Florida Senator Nick DiCeglie [R] | All Sessions | Passed

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FLS1350PassRevising provisions relating to obtaining a salvage certificate of title or certificate of destruction; exempting the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles from liability to certain persons as a result of the issuance of such certificates; ...
Chapter No. 2024-218
FLS0808PassAuthorizing firefighters, law enforcement officers, correctional officers, and correctional probation officers to receive medical treatment by a medical specialist for certain conditions under certain circumstances; requiring firefighters, law enforc...
Chapter No. 2024-209
FLS1758PassRevising provisions related to programs and services provided by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities; requiring the agency, within available resources, to offer voluntary participation care navigation services to clients and their caregivers at ...
Chapter No. 2024-14
FLS1310PassDesignating the "Expanding Public Sector Career Opportunities Act"; providing that a postsecondary degree may be a baseline requirement for employment with a public employer only under a certain circumstance; authorizing an agency to substitute certa...
Chapter No. 2023-256
FLS0154PassRevising the circumstances under which community association managers or management firms must comply with a specified provision; revising who must have milestone inspections performed for buildings; requiring architects or engineers performing miles...
Chapter No. 2023-203, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 799 (Ch. 2023-175)
FLS0612PassCiting this act as the "Emily Adkins Prevention Act"; requiring the Secretary of Health Care Administration, in conjunction with the State Surgeon General, to establish a blood clot and pulmonary embolism policy workgroup; requiring the secretary to ...
Chapter No. 2023-192
FLS0346PassRequiring that certain contracts provide the estimated cost to complete each item on a specified list; revising the timeframe within which proceedings must commence to resolve disputes between vendors and local governmental entities; requiring that u...
Chapter No. 2023-134
FLS0540PassProviding that the prevailing party in a challenge to a plan or plan amendment is entitled to recover attorney fees and costs; providing that the prevailing party in a challenge to the compliance of a small scale development order is entitled to reco...
Chapter No. 2023-115
FLS0130PassCiting this act as "Greyson's Law"; requiring the court with jurisdiction over the proceeding to consider certain factors in deciding whether shared parental responsibility is detrimental to the child; providing additional conduct regarding domestic ...
Chapter No. 2023-112
FLS0006PassRequiring the Florida Turnpike Enterprise to establish a toll relief program for a specified timeframe; specifying the requirements for eligibility for account credits under the program; authorizing the department to reimburse each Florida toll facil...
Chapter No. 2022-270
FLH0395PassRequires Governor to proclaim November 7 of each year as "Victims of Communism Day"; requires day to be observed in public schools & by public exercise; requires day other than November 7 to be observed by public schools under specified circumstance;...
Chapter No. 2022-98
FLH0005PassRevises purpose & requirements for Comprehensive Statewide Tobacco Education & Use Prevention Program; requires DOH to contract with local healthy start coalitions for creation of fetal & infant mortality review committees; prohibits physician from p...
Chapter No. 2022-69
FLH0003PassAuthorizes a sheriff to transfer funds between specified categories and code levels after his or her budget is approved; revises salary minimums for county sheriffs; provides for adoption benefits for law enforcements officers; creates Florida Law En...
Chapter No. 2022-23
FLH0173PassRequires school to provide epilepsy or seizure disorder care to student; provides for creation & implementation of individualized seizure action plan for students with epilepsy or seizure disorders to receive health care at school; provides requireme...
Chapter No. 2022-19
FLH0053PassRevises prohibition relating to solicitation for construction services paid for with state appropriated funds; prohibits state or political subdivision that contracts for public works project from taking specified action against certain persons that ...
Chapter No. 2021-194
FLH6511PassProvides for relief of Estate of Crystle Marie Galloway by Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners; provides for an appropriation to compensate the estate for injuries sustained by Crystle Marie Galloway and her survivors as a result of neg...
Chapter No. 2021-267
FLH0259PassAuthorizes, for specified purposes, concealed weapons or firearms licensee to carry firearm on certain property of church, synagogue, or other religious institution.
Chapter No. 2021-200
FLH1507PassCreates Office of Reimagining Education and Career Help; creates & revises provisions relating to workforce services including the Labor Market Estimating Conference, workforce opportunity portal, state board composition, Credentials Review Committee...
Chapter No. 2021-164
FLH0005PassRevises social studies high school graduation credit requirement; requires DOE to develop or approve integrated civic education curriculum that meets certain requirements; requires department to curate oral history resources to be used with such curr...
Chapter No. 2021-158
FLH0217PassDesignates Southeast Florida Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation Area as Kristin Jacobs Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation Area; directs DEP to erect suitable markers.
Chapter No. 2021-107
FLH0337PassRequires local governments & special districts to credit against collection of impact fees any contribution related to public facilities or infrastructure; provides conditions under which credits may not be applied; provides limitations on impact fee...
Chapter No. 2021-63
FLH1377PassProposes amendment to State Constitution to authorize Legislature to prohibit consideration of changes or improvements made to real property used for residential purposes to improve property's resistance to flood damage in determining assessed value ...
Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State
FLH0001PassAuthorizing specified elected officials to file an appeal to the Administration Commission if the governing body of a municipality makes a specified reduction to the operating budget of the municipal law enforcement agency; providing that a municipal...
Chapter No. 2021-6
FLH1189PassProhibits life insurers & long-term care insurers from canceling, limiting, or denying coverage, or establishing differentials in premium rates based on genetic information; prohibits such insurers from taking certain actions relating to genetic info...
Chapter No. 2020-159
FLH1091PassEncouraging counties and municipalities, respectively, to establish a sanitary sewer lateral inspection program by a specified date; requiring a seller of real property to disclose any known defects in the property's sanitary sewer lateral; revis...
Chapter No. 2020-158
FLH0441PassRevises maximum dollar amount for continuing contracts for construction projects; revises term "continuing contract" to increase certain maximum dollar amounts for professional architectural, engineering, landscape architectural, & surveying & mappin...
Chapter No. 2020-127
FLH1213PassDirecting the Commissioner of Education's African American History Task Force to determine ways in which the 1920 Ocoee Election Day Riots will be included in required instruction on African-American history; directing the Secretary of State to t...
Chapter No. 2020-88
FLH0037PassRevises civil penalties for certain violations relating to stopping for school bus.
Chapter No. 2020-64
FLH1423PassRevises residency requirements for certain board members.
Chapter No. 2019-184
FLH0807PassRequires civics education instructional materials be reviewed & approved by Commissioner of Education in consultation with certain entities & individuals; provides duties of commissioner; requires commissioner to review & provide recommendations for ...
Chapter No. 2019-150
FLH7071PassRevises provisions relating to preapprenticeship & apprenticeship programs, secondary & postsecondary workforce education, high school graduation requirements, & postsecondary education provisions, & school grades; creates SAIL to 60 Initiative; rena...
Chapter No. 2019-119
FLH0005PassProviding that a referendum to adopt or amend a local discretionary sales surtax must be held at a general election; requiring the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability, upon receiving a certain notice, to procure a certifie...
Chapter No. 2019-64
FLH7081PassRequires security background investigations for foreign language court interpreters & mediators; provides disqualification factors for parenting coordinators; authorizes disclosure of certain testimony or evidence in certain circumstances; provides i...
Chapter No. 2019-98
FLH0107PassRequiring a law enforcement officer to inform a motor vehicle operator of certain rights; requiring such officer to record the race and ethnicity of a violator when issuing a citation; requiring law enforcement agencies to report such information to ...
Chapter No. 2019-44
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