Legislative Research: FL S0910 | 2021 | Regular Session

Other Sessions

SessionTitle/DescriptionLast Action
Regular Session

Prohibiting a person from receiving compensation for referring an individual to another person for advising, assisting, or consulting on veterans' benefits matters; requiring that persons who advise, assist, or consult on veterans' benefits matters f...
[S0910 2025 Detail][S0910 2025 Text][S0910 2025 Comments]
Referred to Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security; Commerce and Tourism; Rules
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Providing public records exemptions for specified veterans treatment court program records and mental health court program records, respectively; authorizing disclosure of confidential and exempt information under certain circumstances; providing for...
[S0910 2024 Detail][S0910 2024 Text][S0910 2024 Comments]
Laid on Table, refer to CS/HB 715
Regular Session

Providing an exemption from surface water management and storage regulations for the implementation of certain measures and practices for environmental habitat creation, restoration, and enhancement activities and water quality improvements on specif...
[S0910 2023 Detail][S0910 2023 Text][S0910 2023 Comments]
Died in Community Affairs
Regular Session

Requiring application forms for original, renewal, and replacement driver licenses and identification cards to include language allowing a voluntary contribution to the Armory Board for a specified purpose; exempting such contributions from the Gener...
[S0910 2022 Detail][S0910 2022 Text][S0910 2022 Comments]
Died in Transportation
Regular Session

Increasing the weekly benefit amounts an individual may receive; increasing the cap on the total benefit amount an individual is entitled to receive during a benefit year; revising the duration of benefits, etc.
[S0910 2021 Detail][S0910 2021 Text][S0910 2021 Comments]
Died in Commerce and Tourism
Regular Session

Deleting a provision that required local government measures that imposed rent controls to expire unless they were extended or renewed in accordance with law, etc.
[S0910 2020 Detail][S0910 2020 Text][S0910 2020 Comments]
Died in Community Affairs
Regular Session

Providing that veterans who were discharged or released under any condition, individuals who are current or former United States Department of Defense contractors, and individuals who are current or former military members of a foreign allied country...
[S0910 2019 Detail][S0910 2019 Text][S0910 2019 Comments]
Chapter No. 2019-61, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 7125 (Ch. 2019-167)
Regular Session

Providing an exemption from business taxes and fees for certain veterans, spouses and unremarried surviving spouses of such veterans, spouses of certain active duty military servicemembers, specified low-income individuals, and certain businesses in ...
[S0910 2018 Detail][S0910 2018 Text][S0910 2018 Comments]
Died in Appropriations Subcommittee on Finance and Tax
Regular Session

Proposing amendments to the State Constitution to exempt law enforcement officers from the 3-day waiting period for handgun purchases under state law and under any county ordinance requiring a waiting period for handgun purchases, etc.
[S0910 2017 Detail][S0910 2017 Text][S0910 2017 Comments]
Died in Judiciary
Regular Session

Revising health benefit plan requirements relating to small employers, etc.
[S0910 2016 Detail][S0910 2016 Text][S0910 2016 Comments]
Died in Banking and Insurance
Regular Session

Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to authorize the living spouse of a deceased veteran, who upon his or her death was aged 65 or older, partially or totally permanently disabled due to combat, and honorably discharged, to receive a dis...
[S0910 2015 Detail][S0910 2015 Text][S0910 2015 Comments]
Died in Finance and Tax
Regular Session

Citing this act as the "Utility Cost Containment Bond Act"; authorizing certain local government entities to finance the costs of a utility project by issuing utility cost containment bonds upon application by a local agency; authorizing an...
[S0910 2014 Detail][S0910 2014 Text][S0910 2014 Comments]
Died in Appropriations
Regular Session

Requiring the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to inspect certain gasoline pumps on at least an annual basis, etc.
[S0910 2013 Detail][S0910 2013 Text][S0910 2013 Comments]
Died in Agriculture
Regular Session

Revising provisions relating to benefits paid from the premium tax by a municipality or special fire control district that has its own pension plan; providing for retroactive application; revising the definition of the term "compensation" or "salary"...
[S0910 2012 Detail][S0910 2012 Text][S0910 2012 Comments]
Died in Governmental Oversight and Accountability
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Cites this act as the "Safe and Hygienic Bedding Act." Prohibits a person from manufacturing or selling bedding that is made in whole or in part from secondhand material unless such material has been sanitized, germicidally treated, or cleaned using ...
[S0910 2011 Detail][S0910 2011 Text][S0910 2011 Comments]
Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration
Regular Session

Expresses the legislative intent to revise laws relating to the Department of Transportation.
[S0910 2010 Detail][S0910 2010 Text][S0910 2010 Comments]
Died in Committee on Transportation

References Online

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Legislative Citation

FL S0910 | 2021 | Regular Session. (2021, April 30). LegiScan. Retrieved March 03, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/FL/bill/S0910/2021
"FL S0910 | 2021 | Regular Session." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 30 Apr. 2021. Web. 03 Mar. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/FL/bill/S0910/2021>.
"FL S0910 | 2021 | Regular Session." April 30, 2021 LegiScan. Accessed March 03, 2025. https://legiscan.com/FL/bill/S0910/2021.
LegiScan. FL S0910 | 2021 | Regular Session. 30 April 2021. https://legiscan.com/FL/bill/S0910/2021 (accessed March 03, 2025).

Same As/Similar To

BillRelationshipDateTitleLast Action
H207Similar To2021-04-30Reemployment AssistanceDied in Tourism, Infrastructure & Energy Subcommittee
S466Similar To2021-04-30Reemployment AssistanceDied in Commerce and Tourism
S592Similar To2021-04-30Reemployment AssistanceDied in Commerce and Tourism
S644Similar To2021-04-30Reemployment AssistanceDied in Commerce and Tourism
S1906Similar To2021-04-30Reemployment AssistanceDied in Messages; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 1463 (Ch. 2021-25)
S1996Similar To2021-04-30Unemployment CompensationDied in Commerce and Tourism
H1617Similar To2021-04-30Public Emergencies and AssistanceDied in Pandemics & Public Emergencies Committee; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/SB 72 (Ch. 2021-1), SB 2518 (Ch. 2021-41)

Code Citations

ChapterArticleSectionCitation TypeStatute Text
443041Amended CodeSee Bill Text
443111Amended CodeSee Bill Text
4431116Amended CodeSee Bill Text

Florida State Sources
