Bill Text: FL S0608 | 2015 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Real Estate Brokers and Appraisers
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 2-1)
Status: (Passed) 2015-05-22 - Chapter No. 2015-54 [S0608 Detail]
Download: Florida-2015-S0608-Comm_Sub.html
Bill Title: Real Estate Brokers and Appraisers
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 2-1)
Status: (Passed) 2015-05-22 - Chapter No. 2015-54 [S0608 Detail]
Download: Florida-2015-S0608-Comm_Sub.html
Florida Senate - 2015 CS for CS for SB 608 By the Committees on Fiscal Policy; and Regulated Industries; and Senator Stargel 594-03398-15 2015608c2 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to real estate brokers and appraisers; 3 amending s. 475.15, F.S.; requiring the Florida Real 4 Estate Commission to adopt certain rules pertaining to 5 broker registration on a temporary, emergency basis; 6 amending s. 475.17, F.S.; clarifying education 7 requirements that apply for postlicensure and initial 8 real estate licensure; amending s. 475.183, F.S.; 9 authorizing the commission to reinstate the license of 10 an individual in certain circumstances; amending s. 11 475.611, F.S.; revising the supervision requirements 12 for registered trainee appraisers; amending s. 13 475.612, F.S.; revising the supervision requirements 14 for select graduate students; amending s. 475.621, 15 F.S.; requiring the Department of Business and 16 Professional Regulation to collect annual fees set by 17 and transmitted to the appraisal subcommittee; 18 amending s. 475.629, F.S.; requiring an appraiser to 19 prepare and retain a work file in certain 20 circumstances; requiring an appraisal management 21 company to prepare and retain an order file in certain 22 circumstances; requiring the work file and the order 23 file to be retained for a specified period; requiring 24 the work file and the order file to contain certain 25 data, information, and documentation; requiring 26 appraisal management companies to retain certain 27 items; deleting the prohibition against the inspection 28 or copying of certain records by the department, which 29 had been allowed only in connection with a pending 30 investigation or complaint; amending s. 475.6295, 31 F.S.; providing that duly authorized agents and 32 employees of the department may inspect an appraisal 33 management company at all reasonable hours; amending 34 s. 475.631, F.S.; removing the board’s authority to 35 enter into written agreements with similar licensing 36 or certification authorities; providing an effective 37 date. 38 39 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 40 41 Section 1. Section 475.15, Florida Statutes, is amended to 42 read: 43 475.15 Registration and licensing of general partners, 44 members, officers, and directors of a firm.—Each partnership, 45 limited liability partnership, limited liability company, or 46 corporation which acts as a broker shall register with the 47 commission and shall renew the licenses or registrations of its 48 members, officers, and directors for each license period. 49 However, if the partnership is a limited partnership, only the 50 general partners must be licensed brokers or brokerage 51 corporations registered pursuant to this part. If the license or 52 registration of at least one active broker member is not in 53 force, the registration of a corporation, limited liability 54 company, limited liability partnership, or partnership is 55 canceled automatically during that period of time. The 56 commission shall adopt rules that allow a brokerage to register 57 a broker on a temporary, emergency basis if a sole broker of a 58 brokerage dies or is unexpectedly unable to remain a broker. 59 Section 2. Subsection (6) of section 475.17, Florida 60 Statutes, is amended to read: 61 475.17 Qualifications for practice.— 62 (6) The postlicensure education requirements of this 63 section, and the education course requirements for one to become 64 initially licensed, do not apply to any applicant or licensee 65 who has received a 4-year degree, or higher, in real estate from 66 an accredited institution of higher education. 67 Section 3. Subsection (4) is added to section 475.183, 68 Florida Statutes, to read: 69 475.183 Inactive status.— 70 (4) The commission may reinstate the license of an 71 individual whose license has become void if the commission 72 determines that the individual failed to comply because of 73 illness or economic hardship, as defined by rule. The individual 74 must apply to the commission for reinstatement within 6 months 75 after the date that the license becomes void. Such individual 76 must meet all continuing education requirements prescribed by 77 law, pay appropriate licensing fees, and otherwise be eligible 78 for renewal of licensure under this section. 79 Section 4. Paragraph (r) of subsection (1) of section 80 475.611, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 81 475.611 Definitions.— 82 (1) As used in this part, the term: 83 (r) “Registered trainee appraiser” means a person who is 84 registered with the department as qualified to perform appraisal 85 services only under the direct supervision of alicensed or86 certified appraiser. A registered trainee appraiser may accept 87 appraisal assignments only from her or his primary or secondary 88 supervisory appraiser. 89 Section 5. Subsection (5) of section 475.612, Florida 90 Statutes, is amended to read: 91 475.612 Certification, licensure, or registration 92 required.— 93 (5) This section does not apply to any full-time graduate 94 student who is enrolled in a degree program in appraising at a 95 college or university in this state, if the student is acting 96 under the direct supervision of a certifiedor licensed97 appraiser and is engaged only in appraisal activities related to 98 the approved degree program. Any appraisal report by the student 99 must be issued in the name of the supervising individual who is 100 responsible for the report’s content. 101 Section 6. Subsection (2) of section 475.621, Florida 102 Statutes, is amended to read: 103 475.621 Registry of licensed and certified appraisers.— 104 (2) The department shall collect from such individuals who 105 perform or seek to perform appraisals in federally related 106 transactions, an annual fee as set by, and transmitted to, the 107 appraisal subcommitteeto be transmitted to the Federal108Financial Institutions Examinations Council on an annual basis. 109 Section 7. Section 475.629, Florida Statutes, is amended to 110 read: 111 475.629 Retention of records.—An appraiser registered, 112 licensed, or certified under this partor an appraisal113management company registered under this partshall prepare and 114 retain a work file for each appraisal, appraisal review, or 115 appraisal consulting assignment. An appraisal management company 116 registered under this part shall prepare and retain an order 117 file for each appraisal, appraisal review, or appraisal 118 consulting assignment. The work file and the order file shall be 119 retained,for 5 years or the period specified in the Uniform 120 Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, whichever is 121 greater. The work file must contain,original or true copies of 122 any contracts engaging the appraiser’s or appraisal management 123 company’s services, appraisal reports, and supporting data 124 assembled and formulated by the appraiser or company in 125 preparing appraisal reports or engaging in appraisal management 126 services and all other data, information, and documentation 127 required by the standards for the development or communication 128 of a real estate appraisal as approved and adopted by the 129 Appraisal Standards Board of The Appraisal Foundation, as 130 established by rule of the board. The order file must contain 131 original or true copies of any contracts engaging the 132 appraiser’s services, the appraisal reports, any engagement 133 materials or instructions from the client, and all other 134 documents required by the standards for the development or 135 communication of a real estate appraisal as approved and adopted 136 by the Appraisal Standards Board of The Appraisal Foundation, as 137 established by rule of the board. Notwithstanding the foregoing, 138 while general contracts and materials pertaining to impaneling 139 of an appraiser by an appraisal management company shall be 140 retained under this section, such contracts and materials are 141 not required to be maintained within the order file. Except as 142 otherwise specified in the Uniform Standards of Professional 143 Appraisal Practice, the period for retention of the records 144 applicable to each engagement of the services of the appraiser 145 or appraisal management company runs from the date of the 146 submission of the appraisal report to the client. Appraisal 147 management companies shall also retain the company accounts, 148 correspondence, memoranda, papers, books, and other records in 149 accordance with administrative rules adopted by the board. These 150 records must be made available by the appraiser or appraisal 151 management company for inspection and copying by the department 152 upon reasonable notice to the appraiser or company.However, the153department may not inspect or copy the records of an appraisal154management company except in connection with a pending155investigation or complaint.If an appraisal has been the subject 156 of or has served as evidence for litigation, reports and records 157 must be retained for at least 2 years after the trial or the 158 period specified in the Uniform Standards of Professional 159 Appraisal Practice, whichever is greater. 160 Section 8. Section 475.6295, Florida Statutes, is amended 161 to read: 162 475.6295 Authority to inspect.—Duly authorized agents and 163 employees of the department shall have the power to inspect in a 164 lawful manner at all reasonable hours any appraisal management 165 company, appraiser or appraisal office certified, registered, or 166 licensed under this chapter, for the purpose of determining if 167 any of the provisions of this chapter, chapter 455, or any rule 168 promulgated under authority of either chapter is being violated. 169 Section 9. Section 475.631, Florida Statutes, is amended to 170 read: 171 475.631 Nonresident licenses and certifications.— 172(1) Notwithstanding the requirements for certification set173forth in ss. 475.615 and 475.616, the board may enter into174written agreements with similar licensing or certification175authorities of other states, territories, or jurisdictions of176the United States to ensure for state-certified appraisers177nonresident licensure or certification opportunities comparable178to those afforded to nonresidents by this section. Whenever the179board determines that another jurisdiction does not offer180nonresident licensure or certification to state-certified181appraisers substantially comparable to those afforded to182certified appraisers or licensees of that jurisdiction by this183section, the board shall require certified appraisers or184licensees of that jurisdiction who apply for nonresident185certification to meet education, experience, and examination186requirements substantially comparable to those required by that187jurisdiction with respect to state-certified appraisers who seek188nonresident licensure or certification, not to exceed such189requirements as are prescribed in ss. 475.615 and 475.616.190 (1)(2)(a)Any resident state-certified appraiser who 191 becomes a nonresident shall, within 60 days, notify the board of 192 the change in residency and comply with nonresident 193 requirements. Failure to notify and comply is a violation of the 194 license law, subject to the penalties in s. 475.624. 195 (2)(b)All nonresident applicants, certified appraisers, 196 and licensees shall comply with all requirements of board rules 197 and this part. The board may adopt rules pursuant to ss. 198 120.536(1) and 120.54 necessary for the regulation of 199 nonresident certified appraisers and licensees. 200 Section 10. This act shall take effect July 1, 2015.