Bill Amendment: FL S7076 | 2014 | Regular Session
NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Medically Complex Children
Status: 2014-03-12 - Submit as committee bill by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (SB 1670) [S7076 Detail]
Download: Florida-2014-S7076-Senate_Committee_Amendment_335110.html
Bill Title: Medically Complex Children
Status: 2014-03-12 - Submit as committee bill by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (SB 1670) [S7076 Detail]
Download: Florida-2014-S7076-Senate_Committee_Amendment_335110.html
Florida Senate - 2014 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SPB 7076 Ì335110]Î335110 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— (Thompson) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Between lines 608 and 609 4 insert: 5 Section 9. Children with Medically Complex Conditions Task 6 Force.— 7 (1) The Agency for Health Care Administration shall convene 8 a Children with Medically Complex Conditions Task Force for the 9 purpose of developing a plan to ensure that children with 10 medically complex conditions grow up with the emotional security 11 and continuity of a parental relationship and a stable living 12 arrangement and to reinforce that skilled nursing facilities are 13 temporary placements. 14 (2) The plan developed by the task force must include the 15 following: 16 (a) Uniform procedures applicable to each of the state 17 agencies on the task force to ensure that an individualized 18 permanency plan is developed for each child who resides in a 19 skilled nursing facility which focuses on facilitating a 20 permanent living arrangement with an enduring and nurturing 21 family. These uniform procedures must include: 22 1. Developing a family comprehensive plan to bring the 23 child home or to place the child with an alternative family that 24 will meet the goals of the plan; 25 2. Retaining with the parents the right to decide whether 26 the child is placed in or remains in a skilled nursing facility; 27 and 28 3. Coordinating the programs and services of each of the 29 state agencies on the task force to create an integrated system 30 of services for children with medically complex conditions. 31 (b) A family-based alternative system in which a child with 32 medically complex conditions who cannot reside with his or her 33 birth family may receive necessary services in a family-based 34 alternative setting instead of a skilled nursing facility. This 35 system shall include licensing, monitoring, ensuring quality of 36 care, recruiting and training of families, and involving the 37 birth family with the alternate family selected and in decisions 38 regarding the child’s daily life. 39 (c) Establishment of a facilitation of services responsible 40 for: 41 1. Developing and overseeing implementation of a child’s 42 individualized permanency plan for the successful transition of 43 a child from a skilled nursing facility to a permanent family; 44 and 45 2. Identifying and determining how funds and resources from 46 all available sources can be blended and used to provide 47 customized services and training and supports to implement a 48 child’s individualized permanency plan. 49 (d) A Medicaid waiver mechanism that can be used to provide 50 Medicaid waiver services to prevent the placement of children 51 with medically complex conditions in skilled nursing facilities. 52 (3) The task force shall consist of representatives 53 appointed from the following: 54 (a) The Agency for Health Care Administration. 55 (b) The Agency for Persons with Disabilities. 56 (c) The Department of Children and Families. 57 (d) The Department of Health. 58 (e) The Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc. 59 (f) The Arc of Florida. 60 (g) The Florida Association of Rehabilitation Facilities. 61 (h) A pediatric skilled nursing facility. 62 (i) The family of a child with medically complex 63 conditions. 64 (4) Task force members shall serve without compensation but 65 are entitled to reimbursement for per diem and travel expenses 66 as provided in s. 112.061, Florida Statutes. The Florida 67 Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc., shall reimburse task 68 force members for travel expenses and shall provide 69 administrative support for the task force. 70 (5) The task force shall submit a report to the President 71 of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by 72 January 1, 2015. The report must identify legislative and state 73 agency actions needed to implement the plan developed under 74 subsection (2). 75 76 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 77 And the title is amended as follows: 78 Delete line 31 79 and insert: 80 provider service network; requiring the Agency for 81 Health Care Administration to convene a Children with 82 Medically Complex Conditions Task Force; requiring the 83 task force to develop a specified plan; providing for 84 membership on the task force; requiring the Florida 85 Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc., to provide 86 travel reimbursement for task force members; requiring 87 the task force to submit a report to the Legislature 88 by a specified date; amending ss. 39.302, 39.524,