| SB111 | Pass | The Act requires the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association (DIAA) to adopt regulations regarding the appropriate recognition and management of student athletes exhibiting signs and symptoms consistent with a concussion during practices, scrim... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-30 Signed by Governor |
| HB180 | Pass | This bill creates a journeyperson electrician and apprentice electrician license. Additionally, the bill eliminates the exception that allows for unlicensed persons to perform electrical work under the supervision of electricians licensed under Chapt... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-26 Signed by Governor |
| HB42 | Pass | This Act requires the Department of Education to promulgate uniform regulations related to school discipline to provide consistency across all districts and charter schools. The Act implements certain recommendations initiated through the Department ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-22 Signed by Governor |
| HB177 | Pass | This bill deals with the expungement of juvenile records of arrest and adjudications of delinquency and would become effective on January 1, 2012. Section 1015 sets out the procedure for filing an expungement petition and Section 1016 defines terms u... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-22 Signed by Governor |
| HB205 | Pass | This legislation will assist the State to better ensure that charter schools being approved are of high quality, and to respond more appropriately when issues arise. To help ensure that individuals governing our charter schools have the appropriate b... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-19 Signed by Governor |
| SB64 | Pass | This legislation authorizes the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control to adopt guidance and minimum standards to minimize risk from flooding with the input from a stakeholder advisory group. Such standards or equivalent standards ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-17 Signed by Governor |
| HB123 | Pass | This bill designates the month of October as “Disability History and Awareness Month.” [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-17 Signed by Governor |
| SB144 | Pass | This Bill amends Title 24, 2301 and 2302, of the Delaware Code as it relates to pawnbrokers, secondhand dealers and scrap metal processors by requiring any person or entity who buys and sells scrap metal to be subject to the provisions under this Tit... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-17 Signed by Governor |
| HB91 | Pass | People First Language (PFL) legislation is part of a national movement to promote dignity and inclusion for people with disabilities. PFL specifies that the order of terms used to describe any individual places the person first, and the description o... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-17 Signed by Governor |
| SB108 | Pass | Section 1 of this Bill would ensure that Delaware medical providers do not take advantage of the section of the statute that allows for the “greater of” clause by opening a facility across state lines to perform procedures on patients tha... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-17 Signed by Governor |
| HB214 | Pass | People First Language (“PFL”) legislation is part of a national movement to promote dignity and inclusion for people with disabilities. PFL specifies that the order of terms used to describe any individual places the person first, and the... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-17 Signed by Governor |
| HB158 | Pass | This bill transfers from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control to the Department of Agriculture the control of procedures for the issuance of water allocation permits that reserve the right of permit holders to use 20 acre-inc... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-17 Signed by Governor |
| HB173 | Pass | This Act requires that for any residence that the government of New Castle County or any agent or representative thereof in any capacity or form (County) deems that installation of a grinder pump or any other sewage pump or waste management device sh... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-17 Signed by Governor |
| SB139 | Pass | This amendment requires licensed pawnbrokers, secondhand dealers, scrap metal processors to electronically submit transaction records in a format acceptable to the applicable police agency by noon the next business day. This amendment also requires t... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-16 Signed by Governor |
| SB109 | Pass | On July 21, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Contained in its entirety within this legislation was the Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010, referred to as the NRRA. The NR... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-16 Signed by Governor |
| SB92 | Pass | This Bill revises DNREC’s chronic violator program. It adds a purpose section, makes various technical revisions, adds and makes consistent several definitions, clarifies and expands the standard and criteria for chronic violator status, adds c... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-16 Signed by Governor |
| HB131 | Pass | This Act simplifies the formula devised in 1984 that is used to distribute more than $4 million in annual public library standards funds to Delaware’s 33 public libraries. The purpose of public library standards funding is to enable every publi... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-16 Signed by Governor |
| HB88 | Pass | This bill, named the “Delaware Investor Protection Act,” re-organizes the provisions of the Delaware Securities Act (6 Del. C., Ch. 73) into seven subchapters and makes the following substantive amendments to the Act: (1) The definition o... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-16 Signed by Governor |
| HB121 | Pass | Delaware has two regulatory schemes for competitive local exchange carriers providing telecommunication services in Delaware. Under Section 707 of Title 26, a local exchange carrier cannot charge a switched access rate higher than that charged by the... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-16 Signed by Governor |
| HB76 | Pass | This Act assures prosthetic parity for Delaware citizens who have experienced limb loss by requiring that all individual and group health insurance policies provide orthotic and prosthetic devices at a reimbursement rate equal to the Federal reimburs... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-15 Signed by Governor |
| SJR7 | Pass | This Senate Joint Resolution honors the memory and accomplishments of Major Allen McLane of Smyrna, a great hero of the American Revolution. It urges the citizens of the state in general and those of Smyrna and Kent County in particular to consider a... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-15 Signed by Governor |
| HB33 | Veto | This bill, if enacted, would empower the State Election Commissioner to declare vacancies in municipal offices in the event of a tie vote, cancel municipal elections due to weather-related and other unforeseeable emergencies, and invalidate the resul... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-09 Vetoed by Governor |
| SB93 | Pass | This bill clarifies that any third party that contracts with autoclubs for services, such as towing, are not captured in the definition of such under the insurance code. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-06 Signed by Governor |
| HB182 | Pass | This Act regulates the practice of inspecting homes by requiring certain licensure qualifications for home inspectors practicing in this State. The Act establishes the Board of Home Inspectors, which acts as the governing body over the practice of ho... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-06 Signed by Governor |
| SB65 | Pass | This Act expands the definition of “nuisance” to include illegal gun crimes, criminal gang activity, recurring violent activity and other public nuisances that cause a tangible injury to the surrounding properties and businesses. The Act ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-03 Signed by Governor |
| SB148 | Pass | This legislation turns the William Nelson Armory upon vacancy by the Delaware National Guard over to the Town of Middletown to be used for the American Legion Post 25 and/or the Appoquinimink Boys and Girls Club. The legislation states that the prope... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-03 Signed by Governor |
| SB154 | Pass | This bill is the result of recommendations made by the Joint Sunset Committee. The bill presents extensive revisions to make the Real Estate Commission’s licensing law consistent with other Title 24 boards and commissions. In addition, the amen... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-03 Signed by Governor |
| HB172 | Pass | This amendment to the Charter of the Town of Millville is intended to revise the limit on the taxes that may be levied and collected on real estate and the improvements thereon in a given year to no more than 3% of the total assessed value. Currently... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-03 Signed by Governor |
| HB174 | Pass | This Act establishes a new crime, Vehicular Assault in the Third Degree, to cover situations where an individual causes injury to another person as a result of criminally negligent driving. The Act strengthens criminal penalties for Vehicular Assault... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-03 Signed by Governor |
| HB175 | Pass | This bill relates to the Board of Chiropractic and makes two changes to House Substitute No. 1 for House Bill No. 435, as amended by House Amendments Nos. 1 and 2, of the 145th General Assembly, signed into law on July 30, 2010. Section 1 simplifies ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-03 Signed by Governor |
| SB123 | Pass | This Bill corrects some incorrect references to subsections, limits the number of times an applicant can take the licensing exam before having to re-apply for the examination and provide evidence of additional education or experience; permits the inv... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-03 Signed by Governor |
| HB168 | Pass | This Act strengthens criminal penalties for Driving Under the Influence (“DUI”). The window during which a second offense qualifies for enhanced penalties is increased from five to ten years and the window for a third offense to be consid... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-03 Signed by Governor |
| HB143 | Pass | SYNOPSIS To provide state and local law enforcement agencies with additional resources to fight violent crime, including gun violence, this legislation establishes The Fund to Combat Violent Crimes. The Fund will be funded by an additional penalty of... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-08-02 Signed by Governor |
| HB160 | Pass | This Act changes provisions for supplemental health insurance coverage for children of insureds, raising the age children may be covered by their parent’s or parents’ health insurance to the age of 26. The provisions of this Act shall hav... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-29 Signed by Governor |
| SB119 | Pass | If enacted this bill would bring the State into compliance with the Military and Overseas Voters Empowerment Act by giving the Departments of Elections sufficient time to prepare and send ballots to military and overseas voters at least 45 days befor... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-29 Signed by Governor |
| SB117 | Pass | Delaware has implemented a successful agricultural lands preservation program under which Preservation easements have been acquired to permanently protect over 100,000 acres or approximately 20% of Delaware’s available farmland. To carry on Del... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-28 Signed by Governor |
| HB188 | Pass | This Bill exempts farm vehicles and trucks traveling to and from a farm, while performing farm operations, from temporary seizure requiring the vehicle to be driven to scales and being subject to forced load discharge at the direction of a police off... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-27 Signed by Governor |
| SB89 | Pass | This Bill will change the date of the Presidential Primary from the first Tuesday in February to the fourth Tuesday in April. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-27 Signed by Governor |
| HB74 | Pass | This Act creates a Law Enforcement Memorial license plate. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-27 Signed by Governor |
| SB118 | Pass | If enacted this Bill would bring the State into compliance with the Military and Overseas Voters Empowerment Act by giving the Departments of Elections sufficient time to prepare and send ballots to military and overseas voters at least 45 days befor... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-27 Signed by Governor |
| SB155 | Pass | This legislation will make it clear that the office of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, formerly a part of the Department of Health and Social Services, is now a unit within the Division of State Police existing command structure and that the agents tr... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-27 Signed by Governor |
| SB32 | Pass | Section 1 of this bill requires permanent revocation of the license of any person convicted of a felony sexual offense. Section 2 makes it a ground for discipline if a licensee fails to report child abuse or neglect as required of persons licensed in... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-25 Signed by Governor |
| HB187 | Pass | This Bill expands the New Castle County zoning regulation exemption for agricultural related temporary roadside stands to include stands which sell products that are grown or produced on a local regional farm. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-25 Signed by Governor |
| HB161 | Pass | This Act amends Title 18 to prohibit the denial of coverage to children under the age of 19 due to pre-existing conditions. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-25 Signed by Governor |
| HB139 | Pass | This bill corrects an internal inconsistency in the number of professional board members that can be appointed to the Board of Professional Land Surveyors from any 1 county. As amended, the section states that four members of the State Board of Profe... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-25 Signed by Governor |
| SB52 | Pass | This Act amends 2306 of Delaware’s probate code as it relates to distribution of the decedent’s personal estate without the grant of letters by the Register of Wills when the decedent’s personal estate is valued at less than $30,000... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-25 Signed by Governor |
| SB31 | Pass | Section 1 of this bill provides that no person who has been convicted of a felony sexual offense can receive a license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene. Section 2 of this bill requires permanent revocation of the license of any person convicte... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-25 Signed by Governor |
| HB138 | Pass | This technical correction bill clarifies that members appointed to the Acupuncture Advisory Council and the Genetic Counselor Advisory Council must be licensed. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-25 Signed by Governor |
| SB38 | Pass | This bill would create a safe-passing zone between a motor vehicle and a bicycle, when the motor vehicle is overtaking a bicycle traveling in the same direction. If a three-foot-wide passing space is not possible, then the driver of the motor vehicle... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-25 Signed by Governor |
| SB110 | Pass | This Act would amend the Charter of the Town of Georgetown to enable the borrowing from a Federal or State source if the interest rate on such borrowing is fixed at zero (0%) percent and the borrowing comes with one hundred (100%) percent forgiveness... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-07-25 Signed by Governor |