Bill Text: CT SB00255 | 2012 | General Assembly | Introduced
Bill Title: An Act Concerning Revisions To Statutes Concerning The Comptroller.
Spectrum: Committee Bill
Status: (Engrossed - Dead) 2012-05-09 - House Calendar Number 549 [SB00255 Detail]
Download: Connecticut-2012-SB00255-Introduced.html
General Assembly |
Raised Bill No. 255 | |||
February Session, 2012 |
LCO No. 1235 | |||
*01235_______GAE* |
Referred to Committee on Government Administration and Elections |
Introduced by: |
(GAE) |
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:
Section 1. Section 3-115e of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
The State Comptroller shall report not later than October 1, 2012, [on an annual basis] and every two years thereafter, to the Governor and the General Assembly, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a, on the CORE-CT system. Such reports shall include, but not be limited to, the status of the [implementation of the] system, [the anticipated completion date,] the total cost to date and projected costs for the next three fiscal years, other required software or hardware, [necessary for successful implementation and any associated costs,] the date and costs of future upgrades, the level of cooperation from vendors and state agencies [, any administrative or legislative obstacles to implementation,] and any other issues surrounding the CORE-CT system.
Sec. 2. Section 4-36 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
Each state agency shall establish and keep an inventory account in the form prescribed by the Comptroller, and shall, annually, on or before October first, transmit to the Comptroller a detailed inventory, as of June thirtieth, of all of the following property owned by the state and in the custody of such agency: (1) Real property, and (2) personal property having a value of [one] five thousand dollars or more. For audit purposes, each state agency shall establish and keep a list of personal property having a value of less than [one] five thousand dollars and defined as "controllable property" in the property control manual published by the Comptroller.
Sec. 3. Subsection (d) of section 4-158 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2012):
(d) If the Claims Commissioner orders immediate payment of a just claim in an amount not exceeding seven thousand five hundred dollars pursuant to subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of this section and a request for review is not timely filed pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, the Office of the Claims Commissioner shall deliver to the [Comptroller] Department of Administrative Services a certified copy of the Claims Commissioner's order and the [Comptroller] Department of Administrative Services shall make payment from such appropriation as the General Assembly may have made for the payment of claims or, in the case of contractual claims for goods or services furnished or for property leased, from the appropriation of the agency which received such goods or services or occupied such property.
Sec. 4. Section 4a-20 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
The State Insurance and Risk Management Board shall determine the method by which the state shall insure itself against losses by the purchase of insurance governed by the provisions of title 38a to obtain the broadest coverage at the most reasonable cost. It shall direct the negotiations for purchase of such insurance and determine whether deductible or other risk retention provisions should be included in the insurance contract. Wherever appropriate it shall determine that the state shall act as a self-insurer and may request funds from the contingency fund to establish reserves and carry out such practices as are necessary to safeguard the self-insurance activity. Said board may develop and implement risk management and loss prevention programs related to insurance plans established pursuant to the provisions of sections 4a-19 to 4a-21, inclusive, and may recommend to the Governor and the General Assembly the enactment of policies designed to reduce risks and hazards that may result in state liability for tortious conduct. It shall designate the agent or agents of record and shall select the companies from whom insurance coverage and surety bonds shall be purchased. Notwithstanding any other provision of the general statutes, including without limitation sections 38a-707 and 38a-825, it shall have full authority to negotiate either a commission or fee structure to compensate the agent or agents of record for services performed. It shall also have full authority to retain consulting firms and to negotiate their fee compensation for services performed. Any refund, dividend or other payment from any insurance company in connection with insurance for the state shall be returned to the [Comptroller] Department of Administrative Services for deposit in the General Fund. The board shall establish specifications for each contract of insurance and shall request bids for each such contract through the agent of record. Each such contract shall be for a specified period of time.
Sec. 5. Subsection (a) of section 5-155a of the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
(a) The general administration and responsibility for the proper operation of the state employees retirement system is vested in a single board of trustees to be known as the Connecticut State Employees Retirement Commission. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4-9a, the Retirement Commission shall consist of the following: (1) The Treasurer or a designee, who shall be a nonvoting ex-officio member; (2) the Comptroller or a designee, who shall be a nonvoting ex-officio member; (3) six trustees representing employees who shall be appointed by the bargaining agents in accordance with the provisions of applicable collective bargaining agreements. The trustees representing employees shall not be members of the same bargaining unit. The trustees representing employees shall serve three-year terms; [(3)] (4) six management trustees who are members of the state employees retirement system, who shall serve three-year terms [. The management trustees] and shall be appointed by the Governor; [(4)] (5) two actuarial trustees who are enrolled actuaries and Fellows of the Society of Actuaries. One actuarial trustee shall be nominated by the management trustees and one shall be nominated by the trustees representing employees. The Governor shall appoint the actuarial trustees for three-year terms; and [(5)] (6) one neutral trustee who shall be chairman of the State Employees Retirement Commission. Such neutral trustee shall be enrolled in the National Academy of Arbitrators and shall be nominated by the employee and management trustees and appointed by the Governor. The neutral trustee shall serve a two-year term. If a vacancy occurs in the office of a trustee, the vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the office was previously filled. The trustees, with the exception of the chairman and the actuarial trustees, shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed in accordance with the standard travel regulations for all necessary expenses that they may incur through service on the commission. The chairman and the actuarial trustees shall be compensated at their normal and usual per diem fee, plus travel expenses, from the funds of the retirement system for each day of service to the commission. Each trustee shall, within ten days after appointment or election, take an oath of office that so far as it devolves upon the trustee, the trustee will diligently and honestly administer the affairs of the commission, and will not knowingly violate or willingly permit to be violated any of the provisions of law applicable to the state retirement system. Each trustee's term shall begin from the date the trustee takes such an oath. The trustees shall appoint a representative from among the municipalities that have accepted the provisions of part II of chapter 113, who shall serve as a municipal liaison to the commission, at the commission's pleasure and under such terms and conditions as the commission may prescribe. Each trustee shall be entitled to one vote on the commission. A majority of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business, the exercise of any power or the performance of any duty authorized or imposed by law. The Retirement Commission shall be within the Retirement Division of the office of the Comptroller for administrative purposes only. The Comptroller [, ex officio,] shall be the [nonvoting] secretary of the commission and shall provide secretariat support to the commission.
Sec. 6. Subsection (a) of section 32-6 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2012):
(a) The management and control of the operation and affairs of the Connecticut building at the Eastern States Exposition at West Springfield shall be in the charge of the Department of Economic and Community Development. Maintenance of the land and building shall be the responsibility of the Department of Administrative Services. Coverage by fire and casualty insurance shall be the responsibility of the [Comptroller] State Insurance and Risk Management Board in accordance with the provisions of section 4a-20, as amended by this act. The building and land shall be used by the Department of Economic and Community Development, in cooperation with public and private agencies, to conduct an educational exhibit which will promote the agricultural, industrial, recreational and other physical and natural resources of this state.
Sec. 7. Section 3-115d of the general statutes is repealed. (Effective from passage)
This act shall take effect as follows and shall amend the following sections: | ||
Section 1 |
from passage |
3-115e |
Sec. 2 |
from passage |
4-36 |
Sec. 3 |
July 1, 2012 |
4-158(d) |
Sec. 4 |
from passage |
4a-20 |
Sec. 5 |
from passage |
5-155a(a) |
Sec. 6 |
July 1, 2012 |
32-6(a) |
Sec. 7 |
from passage |
Repealer section |
Statement of Purpose:
To require the report concerning the CORE-CT system be submitted biennially rather than annually, to repeal the CORE-CT policy board, to raise the threshold value of personal property reported in an agency's annual inventory to five thousand dollars, to require payment under the Claims Commissioner's order by the Department of Administrative Services, to require insurance company payments be paid to the Department of Administrative Services, to make a technical change to the statute concerning the Connecticut State Employees Retirement Commission and to require the State Insurance and Risk Management Board to be responsible for insuring the state building at the Eastern States Exposition.
[Proposed deletions are enclosed in brackets. Proposed additions are indicated by underline, except that when the entire text of a bill or resolution or a section of a bill or resolution is new, it is not underlined.]