Bill Text: CA SB1185 | 2013-2014 | Regular Session | Introduced

Bill Title: School teachers: termination and reappointment: seniority deviation.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2014-04-30 - Set, final hearing. Failed passage in committee. (Ayes 2. Noes 7. Page 3339.) Reconsideration granted. [SB1185 Detail]

Download: California-2013-SB1185-Introduced.html

INTRODUCED BY   Senator Huff

                        FEBRUARY 20, 2014

   An act to amend Sections 44955, 44956, and 44957 of the Education
Code, relating to school employees.


   SB 1185, as introduced, Huff. School teachers: termination and
reappointment: seniority deviation.
   Existing law provides that, when the services of employees are
terminated pursuant to a reduction in workforce, a school district is
required to terminate the employees in order of seniority. Existing
law further provides those employees with a preferred right to
reappointment and an opportunity for substitute service in order of
seniority. Existing law authorizes a school district to deviate from
the order of seniority for those purposes for specified reasons,
including if the school district demonstrates a specific need for
personnel to teach a specific course or course of study and the
certificated employee has special training and experience necessary
to teach that course or course of study that others with more
seniority do not possess.
   This bill would provide that the specific course or course of
study for which a school district may deviate from the order of
seniority for purposes of termination, reappointment, and the
opportunity for substitute service includes, but is not limited to, a
career pathways program. The bill would also make numerous
nonsubstantive changes to these provisions.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 44955 of the Education Code is amended to read:

   44955.  (a)  No   A  permanent employee
shall  not  be deprived of his or her position for causes
other than those specified in Sections 44907 and 44923, and Sections
44932 to 44947, inclusive, and  no   a 
probationary employee shall  not  be deprived of his or her
position for cause other than as specified in Sections 44948 to
44949, inclusive.
   (b)  Whenever   (1)     If
 in any school year the average daily attendance in all of the
schools of a  school  district for the first six months in
which school is in session  shall have   has
 declined below the corresponding period of either of the
previous two school years,  whenever   if 
the governing board  of a school district  determines that
attendance in  a   the school  district
will decline in the following year as a result of the termination of
an interdistrict tuition agreement as  defined  
described  in Section 46304,  whenever  
if  a particular kind of service is to be reduced or
discontinued not later than the beginning of the following school
year, or  whenever   if  the amendment of
state law requires the modification of curriculum, and  when
  if  in the opinion of the governing board of the
 school  district it  shall have   has
 become necessary by reason of any of these conditions to
decrease the number of permanent employees in the  school 
district, the governing board  of the school district  may
terminate the services of not more than a corresponding percentage of
the certificated employees of the  school  district,
permanent as well as probationary, at the close of the school year.
Except as otherwise provided by statute, the services of  no
  a  permanent employee  may  
shall not  be terminated under the provisions of this section
while any probationary employee, or any other employee with less
seniority, is retained to render a service  which said
  that the  permanent employee is certificated and
competent to render. 
    (2)     In  computing a decline in
average daily attendance for purposes of this  section
  subdivision  for a newly formed or reorganized
school district, each school of the  school  district shall
be deemed to have been a school of the newly formed or reorganized
 school  district for both of the two previous school years.

    (3)     As  between employees who
first rendered paid service to the  school  district on the
same date, the governing board  of the school district 
shall determine the order of termination solely on the basis of needs
of the  school  district and the  students thereof.
  pupils of the school district.  Upon the request
of any employee whose order of termination is so determined, the
governing board  of the school district  shall furnish in
writing no later than five days  prior to  
before  the commencement of the hearing held in accordance with
Section 44949, a statement of the specific criteria used in
determining the order of termination and the application of the
criteria in ranking each employee relative to the other employees in
the group. This   The  requirement that the
governing board  of the school district  provide, on
request, a written statement of reasons for determining the order of
termination shall not be interpreted to give affected employees any
legal right or interest that would not exist without such a
   (c)  (1)    Notice of  such 
termination of services shall be given before  the 15th of
 May  15  in the manner prescribed in Section
44949, and services of such employees shall be terminated in the
inverse of the order in which they were employed, as determined by
the  governing  board  of the school district  in
accordance with  the provisions of  Sections 44844
and 44845.  In the event that   If  a
permanent or probationary employee is not given the notices and a
right to a hearing as provided  for  in Section
44949, he or she shall be deemed reemployed for the ensuing school
    (2)     The  governing board  of
the school district  shall make assignments and reassignments in
 such  a manner that employees shall be retained to
render any service  which   that  their
seniority and qualifications entitle them to render. However,
 prior to   before  assigning or
reassigning  any   a  certificated employee
to teach a subject  which   that  he or
she has not previously taught, and for which he or she does not have
a teaching credential or  which   that  is
not within the employee's major area of postsecondary study or the
equivalent thereof, the governing board  of the school  
district  shall require the employee to pass a subject matter
competency test in the appropriate subject.
   (d) Notwithstanding subdivision (b), a school district may deviate
from terminating a certificated employee in order of seniority for
either of the following reasons:
   (1) The  school  district demonstrates a specific need
for personnel to teach a specific course or course of study, 
including, but not limited to, a career pathways program,  or to
provide services authorized by a services credential with a
specialization in either pupil personnel services or health for a
school nurse, and that the certificated employee has special training
and experience necessary to teach that course or course of study or
to provide those services,  which   that 
others with more seniority do not possess.
   (2) For purposes of maintaining or achieving compliance with
constitutional requirements related to equal protection of the laws.
  SEC. 2.  Section 44956 of the Education Code is amended to read:
   44956.  (a)  Any   A  permanent employee
whose services have been terminated as provided in Section 44955
shall have the following rights:
   (1) For the period of 39 months from the date of  such
  the  termination,  any   an
 employee who in the meantime has not attained the age of 65
years shall have the preferred right to reappointment, in the order
of original employment as determined by the  governing 
board  of the school district  in accordance with 
the provisions of  Sections 44831 to 44855, inclusive, if
the number of employees is increased or the discontinued service is
reestablished, with no requirements that were not imposed upon other
employees who continued in service; provided, that no probationary or
other employee with less seniority shall be employed to render a
service  which said   that the  employee is
certificated and competent to render. However,  prior to
  before  reappointing any employee to teach a
subject  which   that  he or she has not
previously taught, and for which he or she does not have a teaching
credential or  which   that  is not within
the employee's major area of postsecondary study or the equivalent
thereof, the governing board  of the school district  shall
require the employee to pass a subject matter competency test in the
appropriate subject.
   (2) The  aforesaid  right to reappointment 
described in paragraph (1)  may be waived by the employee,
without prejudice, for not more than one school year, unless the 
governing  board  of the school   district 
extends this right, but  such   that 
waiver shall not deprive the employee of his  or her  right
to subsequent offers of reappointment.
   (3) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a school district may deviate
from reappointing a certificated employee in order of seniority for
either of the following reasons:
   (A) The  school  district demonstrates a specific need
for personnel to teach a specific course or course of study, 
including, but not limited to, a career pathways program,  or to
provide services authorized by a services credential with a
specialization in either pupil personnel services or health for a
school nurse, and that the employee has special training and
experience necessary to teach that course or course of study, or to
provide those services,  which   that 
others with more seniority do not possess.
   (B) For purposes of maintaining or achieving compliance with
constitutional requirements related to equal protection of the laws.
   (4) As to  any such   an  employee who
is reappointed, the period of his  or her  absence shall be
treated as a leave of absence and shall not be considered as a break
in the continuity of his  or her  service, he  or she
 shall retain the classification and order of employment he 
or she  had when his  or her  services were
terminated, and credit for prior service under any state or 
school  district retirement system shall not be affected by
 such   the  termination, but the period of
his  or her  absence shall not count as a part of the
service required for retirement.
   (5) During the period of his  or her  preferred right to
reappointment,  any such   the  employee
shall, in the order of original employment, be offered prior
opportunity for substitute service during the absence of any other
employee who has been granted a leave of absence or who is
temporarily absent from duty; provided, that his  or her 
services may be terminated upon the return to duty of  said
  the  other employee and that  said
  the  substitute service shall not affect the
retention of his  or her  previous classification and
rights. If, in any school year the employee serves as a substitute in
any position requiring certification for any 21 days or more within
a period of 60 schooldays, the compensation the employee receives for
substitute service in that 60-day period, including his or her first
20 days of substitute service, shall  be  not 
be  less than the amount the employee would receive if he or she
were being reappointed.
   (6)  (A)    During the period of the employee's
preferred right to reappointment, the governing board of the 
school  district, if it is also the governing board of one or
more other  school  districts, may assign him  or her
 to service, which he  or she  is certificated and
competent to render, in said other  school  district or
districts; provided, that the compensation he  or she 
receives  therefor   for the service  may
 ,  in the discretion of the governing board  of the
school district,  be the same as he  or she  would have
received had he  or she  been serving in the  school
 district from which his  or her  services were
terminated, that his  or her  service in the  said
 other  school  district or districts shall be
counted toward the period required for both state and local
retirement, as defined by Section 22102, as though rendered in the
 school  district from which his  or her  services
were terminated, and that no permanent employee in  said
  the  other  school  district or
districts shall be displaced by him  or her  . 
    (B)     It  is the intent of this
 subsection   paragraph  that the employees
of a school district, the governing board of which is also the
governing board of one or more other school districts, shall not be
at a disadvantage as compared with employees of a unified school
   (7) At any time  prior to   before  the
completion of one year after his  or her  return to service,
he  or she  may continue or make up, with interest, his
 or her  own contributions to any state or  school 
district retirement system  ,  for the period of
his  or her  absence, but it shall not be obligatory on
state or  school  district to match  such 
 those  contributions.
   (8) Should he  or she  become disabled or reach
retirement age at any time before his  or her  return to
service, he  or she  shall receive, in any state or 
school  district retirement system of which he or she 
was a member, all benefits to which he  or she  would have
been entitled had such event occurred at the time of his  or her
 termination of service, plus any benefits he  or she 
may have qualified for  thereafter,   after his
or her termination of service,  as though still employed.
  SEC. 3.  Section 44957 of the Education Code is amended to read:
   44957.   Any  A  probationary employee
whose services have been terminated as provided in Section 44955
shall have the following rights:
   (a) For the period of 24 months from the date of  such
  the  termination,  any   an
 employee who in the meantime has not attained the age of 65
years shall have the preferred right to reappointment, subject to the
prior rights to reappointment by all permanent employees as set
forth in Section 44956, in the order of original employment as
determined by the governing board  of the school district 
in accordance with  the provisions of  Sections
44831 to 44855, inclusive, if the number of employees is increased or
the discontinued service is reestablished, with no requirements that
were not imposed upon other employees who continued in service.
Except as otherwise provided,  no   a 
probationary or temporary employee with less seniority shall  not
 be employed to render a service  which  
that  such employee is certificated and competent to render and
provided that such an employee shall be given a priority over
employees whose right to a position is derived pursuant to Section
44918. However,  prior to   before 
reappointing  any   an employee to teach a
subject  which   that  he or she has not
previously taught, and for which he or she does not have a teaching
credential or  which   that  is not within
the employee's major area of postsecondary study or the equivalent
thereof, the governing board  of the school district  shall
require the employee to pass a subject matter competency test in the
appropriate subject.
   (b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), a school district may deviate
from reappointing a probationary employee in order of seniority for
either of the following reasons:
   (1) The  school  district demonstrates a specific need
for personnel to teach a specific course or course of study, 
including, but not limited to, a career pathways program,  or to
provide services authorized by a services credential with a
specialization in either pupil personnel services or health for a
school nurse, and that the employee has special training and
experience necessary to teach that course or course of study, or to
provide those services,  which   that 
others with more seniority do not possess.
   (2) For purposes of maintaining or achieving compliance with
constitutional requirements related to equal protection of the laws.
   (c) As to  any such   an  employee who
is reappointed, the period of his  or her  absence shall be
treated as a leave of absence and shall not be considered as a break
in the continuity of his  or her  service, he  or she
 shall retain the classification and order of employment he 
or she  had when his  or her  services were
terminated, and credit for prior service under any state or 
school  district retirement system shall not be affected by
 such   the  termination; provided,
however, that the period of his  or her  absence shall not
be counted as a part of the service required for attaining permanent
status in the  school  district or, except as provided in
subdivision (e), for retirement purposes.
   (d) During the period of his  or her  preferred right to
reappointment,  any such   the  employee
shall, in the order of original employment, and subject to the rights
of permanent employees as set forth in Section 44956, be offered
prior opportunity for substitute service during the absence of any
other employee who has been granted leave of absence or who is
temporarily absent from duty; provided, that his  or her 
services may be terminated upon a return to duty of  such
  the  other employee, that such substitute service
shall not affect the retention of his  or her  previous
classification and rights, and that such an employee shall be given a
priority over employees whose right to a substitute position is
derived pursuant to Section 44918.
   (e) At any time  prior to   before  the
completion of one year after his  or her  return to service,
an employee reappointed under  the provisions of 
this section may elect to continue or to reinstate his  or her
 membership and interest in any state or  school 
district retirement system and to receive retirement benefits as if
no absence from service had occurred. In the event of  such
  that  election the employee shall pay into the
retirement system the amount of his  or her  share of
contribution and the  school  district's share of
contribution attributable to the period of absence and the amount of
any contributions withdrawn, plus interest.              