Florida Senator Rosalind Osgood [D] | All Sessions

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Sine Die
Citing this act as the "Cassie Carli Law"; providing requirements for a parenting plan relating to the exchange of a child; requiring the court to order the parties in a parenting plan to exchange their child at a neutral safe exchange location or at...
Laid on Table, refer to CS/CS/HB 385
FLS1824PassDesignating February 21, 2024, as "FAMU Day" in Florida, etc.
FLS1822PassRecognizing February 2024 as "Black History Month" in Florida, etc.

Sine Die
Expressing support for the State of Israel and condemning the attacks and hateful actions by the Hamas terrorist group, etc.
Adopted, companion bill(s) passed, see HR 9-C (Adopted), HR 11-C (Adopted)

Sine Die
Requiring the Attorney General, rather than the Governor, through the Department of Law Enforcement, to collect and disseminate specified information; expanding a public records exemption to include the collection and dissemination of data on inciden...
Withdrawn prior to introduction

Sine Die
Expanding grounds for the reclassification of crimes to include acts of prejudice based on the gender of a victim; specifying that the reclassification occurs if the crime was based in whole or in part on the actual or perceived race, color, ancestry...
Withdrawn prior to introduction
FLS1190PassCreating the "Step into Success Act"; requiring the Department of Children and Families to establish the pilot program; requiring the independent living professionalism and workforce education component of the pilot program to culminate in a specifie...
Chapter No. 2023-255
FLS0272PassCiting this act as the "Nancy C. Detert Champion for Children Act"; requiring a case manager or other staff to provide a child with verbal and written information about certain topics; deleting limitations on the type of questions a child may ask; es...
Chapter No. 2023-248
FLS0612PassCiting this act as the "Emily Adkins Prevention Act"; requiring the Secretary of Health Care Administration, in conjunction with the State Surgeon General, to establish a blood clot and pulmonary embolism policy workgroup; requiring the secretary to ...
Chapter No. 2023-192
FLS0274PassRevising a primary goal of the Florida Center for Nursing to provide that development of a statewide plan for nursing manpower must include the encouragement and coordination of the development of partnerships with hospitals which provide opportuniti...
Chapter No. 2023-158
FLS0130PassCiting this act as "Greyson's Law"; requiring the court with jurisdiction over the proceeding to consider certain factors in deciding whether shared parental responsibility is detrimental to the child; providing additional conduct regarding domestic ...
Chapter No. 2023-112
FLS0282FailSpecifying that a cause of action does not arise against a landlord, or a manager or an agent of a landlord, solely for renting to a tenant with a criminal record; providing exceptions, etc.
Died in Judiciary
FLS0316FailSpecifying that unit owners in condominium associations and members of homeowners' associations, respectively, may consent electronically to online voting, etc.
Died in Regulated Industries
FLS0332FailRequiring the Attorney General, rather than the Governor, through the Department of Law Enforcement, to collect and disseminate specified information; expanding a public records exemption to include the collection and dissemination of data on inciden...
Died in Criminal Justice
FLS0340FailSpecifying the authorized uses of funds from the Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking, etc.
Died in Appropriations Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice
FLS0330FailExpanding grounds for the reclassification of crimes to include acts of prejudice based on the gender, gender identity or expression, or physical or mental disability of a victim; specifying that the reclassification occurs if the crime was based in ...
Died in Criminal Justice
FLS0338FailCreating the Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking within the Department of Legal Affairs; providing for the funding sources and purposes of the trust fund; providing for future review and termination or re-creation of the trust fund, etc.
Died in Appropriations Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice
FLS0326FailRevising definitions and defining terms; revising criminal penalties to include fines of certain amounts for violations of specified offenses; requiring the Department of Education and Department of Health, in conjunction with the Statewide Council o...
Died in Criminal Justice
FLS0132FailRevising the definition of the term "crime" to provide victim compensation for additional offenses, etc.
Died in Criminal Justice
FLS0368FailRevising the definition of the term "machine gun", etc.
Died in Criminal Justice
FLS0416FailAuthorizing pharmacists to order and dispense HIV preexposure and postexposure prophylaxis drugs without a prescription under certain circumstances; requiring pharmacists to complete specified training before ordering or dispensing such drugs without...
Died in Health Policy
FLS0166FailProhibiting facilitating or enabling the receiving of persons into any place, structure, building, or conveyance for the purpose of prostitution, lewdness, or assignation; prohibiting knowingly engaging in specified activities for the purpose of pros...
Died in Criminal Justice
FLS0526FailRevising requirements for a person to be considered a resident for tuition purposes to include time spent in certain correctional institutions; revising the types of documentation authorized to determine residency in the state for specified purposes,...
Died in Education Postsecondary
FLS0294FailRequiring that the history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders be taught in the public schools; requiring that instructional materials used in teaching this subject area include specified information, etc.
Died in Appropriations Committee on Education, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 1537 (Ch. 2023-39)
FLS0380FailDefining the terms "smoke evacuation system" and "surgical smoke"; requiring hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers to, by a specified date, adopt and implement policies requiring the use of smoke evacuation systems during certain surgical procedu...
Died in Rules
FLS0802FailRequiring the Department of Corrections to develop and implement training about restorative justice practices; requiring notice to victims if restorative justice is available; defining the term "restorative justice", etc.
Died in Criminal Justice
FLS0954FailProviding for state recognition of specified Indian tribes and bands; authorizing Indian tribes and bands to petition the Secretary of State for state recognition; authorizing the Secretary of State to review such petitions and make certain recommend...
Died in Governmental Oversight and Accountability
FLS0984FailRevising adult dental services as optional Medicaid services for which the Agency for Health Care Administration may pay; extending the date by which the agency may seek state plan amendments and federal waivers to commence enrollment in the Medicaid...
Died in Health Policy
FLS0224FailRevising the definition of "normal retirement date"; decreasing the age and years of service needed to reach the normal retirement date for certain members; authorizing certain members of the Special Risk Class to apply to participate in the Deferred...
Died in Appropriations
FLS0046FailRequiring specified individual health insurers and their pharmacy benefit managers to apply payments by or on behalf of insureds toward the total contributions of the insureds' cost-sharing requirements; requiring specified contracts to require pharm...
Died in Health Policy
FLS1428FailProviding that a petition for human trafficking victim expunction and all pleadings and documents related to the petition are confidential and exempt from public records requirements; providing for future legislative review and repeal of the exemptio...
Died in Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 1210 (Ch. 2023-84)
FLS1426FailRequiring manufacturers of tablets or smartphones to manufacture such devices so that a filter meeting certain requirements is enabled upon activation of the device in this state; subjecting such manufacturer to civil and criminal liability for certa...
Died in Commerce and Tourism
FLS0292FailRevising requirements for the administration of and participation in the Healthy Food Financing Initiative program; providing program eligibility requirements for nonprofit organizations and revising eligibility requirements for community development...
Died in Fiscal Policy
FLS1568FailRequiring public schools to create a School Staff Assistance for Emergencies (SAFE) Team and a school elopement plan; providing for membership and responsibilities of the team; providing requirements for the plan; requiring the team to create student...
Died in Education Pre-K -12
FLS0730FailCiting this act as "Ava's Law"; requiring that every female who is arrested and not released on bond within 72 hours after arrest be administered a pregnancy test within a specified timeframe, upon her request; defining the term "pregnant woman"; aut...
Died in Criminal Justice
FLS1712FailRequiring a municipality to charge customers receiving its utility services in another municipality the same rates, fees, and charges as it charges consumers within its municipal boundaries under certain circumstances, etc.
Died in Community Affairs
FLS1466FailProviding criminal and civil immunity to health care workers of hospitals and nursing home facilities, respectively, who carry out directives of a supervising health care practitioner or entity; providing an exception; requiring the Agency for Health...
Died in Health Policy

Sine Die
Increasing the income eligibility threshold for coverage under the Medikids program component; increasing the income eligibility threshold for coverage under the Florida Kidcare program; requiring an applicant seeking coverage under the program to pr...
Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 121 (Ch. 2023-277)

Sine Die
Requiring the Economic Development Programs Evaluation to include a periodic analysis of the Veterans Employment and Training Services Program; revising the duties of the Department of Veterans' Affairs and Florida Is For Veterans, Inc., respectively...
Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 139 (Ch. 2023-161)

Sine Die
Extending the date on which certain local government occupational licensing requirements expire; requiring the Construction Industry Licensing Board, by a specified date, to establish by rule specified certified specialty contractor categories for vo...
Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 1383 (Ch. 2023-271)

Sine Die
Recognizing and celebrating the incredible accomplishments of the Florida Atlantic University men's basketball team and the university's commitment to both academic and athletic excellence, creating a collegiate brand that is nationally renowned, etc...
Adopted, companion bill(s) passed, see HR 8065 (Adopted)

Sine Die
Requiring members of the instructional staff of public schools to provide instruction on the social, emotional, and physical effects of social media to students in specified grades; requiring that district school board codes of student conduct includ...
Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 379 (Ch. 2023-36)

Sine Die
Prohibiting a district school board from requiring certain students to take a course before taking the high school equivalency examination unless the student failed to earn a passing score on a specified practice test, etc.
Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 265 (Ch. 2023-98)
FLS0102PassCiting this act as the "Live Local Act"; deleting the authority of local governments to adopt or maintain laws, ordinances, rules, or other measures that would have the effect of imposing controls on rents; providing an exemption from ad valorem taxa...
Chapter No. 2023-17
FLS0010PassRecognizing February 2023 as "Black History Month" in Florida, etc.

Sine Die
Prohibiting the deposing of an individual who, at the time of the request for the deposition, is 17 years of age or younger and has been a victim of human trafficking or specified sexual offenses; providing exceptions; requiring a court to issue a pr...
Withdrawn prior to introduction
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