Bill Amendment: FL S1500 | 2021 | Regular Session

NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Transportation

Status: 2021-04-30 - Died in Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 1359 (Ch. 2021-237), CS/SB 1126 (Ch. 2021-186), SB 1134 (Ch. 2021-187), CS/CS/CS/SB 1194 (Ch. 2021-188) [S1500 Detail]

Download: Florida-2021-S1500-Senate_Committee_Amendment_936070.html
       Florida Senate - 2021                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 1500
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              

       The Committee on Transportation (Harrell) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete everything after the enacting clause
    4  and insert:
    5         Section 1. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section
    6  316.126, Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsection (6) of
    7  that section is reenacted, to read:
    8         316.126 Operation of vehicles and actions of pedestrians on
    9  approach of an authorized emergency, sanitation, or utility
   10  service vehicle.—
   11         (1)
   12         (b) If an authorized emergency vehicle displaying any
   13  visual signals is parked on the roadside, a sanitation vehicle
   14  is performing a task related to the provision of sanitation
   15  services on the roadside, a utility service vehicle is
   16  performing a task related to the provision of utility services
   17  on the roadside, or a wrecker displaying amber rotating or
   18  flashing lights is performing a recovery or loading on the
   19  roadside, or a road and bridge maintenance or construction
   20  vehicle displaying warning lights is on the roadside without
   21  advance signs and channelizing devices, the driver of every
   22  other vehicle, as soon as it is safe:
   23         1. Shall vacate the lane closest to the emergency vehicle,
   24  sanitation vehicle, utility service vehicle, or wrecker, or road
   25  and bridge maintenance or construction vehicle when driving on
   26  an interstate highway or other highway with two or more lanes
   27  traveling in the direction of the emergency vehicle, sanitation
   28  vehicle, utility service vehicle, or wrecker, or road and bridge
   29  maintenance or construction vehicle except when otherwise
   30  directed by a law enforcement officer. If such movement cannot
   31  be safely accomplished, the driver shall reduce speed as
   32  provided in subparagraph 2.
   33         2. Shall slow to a speed that is 20 miles per hour less
   34  than the posted speed limit when the posted speed limit is 25
   35  miles per hour or greater; or travel at 5 miles per hour when
   36  the posted speed limit is 20 miles per hour or less, when
   37  driving on a two-lane road, except when otherwise directed by a
   38  law enforcement officer.
   39         (6) A violation of this section is a noncriminal traffic
   40  infraction, punishable pursuant to chapter 318 as either a
   41  moving violation for infractions of subsection (1) or subsection
   42  (3), or as a pedestrian violation for infractions of subsection
   43  (2).
   44         Section 2. Section 316.3045, Florida Statutes, is amended
   45  to read:
   46         316.3045 Operation of radios or other mechanical
   47  soundmaking devices or instruments in vehicles; exemptions.—
   48         (1) A It is unlawful for any person who operates or
   49  occupies operating or occupying a motor vehicle on a street or
   50  highway may not to operate or amplify the sound produced by a
   51  radio, tape player, or other mechanical soundmaking device or
   52  instrument from within the motor vehicle so that the sound is:
   53         (a) plainly audible at a distance of 25 feet or more from
   54  the motor vehicle; or
   55         (b) Louder than necessary for the convenient hearing by
   56  persons inside the vehicle in areas adjoining churches, schools,
   57  or hospitals.
   58         (2) The provisions of This section does shall not apply to
   59  any law enforcement motor vehicle equipped with any
   60  communication device necessary in the performance of law
   61  enforcement duties or to any emergency vehicle equipped with any
   62  communication device necessary in the performance of any
   63  emergency procedures.
   64         (3) This section does The provisions of this section do not
   65  apply to motor vehicles used for business or political purposes,
   66  which in the normal course of conducting such business use
   67  soundmaking devices. The provisions of this subsection shall not
   68  be deemed to prevent local authorities, with respect to streets
   69  and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable
   70  exercise of the police power, from regulating the time, place,
   71  and manner in which a device or an instrument described in
   72  subsection (1) such business may be operated.
   73         (4) The provisions of This section does do not apply to the
   74  noise made by a horn or other warning device required or
   75  permitted by s. 316.271. The Department of Highway Safety and
   76  Motor Vehicles shall adopt promulgate rules defining “plainly
   77  audible” and shall establish standards regarding how sound
   78  should be measured by law enforcement personnel who enforce the
   79  provisions of this section.
   80         (5) A violation of this section is a noncriminal traffic
   81  infraction, punishable as a nonmoving violation as provided in
   82  chapter 318.
   83         Section 3. Subsection (5) of section 316.305, Florida
   84  Statutes, is amended to read:
   85         316.305 Wireless communications devices; prohibition.—
   86         (5) When a law enforcement officer issues a citation for a
   87  violation of this section, the law enforcement officer must
   88  record the race and ethnicity of the violator. All law
   89  enforcement agencies must maintain such information and report
   90  the information to the department in a form and manner
   91  determined by the department. Beginning February 1, 2020, The
   92  department shall annually report the data collected under this
   93  subsection to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the
   94  Speaker of the House of Representatives. The data collected must
   95  be reported at least by statewide totals for local law
   96  enforcement agencies, state law enforcement agencies, and state
   97  university law enforcement agencies. The statewide total for
   98  local law enforcement agencies shall combine the data for the
   99  county sheriffs and the municipal law enforcement agencies.
  100         Section 4. Section 316.70, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  101  read:
  102         316.70 Nonpublic sector buses; safety rules.—
  103         (1) All owners and drivers of nonpublic sector buses
  104  operated on the public highways of this state are subject to the
  105  rules and regulations The Department of Transportation shall
  106  establish and revise standards to ensure the safe operation of
  107  nonpublic sector buses, which standards shall be those contained
  108  in 49 C.F.R. parts 382, 385, and 390-397 to ensure and which
  109  shall be directed toward ensuring that:
  110         (a) Nonpublic sector buses are safely maintained, equipped,
  111  and operated.
  112         (b) Nonpublic sector buses are carrying the insurance
  113  required by law and carrying liability insurance on the checked
  114  baggage of passengers not to exceed the standard adopted by the
  115  United States Department of Transportation.
  116         (c) Florida license tags are purchased for nonpublic sector
  117  buses pursuant to s. 320.38.
  118         (d) The driving records of drivers of nonpublic sector
  119  buses are checked by their employers at least once each year to
  120  ascertain whether the driver has a suspended or revoked driver
  121  license.
  122         (2) Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
  123  Transportation personnel may conduct compliance reviews for the
  124  purpose of determining compliance with this section. A civil
  125  penalty not to exceed $5,000 in the aggregate may be assessed
  126  against any person who violates any provision of this section or
  127  who violates any rule or order of the department found during a
  128  compliance review as provided in s. 316.3025. A of
  129  Transportation. A civil penalty not to exceed $25,000 in the
  130  aggregate may be assessed for violations found in a followup
  131  compliance review conducted within a 24-month period. A civil
  132  penalty not to exceed $25,000 in the aggregate may be assessed
  133  and the motor carrier may be enjoined from operation pursuant to
  134  s. 316.3026 for if violations found during a are found after a
  135  second followup compliance review within 12 months after the
  136  first followup compliance review. Motor carriers found to be
  137  operating without insurance coverage required by s. 627.742 or
  138  49 C.F.R. part 387 may be enjoined as provided in s. 316.3026.
  139         (3) For the purpose of enforcing this section, any law
  140  enforcement officer of the Department of Highway Safety and
  141  Motor Vehicles or a duly appointed agent of the department who
  142  holds a current safety inspector certification from the
  143  Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance may require the driver of any
  144  commercial vehicle operated on the highways of this state to
  145  stop and submit to an inspection of the vehicle or the driver’s
  146  records. If the vehicle is being operated or the driver is
  147  operating the vehicle in an unsafe condition, or if any required
  148  part or equipment is not present or is not in proper repair or
  149  adjustment, and the continued operation would be unduly
  150  hazardous, the officer or agent may require the vehicle or the
  151  driver to be removed from service pursuant to the North American
  152  Standard Out-of-Service Criteria until all safety concerns are
  153  corrected. However, if continuous operation would not be unduly
  154  hazardous, the officer or agent may give written notice
  155  requiring correction of the condition within 15 days after the
  156  inspection.
  157         (4) School buses subject to the provisions of chapter 1006
  158  or s. 316.615 are exempt from the provisions of this section.
  159         Section 5. Section 319.1414, Florida Statutes, is created
  160  to read:
  161         319.1414 Investigations; examinations; subpoenas; hearings;
  162  witnesses.
  163         (1)The department may conduct investigations and
  164  examinations of department-authorized private rebuilt inspection
  165  providers as it deems necessary to determine whether a person
  166  has violated or is about to violate this chapter or a contract
  167  entered into pursuant to this chapter or to assist with the
  168  enforcement of this chapter.
  169         (2)For purposes of any investigation or examination
  170  conducted pursuant to this section, the department may exercise
  171  the power of subpoena and the powers to administer oaths or
  172  affirmations, to examine witnesses, to require affidavits, to
  173  take depositions, and to compel the attendance of witnesses and
  174  the production of books, papers, documents, records, and other
  175  evidence. A designated agent of the department may serve a
  176  subpoena relating to an investigation or examination.
  177         (3)If a person refuses to testify; produce books, papers,
  178  documents, or records; or otherwise obey a subpoena or subpoena
  179  duces tecum issued under subsection (2), the department may
  180  petition a court of competent jurisdiction in the county where
  181  the person’s residence or principal place of business is
  182  located, upon which the court must issue an order requiring such
  183  person to obey the subpoena or show cause for failing to obey
  184  the subpoena. Unless the person shows sufficient cause for
  185  failing to obey the subpoena, the court shall direct the person
  186  to obey the subpoena. Failure to comply with such order is
  187  contempt of court.
  188         (4)For the purpose of any investigation, examination, or
  189  proceeding initiated by the department under this chapter, the
  190  department is authorized to designate agents to serve subpoenas
  191  and other process and to administer oaths or affirmations.
  192         (5)Witnesses subpoenaed under this section are entitled to
  193  witness fees at the same rate established by s. 92.142 for
  194  witnesses in a civil case, except that witness fees are not
  195  payable for appearance at the witness’s place of business during
  196  regular business hours or at the witness’s residence.
  197         (6)The department may adopt rules to administer this
  198  section.
  199         Section 6. Section 319.25, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  200  read:
  201         319.25 Cancellation of certificates; investigations;
  202  subpoenas and other process; oaths; rules.—
  203         (1) If it appears that a certificate of title has been
  204  improperly issued, the department shall cancel the certificate.
  205  Upon cancellation of any certificate of title, the department
  206  shall notify the person to whom the certificate of title was
  207  issued, as well as any lienholders appearing thereon, of the
  208  cancellation and shall demand the surrender of the certificate
  209  of title, but the cancellation shall not affect the validity of
  210  any lien noted thereon. The holder of the certificate of title
  211  shall return it to the department forthwith. If a certificate of
  212  registration has been issued to the holder of a certificate of
  213  title so canceled, the department shall immediately cancel the
  214  certificate of registration and demand the return of such
  215  certificate of registration and license plate or mobile home
  216  sticker; and the holder of such certificate of registration and
  217  license plate or sticker shall return them to the department
  218  forthwith.
  219         (2) The department is authorized, upon application of any
  220  person and payment of the proper fees, to prepare and furnish
  221  lists containing title information in such form as the
  222  department may authorize, to search the records of the
  223  department and make reports thereof, and to make photographic
  224  copies of the department records and attestations thereof,
  225  except as provided in chapter 119.
  226         (3)The department may conduct investigations and
  227  examinations of any person suspected of violating or of having
  228  violated this chapter or any rule adopted or order issued under
  229  this chapter.
  230         (4)For purposes of any investigation or examination
  231  conducted pursuant to this section, the department may exercise
  232  the power of subpoena and the powers to administer oaths or
  233  affirmations, to examine witnesses, to require affidavits, to
  234  take depositions, and to compel the attendance of witnesses and
  235  the production of books, papers, documents, records, and other
  236  evidence. An authorized representative of the department may
  237  serve a subpoena relating to an investigation or examination.
  238         (5)If a person refuses to testify; produce books, papers,
  239  documents, or records; or otherwise obey the subpoena or
  240  subpoena duces tecum issued under subsection (4), the department
  241  may petition a court of competent jurisdiction in the county
  242  where the person’s residence or principal place of business is
  243  located, upon which the court must issue an order requiring such
  244  person to obey the subpoena or show cause for failing to obey
  245  the subpoena. Unless the person shows sufficient cause for
  246  failing to obey the subpoena, the court must direct the person
  247  to obey the subpoena. Failure to comply with such order is
  248  contempt of court.
  249         (6)For the purpose of any investigation, examination, or
  250  proceeding initiated by the department under this chapter, the
  251  department is authorized to designate agents to serve subpoenas
  252  and other process and to administer oaths or affirmations.
  253         (7)Witnesses subpoenaed under this section are entitled to
  254  witness fees at the same rate established by s. 92.142 for
  255  witnesses in a civil case, except that witness fees are not
  256  payable for appearance at the witness’s place of business during
  257  regular business hours or at the witness’s residence.
  258         (8)The department may adopt rules to administer this
  259  section.
  260         Section 7. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section
  261  319.30, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  262         319.30 Definitions; dismantling, destruction, change of
  263  identity of motor vehicle or mobile home; salvage.—
  264         (3)
  265         (b) The owner, including persons who are self-insured, of a
  266  motor vehicle or mobile home that is considered to be salvage
  267  shall, within 72 hours after the motor vehicle or mobile home
  268  becomes salvage, forward the title to the motor vehicle or
  269  mobile home to the department for processing. However, an
  270  insurance company that pays money as compensation for the total
  271  loss of a motor vehicle or mobile home shall obtain the
  272  certificate of title for the motor vehicle or mobile home, make
  273  the required notification to the National Motor Vehicle Title
  274  Information System, and, within 72 hours after receiving such
  275  certificate of title, forward such title by the United States
  276  Postal Service, by another commercial delivery service, or by
  277  electronic means, when such means are made available by the
  278  department, to the department for processing. The owner or
  279  insurance company, as applicable, may not dispose of a vehicle
  280  or mobile home that is a total loss before it obtains a salvage
  281  certificate of title or certificate of destruction from the
  282  department. Effective January 1, 2020:
  283         1. Thirty days after payment of a claim for compensation
  284  pursuant to this paragraph, the insurance company may receive a
  285  salvage certificate of title or certificate of destruction from
  286  the department if the insurance company is unable to obtain a
  287  properly assigned certificate of title from the owner or
  288  lienholder of the motor vehicle or mobile home, if the motor
  289  vehicle or mobile home does not carry an electronic lien on the
  290  title and the insurance company:
  291         a. Has obtained the release of all liens on the motor
  292  vehicle or mobile home;
  293         b. Has attested on a form provided by the department that
  294  provided proof of payment of the total loss claim has been
  295  distributed; and
  296         c. Has attested on a form provided by the department and
  297  provided an affidavit on letterhead signed by the insurance
  298  company or its authorized agent stating the attempts that have
  299  been made to obtain the title from the owner or lienholder and
  300  further stating that all attempts are to no avail. The form
  301  affidavit must include a request that the salvage certificate of
  302  title or certificate of destruction be issued in the insurance
  303  company’s name due to payment of a total loss claim to the owner
  304  or lienholder. The attempts to contact the owner may be by
  305  written request delivered in person or by first-class mail with
  306  a certificate of mailing to the owner’s or lienholder’s last
  307  known address.
  308         2. If the owner or lienholder is notified of the request
  309  for title in person, the insurance company must provide an
  310  affidavit attesting to the in-person request for a certificate
  311  of title.
  312         3. The request to the owner or lienholder for the
  313  certificate of title must include a complete description of the
  314  motor vehicle or mobile home and the statement that a total loss
  315  claim has been paid on the motor vehicle or mobile home.
  316         Section 8. Subsection (3) and paragraph (a) of subsection
  317  (10) of section 320.27, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  318         320.27 Motor vehicle dealers.—
  319         (3) APPLICATION AND FEE.—The application for the license
  320  shall be in such form as may be prescribed by the department and
  321  shall be subject to such rules with respect thereto as may be so
  322  prescribed by it. Such application shall be verified by oath or
  323  affirmation and shall contain a full statement of the name and
  324  birth date of the person or persons applying therefor; the name
  325  of the firm or copartnership, with the names and places of
  326  residence of all members thereof, if such applicant is a firm or
  327  copartnership; the names and places of residence of the
  328  principal officers, if the applicant is a body corporate or
  329  other artificial body; the name of the state under whose laws
  330  the corporation is organized; the present and former place or
  331  places of residence of the applicant; and prior business in
  332  which the applicant has been engaged and the location thereof.
  333  Such application shall describe the exact location of the place
  334  of business and shall state whether the place of business is
  335  owned by the applicant and when acquired, or, if leased, a true
  336  copy of the lease shall be attached to the application. The
  337  applicant shall certify that the location provides an adequately
  338  equipped office and is not a residence; that the location
  339  affords sufficient unoccupied space upon and within which
  340  adequately to store all motor vehicles offered and displayed for
  341  sale; and that the location is a suitable place where the
  342  applicant can in good faith carry on such business and keep and
  343  maintain books, records, and files necessary to conduct such
  344  business, which shall be available at all reasonable hours to
  345  inspection by the department or any of its inspectors or other
  346  employees. The applicant shall certify that the business of a
  347  motor vehicle dealer is the principal business which shall be
  348  conducted at that location. The application shall contain a
  349  statement that the applicant is either franchised by a
  350  manufacturer of motor vehicles, in which case the name of each
  351  motor vehicle that the applicant is franchised to sell shall be
  352  included, or an independent (nonfranchised) motor vehicle
  353  dealer. The application shall contain other relevant information
  354  as may be required by the department, including evidence that
  355  the applicant is insured under a garage liability insurance
  356  policy or a general liability insurance policy coupled with a
  357  business automobile policy, which shall include, at a minimum,
  358  $25,000 combined single-limit liability coverage including
  359  bodily injury and property damage protection and $10,000
  360  personal injury protection. However, a salvage motor vehicle
  361  dealer as defined in subparagraph (1)(c)5. is exempt from the
  362  requirements for garage liability insurance and personal injury
  363  protection insurance on those vehicles that cannot be legally
  364  operated on roads, highways, or streets in this state. Franchise
  365  dealers must submit a garage liability insurance policy, and all
  366  other dealers must submit a garage liability insurance policy or
  367  a general liability insurance policy coupled with a business
  368  automobile policy. Such policy shall be for the license period,
  369  and evidence of a new or continued policy shall be delivered to
  370  the department at the beginning of each license period. A
  371  licensee shall deliver to the department, in the manner
  372  prescribed by the department, within 10 calendar days after any
  373  renewal or continuation of or change in such policy or within 10
  374  calendar days after any issuance of a new policy, a copy of the
  375  renewed, continued, changed, or new policy. Upon making initial
  376  application, the applicant shall pay to the department a fee of
  377  $300 in addition to any other fees required by law. Applicants
  378  may choose to extend the licensure period for 1 additional year
  379  for a total of 2 years. An initial applicant shall pay to the
  380  department a fee of $300 for the first year and $75 for the
  381  second year, in addition to any other fees required by law. An
  382  applicant for renewal shall pay to the department $75 for a 1
  383  year renewal or $150 for a 2-year renewal, in addition to any
  384  other fees required by law. Upon making an application for a
  385  change of location, the person shall pay a fee of $50 in
  386  addition to any other fees now required by law. The department
  387  shall, in the case of every application for initial licensure,
  388  verify whether certain facts set forth in the application are
  389  true. Each applicant, general partner in the case of a
  390  partnership, or corporate officer and director in the case of a
  391  corporate applicant, must file a set of fingerprints with the
  392  department for the purpose of determining any prior criminal
  393  record or any outstanding warrants. The department shall submit
  394  the fingerprints to the Department of Law Enforcement for state
  395  processing and forwarding to the Federal Bureau of Investigation
  396  for federal processing. The actual cost of state and federal
  397  processing shall be borne by the applicant and is in addition to
  398  the fee for licensure. The department may issue a license to an
  399  applicant pending the results of the fingerprint investigation,
  400  which license is fully revocable if the department subsequently
  401  determines that any facts set forth in the application are not
  402  true or correctly represented.
  404         (a) Annually, before any license shall be issued to a motor
  405  vehicle dealer, the applicant-dealer of new or used motor
  406  vehicles shall deliver to the department a good and sufficient
  407  surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit, executed by the
  408  applicant-dealer as principal, in the sum of $25,000. A licensee
  409  shall deliver to the department, in the manner prescribed by the
  410  department, within 10 calendar days after any renewal or
  411  continuation of or change in such surety bond or irrevocable
  412  letter of credit or within 10 calendar days after any issuance
  413  of a new surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit, a copy of
  414  such renewed, continued, changed, or new surety bond or
  415  irrevocable letter of credit.
  416         Section 9. Paragraph (a) of subsection (16) of section
  417  320.77, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  418         320.77 License required of mobile home dealers.—
  421         (a) Before any license shall be issued or renewed, the
  422  applicant or licensee shall deliver to the department a good and
  423  sufficient surety bond, cash bond, or irrevocable letter of
  424  credit, executed by the applicant or licensee as principal. The
  425  licensee shall deliver to the department, in the manner
  426  prescribed by the department, within 10 calendar days after any
  427  renewal or continuation of or change in such surety bond, cash
  428  bond, or irrevocable letter of credit or within 10 calendar days
  429  after any issuance of a new surety bond, cash bond, or
  430  irrevocable letter of credit, a copy of such renewed, continued,
  431  changed, or new surety bond, cash bond, or irrevocable letter of
  432  credit. The bond or irrevocable letter of credit shall be in a
  433  form to be approved by the department and shall be conditioned
  434  upon the dealer’s complying with the conditions of any written
  435  contract made by the dealer in connection with the sale,
  436  exchange, or improvement of any mobile home and his or her not
  437  violating any of the provisions of chapter 319 or this chapter
  438  in the conduct of the business for which the dealer is licensed.
  439  The bond or irrevocable letter of credit shall be to the
  440  department and in favor of any retail customer who shall suffer
  441  any loss as a result of any violation of the conditions
  442  contained in this section. The bond or irrevocable letter of
  443  credit shall be for the license period, and a new bond or
  444  irrevocable letter of credit or a proper continuation
  445  certificate shall be delivered to the department at the
  446  beginning of each license period. However, the aggregate
  447  liability of the surety in any one license year shall in no
  448  event exceed the sum of such bond, or, in the case of a letter
  449  of credit, the aggregate liability of the issuing bank shall not
  450  exceed the sum of the credit. The amount of the bond required
  451  shall be as follows:
  452         1. A single dealer who buys, sells, or deals in mobile
  453  homes and who has four or fewer supplemental licenses shall
  454  provide a surety bond, cash bond, or irrevocable letter of
  455  credit executed by the dealer applicant or licensee in the
  456  amount of $25,000.
  457         2. A single dealer who buys, sells, or deals in mobile
  458  homes and who has more than four supplemental licenses shall
  459  provide a surety bond, cash bond, or irrevocable letter of
  460  credit executed by the dealer applicant or licensee in the
  461  amount of $50,000.
  463  For the purposes of this paragraph, any person who buys, sells,
  464  or deals in both mobile homes and recreational vehicles shall
  465  provide the same surety bond required of dealers who buy, sell,
  466  or deal in mobile homes only.
  467         Section 10. Paragraph (j) of subsection (3) and paragraph
  468  (a) of subsection (16) of section 320.771, Florida Statutes, are
  469  amended to read:
  470         320.771 License required of recreational vehicle dealers.—
  471         (3) APPLICATION.—The application for such license shall be
  472  in the form prescribed by the department and subject to such
  473  rules as may be prescribed by it. The application shall be
  474  verified by oath or affirmation and shall contain:
  475         (j) Evidence A statement that the applicant is insured
  476  under a garage liability insurance policy, which shall include,
  477  at a minimum, $25,000 combined single-limit liability coverage,
  478  including bodily injury and property damage protection, and
  479  $10,000 personal injury protection, if the applicant is to be
  480  licensed as a dealer in, or intends to sell, recreational
  481  vehicles. Such policy must be for the license period and
  482  delivered to the department in the manner prescribed by the
  483  department. The licensee shall deliver to the department, in the
  484  manner prescribed by the department, within 10 calendar days
  485  after any renewal or continuation of or change in such policy or
  486  within 10 calendar days after any issuance of a new policy, a
  487  copy of such renewed, continued, changed, or new policy.
  488  However, a garage liability policy is not required for the
  489  licensure of a mobile home dealer who sells only park trailers.
  491  The department shall, if it deems necessary, cause an
  492  investigation to be made to ascertain if the facts set forth in
  493  the application are true and shall not issue a license to the
  494  applicant until it is satisfied that the facts set forth in the
  495  application are true.
  496         (16) BOND.—
  497         (a) Before any license shall be issued or renewed, the
  498  applicant shall deliver to the department, in the manner
  499  prescribed by the department, a good and sufficient surety bond,
  500  executed by the applicant as principal and by a surety company
  501  qualified to do business in the state as surety. The licensee
  502  shall deliver to the department, in the manner prescribed by the
  503  department, within 10 calendar days after any renewal or
  504  continuation of or change in such surety bond or within 10
  505  calendar days after any issuance of a new surety bond, a copy of
  506  such renewed, continued, changed, or new surety bond. The bond
  507  shall be in a form to be approved by the department and shall be
  508  conditioned upon the dealer’s complying with the conditions of
  509  any written contract made by that dealer in connection with the
  510  sale, exchange, or improvement of any recreational vehicle and
  511  his or her not violating any of the provisions of chapter 319 or
  512  this chapter in the conduct of the business for which he or she
  513  is licensed. The bond shall be to the department and in favor of
  514  any retail customer who shall suffer any loss as a result of any
  515  violation of the conditions hereinabove contained. The bond
  516  shall be for the license period, and a new bond or a proper
  517  continuation certificate shall be delivered to the department at
  518  the beginning of each license period. However, the aggregate
  519  liability of the surety in any one license year shall in no
  520  event exceed the sum of such bond. The amount of the bond
  521  required shall be as follows:
  522         1. A single dealer who buys, sells, or deals in
  523  recreational vehicles and has four or fewer supplemental
  524  licenses shall provide a surety bond in the amount of $10,000.
  525         2. A single dealer who buys, sells, or deals in
  526  recreational vehicles and who has more than four supplemental
  527  licenses shall provide a surety bond in the amount of $20,000.
  529  For the purposes of this paragraph, any person who buys, sells,
  530  or deals in both mobile homes and recreational vehicles shall
  531  provide the same surety bond required of dealers who buy, sell,
  532  or deal in mobile homes only.
  533         Section 11. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (5) of
  534  section 320.8225, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  535         320.8225 Mobile home and recreational vehicle manufacturer,
  536  distributor, and importer license.—
  537         (5) REQUIREMENT OF ASSURANCE.—
  538         (a) Annually, prior to the receipt of a license to
  539  manufacture mobile homes, the applicant or licensee shall
  540  submit, in the manner prescribed by the department, a surety
  541  bond, cash bond, or letter of credit from a financial
  542  institution, or a proper continuation certificate, sufficient to
  543  assure satisfaction of claims against the licensee for failure
  544  to comply with appropriate code standards, failure to provide
  545  warranty service, or violation of any provisions of this
  546  section. The amount of the surety bond, cash bond, or letter of
  547  credit must be $50,000. Only one surety bond, cash bond, or
  548  letter of credit shall be required for each manufacturer,
  549  regardless of the number of factory locations. The surety bond,
  550  cash bond, or letter of credit must be to the department, in
  551  favor of any retail customer who suffers a loss arising out of
  552  noncompliance with code standards or failure to honor or provide
  553  warranty service. The department may disapprove any bond or
  554  letter of credit that does not provide assurance as provided in
  555  this section. A licensee shall deliver to the department, in the
  556  manner prescribed by the department, within 10 calendar days
  557  after any renewal or continuation of or change in such surety
  558  bond, cash bond, or letter of credit or within 10 calendar days
  559  after any issuance of a new surety bond, cash bond, or letter of
  560  credit, a copy of such renewed, continued, changed, or new
  561  surety bond, cash bond, or letter of credit.
  562         (b) Annually, before prior to the receipt of a license to
  563  manufacture, distribute, or import recreational vehicles, the
  564  applicant or licensee shall submit, in the manner prescribed by
  565  the department, a surety bond, or a proper continuation
  566  certificate, sufficient to assure satisfaction of claims against
  567  the licensee for failure to comply with appropriate code
  568  standards, failure to provide warranty service, or violation of
  569  any provisions of this section. The amount of the surety bond
  570  must be $10,000 per year. The surety bond must be to the
  571  department, in favor of any retail customer who suffers loss
  572  arising out of noncompliance with code standards or failure to
  573  honor or provide warranty service. The department may disapprove
  574  any bond that does not provide assurance as provided in this
  575  section. The licensee shall deliver to the department, in the
  576  manner prescribed by the department, within 10 calendar days
  577  after any renewal or continuation of or change in such surety
  578  bond or within 10 calendar days after any issuance of a new
  579  surety bond, a copy of such renewed, continued, changed, or new
  580  surety bond.
  581         Section 12. Section 320.861, Florida Statutes, is amended
  582  to read:
  583         320.861 Investigations; subpoenas and other process; oaths;
  584  rules Inspection of records; production of evidence; subpoena
  585  power.—
  586         (1) The department may conduct investigations and
  587  examinations of any person suspected of violating or of having
  588  violated this chapter or any rule adopted or order issued
  589  thereunder inspect the pertinent books, records, letters, and
  590  contracts of any licensee, whether dealer or manufacturer,
  591  relating to any written complaint made to it against such
  592  licensee.
  593         (2) For purposes of any investigation or examination
  594  conducted pursuant to this section, the department may is
  595  granted and authorized to exercise the power of subpoena and the
  596  powers to administer oaths or affirmations, to examine
  597  witnesses, to require affidavits, to take depositions, and to
  598  compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books,
  599  papers, documents, records, and other evidence. A designated
  600  agent of the department may serve a subpoena relating to an
  601  investigation or examination for the attendance of witnesses and
  602  the production of any documentary evidence necessary to the
  603  disposition by it of any written complaint against any licensee,
  604  whether dealer or manufacturer.
  605         (3)If a person refuses to testify; to produce books,
  606  papers, documents, or records; or to otherwise obey the subpoena
  607  or subpoena duces tecum issued under subsection (2), the
  608  department may petition a court of competent jurisdiction in the
  609  county where the person’s residence or principal place of
  610  business is located, upon which the court must issue an order
  611  requiring such person to obey the subpoena or show cause for
  612  failing to obey the subpoena. Unless the person shows sufficient
  613  cause for failing to obey the subpoena, the court must direct
  614  the person to obey the subpoena. Failure to comply with such
  615  order constitutes contempt of court.
  616         (4)For the purpose of any investigation, examination, or
  617  proceeding initiated by the department under this chapter, the
  618  department may designate agents to serve subpoenas and other
  619  process and to administer oaths or affirmations. The department
  620  shall exercise this power on its own initiative in accordance
  621  with ss. 320.615 and 320.71.
  622         (5)Witnesses subpoenaed under this section are entitled to
  623  witness fees at the same rate established by s. 92.142 for
  624  witnesses in a civil case, except that witness fees are not
  625  payable for appearance at the witness’s place of business during
  626  regular business hours or at the witness’s residence.
  627         (6)The department may adopt rules to administer this
  628  section.
  629         Section 13. Section 322.71, Florida Statutes, is created to
  630  read:
  631         322.71 Investigations; subpoenas and other process; oaths;
  632  rules.
  633         (1)The department may conduct investigations and
  634  examinations of any person suspected of violating or of having
  635  violated any provision of this chapter or any rule adopted or
  636  order issued under this chapter.
  637         (2)For purposes of any investigation or examination
  638  conducted pursuant to this section, the department may exercise
  639  the power of subpoena and the powers to administer oaths or
  640  affirmations, to examine witnesses, to require affidavits, to
  641  take depositions, and to compel the attendance of witnesses and
  642  the production of books, papers, documents, records, and other
  643  evidence. Such subpoenas may be served by an authorized
  644  representative of the department.
  645         (3)If a person refuses to testify; to produce books,
  646  papers, documents, or records; or to otherwise obey the subpoena
  647  or subpoena duces tecum issued under subsection (2), the
  648  department may petition a court of competent jurisdiction in the
  649  county where the person’s residence or principal place of
  650  business is located, upon which the court must issue an order
  651  requiring such person to obey the subpoena or show cause for
  652  failing to obey the subpoena. Unless the person shows sufficient
  653  cause for failing to obey the subpoena, the court must direct
  654  the person to obey the subpoena. Failure to comply with such
  655  order constitutes contempt of court.
  656         (4)For the purpose of any investigation, examination, or
  657  proceeding initiated by the department under this chapter, the
  658  department may designate agents to serve subpoenas and other
  659  process and to administer oaths or affirmations.
  660         (5)Witnesses subpoenaed under this section are entitled to
  661  witness fees at the same rate established by s. 92.142 for
  662  witnesses in a civil case, except that witness fees are not
  663  payable for appearance at the witness’s place of business during
  664  regular business hours or at the witness’s residence.
  665         (6)The department may adopt rules to administer this
  666  section.
  667         Section 14. Subsection (7) of section 337.14, Florida
  668  Statutes, is amended to read:
  669         337.14 Application for qualification; certificate of
  670  qualification; restrictions; request for hearing.—
  671         (7) A “contractor” as defined in s. 337.165(1)(d) or his or
  672  her “affiliate” as defined in s. 337.165(1)(a) qualified with
  673  the department under this section may not also qualify under s.
  674  287.055 or s. 337.105 to provide testing services, construction,
  675  engineering, and inspection services to the department. This
  676  limitation does not apply to any design-build prequalification
  677  under s. 337.11(7) and does not apply when the department
  678  otherwise determines by written order entered at least 30 days
  679  before advertisement that the limitation is not in the best
  680  interests of the public with respect to a particular contract
  681  for testing services, construction, engineering, and inspection
  682  services. This subsection does not authorize a contractor to
  683  provide testing services, or provide construction, engineering,
  684  and inspection services, to the department in connection with a
  685  construction contract under which the contractor is performing
  686  any work. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
  687  contrary, for a project that is wholly or partially funded by
  688  the department and administered by a local governmental entity,
  689  except for a seaport listed in s. 311.09 or an airport as
  690  defined in s. 332.004, the entity performing design and
  691  construction engineering and inspection services may not be the
  692  same entity.
  693         Section 15. Paragraph (a) of subsection (8) of section
  694  338.221, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  695         338.221 Definitions.—As used in ss. 338.22-338.241, the
  696  following words and terms have the following meanings, unless
  697  the context indicates another or different meaning or intent:
  698         (8) “Economically feasible” means:
  699         (a) For a proposed turnpike project, that, as determined by
  700  the department before the issuance of revenue bonds for the
  701  project, the estimated net revenues of the proposed turnpike
  702  project, excluding feeder roads and turnpike improvements, will
  703  be sufficient to pay at least 50 percent of the average annual
  704  debt service on the bonds associated with the project by the end
  705  of the 12th year of operation and to pay at least 100 percent of
  706  the average annual debt service on the bonds by the end of the
  707  30th year of operation. In implementing this paragraph, up to 50
  708  percent of the adopted work program costs of the project may be
  709  funded from turnpike revenues.
  711  This subsection does not prohibit the pledging of revenues from
  712  the entire turnpike system to bonds issued to finance or
  713  refinance a turnpike project or group of turnpike projects.
  714         Section 16. Subsection (4) of section 339.0809, Florida
  715  Statutes, is amended to read:
  716         339.0809 Florida Department of Transportation Financing
  717  Corporation.—
  718         (4) The Florida Department of Transportation Financing
  719  Corporation may enter into one or more service contracts with
  720  the department to provide services to the department in
  721  connection with projects approved in the department’s work
  722  program, which approval specifically provides that the
  723  department may enter into a service contract for the project
  724  pursuant to this section. The department may enter into one or
  725  more such service contracts with the corporation and provide for
  726  payments under such contracts, subject to annual appropriation
  727  by the Legislature. The proceeds from such service contracts may
  728  be used for the corporation’s administrative costs and expenses
  729  after payments under subsection (5). Each service contract may
  730  have a term of up to 35 years. In compliance with s. 287.0641
  731  and other applicable law, the obligations of the department
  732  under such service contracts do not constitute a general
  733  obligation of the state or a pledge of the full faith and credit
  734  or taxing power of the state, and such obligations are not an
  735  obligation of the State Board of Administration or entities for
  736  which it invests funds, other than the department as provided in
  737  this section, but are payable solely from amounts available in
  738  the State Transportation Trust Fund, subject to annual
  739  appropriation. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, funds in
  740  the State Transportation Trust Fund must first be available for
  741  appropriation for payments under a service contract before any
  742  other purpose, except for payments pursuant to s. 215.616, s.
  743  215.617, s. 320.20(3) or (4), or s. 339.0801(1)(a). Annual debt
  744  service on the corporation’s bonds payable from moneys
  745  appropriated for service contract payments may not exceed $100
  746  million. In compliance with this subsection and s. 287.0582, the
  747  service contract must expressly include the following statement:
  748  “The State of Florida’s performance and obligation to pay under
  749  this contract is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the
  750  Legislature.”
  751         Section 17. Part III of chapter 343, Florida Statutes,
  752  consisting of sections 343.80, 343.805, 343.81, 343.82, 343.83,
  753  343.835, 343.836, 343.84, 343.85, 343.87, 343.875, 343.88,
  754  343.881, 343.884, and 343.89, Florida Statutes, is repealed.
  755         Section 18. Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section
  756  348.754, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  757         348.754 Purposes and powers.—
  758         (1)
  759         (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to
  760  the contrary, to ensure the continued financial feasibility of
  761  the portion of the Wekiva Parkway to be constructed by the
  762  department, the authority may not, without the prior
  763  consultation with consent of the secretary of the department,
  764  construct any extensions, additions, or improvements to the
  765  expressway system in Lake County.
  766         Section 19. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
  767  made by this act to section 316.126, Florida Statutes, in a
  768  reference thereto, paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section
  769  318.18, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:
  770         318.18 Amount of penalties.—The penalties required for a
  771  noncriminal disposition pursuant to s. 318.14 or a criminal
  772  offense listed in s. 318.17 are as follows:
  773         (2) Thirty dollars for all nonmoving traffic violations
  774  and:
  775         (d) For all violations of s. 316.126(1)(b), unless
  776  otherwise specified.
  777         Section 20. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
  778  made by this act to section 316.70, Florida Statutes, in a
  779  reference thereto, subsection (1) of section 316.3026, Florida
  780  Statutes, is reenacted to read:
  781         316.3026 Unlawful operation of motor carriers.—
  782         (1) The Office of Commercial Vehicle Enforcement may issue
  783  out-of-service orders to motor carriers, as defined in s.
  784  320.01, who, after proper notice, have failed to pay any penalty
  785  or fine assessed by the department, or its agent, against any
  786  owner or motor carrier for violations of state law, refused to
  787  submit to a compliance review and provide records pursuant to s.
  788  316.302(6) or s. 316.70, or violated safety regulations pursuant
  789  to s. 316.302 or insurance requirements in s. 627.7415. Such
  790  out-of-service orders have the effect of prohibiting the
  791  operations of any motor vehicles owned, leased, or otherwise
  792  operated by the motor carrier upon the roadways of this state,
  793  until the violations have been corrected or penalties have been
  794  paid. Out-of-service orders must be approved by the director of
  795  the Division of the Florida Highway Patrol or his or her
  796  designee. An administrative hearing pursuant to s. 120.569 shall
  797  be afforded to motor carriers subject to such orders.
  798         Section 21. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
  799  made by this act to section 338.221, Florida Statutes, in a
  800  reference thereto, section 338.2276, Florida Statutes, is
  801  reenacted to read:
  802         338.2276 Western Beltway turnpike project; financing.—Upon
  803  a determination of economic feasibility, as defined in s.
  804  338.221(8), for part C of the Western Beltway turnpike project,
  805  which part extends from Florida’s Turnpike near Ocoee in Orange
  806  County southerly through Orange County and Osceola County to an
  807  interchange with I-4 near the Osceola/Polk County line, the
  808  Department of Transportation shall include a request for the
  809  issuance of turnpike revenue bonds to construct the project as
  810  part of its next legislative budget request and tentative work
  811  program. If funding is insufficient to construct part C, it is
  812  the intent of the Legislature that such project be given
  813  priority as a project financed from subsequent issuances of
  814  turnpike revenue bonds approved by the Legislature; however,
  815  such priority consideration is contingent on the project’s
  816  meeting all economic feasibility requirements and upon the
  817  project’s being financed without the use of capitalized
  818  interest.
  819         Section 22. Notwithstanding any other law, the Northwest
  820  Florida Transportation Corridor Authority is dissolved. The
  821  authority shall discharge or make provision for the authority’s
  822  debts, obligations, and other liabilities; settle and close the
  823  authority’s activities and affairs; and provide for distribution
  824  of the authority’s assets, or the proceeds of such assets, such
  825  that each local general-purpose government represented on the
  826  authority’s board receives a distribution generally in
  827  proportion to each entity’s contribution to the acquisition of
  828  the assets.
  829         Section 23. This act shall take effect July 1, 2021.
  831  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
  832  And the title is amended as follows:
  833         Delete everything before the enacting clause
  834  and insert:
  835                        A bill to be entitled                      
  836         An act relating to transportation; amending s.
  837         316.126, F.S.; requiring drivers to change lanes when
  838         approaching a road and bridge maintenance or
  839         construction vehicle displaying warning lights on the
  840         roadside; amending s. 316.3045, F.S.; revising
  841         provisions relating to the operation of radios or
  842         other soundmaking devices in vehicles; deleting a
  843         standard for determining prohibited sound levels;
  844         deleting an exception for vehicles operated for
  845         business or political purposes; authorizing local
  846         authorities to regulate the place where such
  847         soundmaking devices may be operated; amending s.
  848         316.305, F.S.; deleting obsolete language; amending s.
  849         316.70, F.S.; providing that owners and drivers of
  850         nonpublic sector buses operated on public highways of
  851         this state are subject to specified provisions of law;
  852         authorizing the Department of Highway Safety and Motor
  853         Vehicles to conduct compliance reviews for a specified
  854         purpose; revising civil penalties; authorizing certain
  855         law enforcement officers and appointed agents to
  856         require drivers of commercial vehicles to submit to an
  857         inspection of the vehicle and the driver’s records;
  858         authorizing such officers and agents to require the
  859         vehicle and driver to be removed from service under
  860         specified conditions; authorizing such officers and
  861         agents to give written notice; creating s. 319.1414,
  862         F.S.; authorizing the department to conduct
  863         investigations and examinations of department
  864         authorized private rebuilt inspection providers;
  865         authorizing the department to exercise certain powers
  866         when conducting such investigations and examinations;
  867         authorizing the department to petition a court if a
  868         person refuses to testify, produce materials, or obey
  869         a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum; requiring the
  870         court to issue an order; requiring such person to obey
  871         the subpoena or show cause for failing to obey the
  872         subpoena; providing a penalty for a person who fails
  873         to comply with the court’s order; authorizing the
  874         department to designate agents for specified purposes;
  875         providing that subpoenaed witnesses are entitled to
  876         witness fees; providing exceptions; authorizing the
  877         department to adopt rules; amending s. 319.25, F.S.;
  878         authorizing the department to conduct investigations
  879         and examinations relating to violations of provisions
  880         relating to title certificates; authorizing the
  881         department to exercise certain powers when conducting
  882         such investigations and examinations; authorizing the
  883         department to petition a court if a person refuses to
  884         testify, produce materials, or obey a subpoena or
  885         subpoena duces tecum; requiring the court to issue an
  886         order; requiring such person to obey the subpoena or
  887         show cause for failing to obey the subpoena; providing
  888         a penalty for a person who fails to comply with the
  889         court’s order; authorizing the department to designate
  890         agents for specified purposes; providing that
  891         subpoenaed witnesses are entitled to witness fees;
  892         providing exceptions; authorizing the department to
  893         adopt rules; amending s. 319.30, F.S.; revising
  894         conditions under which insurance companies are
  895         authorized to receive salvage certificates of title or
  896         certificates of destruction for motor vehicles and
  897         mobile homes from the department; amending s. 320.27,
  898         F.S.; requiring motor vehicle dealer licensees to
  899         deliver copies of renewed, continued, changed, or new
  900         insurance policies to the department within specified
  901         timeframes under certain conditions; requiring such
  902         licensees to deliver copies of renewed, continued,
  903         changed, or new surety bonds or irrevocable letters of
  904         credit to the department within specified timeframes
  905         under certain conditions; amending s. 320.77, F.S.;
  906         requiring mobile home dealer licensees to deliver
  907         copies of renewed, continued, changed, or new surety
  908         bonds, cash bonds, or irrevocable letters of credit to
  909         the department within specified timeframes under
  910         certain conditions; amending s. 320.771, F.S.;
  911         revising requirements for applications for licenses
  912         required of recreational vehicle dealers; requiring
  913         recreational vehicle dealer licensees to deliver
  914         copies of renewed, continued, changed, or new
  915         insurance policies to the department within specified
  916         timeframes under certain conditions; requiring such
  917         licensees to deliver copies of renewed, continued,
  918         changed, or new surety bonds to the department within
  919         specified timeframes under certain conditions;
  920         amending s. 320.8225, F.S.; requiring mobile home and
  921         recreational vehicle manufacturer, distributor, and
  922         importer licensees to deliver copies of renewed,
  923         continued, changed, or new surety bonds, cash bonds,
  924         or letters of credit to the department within
  925         specified timeframes under certain conditions;
  926         amending s. 320.861, F.S.; authorizing the department
  927         to conduct investigations and examinations relating to
  928         violations of certain laws, rules, or orders relating
  929         to motor vehicle licenses; revising the powers of the
  930         department relating to conducting such investigations
  931         and examinations; authorizing the department to
  932         petition a court if a person refuses to testify,
  933         produce materials, or obey a subpoena or subpoena
  934         duces tecum; requiring the court to issue an order;
  935         requiring such person to obey the subpoena or show
  936         cause for failing to obey the subpoena; providing a
  937         penalty for a person who fails to comply with the
  938         court’s order; authorizing the department to designate
  939         agents for specified purposes; providing that
  940         subpoenaed witnesses are entitled to witness fees;
  941         providing exceptions; authorizing the department to
  942         adopt rules; creating s. 322.71, F.S.; authorizing the
  943         department to conduct investigations and examinations
  944         relating to violations of certain laws, rules, or
  945         orders relating to driver licenses; authorizing the
  946         department to exercise certain powers when conducting
  947         such investigations and examinations; authorizing the
  948         department to petition a court if a person refuses to
  949         testify, produce materials, or obey a subpoena or
  950         subpoena duces tecum; requiring the court to issue an
  951         order; requiring such person to obey the subpoena or
  952         show cause for failing to obey the subpoena; providing
  953         a penalty for a person who fails to comply with the
  954         court’s order; authorizing the department to designate
  955         agents for specified purposes; providing that
  956         subpoenaed witnesses are entitled to witness fees;
  957         providing exceptions; authorizing the department to
  958         adopt rules; amending s. 337.14, F.S.; exempting
  959         airports from certain restrictions regarding entities
  960         performing engineering and inspection services;
  961         amending s. 338.221, F.S.; revising the definition of
  962         the term “economically feasible”; amending s.
  963         339.0809, F.S.; requiring that funds in the State
  964         Transportation Trust Fund be first available for
  965         appropriation for payments under a service contract
  966         before any other purpose; providing exceptions;
  967         prohibiting annual debt service on the Florida
  968         Department of Transportation Financing Corporation’s
  969         bonds payable from moneys appropriated from service
  970         contract payments from exceeding $100 million;
  971         repealing part III of chapter 343, F.S., relating to
  972         the creation and operation of the Northwest Florida
  973         Transportation Corridor Authority; amending s.
  974         348.754, F.S.; prohibiting the Central Florida
  975         Expressway Authority from constructing any extensions,
  976         additions, or improvements to the Central Florida
  977         Expressway System in Lake County without prior
  978         consultation with, rather than consent of, the
  979         Secretary of Transportation; reenacting s.
  980         318.18(2)(d), F.S., relating to the amount of
  981         penalties, to incorporate the amendment made to s.
  982         316.126, F.S., in a reference thereto; reenacting s.
  983         316.3026(1), F.S., relating to unlawful operation of
  984         motor carriers, to incorporate the amendment made to
  985         s. 316.70, F.S., in a reference thereto; reenacting s.
  986         338.2276, F.S., relating to the Western Beltway
  987         turnpike project, to incorporate the amendment made to
  988         s. 338.221, F.S., in a reference thereto; dissolving
  989         the Northwest Florida Transportation Corridor
  990         Authority and requiring the authority to discharge its
  991         liabilities, settle and close its activities and
  992         affairs, and provide for the distribution of the
  993         authority’s assets; providing an effective date.
