2. Formation Proceedings
No later than March 1, 2019, the state board shall provide written notice to cure to all public agencies, private water companies, or mutual water companies that meet both of the following criteria:(a) Operate a public water system that has either less than 3,000 service connections or that serves less than 10,000 people.
(b) Are not in compliance with applicable drinking water standards one or more state or federal primary drinking water standard maximum contaminant levels
as of December 31, 2018. 2018, and for four consecutive quarters before the March 1, 2019, notice date.
An entity receiving a notice pursuant to Section 78030 shall respond to the state board within 60 days of receiving the notice as to whether the violations of drinking water standards are remedied and the basis for that conclusion.78032.
(a) (1) If an entity receiving a notice pursuant to Section 78030 reports pursuant to Section 78031 that a violation of drinking water standards is continuing, the entity shall have 180 days from the date of the response filed with the state board pursuant to Section 78031 to prepare and submit a plan to the state board to permanently remedy a violation of drinking water standards within a reasonable time that is not later than January 1, 2024.(2) The state board shall review a plan submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) and, within 60 days of receipt, shall accept, accept with
reasonable conditions, or reject the plan.
(3) The state board shall not accept the plan with reasonable conditions or reject the plan without meeting with the entity at least 15 days before the acceptance with reasonable conditions or rejection of the plan. The state board may extend the 60-day period described in paragraph (2) by no more than 180 days in order to allow for full consultation and collaboration between the state board and the entity, with the goal of that full consultation and collaboration being a mutually agreeable plan to remedy the violations of drinking water standards in a timely manner. The state board shall not unreasonably withhold or delay approval of a plan or impose unreasonable conditions on a plan.
(b) If an entity receiving a notice pursuant to Section
78030 has begun a remediation plan under the authority of the state board, a California regional water quality control board, or a local agency formation commission, the state board shall deem the remediation plan acceptable without additional conditions.
(c) (1) If the state board accepts the plan or accepts the plan with conditions, the entity shall provide quarterly reports to the state board on progress towards a permanent remedy for the violations of drinking water standards and the state board shall hold an annual public hearing to consider whether progress is satisfactory.
(2) If the state board rejects the plan, the state board shall cause the formation of an authority
authority, subject to the provisions of subdivision (d), by the applicable local agency formation commission, in accordance with Section 78034, to serve the customers of the public water system that submitted the plan the state board rejects, if the state board makes all of the following findings:
(A) The continued operation of the public water systems in its current condition is a threat to public health and safety.
(B) Public assistance,
in the form of The public water system lacks the financial, managerial, or technical resources, is resources required to remedy the public health violations. violation of state or federal primary drinking water standards, which results in the entity’s inability to remain operationally viable as a public water system.
(C) There is no alternative that would protect the public drinking water supplies of the public water
system other than for there to be the formation of an authority to serve the customers of the public water system.
(d) Before causing the formation of an authority by the applicable local agency formation commission, the state board shall provide the entity with a period of 15 business days from the date on which the state board issues a written determination rejecting the plan to file a petition for reconsideration. The state board shall, if so requested by the entity, hold an evidentiary hearing under the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act that shall commence within 90 days of the date on which the petition for reconsideration is filed with the state board and shall issue a final order not later than 60 days after the close of the evidentiary hearing. If the entity does not request an evidentiary hearing, the state board shall issue a
final order not later than 60 days after the date on which the entity files its petition for reconsideration.
(a) No later than April 1, 2019, January 1, 2021, the state board shall provide written notice to each county, city, or water district water district, private water company, or mutual water company located within a county where an entity receiving a notice under Section 78030 is located stating that the state board may consider the formation of an authority within that county and inviting other public
water suppliers to consider consolidating with a voluntary dissolution and subsequent inclusion into the authority that may be formed. An agency entity wishing to consolidate into a proposed authority shall provide a written statement opting into an authority to the administrator of the authority on or before July 1, 2019. After July 1, 2019,
2021. After the formation of an authority, an agency entity wishing to join an authority may do so by means of a proposal or petition to the local agency formation commission pursuant to the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 (Division 3 (commencing with Section 56000) of Title 5 of the Government Code).(b) In determining which public agencies are to be included within an authority, a local agency formation commission shall include all public agencies timely indicating that they wish to be included in the authority pursuant to subdivision (a). The local agency formation commission shall also include all On
or before June 1, 2021, a county or city receiving notice from the state board pursuant to subdivision (a) shall determine whether any county service areas, county waterworks districts, or other dependent special districts providing water service or water and sewer service located within the county that provide water service or water and sewer service only in the proposed area of the authority, provided that the local agency formation commission provides at least 60 days’ written notice to the board of supervisors of the proposed inclusion of a county service area, county waterworks district, or other dependent special district in the new authority. A local agency formation commission shall not include any dependent special district in the authority if the board of supervisors, within the
60-day period, objects in writing to the inclusion of the special district. An authority may include areas that are not contiguous. authority should be included within the proposed authority. If the governing board of the county or city determines that the dependent special district should be included within the proposed authority, the county or city shall provide a written statement on behalf of the dependent special district opting into an authority to the administrator of the authority on or before July 1, 2021. After the formation of an authority, a county or city that concludes that a dependent special district should be consolidated into an authority shall make a proposal or petition to the local agency formation commission for the consolidation pursuant to the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 (Division 3 (commencing with Section 56000) of Title 5
of the Government Code).
(c) An authority may include areas that are not contiguous.
(d) No later than March 1, 2021, the administrator for an authority shall consult with all entities identified pursuant to subdivision (a) to provide advice as to the advantages and disadvantages of opting into being included in the authority.
(a) No later than 30 days after the rejection of a plan pursuant to Section 78032, the state board shall notify a local agency formation commission of a county where the public water system that submitted the plan is located, and, if appropriate given the governance of the public water system, the Public Utilities Commission or the Department of Business Oversight, Commission, that it has determined that the public water system shall be consolidated into an authority.(b) No later than 60
days after the rejection of a proposed plan, the state board shall do both of the following:
(1) Notify an entity
the appropriate state agency identified in subdivision (a) of the public water systems that will be consolidated into an authority.
(2) Appoint an independent administrator pursuant to Section 78035 for each proposed authority who shall be responsible for the preparation of a plan for service and interim administration and management of the authority.
(c) No later than 180 30 days after the administrator submits an date upon which
the local agency formation commission determines that the application for formation and proposed plan for service pursuant to Section 78038, 78038 is complete, the applicable local agency formation commission shall initiate proceedings to form an authority to provide safe drinking water to the public water systems’ customers. A local agency formation commission shall not accept an application to form an authority unless the authority consists of at least five public water systems that may include public water systems from county service areas or other dependent special districts, other public water systems that have
been meeting drinking water standards, and public water systems identified by the state board that chronically serve contaminated water in the county in which the proposed authority will be formed.
(a) No later than 60 days after the state board issues a notice pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 78034, On or before January 1, 2022, the administrator, after consultation with the executive officer of the local agency formation commission, shall submit to the state board a conceptual formation plan that includes all of the following:(1) The public water system service areas to be served by the authority.
(2) The
population to be served by the authority.
(3) The available infrastructure to be used by the authority and any known deficiencies.
(4) The recorded violations of drinking water standards and the nature of the threat to public health and safety.
(5) Financial and operational provisions to be addressed in the plan for service pursuant to Section 78038.
(b) The state board shall provide comments on the conceptual formation plan to the administrator and applicable local agency formation commission within 60 days of its receipt.
(c) The state board or an authority may determine the legality of the existence
of the authority or validate the financial provisions of an interim plan in an action brought pursuant to Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 860) of Title 10 of Part 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
78036.(a)In appointing an administrator, the state board shall consult with the executive officers of a local agency formation commission for a county in which the authority will be formed to ensure that there are sufficient water purveyors in a proposed authority to provide economies of scale in the operation of the proposed authority and to ensure that the proposed authority will be responsive to local ratepayers’ concerns. A single administrator may provide services to several authorities if, in the judgment of the state water board, the services can be provided in a manner that achieves the purposes of this division.
(a) On or before January 1, 2020, the state board shall retain at least ____ individuals who meet the qualifications in subdivision (d) to serve as administrators pursuant to this division.
(b) An administrator, who may be an employee of a consulting firm, shall provide or contract for administrative and managerial service to establish the authority, retain staff and consultants, and commence the remediation of the violations of drinking water standards.
(c) The state board shall bear the cost of the administrator and be responsible for all compensation of and reasonable expenses incurred by the administrator for the duration of the period that the administrator serves the authority.
(d) The state board may establish minimum qualifications and a selection process for potential administrators, but all administrators shall have both of the following minimum qualifications and shall not be permanent employees of the state board:
(1) A bachelor’s degree in engineering or finance, or an advanced degree in business, law, public administration, or public policy.
(2) At least 10 years of increasingly
responsible experience in the management of a public water system.
(e) An administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the state board until whichever of the following dates occurs earlier:
(1) The local agency formation commission issues a notice of completion of the plan for service pursuant to Section 78038.
(2) Three years from the date that the local agency formation commission forms an authority.
(3) No sooner than 30 days after the appointment of a general manager by the board of the authority, at which date the services of the administrator shall be terminated.
(a) (1) No later than 240 days after the state board issues a notice pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 78034, the Public Utilities Commission shall order the dissolution of the public water system and the transfer of all assets of the water corporation subject to this paragraph to the authority formed by the local agency formation commission.(2) No later than 240 days after the state board issues a notice pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 78034, the Department of Business Oversight shall order the dissolution of the public water system and the transfer of all assets of the mutual water company subject to this paragraph to the authority formed by the local agency
formation commission. state board shall petition a court of competent jurisdiction for an order dissolving any mutual water company, water corporation, or private corporation that has been operating a public water system identified in subdivision (a) of Section 78034 and transferring the assets of that company or corporation to the authority formed by the local agency formation commission.
(b) An owner or shareholder of a water corporation or a mutual water company consolidated into an authority pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be compensated as follows:
(1) Within 180 days of the dissolution, the Department of Business Oversight
state board shall cause to be prepared a distressed business valuation to determine the net fair market value of the corporation or company, calculated as follows:
(A) The assets of the water corporation or mutual water company shall be calculated by estimating the net book value of all assets, including, but not limited to, cash and investments, receivables, prepaid expenses, water in storage, real property, water rights, structures and improvements, equipment, general facilities, and other assets.
(B) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), water rights shall be appraised at their market value if both of the following requirements are met:
(i) The water rights provide for the extraction of groundwater in a groundwater basin that has been fully adjudicated and wherein the production right of the water corporation or mutual water company has been determined in that adjudication.
(ii) The market valuation is calculated so as to exclude any capital or operating costs that may be required to bring the water being produced under the water right into full compliance with all state and federal law.
(C) The liabilities of the water corporation or mutual water company shall be calculated by estimating the financial liabilities, including, but not limited to, accounts payable, unfunded pension or other benefit liabilities, notes payable, bonds payable, as well as outstanding fines, fees, or other assessments for drinking water or other public health violations, estimated costs for outstanding litigation and other anticipated liabilities, and the estimated costs to bring all structures and works into good repair and in compliance with contemporary water infrastructure and drinking water standards.
(2) Upon issuance by the Department of Business Oversight
state board
of the distressed business valuation determining the net fair market value, the authority may seek an order for immediate possession of all of the assets and liabilities of the corporation or company using the procedures set forth in Article 3 (commencing with Section 1255.410) of Chapter 6 of Title 7 of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure. A court shall grant immediate possession if the court determines that the procedures in this section have been followed. Judicial review of the determinations by the Department of Business Oversight state board shall be based on substantial evidence in the record before the Department of Business Oversight.
state board.
(3) If an owner or shareholder disputes the distressed business valuation of the Department of Business Oversight, state board, the owner or shareholder may file an action pursuant to Section 1094.5 of the Code of Civil Procedure seeking a writ of mandate overturning the valuation. An action pursuant to this paragraph shall have preference in the civil calendar.
(4) Payment of the net fair market value of the water corporation or mutual water company, with interest accruing from the
date of dissolution, shall be paid by the authority within three
two years of the authority’s formation from the proceeds of bond sales or other available funds derived from rates, fees, charges, taxes, or other revenue sources.
(5) The authority shall assume all obligations and liabilities of the public water system. After paying the net fair market value to the owners or shareholders of a water corporation or mutual water company, the authority may receive financing from the state to pay all liabilities. The authority shall issue bonds to repay the state with interest for those liabilities pursuant to Part 8 (commencing with Section 78100).
(a) Within 180 days after the state board issues a notice pursuant to paragraph (1) of provides comments on the draft conceptual formation plan pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 78034, 78035, the administrator shall submit an application for formation and proposed plan for service to the local agency formation commission for review and potential approval pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing
with Section 56880) of Part 3 of Division 3 of Title 5 of the Government Code.(b) A proposed plan for service shall include all of the following information: information, as well as any additional information required or requested by the local agency formation commission or its executive officer:
(1)Any information required by the local agency formation commission or its executive officer.
(1) In the case of the formation of an authority that does not involve the dissolution of an existing special district, the plan for service shall include all of the following:
(A) An enumeration and description of the services to be provided by the authority. currently provided and to be
extended to the affected territory, including the level and range of those services and an indication of when those services can feasibly be extended to the affected territory.
(3)An indication of when the services to be provided by the authority can feasibly be provided to the affected territory.
(B) An indication of any improvement or upgrading of structures or
water facilities, or other conditions the authority would impose or require within the affected territory in order to provide safe and clean drinking water.
(C) Information with respect to how the services to be provided by the authority will be financed, in accordance with Articles XIII, XIII A, XIII C, and XIII D and any other applicable provisions of the California Constitution, that shall include all of the following:
(i) The necessary financial resources to improve or
upgrade water facilities or other infrastructure identified in the formation application.
(ii) A discussion of the economies of scale that accrue when several small organizations are consolidated into a single authority.
(iii) An estimated timeframe for constructing and delivering the services identified in the formation application.
(A)A discussion of the economies of scale that accrue when several small organizations are consolidated
into a single authority.
(iv) The operation and maintenance needs of the authority.
(v) Financial plans for the financing of capital improvements, operation and maintenance of facilities, and operation of the authority.
(vi) The governance, oversight, and long-term maintenance of the services identified in the formation application after the initial costs are recouped and any tax increment financing terminates.
(2) In the case of the formation of an authority that includes dissolution of an existing special district, the plan for services shall include all of the following:
(A) All of the elements required pursuant to subparagraphs (A) to (C), inclusive, of paragraph (1).
(B) An enumeration and description of the services currently provided by the special district proposed for dissolution and identification of the authority proposed to be formed by the successor to assume responsibility for the services following completion of the dissolution.
(C) An enumeration and description of each service proposed to be discontinued or transferred, the current financing of each service, and any method of financing proposed by the successor.
(D) A delineation of any existing financing of services currently provided to include, but not be limited to, bonds, assessments, general taxes, special taxes, other charges, and joint powers authorities or agreements.
(E) Information about any current bankruptcy proceeding, including, but not limited to, the status and exit plan.
(F) Information about any current order relating to services provided by the special district proposed for dissolution by any agency, department, office, or other division of the state, including, but not limited to, a cease and desist order or water prohibition order.
(G) Any other information that the local agency formation commission or its executive officer may deem necessary to evaluate the plan for services submitted.
(3) A statement by the administrator that the administrator has consulted with representatives of the entities whose customers will be served by the authority to consider the plan for service.
(c) If the administrator determines that the formation of an authority would be infeasible for financial, technical, or operational reasons, or would not provide the necessary economies of scale or operating benefits, the administrator may set forth those conclusions in a report to the state board in lieu of submitting a plan for service to the local agency formation commission. The administrator shall submit the report to the state board no later than 180 days after the state board issues a notice pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 78035.
(d) The local agency formation commission shall hold a public hearing on the proposed plan for service no later than 180 days after the date upon which the administrator submits the proposed plan to the local agency formation commission. local agency formation commission initiates proceedings relating to the proposed formation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 78034. The local agency formation commission may continue the hearing once for a period not to exceed 60 days. At the hearing, the local agency formation commission shall approve the plan and the formation of the authority, approve the plan and the formation of the authority with conditions,
modifications, or disapprove the plan and request resubmittal by the administrator.
(e) If the local agency formation commission disapproves the plan, the commission shall, within 30 days of the hearing, provide the administrator with written comments identifying the changes that the administrator must make in order to submit an acceptable plan. If the administrator concurs with those changes, the administrator may provide a written statement of
concurrence to the commission and the commission shall deem approved the local agency formation’s proposed changes upon receipt of the written statement of concurrence. If the administrator disagrees with those changes, the administrator shall provide a revised plan for service to the local agency formation commission no later than 90 days after the date on which the local agency formation commission provides the administrator with comments disapproving the plan. The local agency formation commission shall hold a hearing no later than 90 days after the date the administrator provides a revised plan for service to the commission, during which it may take the actions identified in subdivision (c). (d).
(f) (1) If the local agency formation commission approves the plan and the formation of the authority, the authority shall take the appropriate actions to comply with the plan, subject to Articles XIII, XIII A, XIII C, and XIII D and any other applicable provision of the California Constitution.
(2) If the local agency formation commission approves the plan and the formation of the authority with conditions, modifications,
the authority shall take the appropriate actions to comply with the conditions modifications within 180 days of the plan’s conditional approval with modifications in accordance with Articles XIII, XIII A, XIII C, and XIII D and any other applicable provisions of the California Constitution.
(3) An authority subject to paragraph (1) or (2) shall file a statement, under penalty of perjury, with the executive officer of
the local agency formation commission certifying compliance with the plan. An authority shall take the appropriate actions to comply with Articles XIII, XIII A, XIII C, and XIII D and any other applicable provisions of the California Constitution and shall file a statement, under penalty of perjury, with the executive officer of the local agency formation commission certifying the compliance. Within 30 days of filing a certificate, statement, the executive officer of the local agency formation commission shall issue a notice of completion to the authority and send a copy of that notice to the state board. In the event that the authority fails
to timely file a statement certifying compliance with the plan, the state board may issue an order to the authority requiring the filing or other remedial action as may be appropriate.
(g) An authority is deemed to be a successor agency to an entity identified in Section 78030. An action described in this chapter shall not affect an authority’s eligibility or priority for a state loan or grant.
Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code does not apply to either of the following:(a) The formation of an authority pursuant to this chapter.
(b) The dissolution of a public water system pursuant to this chapter.
(a) Annually on for the first three years after the date of an authority’s formation by the local agency formation commission, an authority shall file a report with the local agency formation commission as follows:(1) The report shall contain all both of the following:
(A) A description of operations over the past year.
(B) Details of any violations of drinking water standards and the actions taken to remediate a violation.
(C)A description of the authority’s compliance with any conditions imposed by the local agency formation commission on either the original formation or the
plan for service adopted pursuant to Section 78038.
(2) The administrator or, after the discharge of the administrator, the general manager of the authority shall submit the report.
(3) A certificate stating that the report consists of a true, full, and complete description of the activities of the authority during the past year shall accompany the report.
(b) A local agency formation commission shall hold a public hearing within 90 days of receipt of a report pursuant to subdivision (a) to review the authority’s performance during the previous year. If a report states that an authority has failed to comply with any conditions imposed by the commission on either the original formation
or the plan for service adopted pursuant to Section 78038, the commission may order the authority to remedy the violations within a reasonable period of time. If an authority fails to timely comply with a remedial order by a local agency formation commission, the commission may impose a civil penalty on the authority in an amount not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) per day for each violation and not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per year for each particular violation.
(a) No later than January 1, 2022, 2025, the Treasurer, in consultation with the state board, the Association of California Water Agencies, the California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions, the California Municipal Utilities Association, and California Association of Mutual Water Companies, the California State Association of Counties,
and others deemed appropriate by the Treasurer, shall contract with an independent consultant to review the start-up start up operations of the authorities and the management of the authorities by the administrators. The consultant shall prepare a report for the Legislature regarding fiscal and operational health of the authorities that includes recommendations regarding the need for supplemental state funding, if any, and the potential sources of that funding.(b) (1) A report to be submitted pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government
(2) Pursuant to Section 10231.5 of the Government Code, the requirement for submitting a report imposed under subdivision (a) is inoperative on January 1, 2026.