Bill Text: FL S0564 | 2019 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
Bill Title: Pilot Program for Truth-in-millage Notices
Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill
Status: (Failed) 2019-05-03 - Died in Finance and Tax [S0564 Detail]
Download: Florida-2019-S0564-Comm_Sub.html
Florida Senate - 2019 CS for SB 564 By the Committee on Community Affairs; and Senator Hooper 578-03521-19 2019564c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to a pilot program for truth-in 3 millage notices; establishing the Web-based TRIM 4 Notice Pilot Program in specified counties; providing 5 the purpose of the program; providing that certain 6 procedures relating to electronic transmission are 7 superseded in certain counties for a certain 8 timeframe; providing for expiration of the pilot 9 program; specifying requirements for public notices 10 and meetings, property appraiser websites, and 11 taxpayer notices if a property appraiser elects to 12 participate in the pilot program; specifying a 13 required notice relating to appeals of valuation, 14 classification, or exemption status; requiring the 15 Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government 16 Accountability (OPPAGA) to submit a specified report 17 and recommendations to the Governor and Legislature by 18 a certain date; requiring OPPAGA to consult with 19 property appraisers and the Department of Revenue and 20 solicit input from certain persons in developing the 21 report and recommendations; providing an effective 22 date. 23 24 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 25 26 Section 1. Web-based TRIM Notice Pilot Program.— 27 (1) The Web-based TRIM Notice Pilot Program is established 28 in Pinellas, Pasco, and Hernando Counties. The purpose of the 29 pilot program is to provide property appraisers in those 30 counties the option to provide taxpayers notices of proposed 31 property taxes as required under s. 200.069, Florida Statutes, 32 via the property appraiser’s website in lieu of mailing such 33 notices. For a county in which the property appraiser elects to 34 participate in the pilot program, the procedures of this section 35 supersede the requirements and procedures for electronic 36 transmission as provided under s. 192.048, Florida Statutes, 37 until December 31, 2023, for notices of proposed property taxes. 38 The pilot program expires December 31, 2023. 39 (2) If the property appraiser elects to post the notices on 40 the property appraiser’s website in lieu of mailing the notices 41 pursuant to s. 200.069, Florida Statutes, all of the following 42 requirements apply: 43 (a) Before posting the notices, the property appraiser must 44 present the plan to make notices available on the property 45 appraiser’s website at a public meeting of the board of county 46 commissioners. The presentation is for informational purposes 47 only and the plan does not require prior approval by the board. 48 (b) The website must provide an option for a taxpayer to 49 request and receive an e-mail notification within 3 business 50 days after the most recent notices are posted on the website. 51 The website must also provide an option for the taxpayer to 52 elect to continue receiving notices via first-class mail by 53 contacting the property appraiser’s office by telephone or mail. 54 (c) Beginning January 1, 2020, the property appraiser shall 55 prepare and mail to each taxpayer who is listed on the current 56 year’s assessment roll a notice containing all of the following 57 information: 58 1. Notification that notices of proposed property taxes are 59 posted on the property appraiser’s website and will no longer be 60 delivered by first-class mail unless the taxpayer elects to 61 continue receiving the notices by mail. 62 2. Notification that the website allows the taxpayer to 63 request and receive an e-mail notification and provides an 64 option for the taxpayer to elect to continue receiving notices 65 by first-class mail. 66 3. Instructions as to how the taxpayer may elect to 67 continue to receive notices by mail by contacting the property 68 appraiser’s office by telephone or mail. 69 4. The following notice: 70 71 APPEALING YOUR VALUATION, CLASSIFICATION, OR EXEMPTION STATUS 72 73 If you feel the market value of your property is inaccurate 74 or does not reflect fair market value, or if you feel you are 75 entitled to an exemption or classification that is not reflected 76 in your notice of proposed property taxes, contact your county 77 property appraiser at ...(phone number)... or ...(location).... 78 If the property appraiser’s office is unable to resolve the 79 matter as to market value, classification, or an exemption, you 80 may file a petition for adjustment with the Value Adjustment 81 Board. Petition forms are available from the county property 82 appraiser and must be filed ON OR BEFORE ...(date).... 83 If you FAIL to file a petition with the Value Adjustment 84 Board on or before that date, you will be PROHIBITED FROM 85 CONTESTING YOUR ASSESSMENT with the Value Adjustment Board. 86 (d) For changes in ownership of property, the property 87 appraiser must send each new property owner, via first-class 88 mail, a notice that includes the following information: 89 1. Notification that notices of proposed property taxes are 90 available on the property appraiser’s website. 91 2. Notification that the property appraiser’s website 92 allows the taxpayer to request and receive an e-mail 93 notification and provides an option for the taxpayer to elect to 94 receive notices delivered by first-class mail. 95 3. Instructions as to how the taxpayer may elect to 96 continue receiving notices by mail by contacting the property 97 appraiser’s office by telephone or mail. 98 4. The following notice: 99 100 APPEALING YOUR VALUATION, CLASSIFICATION, OR EXEMPTION STATUS 101 102 If you feel the market value of your property is inaccurate 103 or does not reflect fair market value, or if you feel you are 104 entitled to an exemption or classification that is not reflected 105 in your notice of proposed property taxes, contact your county 106 property appraiser at ...(phone number)... or ...(location).... 107 If the property appraiser’s office is unable to resolve the 108 matter as to market value, classification, or an exemption, you 109 may file a petition for adjustment with the Value Adjustment 110 Board. Petition forms are available from the county property 111 appraiser and must be filed ON OR BEFORE ...(date).... 112 If you FAIL to file a petition with the Value Adjustment 113 Board on or before that date, you will be PROHIBITED FROM 114 CONTESTING YOUR ASSESSMENT with the Value Adjustment Board. 115 (3) By December 1, 2022, the Office of Program Policy 116 Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA) shall submit to 117 the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of 118 the House of Representatives a report and recommendations for 119 implementing a statewide program which addresses the legislative 120 purpose under subsection (1). In consultation with the 121 identified property appraisers and the Department of Revenue, 122 OPPAGA shall develop the report and recommendations with input 123 from other state agencies, local governments, and interest 124 groups. OPPAGA shall also solicit citizen input from citizens in 125 the affected areas and consult with the affected local 126 government and stakeholder groups. Additionally, OPPAGA shall 127 review local and state actions and correspondence relating to 128 the pilot program to identify issues of process and substance in 129 recommending changes to the pilot program. At a minimum, the 130 report and recommendations must include: 131 (a) The number of property appraisers participating in the 132 pilot program; 133 (b) The number of notices of proposed property taxes 134 provided via website under the pilot program; 135 (c) Cost reductions from the online posting of such 136 notices; 137 (d) The number of filed petitions before and after the 138 start of the pilot program; and 139 (e) Recommended changes to the pilot program, including 140 whether the program should be implemented statewide. 141 Section 2. This act shall take effect October 1, 2019.