Legislative Research: FL S0482 | 2010 | Regular Session

Other Sessions

SessionTitle/DescriptionLast Action
Regular Session

Prohibiting a county from requiring an applicant to take certain actions as a condition of processing a development permit or development order; prohibiting a municipality from requiring an applicant to take certain actions as a condition of processi...
[S0482 2025 Detail][S0482 2025 Text][S0482 2025 Comments]
Regular Session

Recognizing August 2024 as "Amblyopia Awareness Month" in Florida, etc.
[S0482 2024 Detail][S0482 2024 Text][S0482 2024 Comments]
Died, not introduced
Regular Session

Revising the definition of the term "dangerous crime" to include extortion and written threats to kill, etc.
[S0482 2023 Detail][S0482 2023 Text][S0482 2023 Comments]
Died in Criminal Justice, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 1627 (Ch. 2023-27)
Regular Session

Citing this act as the "Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys and Okeechobee School Abuse Victim Certification Act"; defining the term "victim of Florida reform school abuse"; requiring a person seeking certification under this act to apply to the Departm...
[S0482 2022 Detail][S0482 2022 Text][S0482 2022 Comments]
Died in Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development
Regular Session

Increasing the number of sentence points below which the court is required to impose a nonstate prison sanction under certain circumstances; providing that a sentencing judge's decision regarding sentencing is guided by the computed recommended sente...
[S0482 2021 Detail][S0482 2021 Text][S0482 2021 Comments]
Died in Criminal Justice
Regular Session

Repealing provisions relating to limitations on the size of individual wine containers and individual cider containers; revising provisions that authorize a restaurant to allow patrons to remove partially consumed bottles of wine from the restaurant ...
[S0482 2020 Detail][S0482 2020 Text][S0482 2020 Comments]
Died in Innovation, Industry, and Technology
Regular Session

Establishing a fee for a certain specialty license plate, etc.
[S0482 2019 Detail][S0482 2019 Text][S0482 2019 Comments]
Died in Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development
Regular Session

Repealing a felony offense for a third or subsequent conviction for driving while a driver license or driving privilege is canceled, suspended, or revoked; providing that such a conviction is a misdemeanor offense, etc.
[S0482 2018 Detail][S0482 2018 Text][S0482 2018 Comments]
Died in Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice
Regular Session

Proposing amendments to the State Constitution to create a minimum age requirement and term limits for Supreme Court Justices and judges of the district courts of appeal and require 1 year of prior service as a judge for appointment as Supreme Court ...
[S0482 2017 Detail][S0482 2017 Text][S0482 2017 Comments]
Died in Judiciary
Regular Session

Urging Congress to encourage the Dominican Republic to reinstate citizenship to those Dominicans of Haitian descent adversely affected by the Dominican Republic Constitutional Tribunal's ruling No. 168-13 and Naturalization Law No. 169-14, etc.
[S0482 2016 Detail][S0482 2016 Text][S0482 2016 Comments]
Died in Judiciary
Regular Session

Requiring the Department of Health to approve qualified third-party credentialing entities to administer voluntary community health worker certification programs; establishing criteria for the approval of a third-party credentialing entity; requiring...
[S0482 2015 Detail][S0482 2015 Text][S0482 2015 Comments]
Died in Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services
Regular Session

Transferring a portion of the investment income of the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund to the Florida Catastrophic Storm Risk Management Center to support the center's ongoing operations, etc.
[S0482 2014 Detail][S0482 2014 Text][S0482 2014 Comments]
Died in Appropriations
Regular Session

Providing that the governing body of a county has authority to determine available benefits of county employees; specifying the applicability of ch. 121, F.S., to such employees, etc.
[S0482 2013 Detail][S0482 2013 Text][S0482 2013 Comments]
Died in Appropriations
Regular Session

Clarifying that the transfer and discharge of facility residents are governed by nursing home law; deleting a requirement that a resident care plan be signed by certain persons; deleting provisions requiring a license applicant to submit a signed aff...
[S0482 2012 Detail][S0482 2012 Text][S0482 2012 Comments]
Died in Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 787 (Ch.
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Adopts state standards for supervised visitation programs. Requires the standards to be published on the website of the Clearinghouse on Supervised Visitation. Provides factors for the court or child-placing agency to consider when referring cases fo...
[S0482 2011 Detail][S0482 2011 Text][S0482 2011 Comments]
Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration
Regular Session

Provides legislative intent relating to road rage and aggressive careless driving. Defines the term "road rage." Requires an operator of a motor vehicle to yield the left lane when being overtaken on a multilane highway. Revises the types of document...
[S0482 2010 Detail][S0482 2010 Text][S0482 2010 Comments]
Died in Messages, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 631 (Ch. 2010-198), CS/CS/HB 971 (Ch. 2010-223)

References Online

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Legislative Citation

FL S0482 | 2010 | Regular Session. (2010, April 30). LegiScan. Retrieved March 05, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/FL/bill/S0482/2010
"FL S0482 | 2010 | Regular Session." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 30 Apr. 2010. Web. 05 Mar. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/FL/bill/S0482/2010>.
"FL S0482 | 2010 | Regular Session." April 30, 2010 LegiScan. Accessed March 05, 2025. https://legiscan.com/FL/bill/S0482/2010.
LegiScan. FL S0482 | 2010 | Regular Session. 30 April 2010. https://legiscan.com/FL/bill/S0482/2010 (accessed March 05, 2025).

Same As/Similar To

BillRelationshipDateTitleLast Action
H0801Similar To2010-04-30Motor VehiclesDied in Full Appropriations Council on Education & Economic Development
H0971Similar To2010-06-07Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles [CPSC]Chapter No. 2010-223; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 263 (Ch. 2010-82), CS/CS/CS/HB 631 (Ch. 2010-198), CS/HB 795 (Ch. 2010-107)
S2400Similar To2010-04-27Motor Vehicles [CPSC]Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read 2nd time -SJ 00901; Amendment(s) adopted (816020, 562928, 540110, 469116, 468800, 343628, 160518) -SJ 00902; Substituted CS/CS/HB 971 -SJ 00902; Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 971 (Ch. 2010-223), CS/HB 263 (Ch. 2010-82), CS/CS/CS/HB 631 (Ch. 2010-198), CS/HB 795 (Ch. 2010-107) -SJ 00902
H0631Similar To2010-06-03Motor Vehicles [CPSC]Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2010-198; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 971 (Ch. 2010-223)
H1331Similar To2010-04-27Transportation ProjectsPlaced on Special Order Calendar; Substituted CS/CS/SB 1842 (Vetoed by Governor); Laid on Table -HJ 01170
S0792Similar To2010-04-30Derelict Motor Vehicles and Mobile Homes [CPSC]Died in Messages, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 631 (Ch. 2010-198)
S1842Similar To2010-07-20Transportation Projects [CPSC]Veto Message received (2010-C) -SJ 00004; Veto Message referred to Rules -SJ 00005
S2448Similar To2010-04-30Vehicle Operation [CPSC]Died in Messages, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 971 (Ch. 2010-223)

Code Citations

ChapterArticleSectionCitation TypeStatute Text
0316003Amended CodeSee Bill Text
0316008Amended CodeSee Bill Text
0316083Amended CodeSee Bill Text
03161923Amended CodeSee Bill Text
03161995Amended CodeSee Bill Text
0316212Amended CodeSee Bill Text
03162128Amended CodeSee Bill Text
0316650Amended CodeSee Bill Text
03181451Amended CodeSee Bill Text
031819Amended CodeSee Bill Text
0319241Amended CodeSee Bill Text
031930Amended CodeSee Bill Text
0320697Amended CodeSee Bill Text
032205Amended CodeSee Bill Text
0335199New CodeSee Bill Text

Florida State Sources

Roll Callhttp://www.flsenate.gov/cgi-bin/view_page.pl?Tab=session&Submenu=1&FT=D&File=session/2010/Senate/bills/votes/html/SSB04820427100009.html
