the construction, including construction of buildings or structures on public or private property, is required as a condition of development of private property and is authorized by section 9‑463.01 or 11-822.  For the purposes of this subsection, building does not include police, fire, school, library or other public buildings.

M.  Notwithstanding section 34‑221, any agent may enter into a guaranteed energy cost savings contract with a qualified provider for the purchase of energy cost savings measures without complying with this article and may procure a guaranteed energy cost savings contract through the competitive sealed proposal process prescribed in title 41, chapter 23 or any similar competitive proposal process adopted by the agent. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 34-201, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 244, section 24, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE34-201.  Notice of intention to receive bids and enter contract; procedure; doing work without advertising for bids; county compliance

A.  Except as provided in subsections B through G and L of this section, every agent, on acceptance and approval of the working drawings and specifications, shall publish provide a notice to contractors of intention to receive bids and contract for the proposed work.  This notice shall be published by advertising in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the agent is located for two consecutive publications if it is a weekly newspaper or for two publications that are at least six but no more than ten days apart if it is a daily newspaper.  given to any person who requests to be placed on a list for the purposes of receiving such a notice. The notice may also be posted at a designated site on a worldwide public network of interconnected computers.  The notice shall state:

1.  The nature of the work required, the type, purpose and location of the proposed building and where the plans, specifications and full information as to the proposed work may be obtained.

2.  That contractors desiring to submit proposals may obtain copies of full or partial sets of plans and specifications for estimate on request or by appointment.  The return of such plans and specifications shall be guaranteed by a deposit of a designated amount, which shall be refunded on return of the plans and specifications in good order.

3.  That every proposal shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or surety bond for ten per cent of the amount of the bid included in the proposal as a guarantee that the contractor will enter into a contract to perform the proposal in accordance with the plans and specifications.  Notwithstanding any other statute, the surety bond shall be executed solely by a surety company or companies holding a certificate of authority to transact surety business in this state issued by the director of the department of insurance pursuant to title 20, chapter 2, article 1.  The surety bond shall not be executed by an individual surety or sureties, even if the requirements of section 7‑101 are satisfied.  The certified check, cashier's check or surety bond shall be returned to the contractors whose proposals are not accepted, and to the successful contractor on the execution of a satisfactory bond and contract as provided in this article.  The conditions and provisions of the surety bid bond regarding the surety's obligations shall follow the following form:

Now, therefore, if the obligee accepts the proposal of the principal and the principal enters into a contract with the obligee in accordance with the terms of the proposal and gives the bonds and certificates of insurance as specified in the standard specifications with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of the contract and for the prompt payment of labor and materials furnished in the prosecution of the contract, or in the event of the failure of the principal to enter into the contract and give the bonds and certificates of insurance, if the principal pays to the obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty of the bond between the amount specified in the proposal and such larger amount for which the obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by the proposal then this obligation is void. Otherwise it remains in full force and effect provided, however, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of section 34‑201, Arizona Revised Statutes, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the section to the extent as if it were copied at length herein.

4.  That the right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to withhold the award for any reason the agent determines.

B.  If the agent believes that any construction, building addition or alteration contemplated at a public institution can be advantageously done by the inmates of the public institution and regularly employed help, the agent may cause the work to be done without advertising for bids.

C.  Any building, structure, addition or alteration may be constructed either with or without the use of the agent's regularly employed personnel without advertising for bids, provided that the total cost of the work, excluding materials and equipment previously acquired by bid, does not exceed:

1.  In fiscal year 1994‑1995, fourteen thousand dollars.

2.  In fiscal year 1995‑1996 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount provided in paragraph 1 of this subsection adjusted by the annual percentage change in the GDP price deflator as defined in section 41‑563.

D.  Notwithstanding subsection C of this section, any street, road, bridge, water or sewer work, other than a water or sewer treatment plant or building, may be constructed either with or without the use of the agent's regularly employed personnel without advertising for bids, provided that the total cost of the work does not exceed:

1.  In fiscal year 1994‑1995, one hundred fifty thousand dollars.

2.  In fiscal year 1995‑1996 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount provided in paragraph 1 of this subsection adjusted by the annual percentage change in the GDP price deflator as defined in section 41‑563.

E.  For the purposes of subsection D of this section, the total cost of water or sewer work does not include services provided by volunteers or donations made for the water or sewer project.

F.  Notwithstanding this section, an agent may:

1.  Construct, reconstruct, install or repair a natural gas or electric utility and distribution system, owned or operated by such agent, with regularly employed personnel of the agent without advertising for bids, unless otherwise prohibited by charter or ordinance.

2.  Construct recreational projects, including trails, playgrounds, ballparks and other similar facilities and excluding buildings, structures, building additions and alterations to buildings, structures and building additions, with volunteer workers or workers provided by a nonprofit organization without advertising for bids for labor and materials, provided that the total cost of the work does not exceed:

(a)  In fiscal year 2001‑2002, one hundred fifty thousand dollars.

(b)  In fiscal year 2002‑2003 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount provided in subdivision (a) adjusted by the annual percentage change in the GDP price deflator as defined in section 41‑563.

G.  A contribution by an agent for the financing of public infrastructure made pursuant to a development agreement is exempt from this section if such contribution for any single development does not exceed:

1.  In fiscal year 1994‑1995, one hundred thousand dollars.

2.  In fiscal year 1995‑1996 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount provided in paragraph 1 of this subsection adjusted by the annual percentage change in the GDP price deflator as defined in section 41‑563.

H.  In addition to other state or local requirements relating to the publication of bids, each agent shall provide at least one set of all plans and specifications to any construction news reporting service that files an annual request with the agent.  For the purposes of this subsection, "construction news reporting service" means a service that researches, gathers and disseminates news and reports either in print or electronically, on at least a weekly basis for building projects, construction bids, the purchasing of materials, supplies or services and other construction bidding or planned activity to the allied construction industry.  The allied construction industry includes both general and specialty contractors, builders, material and service suppliers, architects and engineers, owners, developers and government agencies.

I.  Any construction by a county under this section shall comply with the uniform accounting system prescribed for counties by the auditor general under section 41‑1279.21.  Any construction by a city or town under this section shall comply with generally accepted accounting principles.

J.  Any construction, building addition or alteration project that is financed by monies of this state or its political subdivisions shall not use endangered wood species unless an exemption is granted by the director of the department of administration.  The director shall only grant an exemption if the use of endangered wood species is deemed necessary for historical restoration or to repair existing facilities and the use of any substitute material is not practical.  Any lease‑purchase agreement entered into by this state or its political subdivisions for construction shall specify that no endangered wood species may be used in the construction unless an exemption is granted by the director.  For the purposes of this subsection, "endangered wood species" includes those listed in appendix I of the convention on international trade in endangered species of wild flora and fauna.

K.  All bonds given by a contractor and surety pursuant to this article, regardless of their actual form, will be deemed by law to be the form required and set forth in this article and no other.

L.  Any building, structure, addition or alteration may be constructed without complying with this article if the construction, including construction of buildings or structures on public or private property, is required as a condition of development of private property and is authorized by section 9‑463.01 or 11-822.  For the purposes of this subsection, building does not include police, fire, school, library or other public buildings.

M.  Notwithstanding section 34‑221, any agent may enter into a guaranteed energy cost savings contract with a qualified provider, as those terms are defined in section 15-213.01, for the purchase of energy cost savings measures without complying with this article and may procure a guaranteed energy cost savings contract through the competitive sealed proposal process prescribed in title 41, chapter 23, article 3 or any similar competitive proposal process adopted by the agent as long as the agent follows any additional requirements set forth in section 15-213.01. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4.  Repeal

Section 34-201, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 117, section 12, is repealed.

Sec. 5.  Section 41-2533, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-2533.  Competitive sealed bidding

A.  Contracts shall be awarded by competitive sealed bidding except as otherwise provided in section 41‑2532.

B.  An invitation for bids shall be issued and shall include a purchase description and all contractual terms and conditions applicable to the procurement.

C.  Adequate public notice of the invitation for bids shall be given a reasonable time before the date set forth in the invitation for the opening of bids, in accordance with rules adopted by the director.  The notice may include publication one or more times in a newspaper of general circulation a reasonable time before bid opening.  If the invitation for bids is for the procurement of services other than those described in sections 41‑2513, 41‑2578, 41‑2579 and 41‑2581, the notice shall include publication in a single newspaper or in multiple newspapers within this state.  The publication shall be not less than two weeks before bid opening and shall be circulated within the affected governmental jurisdiction.  the notice shall be given to any person who requests to be placed on a list for the purposes of receiving such a notice.  The notice may also be posted at a designated site on a worldwide public network of interconnected computers.

D.  Bids shall be opened publicly at the time and place designated in the invitation for bids.  The amount of each bid, and such other relevant information as may be specified by rule, together with the name of each bidder shall be recorded.  This record shall be open to public inspection at the bid opening in a manner prescribed by rule.  The bids shall not be open for public inspection until after a contract is awarded.  To the extent the bidder designates and the state concurs, trade secrets or other proprietary data contained in the bid documents shall remain confidential in accordance with rules adopted by the director.

E.  Bids shall be unconditionally accepted without alteration or correction, except as authorized in this chapter.  Bids shall be evaluated based on the requirements set forth in the invitation for bids, including criteria to determine acceptability such as inspection, testing, quality, workmanship, delivery and suitability for a particular purpose, as prescribed in rules adopted by the director.  The invitation for bids shall set forth the evaluation criteria to be used, including the weighting of identified criteria.  Evaluation criteria shall not be used for construction and no criteria may be used in bid evaluation that are not set forth in the invitation for bids.

F.  The correction or withdrawal of erroneous bids before or after bid opening, based on bid mistakes, may be permitted in accordance with rules adopted by the director.  After bid opening, no corrections in bid prices or other provisions of bids prejudicial to the interest of this state or fair competition shall be permitted.  Except as otherwise provided by rule, all decisions to permit the correction or withdrawal of bids, or to cancel awards or contracts based on bid mistakes, shall be supported by a written determination made by the director.

G.  The contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder whose bid conforms in all material respects to the requirements and criteria set forth in the invitation for bids.  The amount of any applicable transaction privilege or use tax of a political subdivision of this state is not a factor in determining the lowest bidder.  If all bids for a construction project exceed available monies as certified by the appropriate fiscal officer, and the low responsive and responsible bid does not exceed such monies by more than five per cent, the director may in situations in which time or economic considerations preclude resolicitation of work of a reduced scope negotiate an adjustment of the bid price, including changes in the bid requirements, with the low responsive and responsible bidder, to bring the bid within the amount of available monies.

H.  The multistep sealed bidding method may be used if the director determines in writing that it is not practicable to initially prepare a definitive purchase description which that is suitable to permit an award based on competitive sealed bidding.  An invitation for bids may be issued requesting the submission of technical offers to be followed by an invitation for bids limited to those bidders whose offers are determined to be technically acceptable under the criteria set forth in the first solicitation, except that the multistep sealed bidding method may not be used for construction contracts.

I.  If the price of a recycled paper product which that conforms to specifications is within five per cent of a low bid product which that is not recycled and the recycled product bidder is otherwise the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, the award shall be made to the bidder offering the recycled product.  The director may adopt rules requiring a five per cent preference for other products made from recycled materials. END_STATUTE

Sec. 6.  Effective date

A.  Section 28‑6713, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 244, section 16 and this act, and section 34‑201, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 244, section 23 and this act, are effective from and after September 30, 2011.

B.  Section 34‑201, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 244, section 24 and this act, is effective from and after June 30, 2013.
