Bill Text: FL S0238 | 2024 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
Bill Title: Claims Against Assisted Living Facilities
Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill
Status: (Failed) 2024-03-08 - Died in Rules [S0238 Detail]
Download: Florida-2024-S0238-Comm_Sub.html
Florida Senate - 2024 CS for SB 238 By the Committee on Judiciary; and Senator Burton 590-02612-24 2024238c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to claims against assisted living 3 facilities; amending s. 429.29, F.S.; defining terms; 4 providing requirements for the bringing of an 5 exclusive cause of action for residents’ rights 6 violations or negligence against specified 7 individuals; providing certain individuals with 8 immunity from liability for such claims; providing 9 exceptions; amending s. 429.297, F.S.; revising 10 requirements for recovery of certain damages and 11 liability for such damages; revising definitions; 12 deleting obsolete language; providing applicability; 13 providing an effective date. 14 15 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 16 17 Section 1. Section 429.29, Florida Statutes, is amended to 18 read: 19 429.29 Civil actions to enforce rights.— 20 (1) As used in this section, the term: 21 (a) “Licensee” means an individual, corporation, 22 partnership, firm, association, governmental entity, or other 23 entity that is issued a permit, registration, certificate, or 24 license by the agency and is legally responsible for all aspects 25 of the operation of the facility. 26 (b) “Management company or active participant” means an 27 individual or entity that contracts or receives a fee to provide 28 any of the following services for a facility: 29 1. Hiring or firing the administrator or director of 30 nursing; 31 2. Controlling or having control over staffing levels at 32 the facility; 33 3. Having control over the budget of the facility; 34 4. Implementing and enforcing the policies and procedures 35 of the facility; or 36 5. Receiving and controlling a line of credit, loan, or 37 other credit instrument that is used either in whole or in part 38 by, or for the benefit of, the subject facility where a resident 39 resides or resided during the subject residency. 40 (c) “Passive investor” means an individual or entity that 41 has an interest in a facility but does not participate in the 42 decisionmaking or operations of the facility. 43 (2) An exclusive cause of action for a residents’Any44person or resident whoserights violation or for negligence as 45 specified underinthis part which alleges direct or vicarious 46 liability for the personal injury or death of a resident arising 47 from such rights violation or negligence and which seeks damages 48 for such injury or death may be brought only against the 49 licensee, the licensee’s management company or active 50 participant, the licensee’s managing employees, or any direct 51 caregivers, whether employees or contractors. A passive investor 52 is not liable under this section. An action against any other 53 individual or entity may be brought only pursuant to subsection 54 (3)are violated shall have a cause of action. 55 (a) The action may be brought by the resident or his or her 56 guardian, or by an individuala personor organization acting on 57 behalf of a resident with the consent of the resident or his or 58 her guardian, or by the personal representative of the estate of 59 a deceased resident regardless of the cause of death. 60 (b) If the action alleges a claim for a residents’the61resident’srights violation or for negligence that caused the 62 death of the resident, the claimant, after the verdict, but 63 before the judgment is entered, mustshallbe required toelect 64eithersurvival damages pursuant to s. 46.021 or wrongful death 65 damages pursuant to s. 768.21. If the action alleges a claim for 66 a residents’the resident’srights violation or for negligence 67 that did not cause the death of the resident, the personal 68 representative of the estate may recover damages for the 69 negligence that caused injury to the resident. 70 (c) The action may be brought in any court of competent 71 jurisdiction to enforce such rights and to recover actual 72damages,and punitive damages for the residents’ rights 73 violationof the rights of a residentor negligence. 74 (d) AAnyresident who prevails in seeking injunctive 75 relief ora claim foran administrative remedy is entitled to 76 recover the costs of the action andareasonable attorney fees 77attorney’s feeassessed against the defendant of upnotto 78exceed$25,000. Such attorney fees mustshallbe awarded solely 79 for the injunctive or administrative relief and not for any 80 claim or action for damages whether such claim or action is 81 broughttogetherwith a request for an injunction or 82 administrative relief or as a separate action, except as 83 provided under s. 768.79 or the Florida Rules of Civil 84 Procedure.Sections 429.29-429.298 provide the exclusive remedy85for a cause of action for recovery of damages for the personal86injury or death of a resident arising out of negligence or a87violation of rights specified in s. 429.28.88 (e) This section does not preclude theories of recovery not 89 arising out of negligence or s. 429.28 which are available to a 90 resident or to the agency.The provisions ofChapter 766 doesdo91 not apply to any cause of action brought under ss. 429.29 92 429.298. 93 (3) A cause of action for a residents’ rights violation or 94 for negligence may not be asserted against an individual or 95 entity other than the licensee, the licensee’s management 96 company or active participant, the licensee’s managing 97 employees, and any direct caregivers, whether employees or 98 contractors, unless, after a motion for leave to amend hearing, 99 the court or an arbitration panel determines that there is 100 sufficient evidence in the record or proffered by the claimant 101 to establish a reasonable showing that: 102 (a) The individual or entity owed a duty of reasonable care 103 to the resident and breached that duty; and 104 (b) The breach of that duty is a legal cause of loss, 105 injury, death, or damage to the resident. 106 107 For purposes of this subsection, if it is asserted in a proposed 108 amended pleading that such cause of action arose out of the 109 conduct, transaction, or occurrence set forth or attempted to be 110 set forth in the original pleading, the proposed amendment 111 relates back to the original pleading. 112 (4)(2)In any claim brought pursuant to this part alleging 113 a violation of residents’resident’srights or negligence 114 causing injury to or the death of a resident, the claimant has 115shall havethe burden of proving, by a preponderance of the 116 evidence, that: 117 (a) The defendant owed a duty to the resident; 118 (b) The defendant breached the duty to the resident; 119 (c) The breach of the duty is a legal cause of loss, 120 injury, death, or damage to the resident; and 121 (d) The resident sustained loss, injury, death, or damage 122 as a result of the breach. 123 124Nothing inThis part does notshall be interpreted tocreate 125 strict liability. A violation of the rights providedset forth126 in s. 429.28 or in any other standard or guidelines specified in 127 this part or in any applicable administrative standard or 128 guidelines of this state or a federal regulatory agency may 129shallbe evidence of negligence but isshallnotbeconsidered 130 negligence per se. 131 (5)(3)In aanyclaim brought pursuant to this section, a 132 licensee, individualperson, or entity hasshall havea duty to 133 exercise reasonable care. Reasonable care is that degree of care 134 which a reasonably careful licensee, individualperson, or 135 entity would use under like circumstances. 136 (6)(4)In aanyclaim for a residents’resident’srights 137 violation or for negligence by a nurse licensed under part I of 138 chapter 464, such nurse hasshall havethe duty to exercise care 139 consistent with the prevailing professional standard of care for 140 a nurse. The prevailing professional standard of care for a 141 nurse isshall bethat level of care, skill, and treatment 142 which, in light of all relevant surrounding circumstances, is 143 recognized as acceptable and appropriate by reasonably prudent 144 similar nurses. 145 (7)(5)Discovery of financial information for the purpose 146 of determining the value of punitive damages may not be 147 conductedhadunless the plaintiff shows the court by proffer or 148 evidence in the record that a reasonable basis exists to support 149 a claim for punitive damages. 150 (8)(6)In addition to any other standards for punitive 151 damages, any award of punitive damages must be reasonable in 152 light of the actual harm suffered by the resident and the 153 egregiousness of the conduct that caused the actual harm to the 154 resident. 155 (9)(7)The resident or the resident’s legal representative 156 shall serve a copy of aanycomplaint alleging in whole or in 157 part a violation of any rights specified in this part to the 158 agencyfor Health Care Administrationat the time of filing the 159 initial complaint with the clerk of the court for the county in 160 which the action is pursued. The requirement of providing a copy 161 of the complaint to the agency does not impair the resident’s 162 legal rights or ability to seek relief for his or her claim. 163 Section 2. Section 429.297, Florida Statutes, is amended to 164 read: 165 429.297 Punitive damages; pleading; burden of proof.— 166 (1) AIn any action for damages brought under this part, no167 claim for punitive damages may not be brought under this part 168shall be permittedunless there is areasonableshowing by 169 admissible evidence submitted by the parties which providesin170the record or proffered by the claimant which would providea 171 reasonable basis for recovery of such damages pursuant to this 172 section. 173 (a) The claimant may move to amend her or his complaint to 174 assert a claim for punitive damages as allowed by the rules of 175 civil procedure in accordance with evidentiary requirements 176 provided in this section. 177 (b) The court shall conduct a hearing to determine whether 178 there is sufficient admissible evidence submitted by the parties 179 to ensure that there is a reasonable basis to believe that the 180 claimant, at trial, will be able to demonstrate by clear and 181 convincing evidence that the recovery of such damages is 182 warranted under a claim for direct liability as specified in 183 subsection (2) or under a claim for vicarious liability as 184 specified in subsection (3). 185 (c) The rules of civil procedure mustshallbe liberally 186 construed so as to allow the claimant discovery of evidence 187 which appears reasonably calculated to lead to admissible 188 evidence on the issue of punitive damages.NoDiscovery of 189 financial worth may notshallproceed untilafterthe pleading 190 concerning punitive damages is approved by the courtpermitted. 191 (2) A defendant may be held liable for punitive damages 192 only if the trier of fact, bybased onclear and convincing 193 evidence, finds that a specific individual or corporate 194 defendant actively and knowingly participated in intentional 195 misconduct or actively and knowingly engaged in conduct that 196 constitutes gross negligence and contributed to the loss, 197 damages, or injury suffered by the claimantthe defendant was198personally guilty of intentional misconduct or gross negligence. 199 As used in this section, the term: 200 (b)(a)“Intentional misconduct” means that the defendant 201 against whom punitive damages are sought had actual knowledge of 202 the wrongfulness of the conduct and the high probability that 203 injury or damage to the claimant would result and, despite that 204 knowledge, intentionally pursued that course of conduct, 205 resulting in injury or damage. 206 (a)(b)“Gross negligence” means that the defendant’s 207 conduct was so reckless or wanting in care that it constituted a 208 conscious disregard or indifference to the life, safety, or 209 rights of individualspersonsexposed to such conduct. 210 (3) In the case of vicarious liability of an individual, 211 employer, principal, corporation, or other legal entity, 212 punitive damages may not be imposed for the conduct of an 213 employee or agent unlessonly ifthe conduct of the employee or 214 agent meets the criteria specified in subsection (2) and an 215 officer, director, or manager of the actual employer, 216 corporation, or legal entity condoned, ratified, or consented to 217 the specific conduct as provided in subsection (2):218(a) The employer, principal, corporation, or other legal219entity actively and knowingly participated in such conduct;220(b) The officers, directors, or managers of the employer,221principal, corporation, or other legal entity condoned,222ratified, or consented to such conduct; or223(c) The employer, principal, corporation, or other legal224entity engaged in conduct that constituted gross negligence and225that contributed to the loss, damages, or injury suffered by the226claimant. 227 (4) The plaintiff must establish at trial, by clear and 228 convincing evidence, its entitlement to an award of punitive 229 damages. The “greater weight of the evidence” burden of proof 230 applies to a determination of the amount of damages. 231(5) This section is remedial in nature and shall take232effect upon becoming a law.233 Section 3. The amendments to ss. 429.29 and 429.297, 234 Florida Statutes, made by this act apply to causes of action 235 that accrue on or after July 1, 2024. 236 Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2024.